《One Direction bromances (oneshot)》Narry


A/N: I'm sorry I can't write hot scene between Narry. They're just so pure and it's quite a chalenge to write such scene in a oneshot. Maybe I will if it is Ziam. LLN!!


Harry's P.O.V

Niall just looked at me. He can't ever keep his eyes away from my bum, can he? I bet he fancies me... Well who wouldn't!? And if he likes it, I know exactly what I am going to do! I'm a naughty little boy. Maybe I take that after Louis.

"Harry, what are you thinking?" Louis calls me, the guy just can't leave me alone with my own thought, can he?

"I was just thinking," I look at Lou, smirk.

"Com'on. You can't lie to someone as experienced as me." Louis puts his hands around my curls. That's become one of his habits lately.

"Well ok!" I always tell him my deepest thought, thinking that he will always support me, and yes he does. "How about me making a prank on Niall?

Louis' face gets serious. He pulls his hands back, places it on his chest. "How?"

"It's quite like I would tell him I was gay and then seduce him?" I smirk. Louis knows good enough how badly I want to do this prank to a boy, besides him of course.

I am a jerk, I know. But as I thought Louis would burst out laughing, he didn't. He just stares at me, and then peaks a look at Niall. His reaction is different than the time I told him I would tell Zayn I was in love with him and so on (For your information, that time I ended up being punched by Liam... Well I don't know why for sure! There must have been something between Zayn and Liam! Ziam

"Are you serious? Because all I know is that Niall is a fragile boy and you can break him easily, you know. And I think, just thinking, that he really fancies you." Louis finally says, still eyeing on Niall.

I don't understand why he is so fuss up. It's just a little game. And we are brothers. Niall wouldn't hate me if I play a little game on him! I keep that thought to myself. That is quite a white lie... isn't it?

Niall's P.O.V

I like Harry, to make it straight. He's the most shining star in the group, and somehow I always think of grow old with him, only him. I dont know why this feeling and this thought got into me, but it did, and what can I do? I know it awkward when he catches me looking, but well, maybe he wouldnt know it.


"Niall, I think we need to talk!" I hear Louis' voice sounding behind me.

I turn back. "What is it Loulou?" I laugh.

Louis puts on a really serious face. "I just want to warn you. Watch out for Harry. He won't be serious at times." And then he leaves without saying any details.

What does that mean? Is Louis hiding something? Something about Harry! That's definitely it! Louis is the only one I dare to tell my feeling to. Actually he knew it himself and then he asked me to make sure. And I told him the truth, that I like Harry. He just nodded and promised me he would do his best to help me. Louis is a nice guy, seriously! But what does it mean for him to say those words?



The lads are all out. Liam and Zayn goes who-the-hell-know-where, and Louis, I don't know, he just vanished.

"Hey Nialler, mind talking?" Harry suddenly asks, turning off the TV.

"OK!?" I widen my eyes. It's not usual when Harry says he wants to talk to me. We hardly ever have private conversation.

"I've been thinking," Harry stares at me.

"Speak up lad. Im all ears." I smile at him, hiding my nervousness. There's definitely something going on around here.

Harry continues "I think I like you!"

What did Harry just say? I think there's something in my ears. "What?" My jaws and my heart both drop.

"I said I like you!" Harry says nonchalantly. "So...?"

What? So...? Harry doesn't seem-? Wait a minutes. What Louis had said before... it just flowed to my head. Is Harry joking? He probably is! It hurts to think he is! How could he do this things to me? And why am I still in love with him? If he hasn't thought about how I felt, I will just keep on pretending like he wasn't telling a joke. If he wants to play around with me, I'll let him... could I?

"Really Hazza? You don't seem to be so serious right now y'know! Prove it to me then." I move myself closer to Harry, there's hardly any space between our noses. Let's make my brilliant idea clear: I will seduce him before he does to me. Hopefully I'm sexy enough... I don't know, on account for my sexiness, I think this plan might fail... But this is my only chance to understand the love of my life.

Harry's P.O.V

Nial moves in closer to me. I can smell his manly breath.

"How?" I ask, trying not to sound so pathetic. I'm pretty scared right now. I don't know why, but the feeling that Niall is up to something really sucks, and the feeling I'm getting seduced by his sexiness is irresistible.

"Kiss me!" Nial says nonchalantly.

Did he just say snog? How can he say it nonchalantly? It's not normal for Niall to- I don't know. But this is my pllan to seduce him, not another way round. I'm quite confused right now.

As I was thinking, taking everything into consideration, does a kiss worth a prank when suddenly I feels a hot tension on my lips. I widen my eyes and recognize Niall pressing his lips on mine. It's quite interesting and enjoyable and comfortable and... I don't know which word to describe this feeling. Satisfactory maybe.

I close my eyes to enjoy Niall attractive scent. Love it! And as I open my eyes again, I see Niall has this look on me. He is snogging me and opening his eyes? That's quite a turn-down to me. Being noticed, Niall closes his eyes and speeds up his tension. His lips ask for the entrance. I slightly shiver and let out a groan as his lips successfully curl into my mouth. It's weird to think he kisses me passionately in 5 minutes and I just sit there enjoying.

What is Niall's feeling towards me? I close my eyes, thinking about what Louis might say when I tell him about all of this. Wait! Did Louis-? No it can't be! Holy cat it could be.

