《Invincible Ones [A Walking Dead Story]》Chapter 9- just a little boo-boo


Isaw Ember collapse to the ground after shooting a man with her bow. She was in the prison yard, somewhere in the tall grass.

"Beth! I think Ember got shot!" I yell over the chaos.

Beth peers over at where Ember was crouching and her eyes filled with worry.

The shooting stops. Then all of a sudden, a truck burst through the gates and releases walkers everywhere. Michonne helps Hershel out of the prison yard and The Governor and their men like into their car and left. I open the gate that separates the prison yard from the prison and Michonne and Hershel make it through. I spot my dad, Daryl, and Merle sprinting back to the prison.

They start closing the gate, but I rush out and run over to where Ember last was.

"Carl!" My dad calls out, oblivious to the fact that Ember was still out here.

I stab a walker and run over to where Ember was. I find her unconscious and covered in blood. I gather her in my arms and sprint back, dodging walkers that came in through the broken front gates.

"Oh Shit..." Daryl mutters as I rush past everyone.

Ember's eyes flutter open. "Carl...?" She says weakly as Hershel follows me. "Don't move, Em. You got shot." I say.

Ember rolls her eye. "Well, obviously."

"Set her down in her cell. Maggie get the medical supplies." Hershel commands.

I lay Ember down I her bed. Ember surprisingly looked completely calm, like she felt no pain. But she was breathing deeply and was tense.

"There's a bullet in it. I'll have to take it out." Hershel says and Ember grips the covers and I take her hand. I hate seeing Em in pain, I've been shot before, it hurt like hell.

Hershel started taking the bullet out and i think Ember passed out from pain. Hershel put stitches in and nods. "She'll be alright, she lost a lot of blood, but not too much." Hershel says, getting up and putting away the medical supplies.

Daryl kneels beside the bed. "I'm so stupid..." He says softly.

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