《Alpha Human》High Stakes


I didn't go directly home. I stopped by Dr. Grant Keeley's house to see if he could help me. When I knocked on the door, someone else answered. It was that kid id gotten into it with in Matthews class.

"Sam?" he said distraught.

"What are you doing here" I asked.

"This is my family's estate" he answered. Of course they were brothers. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Where's your brother, I need to speak with him" I said.

"my brother, what business do you have with my brother?"

"None of yours" I answered. "Now open this door, before I feel obligated to do so with force"

He opened the door slightly worried. I had definitely done a good job at intimidating him. I didn't mean to say something so mean to him, but he left me no choice, since I was in such a crisis mode. I found Grant, as always working in his lab. He looked very surprised to see me, but still welcomed me with happiness. "Samuel, how are you?" he asked.

"I need your help" I said to him.

Grant sighed. "i know" he said. "I guess its time to tell you the truth now" he said.

I arched my eyebrow. "What are you talking about?" I asked.

"it was no accident I met you" he explained. "id heard of you. And your father. That's when I found the artifact and learned of your true nature."

"i don't follow"

"the alien artifact had been dormant since my father uncovered it in the sixties. And yet it responded to you"

"i thought that it was human"

"no, I used it to trace you down knowing it would react. I needed to see its properties to better study and extract its intelligence."

"and what does my situation have to do with this?"

"in order to gain access to clearance level labs and other artifacts that related to your origin. I had to make a deal."

"you sold me out didn't you?" I asked.

"it was for the benefit of man kind" he said.

"You used me." I said.

"Im sorry" he said. "you might want to get started on your assignment. Raegan isn't a very patient man"

"right, murdering many because of your curiosity"

"Youll need this" he said sliding me a briefcase. "its a high powered suit. It'll allow you to utilize your abilities to the fullest"

I took it and looked at him. "I hope you know when I come back, I'm gonna kill you"

"Good luck, Samuel" he said sounding unthreatened.

I left without another word.

I took a taxi four blocks south until I hit the treasury. There was more security in there than I had ever seen. How exactly was I supposed to break into here, and kill a congressman. They had definitely taken measures to ensuring his safety.

I couldn't just walk into the building. I doubted that they would allow me to enter. There had to be another entrance, "Sammy!" A voice called from behind me. I turned sharply, and observed who it was. Wallace. I had to hold myself back from punching him in the face, since he has business with my boss. "You look upset, did something happen?" he asked me rhetorically.


I balled my fists. "What do you want now?" I asked him angrily.

He smiled, "relax, I just came here to help you. Reagan said that you might need some assistance"

"I don't need any more of your 'help'" I said to him.

"I wasn't asking if you did. Besides, he assigned me to you, and I would hate to betray his trust" he said with a cocky grin.

"He trusted you?" I asked rhetorically.

"A lot of people did" he said. He pulled out a large piece of paper, and revealed a map. "There are two exit points, on the west wing, and the east wing. There are usually twelve guards down each hallway but since the congressman is here on business the security detail has multiplied by three. Which means you will need to take down thirty-six men just on that floor."

"Why do I need to take them out. Why can't I just sneak in?" I asked.

"Because the point of this isn't to rack up money, it's to debut the new villain of New York City."

"Every man's dream" I said sarcastically.

"It's every man's dream to live. And you will die, if you don't follow the plan" he said. "Here" he said throwing me a paper bag. I took it and opened it up. "You are James Michaelson, a Prince of a small country named Micahelsville bordering England. You are here to put $50,000,000 into the treasury." He assigned. "You will need proper finger prints, and retina scan to get in. Give me your hand."

I refused to, worried about what he would do. "Give me your hand, we haven't got much time!" he yelled. I hesitantly gave him my hand, and he placed a golden watch on it. It made a click sound as it locked into place. "This will reform your DNA so that it would mimic the one's of James Michaelson." he explained. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small cylindrical container. "These are contacts that will ensure his retina scan as well"

I took the container, and opened it up. Two blue contacts laid inside. I opened my eyes, and popped both of them in carefully. "What's next?" I asked.

"When inside, you will go through the security door leading to the room where the congressman is holding his meeting. Alarms will be set off, and you will only have sixty seconds after the alarm is set before the FBI, CIA, and Police get here and rip your body to shreds with massive weapons."

"Sixty seconds?" I repeated.

"You think you can do that?" he asked me.

"I only need ten" I answered, then zoomed into an alley, and changed. I came back in a well fitted suit, and black glasses. I had on a dashing pair of oxfords, and a clean red tie. "off I go" I said executing a British accent. Wally rolled his eyes, as I walked into the bank.

The first step I had taken, I immediately had guns pointed at my head. "Exit the premise immediately" they said to me.

I cleared my voice, and preformed the best bratty person I could be. In other words, I acted like Harry. "Is this how you treat a royal heir?!" I yelled outraged. "I could have all your jobs, and make sure you'd never be employed again."


