《Alpha Human》Reunited


After a long twenty-hour boat ride to the coast of California, we drove another seventeen hours to get to New York City. Standing in front of my home I felt a mass of great emotions, which mostly consisted of happiness, and fear. Even though it felt good to be home, I couldn't help but feel like the weight of the world was on my shoulders.

We stepped into the house, not even a second afterwards Jacob attacked me, embracing in a big hug. It had been two years but I hadn't forgotten anything that he had done for me. I couldn't help but notice that I had grown to overshadow his height, taking after my father. "Good to have you back" he said letting go.

I walked around, observing how vacant the place had become. "Where's Harry?" I asked.

The door shut leaving us with privacy. "He's off at Keaston University, not far from here." he said to me.

"He got into college?" I asked sarcastically.

Jacob laughed it off. "I'm as surprised as you are" he said.

My father cut in, getting straight to the point. "We have many matters to discuss" My father said to us.

"Why won't you just give him a break, and let him rest for a bit?" Jacob argued.

"It's not safe for him to be ignorant at this time. There has been much change in the world" He said, "The fear that people have for you...It'll get you killed"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Raegan struck a deal with the kid who tried to kill you, he goes by-"

"The Harmattan?" I finished.

He nodded slowly. "There have been laws in place, warnings sent out, search parties. Their goal is to kill you, Sam."

"Why me, I could barely harm the guy last time." I asked confused.

"This time on the island has trained you well, and your instincts. And he knows your potential"

He wasn't wrong, I had learned much from my time alone. You find yourself quickly learning how to fight when your surrounded by hungry animals in the wild. "So, what do I need to do? The sooner I get this over with the better" I said to him.

My father walked over to me and handed me a plastic bag. "Here is your suit. Newly modified to act as a second skin. It has built in nanotransformatron, much like the one Grant let you use that one time"


"How do you know about that, it was only I and Grant there?"

"I know a lot about you. I never left, just kept my distance" he answered. "The only way to end this is to kill President Raegan, okay? He is a threat to everyone."

Jacob stepped in. "Are you sure you're ready for this now?" he asked me.

"As ready as I'll ever be" I said to him. "But I think I might need some help"

"Help?" My father repeated. "What do you mean by help?"

"There are a few people who I want to come with me on this mission."

"No, no, no. You're going in alone; this isn't the powerpuff girls" my father denied harshly.

"Either I go with them, or I don't go at all. You saw that beach; I wouldn't mind returning there for a nice tan" I threatened.

I could see he was agitated, but he didn't have a choice. He finally broke. "Fine, who are these people that you risk me popping a vein for?"

"First, I want Harry to fly in. Next I want Grant, and his annoying, but rather intelligent brother Chris."

"Wait, Grant? As in the guy who betrayed your trust?"

"I need him on my team. He's smart, and knowledgeable"

"He can't be trusted!" he argued.

"I believe in second chances; besides I have a hunch that he'd want to help us." I said to him.

My father was frustrated, but stopped arguing. "If he steps even a toe out of line, I will personally kill him myself"

I nodded, "Deal" I agreed.

"I'll call Harry" Jacob said.

"I'll go get the brother" my father volunteered.

"And I will go get Grant." I said. "Meet back here in an hour?"

They nodded, and with a gust of wind I was gone. I traveled to the New York City federal prison. When I was in Australia, I had taken a liking to listening to the news stories of New York to keep up. One day I had heard over the radio that Grant was thrown into prison, for reasons I was unsure.

The front was barred with guards, but I could run past them without being noticed. I walked by every solitary confinement cell peeking into each of them searching for him. Unfortunately, I hadn't found him in any of them. Though at the end of the hall was a giant metallic looking door. I put my hands on it, and tried to melt it, but it seemed to be heat resistant. They knew that I would be coming, what they didn't know was that I had one more trick up my sleeve.


When I was on the island I learned that if I moved fast enough that I could go through a solid form. The only risk was If I were to not run fast enough I could risk being permanently infused into the metal. I began to move as fast as I can, and took a deep breath. I pushed myself through the door, falling onto my knees. I stood successfully patting myself down making sure I was still intact. I proceeded to look at the man chained to the wall. He had a full beard, and looked like he was drained of all energy he had.

I grew amazed when I had realized who the man was. "Grant?" I asked.

He rose his head slowly, facing me. "Samuel?" he said unsure. He smiled in joy when I nodded. I ran to him, and melted off the shackles that held him.

An alarm went off, and I no longer felt like I had the time. The door was opened by a guard, who with one quick punch I knocked out. Quickly, I grabbed Grant, and put him around my shoulder, then ran out of the room and out of the building. I stopped briefly behind an alley way where I waited for him to catch his breath. "Are you okay?" I asked.

He held onto his weak knees, gasping for air. Maybe I should've gone slower for him since he looked a bit injured. "I'll be fine." He answered. "Thank you, I don't know how much longer I would've lasted." he said sincerely.

"I thought you were working with Raegan, why are you in highly guarded solitary confinement cell in a federal prison?"

He coughed, then spoke. "He used me when he needed me. And when I refused to create a serum he needed, he retaliated and locked me up." he answered.

"What serum did he want you to make?" I asked curiously.

He stood up straight. "Look around," he said to me,

"What do you-"

"Just do it" he demanded. I did as he said. "What are you noticing?" he asked. I was noticing how polluted my beloved New York had become. Pictures of me posing as an enemy slathered everywhere. Images of Raegan as a hero lay next to them. "He's put this city in a state of constant fear, and you are its face" he said to me. "He wanted me to create a serum that identified your DNA making it possible to replicate your Alpha Cell."

"He wants to achieve more power than he has?" I asked.

"I stopped working with him when I realized he didn't want to be president of the united states, he wanted to be the supreme ruler of the world."

"The abilities I have aren't able to extend as far as world war, there would be resistance"

He laughed, "There's one thing that you can do that you're not even conscious of" he said to me. "You can move so fast that your able to control your body on a molecular level. Therefore, if you really tried you would have the ability to go Nuclear" he explained.

I knew he was crazy, but I didn't think that he was insane enough to want to wage nuclear war. "We need to get back, and stop him" I said.

"Not again" he protested. I ignored his plea and grabbed him by the shoulder, and ran. Before we knew it we were back at the front of the steps of my house. I opened the door, to a full house. Everyone was here. Chris, Harry, Jacob, and my father. Grant stumbled in and plopped down onto the couch. I felt uneasy as everyone looked at me as if I was their leader. "What now?" Grant asked. My father nodded at me, urging me to accept the role that I was unknowingly been selected for.

I looked down in thought. They needed me, the city needed me, and the world now needed me. I knew in that moment that I had no other choice but to accept the role. I faced them once again, and spoke, "We have some work to do" I said.

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