《One Direction bromances (oneshot)》Zarry
A/N: you might find this one a little bit (ok a lot) slutty. But enjoy since this plot is quite good (in my opinion) and that I'd like to dedicate it to my friend, since she says she want s some real "moments".This, however, I found hilarious. Send me feedback about who you would like next! Looking forward for it!
Zayn's P.O.V
"Zayn, STOP!" Harry is gasping for air as I thrusts into him. Harry has been a slut. He's a bastard who tricked me into this gay sex relationship. And shit I was weak when I broke up with Gemma that I let his charming spell get over me.
It was the night we went to the gay bar. Harry must have sneaked out to this place with Louis everytime they wanted to have sex without getting caught. But this once sudden time while Louis was taking a day off with his girlfriend, Eleanor, Harry asked me to come with him to this 'very cool' place as his speaking. Now thinking aback, I guess at that time, Harry just needed someone to fulfil his sexual needs, and I was the one he thought about. I mean, because I was the only person besides Lou enjoy bar and club and that I had broken up with my girlfriend.
"Zayn you're hurting me." Damn I hate that British accent. It always gets me come and weak. So I stop, gasping for air.
I hate this kind of relationship, when people don't like each other but still have sex to enjoy the pain and the passion, I don't know. It is so fake a relationship, especially between boys. It is not like I don't like Harry or anything, I just don't like him being a slut. I know there's something between him and Louis, they go out, share the same appartment, and Louis is probably the one who understands Harry the most. I don't like it neither. I figure out the I have this kind of thinking after I had sex with Harry, that I don't like anyone touch my possession, especially when Louis touch Harry's bum, I just simply stay away from it. I don't want everyone know I'm selfish, if not letting Harry knows I'm possessive.
The last tour we went to Australia, I didn't have much time to be with Harry. Yes we were on the same bus, yet Harry didn't pay attention to me, he was so busy talking to Louis. It feels like that asshole juat cheated in front of my nose. And still, it's not like I'm trying to inflict Harry on me or anything... which sounds like I do. Urggg so annoying. Can you see all the conflicts that is jerking in my head?
Harry's P.O.V
I didn't feel it. The boy was fucking me just now, who is still lying next to me, doesn't seem to be interested in these things anymore.
I didn't mean to be a slut. Back at that day, Louis hung out with Eleanor, Liam got a call from Danielle and Niall got a date with his food, Zayn has broken up with Gemma a day ago and he didn't sem to be heart broken, so the boys didn't pay muvh attention. Zayn is a bradford bad boy nd he wouldn't be down just because one girl, I mean he could get lots of girls. However, iwhen I looked at the boy, how could I still see the painful expression on his face? Am I the only one?
"Wanna hang put Zayn?" I always wanted to go to a gay bar, but I never had the courage to tell the others. Guess because that's very weird and they would think I was a gay. Zayn was different, he wouldn't take it as a serious problem, I bet he had been there before!
We managed to get there without any notice. We danced and got drunk.. When I was thinking about leaving, I suddenly felt an arm on my shoulders, someone was standing next to me. I could feel his breath close to my ears. It was disgusting. It must have been some ugly old gay man. He was seducing me as I heard he whispered into my ears. "Do you want to go all the way tonight?"
No hell fucking stupid idiot. With that alcohol scene of yours, there was no chance you could do it withthe-perfect me.
As I was trying to reject that offer politely (Who knows what a gay might do when they are insulted!), the man slid his hands down to my pants. No I didn't like it, not here, not now, and not this guy. I felt like peeing my pants, not because of excitement, because I was afraid. I slightly trembled. I felt like falling down, being torn into pieces.
"Harry? What are you doing there?" I heard a sound. Zayn must have got back from the restroom. I felt so lucky and, at the same time, embarrased. I didn't want Zayn to se me in thatpossition, being seduced by a man and couldn't fight back. As I looked up with fear filled my eyes, I saw Zayn frown. No it couldn't ,shouldn't be this way. I should never come here, I should never ask Zayn to go with me. Now what will he think about me!?
