《One Direction bromances (oneshot)》Zouis
Zayn's P.O.V
Urgg I hate it when Louis stares at me like that. It feels like he's in love with me or something. I hate that feeling. We're two world different. I am the shy one, and Louis is the talkative, annoying one. We didn't get along well right from the beginning of this band. He's always get the light by being with Harry and I am known as the vain, no one wants to be fan of a bad boy like me.
I has caught Louis staring quite a number of times this week, not if today, and the numer keeps on rising. Urggg it's just gross. I dot mean to be mean over the gay issue, but I thought we should just stare when there's camera around us. But Louis, he stares at me all the time and that's kind of annoying. It just freaks me out... Everything starts from that day.
Louis' P.O.V
I think I'm a gay, to be honest. I fancy Harry's curls, Liam's body, Niall's ass, but Zayn, I don't find the boy attractive as every fan girl says. His eyes are great, I mean, it is OK but I prefer Niall's, Harry's and mine better. I'm not good with black. Fans say he is shy, but he's a bad boy, and bad boys don't shy, he's just pretending. At least that's what I thought... until that night.
We went to the club together, 5 of us. We ate, drank, danced, and found a girl to xxx with. But then I suddenly came up with this idea. "HOW ABOUT PLAY TRUTH AND DARE GUYS?" I screamt to get the guys' attention away from the noisy music. That's always been the best game ever.
We sat down, along with our five girls. Ok it was so unlucky I lost from the first round. "Dare!" I said challengingly. What can't a daredevil like me can't handle.
"Ah ha I got this idea." Harry suggested, he grinned, I felt pretty scared though. When Harry's eyes get sparkle like that, it means the sky is going to fall down. "Louis, you have to kiss-"
"SURE I'll kiss any girl you want me to!" I can't believe this is Harry's big idea.
"No no no that's not it. You have to kiss," He rolled his eyes over the whole lads. I could even see Niall lick his lips patiently. "ZAYN!"
Harry pointed as I thought my heart was falling down. NO Zayn was the only one I couldn't do it. I don't want him to think I fancy him. Yes I'm a bisexual and everybody knows, but I don't want to prove it to Zayn.
"Can't you do it then Lou?" Liam smirked. He was a jerk, a jerk I tell you.
I frowned at him, then I smirked, hiding my fear. "What can't a daredevil like me can't do? Okay request accepted."
And that's the moment I saw Zayn shoved his chair. "I've... I think I've got to go!"
Zayn didn't like me, I know. But that action just left me more excitement. "Oh no you don't. After having me kiss you first!"
I chased Zayn around the corner. That was fun! But suddenly, I felt something in my way. I tripped.
The next thing I know, I was on top of Zayn on the floor. Wow so warm and soft Zayn's body is. I never knew. We stood up, I helped Zayn, the lads were madly laughing their shit out. Urgg so embarrassed. I thought I was the only one felt ashamed, but when I turned over Zayn, the boy was blushing like crazy. Admit it, it was cute.
"So kiss kiss shall we?" Harry suggested, pushed out his lips. He was definitely the one cause me to fall. That guy! I'll remember this.
I turned over Zayn. Zayn looked at me frightenedly. He pointed at me while moving backwards. "Don't you dare Louis Tomlin-"
It was too late. My lips had already on his. "There! Happy?" I turned to Harry and the boy was opening his mouth, so did the others.
"Come on you call that a kiss? Look at me and Liam." Harry mocked me, then he turned to face Liam. The boy was taken aback. Poor Liam. Harry kissed him, I could see his tongue curl a little and Liam replied his. Urggg gross.
As they pulled out, Harry looked at me, gesturing. "See?" while Liam groaned "Ewww" and Niall pretended to be pissed. "Urgg I thought Liam was mine. How dare you Haz!?"
WTF? So I have to kiss him LIKE THAT. Not a chance in hell. I'd rather die.
"Come on! If you cheated, you'll have to kiss our ass!" Liam added.
Ok before, ewww, now, ewww-er.
"Guess there's no way back, eh Zayn?" I looked at him, he was blushing and terrifying. Poor the little boy.
I held his face when he was unsecured to prevent him from escape. "You'd better react to that kiss if you don't want us to do it again."
