《Alpha Human》New Threats to New Ends


I did what I usually did every day for the past two years, woke up, sat on the couch, turned the TV on, and watched the latest news story. Four hundred people killed, helpless against the massive storm that destroyed their city. Higher than the number in the city yesterday, but there was less of a survival rate. Again, I felt the dread of not being able to do anything. I was unable to leave, unable to act, and unable to help. It had been like this for two years, and in those years the world had changed massively, but I would never know, since I was sent away to live in the islands off of the coast of Australia.

There was no complaint from me, the beaches were more blue than the sky, and the sand felt like a cushion on my feet. Since my father had ties, they let me stay in a wooden house on the beach. Though when you're an undocumented immigrant from America living in a wooden house on the beach, the authorities only get but so welcoming about letting you stay.

I turned the TV off, and sunk into the previously white, but now brown couch and sighed. It was time to begin my day. I walked outside to the edge of the beach, and pulled out the three centimeter wire I had been carrying in my pocket. I lined it with the blood of a dead fish that I had killed before, and reeled it into the water. As soon as I felt the rope tug a bit, I reeled it in, and grabbed the fish.

After my catch I went out to the fields to pick up some wood so that I could cook it. It had only been a few minutes, and when I got back I didn't go inside. I felt something had changed about the house. As if there was a disturbance in the area. Though this one was unusual, this one seemed as if it had been a human disturbance, unlike the usual human disturbances.

I placed the wood outside on my sad excuse for a porch, and slowly opened the door. I walked into the small living room, and checked for a sign of presence. Everything seemed fine, that was until I noticed the mail on my desk. I hadn't remembered picking up my mail today since I had to drive all the way to an office location for that.

"I took the liberty of getting it for you" a voice said.

I took a sharp turn, caught off guard. I settled down when I had realized that it had only been my father. "You scared the hell out of me" I said to him.


"I didn't want anyone to discover of my visit" he said to me.

The last time I had seen him, he was saying goodbye to me again. I should be used to him popping up, but it was just so hard for me every time. "What do you want?" I asked him rudely.

"I wanted to see how you were doing, you are my son after all"

"Am I?" I asked rhetorically. "You expect me to believe that you came all the way here just to ask me how my life was going?"

"I hoped so, but you're a lot smarter than I thought" he said to me. "I need you to come back to New York with me"

After he had said that I couldn't help but laugh. "You want me to go back to New York, with you?" I asked.

"Yes" he answered.

"I'm sorry if I seem a bit out of it. it's just that the whole entire situation seems a bit funny to me" I said to him.


"I've left twice before both for reasons on your doing. And now you want me to go back?" I asked in a laugh.

"I'm glad you could find humor in such a situation, though now isn't a time for laughter. You've been hidden away for long enough, the front's cooled, and we need your help. Samuel, I need you to come back."

"I think I'm done doing what you want don't you think?" I asked.

"This isn't for me" he said, "It's for the future of the human race, for Jacob, for Harry-"

"You probably shouldn't have used Harry as an example" I said to him. "It doesn't really help your case"

"You can hate me all you want, but don't take it out on everyone else."

"Maybe your right, but you can't tell me what to do, I am an adult now after all" I said standing up. "How long has it been now since you haven't been in my life eight years total?"

He sat with no words. I rolled my eyes at him as I walked outside to get a breath of fresh air. Afterwards I walked back in, but he was already gone. This time he hadn't even said goodbye. I shouldn't have expected any more than that anyway.

He hadn't been the best father that I had, but I can't deny the duty I felt in my heart. Those lives I saw every morning, the body counts. I couldn't let that continue. So I went into my room and began packing up just a few necessities. I took the suit case outside with me. I then doused the outside of the wooden house with a highly flammable oil that washed up onto the shores of the beach, and lit a match. I threw it onto the ground igniting the place on fire. As tragic as it was, I felt like I could finally go home.


I felt freedom, but at the same time felt the weight of the ball and chain on my foot expand.

I took my belongings, and walked down to the end of the beach where I waited for something to come. In the distance I saw a boat approach. My father stood on the top waving to me. "How'd you know?" I asked as it came to a halting stop.

"I know you better than you think" he said to me with a smile. "You can't deny the cry of duty"

As much as I hated to admit it, I was happy that he came back. He handed me a chocolate covered box of strawberries. I was surprised that he had remembered that these were my favorite food, especially since it was a recent obsession. "Thanks" I said to him. "I still hate you, though"

He laughed, "Your welcome" he spoke. "You know I've created a lot of things"

"If you say something corny about me being your greatest creation, I'm going to punch you in the face" I promised him.

He chuckled. "You surely didn't get that attitude from me" he said.

"Then where did I get it from?" I asked.

"Can't you tell with the attitude Harry has? You got it from Jacob."

"You don't have the best parenting techniques either" I said to him shutting down the conversation.

He looked hurt, but didn't stop speaking to me. "Do you still love to play soccer?" he asked me.

"Tell me more about my mother" I said not answering his other question that he had, had.

He swallowed before he spoke. "She died after having you" he explained briefly.

"Is death the only memory you have of her, because that seems to be the only thing you speak about her."

I know he wanted to, but he didn't snap back at me. Maybe I shouldn't have come at him so aggressively. "She was the most brilliant scientific mind on the planet. Before she died, she had even been nominated for a Nobel peace prize. Though she never lived to the day to receive it. She loved to go on long walks to the park, and she especially loved chocolate covered strawberries." He said. "And just like you, she enjoyed giving me a hard time"

"Seems like she was a great person." I said. "It's a shame I never got to meet her"

"Maybe not, it also means you never have to go through the pain of missing her" he said looking down in thought.

Before I could ask him anymore questions the winds whirred roughly, and the boat began to teeter more. "what's going on" I asked.

My father looked out far into the sea. "I knew he would find us" he said. "That was sooner than I would've hoped"

"You knew who was going to find us?" I asked. It didn't take me long to guess who it had been. "Harmattan?" I asked rhetorically.

He threw me a white vial filled with a liquid. "You ready to get your powers back." He asked me.

"More ready than I'll ever be" I answered. I twisted the bottle's cap, and chugged it down my throat. I felt a ravaging pain as my skin ignited, and once again my Alpha cells were activated.

"On the count of three we fight him together." my father told me, I nodded in agreement. "One...two...three"

Before we attacked, a strong gust of wind cam and pushed us back onto our backs. "Calm down!" A powerful vice booed before falling into a gust of dust. "I'm not here to fight" he said.

It had been two years, but my hatred for him had not yet diminished. I still felt the drive to punch him in the face. "And I suppose your just here to pick daisies?" I asked sarcastically.

"No, I'm here to warn you." He spoke, "Raegan is not very happy with you. You let him down, and you messed his plans up. You were lucky that Wally had no backbone and gave you that serum"

"Get to the point" my father said angrily.

"He wants you to know that if you decide to try and compromise my plans, then I will see to it, that you never get a chance to escape." He threatened.

"Is that so?" I asked. "Sounds like a challenge"

"No, it's a fortune, and a fate you can't escape" he said, and disappeared into another mist of dust.

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