《Alpha Human》The Beginning To A New End


My day was anything, but normal. I went up against a super villain, out to kill me by creating a giant storm, then was saved by another hero in another mask who I thought was my uncle, but actually was his brother, and my father. How are you supposed to get back up after something like that? I didn't think it was possible. Though somehow I managed to crawl out of bed the next morning, and go downstairs. I was surprised by the amount of peace and quiet that I was hearing. Where was Harry? Jacob was in the kitchen like always preparing breakfast. "Where's the annoying jerk?" I asked him.

He looked up for a moment from his scrambled eggs. "I suppose you're referring to my son, Harry?" he asked.

"Yeah, like I said" I said to him.

"He already left for school."

"Right, that's what normal kids do." I said.

"How are you holding up?" he asked.

"Well, other than the trauma, confusion, and headaches, I'm fine" I answered.

"I know that it's not easy, but it gets better."

"Jacob" I said. "My father is alive. Which means that for six years he has been walking the earth knowing that I was alive, and mourning his death."

"You don't know his reasons" Jacob said. "Maybe it was for your own safety."

"He couldn't send a postcard, or a simple phone call. Honestly. It was easier to be happier with him when he was dead to me"

There was a long silence that followed my words, until there was a knock on the door. We both turned, but none of us went to go, and answer it. Jacob turned off the stove. "You know where to hide" he said to me. I nodded, then went to the closet room once more. This might as well have been my new room.


"Who are you?" I heard Jacob ask.

"I am Private Wallace Brooke" he said. "I believe that you know my father, Dr. Jonathan Brooke"

I stepped out of the closet, and peeked behind the wall to see what was going on. "How do I know that you're not lying?" Jacob asked,

"What if I told you that only birds hang upside down, and bats fly in day" he said randomly. It had to be code for something. I didn't know what it meant, but Jacob seemed to know judging by the way he let him in.

"Wallace Brooke" Jacob said with a happier tone, and a hug. "I haven't seen you since you were in diapers"

I walked into the living room thinking that it was safe. "What's going on?" I asked Jacob.

The private turned to me, and I finally got to see his face. He was no older than a year older than me. His hair was blonde like mine, but a bit darker. Though his resemblance felt so familiar. "Samuel Johns" he said to me in amazement.

I looked him up and down. "Who the hell are you?" I asked.

"I am Private Wallace, but I go by Private Wally" he said reaching out his hand.

"I don't care about your name. What I meant to say was, why the hell are you here?" I corrected

Jacob shot me a look. "I'm sorry for the attitude Wally, he's going through some tough times" Jacob excused.

"It's alright, I don't get aggravated that easily" he said. "I came down here to make sure that you were okay. I was sent by my father" he said.

"Your father?" Jacob asked. "Johnathan, how is he doing?"

"He's doing fine. He heard a rumor" he said.


"A rumor?" I repeated.

"About a boy who survived an explosion that eviscerated most"

"yes, sam was quite lucky"

"look" Wally said. "I came here because our parents are friends. They're starting to get curious about the events"

"Then we have to leave" Jacob said immediately.

"or" wally spoke. "You could act normal and show them nothings changed"

"right, you could lay low here" Jacob said to me.

"So what, you want me to stay locked up in this house for the rest of my life?" I asked.

"Even though that would be the only way I know you'd be completely safe. It wouldn't make you happy" he said. "So I'm going to ask that you go with him Wally, and make sure he stays safe"

I started to laugh. "And what is he going to do that I can't, calculate the area in which I stay safe in using his daddy's calculator?"

"Yeah I could do that" Wally said. "Or I could do this" he pulled out a gun so fast that I couldn't see it, then fired it on me. I fell to the ground with the bullet lodged into my arm

Jacob began to laugh at my misery. "What the hell!" I yelled.

"Relax. It's just a temporary bullet coated with a rare element called Ziroy meant to transform your inhuman cells back into its anthropomorphic form" he said.

I stood back onto my feet. "If you shoot me again, I'll rip your throat out" I threatened.

"I can see that we're going to be great friends" he commented.

After I got all of my stuff together, and said goodbye, Jacob dropped me off at school along with Wally. I had been with this guy for not even an hour yet, and I already hated him. He kept following me around as if he was some lost dog or something. When I went to my first period, he took the liberty of sitting right next to me as well. "Are you going to keep this up all day?" I asked.

"Are you going to stop jumping into trouble?"

"If you keep following me around like this I might have to react violently" I warned him.

"Do I really have to shoot you with another bullet again?" he asked. "Then again, the bullets last for an hour a pop, so you're still powerless"

I rolled my eyes, and faced the front of the classroom. Mr. Matthews walked up to my desk. "Nice to have you back after a long vacation Samuel" he said.

"Yeah, just swell. Back in my least likable class." I responded.

Mr. Matthews didn't take kindly to my joke. "I'm giving you a fresh start. Don't ruin it, okay?" he said, then turned away.

"Wow, that was rather harsh" Wally commented.

"Yeah, well I didn't ask what you thought"

"Well, at least I know that your attitude isn't personal. You're just an ass."

As the class ended I watched as everyone filed out of the classroom except Wallace. "why are you taking so long?" I asked watching even mr. Matthews leave for lunch.

"I'm looking for something" he said.


"Found it" he said, then pulled out a gun, then fired four bullets into my body. I collapsed from the pain, and couldn't get back up.

"Thank you, Wallace" a voice said from beyond the classroom.

I turned towards the voice. My blurry vision managed to catch a small image of the face. Then completely blacked out.

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