《One Direction bromances (oneshot)》Lilo
A/N: I just want to try something different in this chapter. You guys might feel like it's nonsense, but please just keep on reading and if you really don't like the thought of it, just leave comments below so that I can know and advoid it next time...
So ladies and gentlemen, may I present you: Lilo Paynlinson
Louis' P.O.V
Daniele asks me to go out. She is Liam's girlfriend, which makes me quite confused, but she keeps on insisting. To be honest, Liam is the one I love, so I don't want to make him worry. Therefore I have to force myself to go even though I don't like Danielle.
The lads know I'm a gay... well it is quite obvious, but they would never know the one I love is Liam Payne. We're two world apart, Liam is kind and gentle and ma-tu-re while I'm the opposite. But to me, it's more like an opposite attraction!
"What is it Danielle?" I sit down next to her in a bar. I want this day to end as quick as possible. I want this conversation to end. I don't like, no one likes, talking to your secret love's girlfriend, who is also a nice and gentle person in comparison to you.
"Well she should be here in a minute. Liam is looking for her." Danielle mutters.
What? Liam too? Here? NO WAY! And who the hell is "her" she is talking about?
"Oh there he is!" Suddenly I hear a voice gesturing at me, that low tone has got my heart fainted everytime!
"Hello Louis," A nice-looking girl standing right behind Liam speaks up, catching my attention. OK this is awkwark! Who is she? "Nice to meet you, my name's Eleanor."
What the f-? I just broke up with my ex week ago because I don't want to cheat on her that I'm a gay, and now this? Is Liam trying to set us up? What a "clever" match-maker!
"Nice to meet you too, El. That is a cool name. I love saying it." I fake a smile. This girl is quite cute though. Maybe I'll turn her down easily. "You have already known my name, so no need for me to introduce myself."
Yeah, she laughs. "So what are you doing for the living?" I suddenly ask. Well, when you're trying to turn someone down, you shouldn't make them feel like they are not wanted. And I'm trying to make her feel less depressed when I turn her down, at least that's what I'm trying to do.
"I'm a model." El blinks. Beautiful eyes I must admit, not as catchy as Liam's though!
"Oh a model? I can tell by the way you look!" I say. Turning back my gaze to Liam, who is grinning ear to ear, I hiss, gritting my teeth. "You mind a minute, mr.Payne?"
"Sure!" He replies as I pull him away to get a private conversation.
"What is that supposed to mean?" I start.
"Hmmm well why don't you find out yourself." Liam smiles. I hate it when Liam makes my heart race with his smile while I was trying to be serious.
"Stop it Payne! I don't like it!" I burst out, but still control my volume.
"Ok ok she's El's friend. I met her and she was adorable, so I thought you would like her. You just broke up, you might be heart-brok-"
"Stop being my father Li! I don't need you to worry about my relationship." I cut.
Liam's face turns from surprise to anger. His eyes widen, his breath becomes heavier, he holds his hand on his heart. "My bad for caring about you, Tomlinson!"
Wait I didn't mean to. Liam walks away. If there is one stupid man I know, it is him. How can he not notice how I feel towards him? He's trying to introduce you to his friend, he's the one that breaks me inside, not my ex. And now he's mad at me, like I'm the one in the wrong. What the meaning is that? OK Payne, if that's what you want, I'll do anything, anything that breaks me...
"Hey guys," I walk out, everyone looks at me and smiles, except Liam who is advoiding looking at me.
"What takes you so long?" Danielle asks, pulling me down the seat. I guess Liam hasn't told her anything. The she continues sneak peak to Eleanor. "El's been worried about you!"
I can see Eleanor hiss her and the two of them stare at each other for a moment, and then burst out laughing. Aww they are so cute!! What am I thinking? I'm gay doesn't mean they are lesbians.
"So El, you're worried about me, eh?" I begin flirting, which makes Liam, who was having a drink, choke.