They hesitantly lowered their weapons. "We apologize sir" a man in a suit said as he approached me. "Please come this way"

I rolled my eyes at him, "Don't let it happen again"

I followed him to the backroom scanning the place as we went. Before we reached the door, the man in the suit opened up the briefcase he had been carrying. "Before we continue we will need to confirm your identity." He said to me. "Please place your finger here" he said pointing to the finger print scanner. I did as he asked, and waited until it was confirmed. A blue light went off. He pointed to another part of the briefcase. "And just place your eye here"

I pushed my face forward. A blue light went off, and it was confirmed. "Is that all" I asked him.

"Yes" he spoke opening the door. "here are all your assets" I walked through observing the mounds and mounds of gold, and cash scattered about. "Is everything to your liking?" the man in the suit asked.

I nodded, "Yes, I just forgot about how much money I had" I lied.

Before I could turn back around, I noticed that there was another man outside. "What is the meaning of this?!" he yelled.

He looked so familiar, but I couldn't quite place where I had seen him before. "It couldn't be" the man in the suit said. "Mr. Michaelson?" He looked back at me.

"That is an imposter!" Prince Michaelson yelled.

Before I could completely put together what was going on, a red alarm went off throughout the building, and the clock began. Sixty seconds was all that I had. I used my speed, and ran into the hallway where I found the bolted door. By placing my hands on the door, it began melting it, until it was gone. There the congressman was alone in the room. "Congressman King" I said to him lifting my weapon.

He turned and faced me with his eyes were in sheer terror. "Please" he begged. "Don't kill me, I'll give you whatever you want. Money, power, you name it."

"I don't want anything from you" I said to him. I didn't want to kill him, but I had to or everyone I loved. I held my finger on the trigger, and a bullet was released, though not from my weapon. I turned and saw the congressman dead on the floor, but it wasn't by fault of my gun.

"Took you long enough" Wally said lowering his gun.

"You killed him" I said.

"Your welcome" he replied. "We've got five seconds to get the hell out of there"

I panicked, and grabbed Wally by the shirt, and ran back towards the front, but the exits were locked shut. "Use the damn exits I showed you, idiot" Wally yelled trying to catch his breath.

I grabbed Wally by the shirt again, and ran through the hallway, out the door, and into a barrage of military men. "Freeze!" they yelled.

They tried to fire at me, but I was too fast. I ran four miles out into a secure alley.

Wally stumbled over, grasping onto his knees and breathing heavily. "You look winded there, are you okay?" I asked sarcastically.

He stood himself up straight, angry. "Wipe that smirk off of your face because as far as I'm concerned only one man ended up dead today"

I rolled my eyes at him. "Tell your boss, it's done" I said, then sped off before he could stop me. I was home within the minute. I stood outside, but couldn't pull myself to go inside. I knew that the news was already buzzing, and Jacob would have my head. Before I could make that decision to leave, the door swung open, and Jacob yanked me inside by my shirt.

He slammed the door, and threw me into the couch. "Could you please help me understand, what the hell you were thinking?" Jacob yelled.

"I can explain everything" I said trying to calm him down. The moment you start explaining is the moment that you head goes up in smoke, Wally said through the ear piece still in my ear.

"What could possibly explain you infiltrating a treasury, and murdering the congressmen, I have to admit I don't like, but that doesn't matter!"

"I guess my finger slipped on the trigger" I said to him. "What's the big deal, you said you didn't like him anyway."

Before he could answer swat teams swarmed our house. "That's why!" he answered.

A man came barreling through the back door with the same face as Jacob, it was my father. There he was. An exact mirror image. My eyes widened in shock, and happiness. "Dad?" I said.

"Samuel Evans Johns!" He said to me. "What on earth have you been thinking endangering an entire room full of people, and murdering someone?" he asked me.

I rolled my eyes, "So all I had to do to get you to show up was rob a treasury, and kill a congressman?" I asked angrily.

"This has nothing to do with my absence" He said, "You need to learn to take responsibility for your actions having these abilities!"

"Like you have taken so much responsibility for me?" I asked rhetorically. "The birthdays, the milestones, and the days I cried my eyes out waiting for you, you never came. So you don't get a say."

It kept him quiet, but not silent. "Jacob!" he spoke turning to my uncle, "I haven't been here for long, but on my observations you haven't done the best job making sure my son is safe and away from danger."

"I do what I can, at least I do something" he fired back.

"You're going to get yourself killed Samuel" my father said, "And I won't have it" he raised a gun at me, and shot me with a substance.

"What the hell was that!" I yelled.

"A capsule infused with Glytometicine. It will permanently subdue your abilities."

"Abandoning me wasn't enough, you had to shoot your son too!" I yelled.

"It's for the best" he spoke, "Let's see how much trouble you can get yourself into now" He looked at Jacob, then rolled his eyes, and went out the back door.

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