《Alpha Human》War


No armor could prepare me for the war that I was about to step into. My arms trembled with fear inside of the suit I was wearing. I remember when I was a young boy, and being a hero was all that I could dream of. Is this what it felt like to be a hero? Was it okay that I was afraid? Heroes don't get scared.

The front door opened and Grant walked down the steps. "I made you something" he said. He handed me a sleek black briefcase. I popped it open observing the uniform he had placed inside. I looked epic.

"this is for me?" I said.

"well I can fit its anymore" he joked. I pulled it out of the briefcase getting a better look at it. "well don't just look at it. Try it on"

I motioned for him to turn around, and he sighed and did so. When I slipped the form fitting uniform onto my body it felt like it belonged.

"wow" I said getting a good look at myself.

"The best part" he said whipping out a blue headpiece that sat on the side of my head. "your eyes and ears"

"i don't know how to thank you" I said to him. Then that led me to ask, "Why are you helping me?" My suspicious nature told me that something wasn't right. Altruism is a myth.

"anything I can do to help the youth" he said. He wasn't going to tell me his true intentions. So I stopped asking him.

"What time is it?" I asked Grant.

"ttime to save the world" he said.

"Dont ever say anything that cheesy again" I told him. "Off I go"

"Good luck, sam" he said.

"Goodbye. Maybe for the last time" I said, then sped off.

I stopped outside of the train station. The army had beat me to it, and already surrounded it. Agents blocked out some thrill seekers who wanted to see the brawl.

I sped into the station, going unnoticed. It was barren, and empty. They must've evacuated it in order to keep everyone safe.

Unfortunately I wasn't alone. The army had decided to send in a few of their men to capture me. "Put your hands on top of your head, or we will fire" They demanded. They had me surrounded, but I wasn't at the least bit worried. I walked away from them, but did not put my hands in the air. "Fire" one of them commanded.

Before they could even let a bullet out, a loud voice rang through the halls of the station, putting everyone in the room in fear. "You came!" it said. "Finally, I was beginning to get worried that I'd have to go through the trouble of destroying the city because of your tardiness."


"What the hell is that?" one of the soldiers asked.

"I don't think you want to know the answer to that question" I said to him.

A thick cloud of dust formed between me and the line of soldiers. They quickly aimed their weapons, and fired at it. As a body immersed through the dirt, the soldiers kept firing. Though nothing seemed to be harming him. He began to laugh hysterically. "You think that'll hurt me?" he said. "I am bred of power" With a wave of his hands a large wind gust threw them back.

I stepped up to stop him. "They are not who you came here to see. You wanted me, and I came. Do not hurt anyone else"

He turned around, then walked closer towards me. "Then what's the fun in that, letting everyone live?" he asked. "That sounds quite boring."

I hadn't completely realized it before, but he seemed completely psychotic. "You came here to fight me. Why fight someone lower than you? Unless you're scared of me" I said.

He smiled wickedly, then using his hand conjured a very strong dust storm that surrounded me. I was engulfed in the dust. Every small particle filled my lungs quickly, and I began to choke. "Is this your idea of a fight?" he asked. "You standing there as I kill you?"

He stopped shortly afterwards, and walked towards my weak body. "You know, you're right, I did come here out of my busy day to kill you. Then the army showed up, and now I'm a bit pissed. So I'm going to make you sit there, and watch helplessly, as I tear the bodies of these men apart." He said. He walked towards the men, then quickly stopped when a flash of light appeared in front of him. I stood with all the power I had left in my body.

A man had appeared in front of him, guarding the soldiers. "Another visitor, how nice of you to come. Though I'm not a big fan of uninvited guests." The Harmattan said.

"I invited myself in" the voice said. They walked closer, then extended his hand. "I'm going to give you two options of how this is going to go, and you're going decide, got that?"

The Harmattan walked closer to him. "Please do enlighten me" he said.

"One, you can leave now, and never come back, with all your bones intact." He said. "And the second choice, I kill you."


The Harmattan began to laugh. "You can't kill me. I'm invincible, immortal, and insane. There is no way that I'm going down that easily" he said.

"I'll take my chances" the man who saved my life said. He threw himself at The Harmattan, aiming for his stomach. I watched as the man repeatedly threw punches, connecting most of them. He was a skilled fighter.

Once they were distanced enough he stood once again, with a bloody nose, and a bruised body. "You know, it's really no fun fighting people when you have your masks on" he said while wiping the blood off of him. "Why don't you take them off" a gust of wind came resmoving all of our masks, but The Harmattan's. My face was exposed, but I covered it up with my hands.

As I peeked through my fingers I saw who had been helping me defeat The Harmattan, and save my life the whole time. "Jacob?" I said. The man turned around, with his back facing me. I was in so much shock, that I lowered my hands allowing my face to be shown. I wasn't worried since the only soldiers in the room had been knocked unconscious.

"Now that we all know each other. It will make it easier for me to kill you all." The Harmattan said. He began to float up towards the roof. "You know, I really wasn't going to destroy this city, but since you gave me no choice...I must" he began to spin rapidly, as a large gust of wind filled the room. The Harmattan stepped out of the tornado, then disappeared into mist.

"I really hate this guy" Jacob said.

I held my feet on the ground as the storms wind began to get stronger. "Samuel!" Jacob yelled to me. "I need you do to something for me" he turned back around, and walked to me.

"How could this be?" I asked.

"I will answer your questions later. Right now, I need you burn down that storm."

I shook my head. "I can't control the flames yet" I said.

"Look at me" he said. There was something so familiar about his face, and the way that he spoke to me, that made it easier to gain confidence. "Just focus on those patterns in your fingers. Focus on how the frequency of the vibrations can manipulate even the slightest temperatures."


"Believe me it will work" he said.

I nodded. "Okay" I said, then concentrated on my fingers as I felt the patterns of vibration. I felt them heat up and ignite, then faced them towards the storm. Jacob stepped up, and lifted his hands. The storm began getting absorbed of all the power that it had left. I watched as the winds went towards him, and the dust was destroyed.

Jacob fell to his knees, as the threat was soon gone. I ran to him. "Are you okay?" I asked.

He stood again, one knee at a time. "Yeah, just a few minor scratches" he said. "You should go now. The military is going to come in any minute now" he said.

"Okay, I'll take you with me" I said.

"No" he said.

"But you said that we have to go" I said.

"You can go on your own. There are a few things that I have to take care of first" he said.

He was being quite odd, but I listened to him. "Okay, then. See you at home" I sped off again, this time landing safely at the doorstep of our house. When I opened the door, Jacob was already seated down on the couch, speaking on the phone.

He turned around when he saw me. "You're alive?" he asked.

"How did you get home so fast, do you have any other tricks up your sleeve that you want to show me?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"I thought you had something to take care of?" I asked. "Can you teleport or something?"

"Sam, I'm not following you very well" he said. "Did he give you a concussion or something? "He asked.

"You were at the station, helping me out with a cool set of badass powers" I tried to clarify, "I know old people experience memory loss, but you should remember this"

"Sam, I wasn't at the station."

"You know, I saw your face. You don't have to hide your secret anymore"

He stood up, and walked to me. "Sam, I wasn't there. I've been here waiting for you the whole time"

"If it wasn't you, who was it?" I asked.

We both looked at each other horrified at what we had just realized. "Does this mean...that he's alive?" he asked.

"My father's alive" I said.

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