"Oh Liam, are you okey?" Danielle worries. She's so caring and loving, but why am I feeling so jealous of her. I wish I could pat on his back and ask if he was okay. I wish I could tell him how much I love him without ruin our friendship. I wish... Oh how I wish....
So I yes, I did date Eleanor after that. She is such an adorable person. When she talks, everyone has to stop and looks up to her. I love her as friend to friend, as brother to sister, but nothing more. I'm so sad with the fact I can't look at her the way I do with Liam. That boy haunts me from the moment One Direction was set up til now. Why can't I just tell him how much he is loved by me, not as bro to bro?!
"What are you thinking about Lou?" Eleanor snaps me out of my thought.
"I... was thinking!" I mumble. I never like ones who interrupt my genious thought, well it was quite miserable, but yeah, I don't like it either!
Without demanding to know what I was thinking, Eleanor suggests. "Dan asks us to go on a double date with her and Liam? Would you like to join?"
What? Would you like to join? Of course I'd love to, well mostly because of the Liam part. But wait, Danielle and Liam? Which means I have to suffer pain seeing Payne and Peazer together? No that's really a turn-off for me.
"I don't know El..." I scratch my head. It's become one of my hobbies since I dated this girl.
"Com'on Louis!" It'll be fun. She hugs me. I feel like I'm more like a little brother to her, not a boyfriend.
"Okey I guess." I know I'm weak. When you think about how jealous you might get, it's a real turn-off, but when you think about how funny a date with Liam (well double date), and how Eleanor begs for it in addition, it's really food for thought. I want this date!
Liam's P.O.V
I was lying on the bed when I suddenly heard Dannielle's scream. This girl is sometimes too enthusiastic over things. "EL SAYS LOUIS ACCEPTED IT. DOUBLE DATE HERE WE GO!"
"Urrrg whatever. Can't you see I'm catching up some sleep here Dan?" I say with the most annoyed tone ever.
Well actually that's what I express, not what I feel. I really love it when Eleanor says they can make it. I really do. I can do anything to be with Louis, and not to ruin 1D's reputation. Seriously I don't want to get us into trouble, the whole gang!
"Com'on Liam. I know you love it at the bottom of your heart." Danielle throws herself onto me, causing a small groan escape my mouth. Damn I hate when she does that, I hate when she says that, and I hate when I must admit that she's right.
Danielle is the only one knows about this aspect of mine. I've never let anyone knows, even Niall or Zayn, that I love Louis and that I'm also, might be, a gay. I first met Danielle was two years ago when we were still competitors in XFactor. I must admit it, she was stunning and she wants to know me, sadly I only had eyes for Louis. Then when One Direction released the first single, she said we should come out of the closet, I was like: "What we haven't even dated!?" She laughed and said she would like to be my beard, so that no one can doubt my gender, and the fact that I'm into Louis was so clear that she can notice just by one look. Damn that girl is so good at these stuff, and I wonder.
Nope, not just wonder, I'm sure that there's something between her and Eleanor. They are surely... Nar I'd better not say.... But yep, my thought came to reality right from the moment she said she wanted to introduce Eleanor to Louis, my secret gay crush. She might want El to be his beard too, I didn't ask, I'm too certain about the way Danielle handles stuff. It bears a great resemblance to mine!
I let out another groan as I push her aside and try to gain some sleep. I don't mean to be rude to the one that just help me to have time with Louis (although must admit it, she's gained much from this too), this day just gets tiring and tiring. I have to spend all day with Danielle, who is supposed to be my girlfriend in this fucking boring flat. I miss the boy! I miss Harreh and his cat obsession! I miss Zayn and his mirrors! I miss Niall and his growling stomache! I MISS LOUIS AND HIM HIMSELF!
Hang on tight Liam, you'll see him in no time!
"Come on Lou!" I see Eleanor pulling and shouting at Louis from far away. She is quite in a rush while Louis is still leisurely wandering around with his ice cream dripping down his hand.