I pressed my lips against his. He opened his mouth to let my tongue in. That was great. I could still remember his minty cigrette-y scent.
After a few minutes, I heard some girls groan. Zayn was holding himself not to let out a moan as a react to my kiss, I can feel it. He gasped for air as I pulled out and looked away from him. We were both speechless.
The lads looked at us, Harry finally let out a laughter. "Hahaha you must be enjoying that, eh Louis?"
"Wow Zayn is blushing isn't he?" Niall let out a wow.
I turned to look at Zayn. Wow the boy was really blushing. What had I done? Well, whatever it was, it was good. Zayn was blushing, and that was cute. He was really shy, wasn't he?! I used to take it for granted that he was a playboy, but this was a evidence that he was not! What kind of playboy blushed when being kiss?
I am caught again. This is the 5th time in the week. I am staring at Zayn when he suddenly turns around. I am surprised, but fortunately, I am able to force a grin out of myself. It is fake, but what else can I do. I found that I have this special feeling for him, maybe after I had seen the other side of him. I love shy girls, and maybe Zayn is the one.
Zayn doesn't like me, and neither do I. I know it in my heart, and I know the more I look at him, the deeper I fall in love with him. But I can't stop looking. I always roll my eyes around the lads, but they always stop on Zayn, isn't it weird?
Zayn's P.O.V
I know I have to get this clear. It feels like I have turned into an alien in Louis' eyes. I don't like it. I know I totally want Louis to quit the thought I was a playboy. But this? It seems to make matter worse.
I walk over to Louis' place, who is still grinning. "Do you want to talk to me about something?"
For a moment, I thought Louis was confused. Then he pretends to be surprised. "What are you talking about? What something?"
"I don't know. Why are you staring at me?"
Louis smirks. "Oh you saw that?" Will Louis says the reasoon. Or will he try to find another excuse? He looks around to make sure there's nobody looking. "If you had seen that, I hop you wouldn't mind if I said this... I kinda- I think I love you. I'm not a person who can hide my feeling inside, so I guess I'll tell you my feeling straight away!"
Wow, is that his big feeling? Because it sounds like a joke to me. Hell there's no way this guy is in love with me. I don't stand a chance of being his love! Ahh am I feeling down when thinking about the rare chance I have had? What am I?
"No Lou, I'm not kidding. Love is not something you can play frank on Louis. I don't like it, and I'll never do. I don't like it when love is something too easy for you to say!"
Louis' face shows no expression, which assures me that what he said earlier isn't what he means. It kind of hurts.
"Beep beep!" There's one important message... in such a time? And it is sent to me? No it just can't be? Liam is Daddy Direction, not me! Hell they have placed it on the wrong hands.
"Zayn we've got some important thing involved you. We need you to come here immediately. Bring the boys too. The car will be there in 5 minutes. - Management"
Is it something I do wrong? What thing involved me? What are they talking about? What the hell?
Louis' P.O.V
We hop on the car the management arranged for us. Zayn took the seat next to the door. He looks quite nervious right now, not just now, but since he got that text.
I was hurt a lot when I heard Zayn said to me those words. I couldn't believe he would think of me like that. But sincerely, he was right, I maybe had made it quite rush. What if I was more patient? Love needs patience after all! And now I'm using all the patience I've got to make him love me back. It might be impossible, but I'll care about him until he says he do love me or until he says he had a new girlfriend, a real one of course.
I knew something had happened. I just simply felt it in my bones that Zayn was into some kind of trouble.
"You guys finally came!" The management greets us, more nervious than happy. He is sitting next to a girl. She looks quite pathetic.
As we approach, she waves for us, but eyes are only on Zayn. The boy looks quite surprised as if he didn't know her at all! And yes, I've got this awkward jealous feeling when I see her wave at Zayn. I've never got this kind of feeling with the others, boys and girls, before.
"So Zayn tell us?" The management looks deadly serious. Something's wrong. I know for sure about that. "Did you do anything to this girl?"
"What do you mean?" He frowns as we all sit down.
"She says she's pregnant with you and she wants to come out of the closet unless you marry her." The management grits through his teeth.
"What?" Zayn opened his mouth, as well as his eyes. "I didn't. I hardly know her!"