Zayn walked up towards me. No please leave Zayn, leave me alone, I don't want you to se me like this. "Hey man do you mind? He's with me y'know!" Zayn gestured me to take his one hand, another was still holding the man's shoulders. And as I took his hand, he smiled to the man who was still in a daze. "Thank you!"
Zayn pulled me out of that bar. It was my worst nightmare when he didn't say anything. I know Zayn is a silent guy, but this kind of silence just creeps me out. "So do you want to have a room? I can help to release it if you just ask me to."
My eyes widened as my mouth went to 'o' shape. Urggg I knew it. He would think I was a slut. And he did. I just couldn't believe he would say this thing to me. Who does he think I am?!
As I was about to explain everything, there was something pop out of my head. How about using him as an experience? I know I always love these issues, yet I couldnt distinguish normal sex from gay sex. So if Zayn had that kind of thought, I would let him take my male virgin then, he was a open-minded guy and my friend after all.
... Zayn took my male virgin...
It was the best sex ever and the last thing I remembered saying was that:"We should do that again someday!" It was only a joke, but Zayn was lying next to me right now, which means he takes what I said seriously. I used to love him as my friend, but before I know, I have this crazy feeling deep down inside that I can name it exactly. Are we sex partner? Or are we more than that?
Zayn is way deep in his sleep right now. Damn his face makes me want to bite him real hard. And his eyelid flutters, which means he is dreaming. Hopefully it is about me.
I find myself disgusting at times, when I think about him and slightly shiver. I MIGHT in love with this guy, gay love. I hate to say it, hate to admit I might be a gay, but it is real. I try not to be left alone with him because I know if we are together, no matter what the condition is, we will end up fucking each other. I don't want a relationship that the other only aims for your body, not your haeart and soul. But how can I be able to tell him now, when I don't want him to leave my side and all he does is fulfilling my needs. Sex is not my need, Zayn is.
I've decided it. I will tell Louis about this. You might not know, but he is always good at giving advice, and most importantly, he doesn't mind if I had gay sex, it's just that I am afraid he can't keep it as a secret. But at this time, I need Zayn and I don't care if he spills the beans.
I get up, I only slept for 4 hours today so I feel a little down, and that my ass hurts like shit. I have to get back to my flat as soon as possible.
I find Louis cooking dinner as I get into the house. Weird, eh? The guy never cooks anything,I always have to go the job, but now he is in the kitchen!
"Hello mate. Got away with a girl last night, eh?" Louis greets me with a mischievious grin.
"Uhm!" I just simply make a sound. It's hard to tell him that's not a girl at all. And how to beginthis conversation is a real challenge.
"Hey Lou, I seriously need to ask you this," I look at Louis, who is still struggling in the kitchen, and he is not turning back, "hey! Are you even listening?!"
Louis turns around, he sees my serious face and then switches the oven off. As he sits himself down on the chair opposite to mine, he asks" What's wrong? You looks like someone killed your cats... and weirder when you don't have a cat!"
Urggg Lou, get serious. I shot Lou with a warning look and the guy puts his hands up surrender. "What do you know about sex partner?"
That's how I begin the conversation, without making it so obvious and arouse Louis's curiosity.
And as I finished telling him the whole story, Louis drops his jaws. He couldn't believe his ears. Then, after calming himself down, he asks me. "So do you love him?"
I can't believe Louis just said that. The Louis I know asks those sensitive question? This is a dream. But as my eyes grew bigger, I find this serious look on Louis's face. He takes it seriously, and thank god he does.
"I don't know. If you do love him, you will want to have sex right?... The point is I want to stop it. I want some serious relationship. But I guess Zayn doesn't. I don't want him to leave me, but I feel like I must let him go. This is sick and I feel like dying. All the heat between us." I hide my hands behind my palm. I feel like I'm about to cry.
After looking at me for a while, Louis says. "I'm not a doctor... but isn't it too obvious that you like him?" His voice sounds a litle disappointed. Maybe he just can't believe I am a gay. Then he asks me a question, a tricky one that I can't stop thinking about. "Does Zayn love you back?"