"Calm down El. I'll drop my ice cream if you keep on pulling pushing thrusting." We are like 2 meters away and I can hear what Louis says clearly. Embarrassed much?! What can I do?It's Louis, he never takes anything seriously! I laugh at him as Eleanor gives up rushing him over. It's quite commonn. Even I can't control him...
I look at Danielle. The girl is grinning ear to ear with an awkward look when Eleanor walks by. See, I told you, Eleanielle (or Deleanor)
"Hey guys!" Eleanor says first as Louis approaches us.
He's still struggling licking the ice cream dripping down his corn. I get dirty thought as I look at him... What if...?!
"What are you looking at?" Louis suddenly snaps and caught me off-guard.
I am blushing madly while 6 eyes (Louis's, Daniellle's and Eleanor's) eye on me. Ashamed!
"Let's go now. We should leave them alone." Danielle whispers into Eleanor. She didn't think that I could hear it, did she? Eleanor giggles and they walk away, hand-in-hand.
"Errm...uhmm..." I mumble.
Louis suddenly burst out laughing. Oh I love his gay laughter! "Let's chase after them!"
He pulls my hand, as naturally as always. It turns me on and breaks me at the same time. Really good how it feels when Louis holds my hand, but kind of nervous how he does it so easily! It means... I am no special to him.
"Hey Lou, do you know exactly where we're going?" I ask cluelessly as I notice the girls are nowhere to be found. I knew it would end up like this right from the moment Danielle ask me out. I didn't think it would come too soon. What if there was paparazzi? What if I was caught sneaking out with Louis?
We stop. Well, I stop. My concern took over me. Louis also stops. He looks at me and notices the frightening look on my face. Has he always been the only one? "Don't worry Li! No one knows! We could just say it was a double date! Don't worry! If you do, your face will look as goofy as Niall when he was fighting Paul for a real meal."
"Shhh..." Louis always gets me laughing even in what situation, doesn't he?
"Oh my gosh look at that Lili." Can't believe he just called me with that stupid girlish name.
"What is THAT, Loulou?" I mimick, gesturing my displeasure.
"THAT!" He points.
Oh my gosh! That's the coolest wheel ride ever! I want THAT!
"Come one!" Louis pulls. What? Since when does he know I love wheel ride?
I am so happy that he knows what I like. We were born for-. Whatever. I sound like a gay saying it. But as we're about to approach the coolest wheel ride ever, Louis turns to another direction. "Wait Louis, where're you going?"
"Let's go for the hauted house there!" He gestures
WHAT? You've got to be kidding me Louis! Seriously? That's your THAT. Unbelievable! Urrrg! "No Louis. I don't like ghosts, and neither do you! You scream like a girl when you see them. I can foresee it!"
"Wha-? I thought you-?" He frowns at me, and then the wrinkles on his face disappear as his eyes grow bigger. "You didn't mean...! Oh my LIAM, YOU LIKE WHEEL RIDES???"
Then he burst out laughing. What? Is it that hillarious! My face turns red and I bite my lips. I hate being laughed at.
"Would you please lower your voice? Everyone is looking." I look around, still feeling a bit awkward. it would be better if I didn't let him know that, wouldn't it? "And being Daddy Direction doesn't mean I can't like Toy Story or wheel rides!"
Damn he's still laughing. I hate that guy, although I must admit that his smile is so charming.
"Are you sure you wanna get on that thing?" Louis asks with water in his eyes.
I nod. Awkward! But there's nothing wrong with it. Louis then pulls my hand, again in the day arrived that feeling. "Let's go for it then!"
Louis' P.O.V
I know nearly nothing about Liam. He likes wheel rides. That boy, and he calls me childish. It's really cute to know him this much. Once you get to know someone better, you'll fall out or fall in love with them even deeper. Mine is the latter.
Wheel ride is suck. It's boring. Damn boring! It's so...
