《Alpha Human》All Be Remembered...


Harmattan stood there staring down at us. "My, you all don't look so happy to see me. Was it something I said?" he asked rhetorically.

"What the hell are you doing here?" My father asked angrily.

"Down kitty, I'm not here to take Reagan's boy toy back" he clarified, "Actually I want the same things that you guys want. I want him to get his memories back too"

"What do you mean?" Me and my father said at the same time.

"I don't want him prancing around the White House anymore" he explained. "I have a thing about sharing power"

"Tired of someone else being in the spotlight?" Grant asked.

"Sure" he responded nonchalantly.

"Why would we trust you?" Grant asked. "How do we know you just won't wipe his mind again?"

He chuckled, "You can't trust me, honestly I wouldn't trust me. I'm very fickle when it comes to alliances, and honestly I only look out for myself."

"You're not making your case" My father interrupted.

"That's because I'm not trying to. You have no other choice, I'm your only hope." He said with a wicked smile. "And I'm getting bored, so you have thirty seconds to agree"

I didn't know if he was playing them or not, but he sure was doing a good job of acting. "What are you going to do to him?" My father asked.

"Wait, you're seriously going to trust the guy?!" Grant protested.

"We don't have a choice, and I would rather him not go through the pain of your methods" he answered.

Harmattan laughed randomly. "Is something funny?" Grant asked.

"Yeah," he answered chuckling, "You people care too much, whether it's cities being destroyed or people dying. I've always wondered how it felt like to have emotions get in the way of things." He said.


"The guys a grade A psychopath!" Grant said.

"I'm not going to hurt your bundle of joy." He said, "We want the same things...for now"

"This is my son, and my decision!" He said turning to Harmattan, "Do it"

I tried again to break free, but I couldn't. Once again I was victim to my father's crimes. Harmattan walked up to me and held my arm down. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked him.

"I guess this is goodbye, it was excruciatingly unpleasant working with you" he said. He grabbed a needle out of his pocket laughing with pleasure, then stuck me in the heart with it. He began to squeeze the substance in the syringe, I could feel it itching towards my heart.

Before he could finish, I could feel my power returning to me. Before he could finish I burned through the chains that held me, and pushed him back. I erupted myself into fire, sending everyone flying into the other side of the room. I pulled the syringe out of my heart, and threw onto the ground near them. With all the power coming back, suddenly I felt week at the knees, and I could barely walk. My head ached, and suddenly the world was spinning all around me. "Quick hold him down" Grant yelled towards Harmattan.

"Gladly" Harmattan said reaching out his hand towards me. With his powers he made me weak, choking me with the dust that surrounded me.

"If you hurt him-"

"If you don't inject him with this serum in the next thirty seconds he'll lose all of his memories!" Harmattan said interrupting my father. "You're on the clock, so I hope speed runs in the family"

He grabbed the serum, and jabbed me with it in my back. My muscles relaxed, and I calmed down as the dust disappeared. I rolled over onto my back, and shut my eyes. When I opened them, I felt a throbbing pain in my head, and my eyes hurt. "What's going on?" I asked.


"Do you remember me?" Grant asked.

"Yeah" I said slowly, "The jackass who ruined my life"

"And me?" My father asked.

"The second jackass that ruined my life." I said.

He smiled in joy, and put out his hand for me to take. "it's good to have you back" he said to me. I took it, and pulled myself up.

"What do you mean by 'back'?" I asked.

"It's a long story," Grant answered before anyone else could.

"Well then. Now that you're out of my way I can continue with my plan" Harmattan said diabolically. I was so confused that I hadn't even realized that he was here.

"And here I was thinking that you helped us selflessly" My father said sarcastically.

"Relax, I've been working hard. I need some beauty rest. So rest well knowing that you only have a few days more to live, because on that third day, I'm coming for you...all of you" he threatened, then disappeared in mist.

"I wonder what horrible humans bred that man into existence" Grant muttered in anger.

"So he's still pissed? for what this time?" I asked.

"Nothing really, he just doesn't like you" My father said.

"Speaking of people who don't like me for no reason, where's your nephew?" I asked my dad.

He gasped, then ran up the stairs. My father and I followed close behind as it led into the living room. There they were, Jacob, and Harry tied up on the dining table. "Finally, we thought you guys had forgotten about us"

"How could I forget my twin brother?" my father asked rhetorically.

"The same way you forgot your son" I burned.

"How long are you going to keep up with these jokes?" My father asked.

"You had that one coming" I answered.

He chuckled, and I helped him untie them. Harry hopped down from the table, onto his feet. "I have never been this thankful to stand ever"

"Well let's not get too excited, because he's coming back for seconds, and I have a feeling that it's going to be a lot heavier than the appetizer" my father said.

"What do you mean?" Jacob asked.

"He said that he was coming back for all of us" I repeated.

"I'm too young and attractive to die" Harry said.

I looked at him, and rolled my eyes. "We need a plan" I said. "We can't keep finding ourselves caught in these corners."

"What do you mean?" Grant asked.

"We're outnumbered; we can't keep up anymore. The power I have isn't enough."

"So what, we give up?" Jacob asked rhetorically.

"No" My father said. "I have a plan B"

"What is it?" Grant asked.

"The question isn't 'what' it's 'who'" he answered.

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