《Alpha Human》Uncontrolled


I starred at Matthew through the archway of the living room as he watched TV. I wasn't sure if he had known that I was here, but if he did he hadn't said anything about it. That was until it got to commercial break. "You know if you take a picture it lasts longer" he said to me.

"Yeah? It also might crack the lens" I shot back.

"What do you want?" he said shutting off the TV volume and confronting me. "You think i'm going to do some super evil thing like leave the toilet seat up? If I wanted to kill you, believe me you'd be deader than dead"

"You talk a big game for someone who has no abilities"

"At least my abilities don't only help when I need to run a marathon"

II had a really good comeback to fire back at him, but I fell off the conversation when an image on the TV caught my eye. "Turn that up!" I said directing my eyes to the TV.

He turned around noticing the images as well, and turned the TV's volume back up. I listened to the newscaster hanging into his words.

"Today is a very dreaded day as we pronounce our beloved executive officer deceased, after an incident involving poisoning from an unknown mineral in his food." he said.

"Geez" I said.

"He really did it" Matt said.

"You think it was your brother?"

"I know it is" he answered. "I have to go over there"

"If you do he'll know your after him!"

"I don't have a choice!" he argued, "I cant let him go any deeper than he already has"

The doorbell rang, and we stopped arguing. For about ten seconds we just stared at the door. Being followed, and attacked all the time can really make you paranoid. I finally calmed down, and went to go answer it. I released my breath noticing that it was just a mail carrier. "Package for Samuel Johns" he sad to me.


I smiled, and took it. I closed the door, and set the package down on the dining room table. I opened it up slowly hoping it wasn't a bomb. instead i was welcomed to an iPad air. "How did you find the time to order and iPad when your existence was being threatened?" Matt asked me.

"I didn't" i said. I turned it on, and a collage of pictures began flashing before my eyes. I felt like i was falling into a daze, and i could no longer control my body. I couldn't hear anything around me, and everything was a blur. It wasn't until the video stopped, and Matthew shook me back to life that i could hear, and see again.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

I nodded. "Yes. I mean I think so"

"Sam, there's been an update" Jacob said walking in.

"Yeah, what is it?-" I said being cut off by the obnoxious ringtone of my cellphone. I paused and answered it. "Hello" i said. they responded with one word. "Steuer" immediately i fell into a trance. Without control, i grabbed a kitchen knife, and hurled it at Jacob, stabbing him in the thigh. he screamed in pain. I walked up to him and grabbed him by the neck throwing him onto the island counter.

"What are you doing Sam?" Jacob asked.

"Is this normal?" Matt asked.

I grabbed the knife out of his thigh and aimed for his heart, but Matt had blew it out of my hands with the winds. "Whats wrong with you!" he asked.

I torched my hand, and fired it at Matt. He grabbed the fire, and sent it flying back at me. I went flying into the window landing on my back. Matthew walked outside and spread his hands out. With his mind he conjured up the heaviest winds ever, and fired them at me. I ran, dodging it, but i couldn't help but get dragged around.


The winds died down, and i was left on the ground breathing for air. Matthew ran up to me, and put his hand on my head. He took a deep breath in. Once he pressed onto my head I felt an unbearable pain. It lasted thirty seconds, and he stopped. I sat up angrily. "Why would you do that?" I asked.

"I don't know, maybe because you were going ballistic" he said to me.

"Why am I outside?" i asked. "Why are my hands bloody?"

We walked back inside, and there laying on the floor bleeding out, Jacob. "What the hell happened, who did this to you?" i asked him.

He couldn't answer, but Matt quickly did. "You, you tried to kill him"

"What are you talking about"

"After you watched that video you went mad, and attempted to stab him in the heart." he explained.

"I did this?" I asked freaking out. "I almost killed him" If I really had tried to kill him, then how come I had no recollection of it?

"He's not dead yet but he will be if you don't help me save him now" Matt said. "Give me your hand"


"Because you posses hyper cellular regeneration, which can heal him." he explained, "I'm going to draw that energy from you, and bring it to him. Now give me your hand"

I handed it over to him, worried what would happened if I didn't. He took Jacob's leg, and began to transfer the energy. I felt like my very life force was being sucked out of my body. I could barely breathe or move.

He finally let go, and I felt free again. Jacob rose better than ever gasping for air. "You're okay?" I asked him happily.

"Yeah its not like my nephew stuck a knife all the way through my leg or anything" he said. "What happened?"

"I don't know. All I remember was picking that iPad up, then receiving a phone call."

"Uh oh" Matt said.

"What?" Jacob asked.

"The symptoms of which he has been exhibiting when he was under this trance are similar to the ones of someone under Steuer Geist."

"And what may that be?" i asked.

"My brother was always very intrigued by the methods of mental warfare during World War two. I'm afraid he may be using a form of mind control. Though, this method could only be possible if he injected the trigger into your body."

"Well..." Jacob said. "When my brother was desperate to save him, he let your brother inject him with an antidote to his memory problem."

"It wasn't an antidote, was it?" i asked

"Are you guys idiots all the time?" He asked.

"We need to devise a plan to take him down." I said.

"Plan?" Matt repeated, "Your team is a bunch of amateurs with no skills and nothing to offer. The only thing this team had going for it was you, and now with one word you can be compelled to kill anyone."

"What are you saying" I asked.

"I will find him alone, and defeat him alone." he stormed out of the house leaving us.

"I hate him" i said.

"Looks like were another man short" Jacob said. "We're screwed."

Usually i was good at looking for the positives, and providing encouragement that we were going to get through this. Though this time it was hard to find a positive outcome. Jacob was right, we were screwed.

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