Liam closes his eyes, he's enjoying the peaceful atmosphere up in the sky when I am yawning til my jaws can't feel a thing. Looking at Liam, I don't regret making that decision. I love to see him happy, just like this! I wish... I wish... I wish everyday would be like today...
"Louis, what are you thinking?" Liam suddenly snaps me out of it.
"Nothing. Thinking it might be better if we just split. I would go to my haunted house while you can have fun with yours." I joke, that's what I always do, no matter how exhausted and bored I am.
"No we won't. I won't split up with you. If you want, we can still go yours. I can wheel riding some other time." Liam says with the most honest look in his eyes.
Did he just say that he'd rather not go wheel ride than split up with me? What the hell am I thinking? "Errm... I-"
"I know Lou. I prefer seeing you having fun to having fun on my own. I love your smile!" Liam smiles angelic.
If there's someone who should be loved, it's him, Liam Payne, not me. I hug him, try to be as friend-like as possible. But of course, I end up not wanting to let him go.
"You can let go of me now." He suggests. "Bet you don't want to get me all choke up!"
He laughs. I smile, awkwardlly let go. "Sorry." I rub my eyes, pretending like nothing happens. "I'm wondering where Danielle and Eleanor are. Are you worried about them looking for us?"
Liam seems to be surprised at my question. "What? You don't know? El and Dan, they are-! OK I shouldn't say it!"
"Is it what I'm thinking?" I goof.
"Yup if what you're thinking is what I'm thinking." And we laugh, again. This is the best date I've ever had in my life.
"Louis," Liam calls me, cut my laughter. "Do you know... why I chose wheel ride?"
"Because you love it, didn't you say it before?" I smirk, but as I see Liam's serious face, I ask nervously. "Why?"
"Well... because... my dad... he used to say that he loved me on the wheel ride. I guess the peace you get when you're sitting here is really the best to confess your love to someone." Liam narrates.
"So?..." I doubt what he is going to say.
"I think I could use this same trick to tell you how much I love you." Liam smiles, mostly to himself.
What did he just say? Did he just... confess his love to me? Is it... some kind of joke? Is it... friend to friend, bro to bro or more?... I don't know.
"I really do love you not as to others!..." Liam is blushing madly..., and so am I.
I'm sure what I've heard. My dream has finally come to reallity. I can't believe it. I love it!
"You do?" Liam suddenly asks. What? What did I do? Did I just speak my thought?
"Yes you did." Liam smiles. Oh I hate my mouth. It just doesn't cooperate with my mind.
"Don't worry. I don't bite." Liam jokes. He really knows how to make my heart pound. And yet, I'm still blushing.
"Come here." Liam stands up and sits next to me.
Oh my gosh we are up in the sky. What if a sudden movement of his caused it to fall? Will I up dying? I'm so scared! "Get back to where you're supposed to be Liam! This thing might fall!"
"Haha silly. How'd you like THIS?" Liam shakes his butt and causes the thing unbalanced.
"Oh shit Liam!" I scream like a girl. I am pathetic, but face it, this is way scarier than the haunted house. "It will drop if you keep on like this."
"Don't worry. You're so silly. This can't drop y'know." Liam laughs out loud. Shit I don't like being laughed at. "But if it does drop," he continues "I'm glad that we are here with each other."
Liam looks at me. We are both blushing. He smiles, and I smile. We hold hands and he rests on my shoulders. This feels so great, so right. I love him so much that all my fears are gone. I know as long as I am with him, everything will be just fine.
"Sir. It's a time-out." The ticket man says.
"Shush!" I put my hand on my mouth, gesturing for silence. My man has just slept, on my shoulders and I was thinking of kissing him when he interrupted it. I give some money for the ticket and smile to the guy. "Make it another round, will you? Thanks." x
A/N: This is quite long one shot. I wonder if I should separate it into another book when I was writing. Ok here it is. I made it up for the time I lost for my little exam! This is the first bromance that took me so long to write. I love it!