The lads are speechless, so am I. No Zayn couldn't have done that kind of stuff. He just couldn't. I can't believe what I heard. The management says. "The company demands the truth Zayn. We don't want you to ruin One Direction image."
Zayn is speechless. I know I have to say something. I believe he didn't do it. I just simply have to protect Zayn, I have the feeling that I must stand by his side, no matter what happened.
Zayn's P.O.V
I am frozen. I'm frightened, I am thinking. I try to remember this girl. No I haven't dated anyone in about 2 months and it can't be that I make someone pregnant. She is just lying. But the management doesn't seem to trust me. They just said that they would kick me out of this group if the rumour is right.
I roll my eyes around, seeing the lads are staring at me. Niall is opening his mouth, Liam is frowning, and Harry is advoiding my look, guess I know the first one who would approve of kicking my butt out of this group. Then my eyes are finally on Louis. I wish I would never have to ask for his help, but his face is nonchalant, he doesn't seem to trust me, and not even the contrary. He's just normal, like it's some kind of joke. I hate him. I need someone's protection, his protection, but it seems to be impossible, since Lou is Lou. He never gets serious, and never says anything for sure.
"So I guess I have to leave then, since no one of you believe me." I say sternly. I'm not even sure of what I said, maybe it's a little rush. Rush? This is something you can't hide. It feels so annoying to have the feeling that no one believes you. Now that I suddenly understand why Louis says he loves me earlier today, I felt regret having said he was lying. I now believe him, if only I could turn back time to have Louis with me, I turn to look at him. Now that I have to leave, I will never ever see him again and get a chance to say sorry to him, he will also never ever forgive me! I hate myself. I had made a mistake to him that I might never fix it.
"Don't leave Zayn," I suddenly hear someone say. To my surprise, it is Louis. "I will leave too if you do so."
I look at Louis questionably, he smiles at me. Then he turns to face the management, states. "I can guarantee you Zayn didn't do that. If you want to know for sure why don't you let her," Louis gazes at the girl, "have the baby. And then we will do test to check it out!"
Louis! That was very risky! I can't believe he said that. How can he be so sure? I don't even remember if I had done it, and he stated as if he knew. Or is he just trying to protect me? I know it helps me a lot. I need it! I need someone to be on my side, and I can't believe it is Louis. I thought he was just an annoying brat, and now I think I was moved to tears. His personality... I want to know him more.
The rest of the conversation was quite boring. The girl heard what Louis said and admited she was just lying. That girl! I know she just adores us but I can't stand fans like her. It's sick!
I find Louis in the hallway, he is talking to the management. I guess he will get quite lots of compliments after this. Well, he deserves it. And aww I like when he's serious about something, and that is when I figure out whether he is serious or not, his face is still the same as always, so you hardly know when he will play prank and when he speaks the truth.
"Hey Lou!" I greet as I see him walk towards me. "So I have to say this, I really appreciate what you did there."
"Nah no big." He waves his hands. "I just spoke my mind. To be honest, I always believe you. I like you, and it is the truth" His face is still the same as the time he puts a prank on Niall, but to me now, it is look more like earlier when he says his mind. I begin to like this kind of experience. Louis got this something which distinguishes him from others. What is it anyway? I can't tell it myself!
"I think I like you too Lou," I add. "and it's not because you just saved me, because you've got something really special."
Louis frowns on me. I never see his face like this, and to be honest, I think I like it. Then the frown on his face starts to be replaced by a cheeky smirk. "So say, I've got this one thing, eh?"
"Lou, you're being mean." I groan, he went back to the same old Louis, and still be the one I like.
"Seriously, you like me, eh?" He's still being mean. "How far do you think this relationship will get?"
Louis moves in closer as he presses his lips onto mine. I reply him passionately. This is my first attempt to kiss a boy, and it is Louis Tomlinson. We are still having fun until Louis grab my bum. "My appartment or yours tonight?"
AHHHH this guy will never change. My next goal is to change him into a polite person, or maybe get spoiled by him. Only time knows how long our love lasts!
A/N: I think this chapter is quite a rush, but I'll post it anyway. Enjoy reading it. And this is my first open ending I attempt to do!
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