《Alpha Human》The New Deal


My eyes began to lift themselves open. As I awakened, and became aware of my surroundings I noticed that I was on a hard metal surface. My hands were tethered to the bed holding me. I strained, trying to pull myself up, but I had no luck. When I tried to access my powers it didn't work. Who ever was keeping me here knew who I was, and what I was capable of. There was an intense light shining down on me, making it impossible for me to look up. I was completely trapped, there was nothing that I could do but wait.

Thankfully my wait didn't take very long. Someone walked into the room with a lab coat on. They walked over to me with a tape recorder in one hand. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a small flashlight, then shined it on my face. I flinched, shying away from the extremely bright light. He began to speak into the device. "Subject is conscious. Breathing patterns normal, though eyes are responding negatively to light."

"Who are you?" I asked in a low voice. I felt like all of my energy had been sucked away from me.

"Patient is dazed, and confused. Voice is weak due to long amounts of stabilization" he said again. He turned off the device. "Subject is ready" he said. He proceeded to walk out of the room without giving me any answers.

The door swung open, and someone else walked into the room soon afterwards. "Hello, Sam." The familiar voice said. As they came closer I realized who it was. It was Wallace.

"Come on Wallace, get me out of here" I said to him.

He stood next to me, but did not bother to untie me. "I can't do that" he said to me.

"What do you mean, why can't I get out?" I asked.

"I injected 6 milliliters of Ziroy into your body. You're going to be grounded for at least thirty more minutes."

I began to laugh softly. "You really had us fooled the whole time. I actually thought that you were an honest man serving your country."


"I am serving my country" Wallace defended. "That is why I had to bring you here"

"What, the President didn't like me being out and about on the street?" I asked.

"Imagine what we could do if every soldier had your capabilities. " he explained.

"Then what? If anyone ever finds about this-"

"That is why no one will know." were the last words he said before he exited the room.

I sighed in frustration. I was still stuck on this bed, and nothing was going to get me out. I closed my eyes, and tried to calm down. I felt so powerless. I was just human. How would the human me get out of a situation like this? I probably would've built a device that burned the leather on my hands. Considering the fact that I was completely restricted that wasn't going to happen.

The door opened once more and people walked in. It wasn't just one man, there were five. One man stood in the middle decorated in a sharp suit, while four gunmen stood around him, two on each side. "My trophy, my mass destructive weapon" he said to me. He looked back at his men. "Why are his hands tied to the bed?" he asked. "He is our friend"

"I don't think that he could possibly be a threat when he is in a room full of men with guns. Untie him, now" he demanded. One of the soldiers ran to the bed, and untied me without anymore hesitation. "That's better."

I stood on my own two feet again. I finally had been released, and I felt free. Though I didn't have any answers. "Who are you?" I asked him.

"That's a great question, why don't we walk and talk about that" he said to me.

"I think I've had enough exercise for the day" I said sarcastically. "I want answers."

"I wasn't asking you a question" the man said.

Out of fear of what would happen next, I listened to him. "Fine" I said. I followed him as his men held a gun behind my back. The place I was in looked very familiar. For some reason I felt like I had been here before. "So who are you?" I asked him.


"Back to the questions again, are we?" he asked rhetorically. He looked familiar. But I would remember knowing anyone like him.

"Are you going to answer my question?" I asked him tired of playing his games.

"My name is Raegan Ruth" he answered. Now I knew who he was. He was the Speaker of The House for the United States of America.

"Why did you kidnap me then?" I asked.

"First of all I didn't kidnap you, your friend sold you like parts at an auto body shop" he clarified. "Second, I need you to do something for me"

I didn't know what he had in mind, but by the looks of it, it wasn't going to be for his country. "I can't win a war for you" I clarified before he spoke.

"That's not what I was going to tell you to do" he said. "You see, all I want is power." He said. I didn't like where this was headed. "I need you to ensure my spot in the presidency"

"And you want me to hold campaign signs for you?" I asked sarcastically.

He leaned in closer. "I want you to kill the president, and vice president, so that the role will fall to me." He explained.

I began to laugh. I don't know why, but the idea just seemed so crazy that it was hilarious. "Why don't you just run like everyone else?" I asked.

He didn't seem too happy about my laughter, so I quickly stopped. "Need I remind you of your weaknesses at the moment?" He threatened me.

"Why do you need me to do this, what happened to your billions of dollars?"

"In order to keep suspicions away, we need to make this look like recurring acts of terrorism, and not a coincidence. You will wreak havoc robbing banks, and killing off a few important congress men, then you will move up the ladder, and kill them both."

"And why would I waste all of my precious time doing that?" I asked.

"Because you have no choice" he said. "While you were knocked out we implanted four electronic capsules of cyanide into your body. When I want I will just simply hit one button, and they will explode killing you."

"Sounds like a pretty convincing argument" I said.

"A good trait for a future president if you agree to help" he said.

I didn't have much of a choice. I had faced death before, and it wasn't the best feeling. I didn't want to come near it again. "Fine" I agreed. "I never liked politicians anyway"

He smiled, then shook my hand. "Welcome aboard" he said to me. "You will be returning to your living quarters so nobody gets suspicious. From there you will begin your first mission to rob the treasury in New York City."

"No civilians get hurt right?" I asked.

"None that get it the way" he answered.

"When do I get a flight home?" I asked.

Raegan smiled at me, then laughed. "You never left New York. See door over there?" he asked. I nodded looking straight ahead. "Thats the way out."

I nodded, then began walking. As soon as I opened the door at the top of the steps I noticed what it was that was so familiar about this place. It was the basement of the Upper Elementary school I used to go to before I moved to Ohio. There were many fond memories coming back to me. It felt good to smell fresh air again. Then I began to remember what came with me being able to breathe this fresh air. People were going to die. In that moment i realized that this was the only moment I had left, in which I didn't feel horrible for all of the pain that I was about to cause.

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