《Alpha Human》Matthew Hunt


I sat outside of a little coffee shop in Brooklyn waiting for my father to give me further instructions. He had told me his plans, and sure, it was a crazy plan, but it was the only hope that we had. We were supposed to grab this smart English scientist visiting from Wales, and force him to help us stop Harmattan. I pressed down on the earpiece, and spoke. "What now?" I said to him.

"Sit tight the package hasn't arrived yet." He said back.

"How long is this going to take?" I asked.

"Stakeouts aren't scheduled" he explained.

"Well then to pass time, I could tell a story" Harry said through the earpiece as he sat in the table next to me. "Once upon a time there was a handsome kid named Barry, his life was perfect, he had lots of college parties, girlfriends, and even good grades, that was until his needy cousin named Cam showed up and wheeled him into his chaotic life."

"Is this based on a real life experience?" I asked rhetorically.

"What gave it away?"

"Stop bickering, he's here" My father interrupted. "He's the kid in the black jacket, and blue jeans."

"You just described half the kids in Brooklyn" I said.

"The kid with the auburn hair, who looks like he's trying to hide himself" he added.

I looked around cautiously, and spotted a match. "You're a go" I said to Harry. He then stood up and walked over to the kid. He bumped into him spilling coffee all over him.

"I'm so sorry, god I'm such a klutz" Harry said.

"It's alright, just go" he said back to Harry sounding frustrated.

"No, I insist, my father owns six laundromats in the city. I could get your clothes cleaned for free."

"Do you have a hearing problem, I said go" the kid said revealing his welsh accent more. He tried to step around Harry, but he didn't let him past.

"I'm just trying to help." Harry said.

The kid looked around, then in my direction, and back at Harry. He smiled, and said, "Sorry, I'm just a bit jet lagged. I'm just going to head to the bathroom, and I'll be back." He walked past Harry, and into the building suspiciously.


"Uh oh" my father said through the earpiece.

"What?" I asked.

"I just lost all visuals on him"

"How far could he have gotten?" I asked rhetorically. I ran around the block until I found him, and it only took me five seconds. "Going so soon?" I asked in front of him.

"You don't want to pick this fight" he said to me.

"I don't, so why don't you just come with me peacefully." I said to him.

"Whatever you do, do not make him angry!" my father said to me.

"How much could a scientist do to me?" I asked through the earpiece.

"That's the thing, he's not just a scientist" he answered.

I could see a pulse of electricity go through the kid's body, and lightening formed above in clouds. Winds grew stronger, and the sky was darker. "Whoever your speaking to, I hope they can save you from this" he threatened.

He threw a jolt of lighting towards me electrocuting my entire body. I fell onto my back completely fried. He walked up to me and kneeled down. "You still feeling big?" he asked.

I grabbed him by the shirt, and kicked him in the stomach. He fell back in pain, and stood up. I lit my hands on fire, and threw flames at him. He dodged them, then ran back at me pulling the forces of the storms at me. I almost had him, but something came between us, a great power. We were deflected, and thrown back. "That's enough!" My father yelled gasping for air after using so much of his power.

"Tell that to cumulonimbus over there!" I yelled angrily.

"I'm not the only one throwing punches firefly!"

"Why didn't you tell me that he was enhanced!" I asked.

"Because, I didn't know for sure either. I only knew his father"

The kid stopped, and lowered his guard. "You knew my father?" he asked. My father nodded. "You're a bloody liar"

"I can prove it to you" My father said.

The kid stepped forward, eager to hear more. "Then tell me where he is!" he said.


"Not unless you help us" My father bargained.

The kid looked like his blood vein was going to pop from frustration. "Fine" he agreed. "Now tell me what I want to know."

"Is the fighting done, because I don't want to get caught in the cross fire!" Harry asked from behind a wall. I nodded, and he came up to us. "Sorry about the coffee stain on your lovely jacket, I hope you don't hold grudges"

"Your acting skills are horrible" the kid said, then turned back to my father.

"I'll tell you what you want to know, but I think we should sit down for this" My father offered.

Harry left us to join his father, and we got a table of three. As soon as we all were seated, I began asking questions. "So explain to me again how the hell you managed to forget to tell us that he has lightning abilities?"

"It's not lightning" the kid clarified said.

"I was speaking to my father; I don't trust you" I said to him.

"My name is Matthew" he said. "You can trust me, I'm not a psychopath"

"So it doesn't run in the family?" my father asked.

"What does that mean?" I asked. Instead of answering my questions, Matthew and my father decided to have a staring contest.

"As I was saying" Matthew continued looking back at me. "I don't have my own abilities, instead I pull them from the earth, and my surroundings. It was a cloudy day, and the clouds had a lot of energy."

"So basically your useless, and you can't help us?" I asked rhetorically.

"I could pull ten times the weight in a fight then you can" he said.

"You care to test that outlandish theory" I asked.

"You guys can shut that down there will be no fighting here" my father said.

"I just want to know about my father" Matthew reiterated.

My father took a deep breath in before he spoke. "I worked with him when I was a researcher, before I had a son, or a wife." He began. "We were buddies, and best friends. He was basically the brother I never had. He was more intelligent than anyone I'd ever known. Though that was his biggest flaw. He wanted to replicate our DNA."

Hearing the story, and staring at him, I couldn't help but see images in my head. They were flashbacks of a man. He was taking a mask off.

"Your father injected himself, like I did in hopes that his invention would change the world. Instead, it killed him, leaving your mother to raise you and your twin brother all by herself."

The visions became clearer, and I could make the face with the mask out now. It was Harmattan laughing, but what freaked me out was that he looked just like Matthew. Getting defensive, I raised a weapon to his face. "Who the hell are you?" I asked.

He didn't even twitch. "You seem like you already have the answer to that question"

My father lowered my weapon, "It's okay. It's not him" he said trying to calm me.

"'Harmattan' is my twin brother." Matthew answered. "Surprised?"

"Why are we speaking to the replica of the enemy?" I asked my father.

"Because, he can help us. He knows his weaknesses"

"So you're going to help us kill him?" I asked Matthew.

"My plan is not to kill Marcus. He is after all my brother. He's just confused and angry." He explained. "But what he is doing cannot be tolerated, and if that means hurting him a little I'm fine with that"

"He's on our side, Sam. His abilities and knowledge are the only things that could help us against him." My father said trying to calm me down.

I sighed, and sat down slowly "Fine" I agreed. "What's the plan."

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