《One Direction bromances (oneshot)》Lirry
A/N: Enjoy!
Liam's P.O.V
"What is wrong with you, Haz? You're talking nonsense!" I shouts as I stomps out of the house.
We have been dated for 2 months and I found out Harry is such a possessive person. Here's his problem: He gets to date girl, but I can't, I can't even talk to a guy, such as Niall, who is supposed to be my best friend in the lads. It's not like I abandon him to run away with Niall, actually it is on another way round, but he keeps on picking on me just because of some stupid reasons. When in the world is there a rule that a boyfriend can isolate his lover from others? It's way too much for me to bear.
I've been very patient with him for 2 months and I can't keep on being like this. Harry always calls the shot.. Where we should eat, what we should eat, who I'm allowed to talk to and even what to do during sex... Harry controls everything. I want him, but I think I want freedom more now.
Even I, the calmest in One Direction, can't handle him, who on earth could?
It's too late in the evening and I am standing in the middle of the road, hardly know which way to go. Louis' house? Nar Louis is Harry's best friend, I don't want him to get into trouble. Should I go to Niall's place or Zayn? OK no offense but Niall often offers food as a solution, so I'll head to Zayn's. I just need someone to listen to my problem and help me solve it (not by food of course).
I knock on the door and stand there, waiting for a response. Zayn must have been sleeping. I stand there, keep on ringing the bell. Urggg I should have gone to Niall's place.
"Wait a minute. I'm coming!" Zayn opens the door and rubs his eyes. Yes I was right, he was sleeping so soon in the evening again. "Vas happenin' man?"
"Looks like I wasn't expected here!" I reply to Zayn's sluggish tone. It's a turn-off to see him in this form.
"No sorry it's just a little headache. Come in!" Zayn invites. "I didn't expect to see you in such time. Where's Harry?"
Why is it always be Harry? I have no involvement with him, why do everyone ask me for Harry? Are we that obvious.
"He's not here. I come to see you myself. Looks like you're ready for a one night stand." I smirk, trying to change the topic.
"Oh yeah I was ready unitl you enter and screw it up." Zayn complains, but then he gets serious. "So what happened between you and Harry?"
Yup, that's why I love having Zayn solve my problems. He's always been a supportive, reliable friend. I just need to sneeze to get his understanding.
"Hmmm I wonder why are you so sensitive." Well, I actually do know why, that's just the way of mine speaking.
"That's why I'm called Zayn Malik." He winks, here goes Zayn the vain. "So get back to the matter, shall we? Vas happenin' with you and Haz?"
I sit down and tell him my story, starts when I was talking to Niall and ends when I stomp out of the house. Zayn just sits there thinking, and finally he speaks. "I don't know Harry would be so possessive, but I think it's cute though."
Zayn pauses as I shoot him with a warning look. "Don't you dare touch my boy, miss Malik!"
"Aha, and you said Harry was the only possessive one, mister Payne." Zayn mocks me, turning my face into something rather red.
"I'm serious here Zayn!" I have no choice but surrender, there's no way of winning.
"OK relax. I think you're just a little obsessed with the war slavery thing." Then he laughs. Can this boy ever get real? "The point is I think that he's just careless and jealous. You have to bear in mind that he's the one you love and you're the one he loves. And jealousy is an effective way to show how much you love someone. Every couple fights. Just don't break up over simple issue. Just talk to him!"
Zayn doesn't know what I've been through. He makes it sound so fucking easy, which is not at all easy. "I don't think this is that easy Zayn! I mean," I put my hand together, trying to feel guilty "I sort of insulting him!"
"Haizzz Liam!" Zayn put his hands on his head. "Looks like I've got to help you with this one. I'm the expert with girls after all!"
Yup I know Zayn is arrogant and that he would say this. But I also know that he is a problem-solver.
"I count on you buddy!" I pat on Zayn's shoulders. "So it's time for me to leave now I guess!"
"Com'on, gimme a reward. Stay with me for the night!" OK Zayn's got to be kidding. "Nope I'm not kidding!"