- In Serial20 Chapters
The Three Saints
After 100,000 years journeying across space after escaping Earth, life resumes for the Colonists of the Ark on the Monsalle Station. Life, however, never stopped for the people of the Phoenix Clan, back on Earth. With the Ice Age over, two civilizations, separated by light years and millennia rebuild what's left of humanity.
8 293 - In Serial36 Chapters
Breathe in the Embers
In a world filled with heroes, Martin Kumalo has long since become disenchanted with them. They have become too real, too human, too flawed. He turns his mind to the heroes of fantasy novels every day to escape the disappointing mundanity of his world. Those two worlds, the fantasy of his mind, and the reality he so often tries to escape, are set to collide in a way he might find uncomfortably personal, for across the stars eyes of blazing blue are watching for souls such as his, and are always hungry for more.
8 179 - In Serial13 Chapters
Into the Everwood
A former mercenary is imprisoned and brought to the Everwood to serve his sentence. Despite his longing to live a quiet life, he is forced to once again wield his spear for survival in the vast land unknown to those who live outside it. Stranded in the forest, he unwittingly embarks on a journey to find his purpose and see sights that will bring both awe and despair. Perhaps the enchanted fens, arid deserts, frozen moors, and ancient cities will hold the answers he seeks.
8 78 - In Serial50 Chapters
Sarsaparilla's Scary Super Power. Completed
Sarsaparilla is an older teenage girl living on Mars. And, like many other young people around her, she has a super power. Or, rather, she is supposed to have a super power. Only she has never been able to activate it, she doesn’t even know what her super power is. This annoys her, tremendously. But she hides this behind a really sweet smile. Adalace is another teenage girl, also on Mars. She knows what her own super power is, and it is quite a good one. She is also really cute… so long has she keeps her feelings under control and doesn’t let out anything from her dark past. Teylon is a man, currently living on Earth. He likes to think of himself as still young, even if he is over fifty. He’s a bit smug about his successful career and is thinking of retiring… until a sadly unfortunate event leads him to the conclusion that he had better immigrate to Mars. Immediately. Apparently, meeting one’s own Angel of Death tends to cause people to make profound changes to their lives… Mars society had better brace itself, because once these three people, plus another three also not so quite stable individuals, collide with each other, the resulting explosion is not going to leave anyone on Mars unaffected. This is another Esmeralda, the Angel of Death, story. It follows on from my previous two such stories, but it is in no way dependent on the previous stories. They can be read in any order. It is fully written and proof read (using Word for Windows, no real editor touched this transcript) and comes to about 247,000 words (about 895 Royal Road pages). It is organized into 50 chapters and I will be publishing them roughly one per day. In my writing, there are multiple characters and multiple points of view. Each change in a point of view is introduced by a header, giving the viewpoint character’s name first, and possibly a title. Inside a Point of View section, dialog in italics represents the Point of View character’s thoughts, while dialog between quotes represent normal spoken dialog. This story is very much inspired by the anime A Certain Scientific Railgun. However I have only taken some elements from the anime, and changed everything I took to make my own story, and so it does not count as fanfiction. Yeah, I know, the book cover page isn’t very good. It’s the best I could do, by tracing over a stock image. The two ladies shown are supposed to be Adalace and Sarsaparilla. Ideally I would have liked there to be two images of this pair, one where they are smiling sweetly and looking cute, and one where they are looking really angry and dangerous. But that totally exceeds my graphics abilities. You will just have to imagine it.
8 116 - In Serial17 Chapters
I'm not really good with BBS books. I'm still learning about them. And I'm still learning about their opposites or whatever they're called. ? sorry. I'm not good with descriptions.
8 66 - In Serial7 Chapters
Mike x Reader (fnaf ship)
This is a story about a ship about y/n (your name) and mike from Five Nights at Freddy's Hope you enjoy! ♥️⚠️ Slight/foul language and trigger warning!⚠️Love ya!*DISCONTINUED*
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