I bite Niall lips, stoping him from goiñg further. I'm just afraid what I thought was real, and that all this is just a revenge from Niall.


"Ouch!" Niall pulls out, puts his hand on his lips where I just bit him. It must be very hurt. I'm so sorry Niall. "What is that for?" He frowns.

"I'm sorry. It's just that... Louis-" This question is stupid.

"What about Lou?" Did he just call Louis Lou? Niall and Louis, is there anything between them? Was it a mistake that I thought Niall fancies me when he actually fancies Louis?

"Nothing," I'd better keep Louis out of this conversation, otherwise I'll get hurt. "Just that... don't you think this is a bit too... fast?"

"What is it now? I thought you wanted to play prank on me? I make it faster for you, don't you like it?" Niall jerks. How could he? How could I? I'm so horrible. I just planned on hurting the sensitive boy, and now I end up being hurted. It serves me right.

I turn my head to face the floor, feeling Niall is still staring at me. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to... I-I think you had successfully delivered your revenge..."

Then I stood up, I was about to run off when I feel Niall hands pulling me back down.

"It's so stupid don't you think?" Niall leaves his seat and kneels down besides me. "All this prank and game?"

I slightly nod. It's so embarrassing having someone you strongly feel for kneeling down in front of you.

"It's hard for us to figure out who we truly love, so we fool them into the stupid love game. And then we got hurted by what we created. It's so funny isn't it?" Niall puts his warm palm on my face.

Silence fills the room. I can listen to my heartbeat and Niall's breath easily.

"Com'on Haz! Say something!" Niall urges.

"What could I say now?" I murmured.

"Say that you love me!"

"Wha-?" I haven't finished my sentence when I feel Niall's lips on mine

Niall's P.O.V

Can't believe I just did it myself. Now I understand how badly I want Harry. I can't stop myself anymore. If there's one person who could feed the demon inside of me, that would be Harry.

I stop the kiss. It is breath taking, litterally.

Harry opens his eyes at me. I want his eyes, I want his lips, I want his body, I want him.

“Harry, there’s something I am eager to know,” I don’t think I can hold on any longer. “ Do you love me as much as I do to you?”

That’s way too embarassing, but I know I must say it. I can’t help myself from wanting to know the answer. I know at first he just wanted to play a little, but then as I see how he reacts to my kiss, I think differently. I know that when you’re not into someone, no way on earth would you kiss him so passionately. Been there, done that.

“I don’t know, Niall. I’m really confused right now. I’ve never had this feeling. I-I don’t really know…”

I can see what Harry is through, and it hurts me a lot. What’s so difficult about admitting you are gay? I did it myself, so why couldn’t him? Harry is not that weak, he must know it!

“OK then. If your answer is no, I totally understand. You’re not a gay, and you won’t accept a gay being the love of your life… What can I do to make the difference?”

I overestimated Harry. I thought he was a brave daredevil person. I thought he would do anything for his love. Yes it’s true maybe he doesn’t love me, but I know this wanting feeling. I just simply know. But Harry doesn’t. He doesn’t know what he could do, he doesn’t know what he wants. It really hurts me to see him struggle with accepting himself.

I stand up. It’s time to leave. Things will be easier for Harry when I quit this game, won’t they?

Harry’s P.O.V

I’m a coward. Niall was right when he says it's hard for us to figure out who we truly love, and it’s harder to love who we are not allowed to…. Why couldn’t I accept myself? Why do I keep on hurting Niall? This is not a simple game anymore, I know Niall is more than that, more than a friend, more than a brother, more than a family, he’s… the love of my life.

What have I become? Since when did I become a weak person? I used to say to myself that I would protect the one I love when I found her. But now, I couldn’t. What’s the different between a her and a him…? I must tell Niall how much he is loved and wanted. THIS IS NO LONGER A GAME!

“Niall, please!” I nearly clueless what I’m trying to say. “Please sit down. I know it hurts you, but please listen to me. Please, you have to know!”

I hold his hand tightly, I don’t want it to slip away, I don’t want to lose Niall. Since when this feeling got over my mind, my head, my heart? Since when Niall is all I think about!?

Niall looks at me cold as ice. “What do you want now Harry? Is there any other pranks you want to play on me? Aren’t I torn enough for you?”

No Niall, my heart is falling into pieces as his words reach. I can’t feel the ground anymore. Niall!

“This is not a prank Niall. I don’t think I have enough courage to say this again, so please listen carefully.” Terrified… Scared… Cold… Hurt… The word escapes me. This is my only chance. “I love you Niall. I don’t know…”

I want to cry, but I can’t. My heart is frozen. Every part of me stops thinking straight.

Silence fills the way. I peak a look at Niall. He is as confused as me. He isn’t ready for this, is he? Was it him the one asked me to speak my mind? Now he is numb.

We sit the in silence until I feel his hands holding mine, did I just get my sense back or did he know what to do. I look at him, Niall is muttering something, smiling. I love the smile. My leprechaun!

“I will always protect you!”

Niall places my hand on his heart. I lean on his broad shoulders, feeling the warmth of his body.

“I trust you!”


A/N again: I think this chapter is quite boring, maybe I'm a bit stressful because of the schooling stuff. And I don't have enough skill to go more than this! LLL sorry because I went back on the promise and the mistake I made, especially to loverofstories

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