As far as I know, Zayn doesn't...
Zayn's P.O.V
I wake up in an empty bed. Harry has left. I bet he's at home cuddling with Louis right now. Why am I so jealous?!
Today is the beginning of our tour. The bus is said to be here at noon, so I am busy packing my stuff. Harry and I won't have much time to be together on the tour, since Larry is thought to be real and Zarry is bullshit. I already know this time Louis will get the whole Harry Styles, not me. I get jealous of Louis at times!
The bus comes at about 12 o'clock. I hop on and see Niall and Liam is cuddling. They are playing something on their phone, look up to say 'hi' and then get back to what they are doing. Urggg seeing them having fun really annoys me. I don't know why.
Louis and Harry hasn't been there. So I pick a seat that I think Harry will sit and hope the bus go faster to get my Harry. But the point is: Harry never leaves Louis sitting alone, so they may find another seats on this seat-full bus.
There they are. I can see Louis and Harry waving inside their house. They hop on the bus, hand in hand. I try to be cool, keep my eyes off Harry. It's amazing how the boy managed to stand himself. I thought last night must have worn his ass out.
As I thought, Harry peaks a look at the seat next to me. I can hear my heart beating louder as Louis points at the seat next to me while whispering something into Harry's ears. Harry prefers this seat, everyone knows, and that's why I took it at the first place, only I know.
"Hi Zayn," Louis says trying to pull my gaze out of the window. "Do you mind-?"
Louis gestures the seat next to mine. Why does the guy always show up and ruin everything. It is supposed to be Harry's role. I look at him, act a little. "Hey Boo, Haz. Oh is it your seat, Harry? Please sit down! I don't mind." I'm pretty sure I make it clear enough for Harry to know I want to sit next to him.
Harry looks at Louis, frowns. Shit, he's not Louis' cat to get his permission to sit! I hate it. Both of them. Then Harry aims at me, seems more like at the window. "Nar I'd rather not."
Then they walk off. Louis finds a comfortable seats and gestures Harry to get in. I don't want it that way. I freeze. My heart hurts, it was bleeding as Harry stabs a knife into it. I'm not the only one he likes after all. Oh maybe he doesn't even like me.
Harry's P.O.V
I sit myself down, stare a look at Zayn, hoping that he will turn his head and see me. But I am being nonsense. Zayn doesn't care about me. HE DOESN'T CARE.
"Are you ok?" Louis asks me. He's the best friend I've ever known. He's always caring, gentle... I wish Zayn was him... or got his personality. Louis eyes on me. "Seriously you have to talk to him about it!"
"No he doesn't care Lou. He's not like you." I desperately say.
"You might not see it, but I can feel he really likes you. I have a good sense y'know. But you have to talk it out to him." Louis speaks caringly.
"I don't know. Let's cancel it to the end of the tour." I hesitate, I always do!
Louis doesn't say anything, he just looks out of the window, then he mutters. "Your choice. If you want to hurt him, you won't have to tell him."
What does he mean? He knows I never want to hurt Zayn, EVER. How can he say such thing? It really tears me apart.
We get to the hotel, so this is where we are going to stay for the rest 2 months. Great!
"So we need to pair up, right?" Liam asks, looking at Niall. Liam is the most mature one, but also the most childish one, besides Louis of course, so he chooses Niall, who is the second childish besides Louis. Haha looks like Louis is a real childish around here. Liam winks at me. "I chose Nialler, you guys definitely want a Larry Stylinson, eh? Looks like Zayn is alone-"
"Nah I don't want to wear Harry out before the show," What is the bullshit Louis is talking about. He is not my lover, and we have never had sex, not to mention wearing me out. There's only one person who can wear me out and- WTF? Louis is going to... "so how about a Zarry guys!?"
"Wow!" Niall's mouth grows bigger than when he saw Nando's. "I can't believe Louis doesn't want a honey moon with Harry!? So guess the couple's room is Harry and Zayn's now."
I look at Zayn, the boy who is staring at me looks away. "Shaddap Nialler. It is called a double room... or something like that, but not a couple's room."