"OOOOOOkayyyy...???" I stretch. Strange!
"HA I get why Harry is so obsessed about you being too easy-going on others. Well you should really change the way you treat others!" Zayn's eyes bright up like Einstein when he found out about The Theory Of Relativity (well sort of, since I don't really know how bright Einstein's eyes were!)
"So it's like a joke to you huh?" I sound annoyed. "So should I go home now?"
"Nah seriously, just stay here. I need someone to watch over my house when I'm out tonight." What the-? I shoot Zayn a dirty look, he puts his hand up in the sky. "Ok ok just kidding! Man, you're really a boring person."
Harry's P.O.V
Dammit what time is it and Liam hasn't got home. I've been walking like mad. What if something happened to him? What have I done? I let my jealousy got over me and I can't control it. I just love Liam so much that I could hardly do what he wants. You can call me a posessive person, but it's from my heart.
"Pick up the phone Liam. Pick up. Pick it up." I murmur to my cellphone. I've raped it several times but Liam still hasn't picked up. He's really mad at me. Why did I even do that in the first place?
... Looks like Liam won't be talking to me today...
"Morning Haz!" I get the door as I see Zayn and Liam together in the door way.
I was so worried about Liam. All morning, not if all night, I struggled myself to bed, wondering if he was home, and that if there was any bad thing happened to him. Yup my mind is complicated.
"Hey..." I am quite taken aback. How the hell can I expect to see my lover, who I was dying worried about, hang around with Zayn this morning, not to mention he might be with Zayn last night too. Ahhh I'm so messed up. OK Haz you can do this! You told yourself not to be jealous again. You have to stand by your promise. "So... vas happenin'?" At least I tried to be okay with that, though I must admit it, that was more like a cry.
"So... will you let us in?" Liam suggests.
Shut up Liam, just shut up! "Oh yeah sorry, come in!"
I step aside, offering Liam a path and at the same time trying to block Zayn's.
"Hmmm...." They finally got into the house, and silence fills the room. Liam has definitely told Zayn everything because the boy doesn't even turn on the TV when he gets in, which is so unlike him. ".... Where have you been after you left my house last night Li? I'm so worried about you." Now I don't care if I sound like a gay or not. I just need an answer to my concern.
Liam looks at Zayn. The two of the look at each other for 30 seconds as Zayn frowns of awkwardness. "What? Go on! Tell him!"
Liam turns his gaze back at me and catches my watchful eyes. "Well..." He mutters mostly to himself, "I stayed with Zayn last night."
"Get out!" I can no longer control my feeling. I burst out. "I don't need you to come hand in hand, announce that you broke up with me and introduce me to you lover!"
"What?" Liam and Zayn both say, almost scream out!
"It's not what you think! - " Zayn tries to explain.
Liam looks so pissed right now. He clenched his fists on the table. "FINE. LET'S GO ZAYN. I'M JUST TRYING TO BEING NICE TELLING YOU IT'S OVER. IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, WE WON'T BE BOTHER YOU."
Liam says and before I understand what happened, I heard a loud thump at the doorway: LIAM HAS LEFT!
Liam's P.O.V
I left the house. It really hurts. Those words.... Harry's words... It cut me like knife. My heart hurts, my brain can hardly think anything, there's only one thing on my face now: TEARS!
Zayn is standing here. His mouth looks like he is saying something, but I can hardly hear him. The world is spinning round and round. I can't hear, I can't see, I can't even stand on my own feet. The last thing I remember is a bright light... and HARRY...
"HARRY!" I scream, waking up, seeing me in Zayn's house. What am I doing here? I struggle to get up. I'm so exhausted, tired. I want to faint.
"You should lay down!" Zayn step into his room. "You're having a fever... and seriously trying to ruin my date tonight."
"Wha-?" Zayn sits down to the side of the bed and puts on my head a towel. Oh how I wish that was Harry!...
"I'll sing you to sleep!" Zayn says gently and as he just begins to sing, I have already snored.