Niall shrugs, the whole lads burst out laughing. Not me because I'm just pretending to laugh. I'm stuck with Zayn for the rest 2 months!
Zayn's P.O.V
This is really a good chance for me, not to do something stupid, it is something else. My heart was hurt like hell back there on the bus. I know I am hopeless. I know I have to do something. To put a stop to this relationship before I hurt myself, Louis and Harry even more. I love it when Louis gives me the chance to make it clear, although what he said wasn't what I expected. It is funny when I just said how hateful I am to him and now I want to kiss him so badly.
There stood Harry, arranging his clothes and quite taken away in his thoughts.
"Harry," I sit myself down on the bed. Harry is taken aback. He looks at me, quite frightened. "I think we need to talk!"
"What is it? Can we talk later." Fear fills his eyes. What have I done make him so scared of me? Whatever it is, it will be over soon. We, hopefully, will be friends again.
"No, I mean now. It's urgent." I talk nonchalantly, probably trying to hide the pain I'm having in my chest.
"Ok then." Harry sits on the chair, refusing to be near me. Ok it's enough for my poor little heart.
I speak straight. "About today... I think you and Louis should take this room. You guys don't need to do it because of me..."
"What are you saying Zayn?" Harry frowns, he hasn't a clue, hasn't he?
"Don't you get it, dammit, I want to end this craziness!" I am pissed. I don't know. It's hurt and shout out maybe the best solution I get.
"o is it what you want then?" Harry closes his eyes. His head falls down, reveals his curls. I love those curls, but it is Louis', not mine. Harry looks up, catches me staring. I hate being caught staring, I look away immediately. "Zayn, Have you ever though about how I feel?"
What is Harry talking about? How he feels? What about how I feel? And what does he feel anyway? "Isn't this what you feel? You have something for Louis, it's too obvious. And you're sick of me!"
"NO HELL, you're the one who is sick of me." Harry begins to shout.
What is he talking about? I don't understand. Ok calm down.
"Calm down Harry, they'll hear you!" I look at Harry with love. "So just answer me three questions: Yes or no. First, is there anything between you and Louis?"
"No, what are you thinking? Louis and I, we are just friends, best of best! I tell him everything, but that's all, he-" Harry pauses "unlike you and me, he's not gay!"
"What? So you think I'm gay?" Oops I use the second question! I figure it out and stop it before Harry answers it. "No no no that's not the second question. Here, this is something I'm wondering. Is it any other reason that you want to hook up with me?"
Harry is so confused now. Looks like I get him this one. Then he begins to mutter. "Well...No at first. That was... my first time... and you say if I want, I can do it with you..." Harry blushes and so do I. He's right. It is me who started it on second thought. "At that time I just wanted to experience it."
What Harry said hurts me a lot. I have to move on. "Ok last question, " I halt to look at Harry's green eyes. "DO YOU LIKE ME?"
Okay Harry has answered two "NO", it should be a yes this time. I see Harry bite his lips. It's so hot the way he's frowning, but it gets my heart flutter too. "No Zayn, I'm so sorry. I don't think I like you."
My world collapsed. I just let out a little "Oh..." I shouldn't ask him that question, should I?!
"I don't like you, because I think I love you!" Harry continues and I think my heart just drops. "I don't know, Zayn. I don't know if it's acceptable, if you would take it. But I just want you to know..."
"It is. I accept it. I love you too. Maybe that's why I want to have sex with you from the first place. But you don't seem to care about it, so I-I don't know..."
"So that's all?" Harry stands up, walks towards my direction. I'm so releaved that I almost don't notice that. He sits down, place his palm on my pants. Then he unlocks my zip and looks at me seductively. This is quite rare since I haven't seen him like this from ages. "Now it's my question: Yes or no. Do you think having sex between two gays who love each other is normal?"
I smirk. Another "NO" for my love! I kiss Harry. Yes, I took Harry's male virgin, and he took mine. We definitely have had more than one time, but this time it's different. It's the symbol of our love.
Louis, Liam, Niall's P.O.V
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