Harry's P.O.V
Zayn phoned me, why did he ever think of phoning me now?... There must be something wrong with my Lili, I mean Zayn's Liam. I had a hunch... Unfortunately, it was true, Zayn said Liam was having a fever. He was at his house. Zayn told me to come and take care of Liam for tonight since it was his night out and he got some dates. Seriously? Zayn is dating Liam and he gets to date girl...? What Zayn is doing might break Liam badly... It's weird when I used to do so too!... Now I understand why Liam was so upset before. Now he is sick!
"Ummm..." Liam's eyes flutter. He wakes up and surprisingly found me sitting on the side of his bed. "Harry?"
He rolls his eyes around the room, looking for Zayn's sign but Zayn is nowhere to be found. "Where is Zayn?" He asks suspiciously. "Is this some kind of a dream?"
I put my hands on his lovely lips. "Shhhh now. If you keep asking questions, especially about Zayn, and then faint, I'll punch in your face so that you would know if this is a dream!"
"Ukey... The same Hazza, this can't be a dream." And then he frowns. "What are you doing here anyway? And how can you be in here?"
"Welll, thanks to your little boyfriend I was here, of course. He called me to help him look after you while he got a date tonight. And when I arrived, he left without saying a word." I accuse. "You've got to hold your boyfriend tight Li."
"He's not my boyfriend!" Liam whispers.
"What?" I ask. What did he just say? Did he-?
"He's not my boyfriend!" Liam repeats, this time's louder.
"Wha-? Why did you say-?"
"I'm sorry, ok? You pissed me off!" Liam apologizes. I look at him confusingly as he says. "I'm sorry! But what you said... it was too hard for me to stay calm."
"I thought you were the calmest one!" I say mockingly. It is quite unbelievable.
Liam looks at me, his face fills with concern. "Never mind!"
"No tell me Li! I'm not good at understanding others, show me!" I'm so soft that I can't even believe that I just said it.
"It hurts me to hear you say that, ok?" Liam almost shouts. "Forget it. Sorry I'm feeling tired!"
Liam's P.O.V
I lay myself down and close my eyes. How on earth can I sleep when the feeling Harry's eyes are still on me. I want him to attack me so much, but there's nothing/. NOTHING!
Suddenly I feels Harry holding my hand. "I love you too!"
I open my eyes widely. "No too! I didn't say I love you?!"
That was stupid! I lost my mind when saying that. And I immediately feel sorry for that when Harry jumps on me on the bed. "So you don't love me?"
"Ouch! Hurts Harry." I groan. He is being rude to a patient. I'm sick, he should be more gentle.
"I'll show you what is called hurt!" He smirtks. Ok this freaks me out.
"What do you mean?... No Haz NO!" I protest. I'm terrified! "I'm sickkk Haz!'
Harry pushes me down and presses his lips against mine. THIS IS GREAT! It feels so right.
I moan. Harry pullls out as he puts on an evil grin. "Ha, see? Ya like it!"
"Shut up! It's Zayn's bed y'know. Don't make a mess on the bed." I threaten.
"You've got a point..." Yay, Liam 1 - Harry 0. "But don't worry, I'll use the protection!"
"What the f-?"
Harry bursts out laughing. I love this face of his. There's no stressful expression on it, this is what impressed me the most when I first knew him. I swear I'll do anything to keep him like this. When there comes to love, you shouldn't take everything into account. And maybe I should be the one who give in. I love Harry and Harry loves me. That's enough for me.
"I love you Harry!" I whisper into his ears.
Harry stops torturing me as he hears what I said. "Haizzz I can't bully a patient!" Then he lays down besides me, grabbing around my waist. "I'm sorry Li, about what I had said." He curls into my chest. "I'll try not to do this again, I promise. But don't you ever say you're in a relationship with Zayn again. I think I would die. I love you so much."
"Hazza...," I whisper, "stop talking and let me sleep, will you?"
"Oh right, sorry!" Man, he's so goofy.
A/N: Awwww why is this Lirry so sweet? Looks like I got Zayn involved too much in this. HAIZZ what can I do? Can't delete the whole Zayn's part. Hmm well cope with it. Vote fan comment. Thanks x
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