《Hurt The Same 2 || Amber Riley & Jayceon Taylor》You havent learned yet huh?
After trying on this cute dress I found I stepped out so Tina could see it. I called her and we linked up for some much needed girl time. Jayceon had started blowing up my phone.
All these unknown caller calls was coming through and I knew it was him. He found out I blocked him and was feeling some type of way. I knew he had two phones but I didn't know the other number to blocked, I was definitely going to T-mobile and getting that shit changed. He had me fucked up.
"Damn Amb, you are working that fucking dress, sis," Tina says smiling wide.
"Yeah? You think so? Girl my big ass is-"
"Let me cut yo ass off right there, you are gorgeous sis, you aren't fat at all I don't want to hear that shit again bitch!" She yells
"Sorry sis I just get so insecure wearing dresses like this,"
"And you don't have a need too, we're going out to party tonight okay, so call that fine chocolate brother you been texting all day an tell him to pop out tonight," she says grinning.
"I can't call him girl," I say sighing.
"And why the hell not?"
"Because he's Jayceon's boy and-
"All the more reason why I would invite him, sis I'm sorry but you letting this nigga clown you for real, he was fucking any bitch that said hello and now you second guessing about getting some dick you tripping, I would be letting Rock slut me out any kinda way he wanted to," she says and we laugh uncontrollably. This bitch was so crazy but that's why I loved her.
"I'm not second guessing T, I'm not, I'm just not dumb, I don't know shit about Rock, he could just as well be another Jayceon under sheep cloth, yeah he's been sweet and telling me things I want to hear but I'm done with these nothing ass niggas girl, and I'm still stuck on Jayce, missing him like crazy and for what he's somewhere probably fucking on another chick, it hurts it does but I'm done," I say honestly as I look into the mirror.
"Say whatever you want to convince yourself sis but you ain't leaving Jayce, I said all that same bull about Terrell and look at me three kids deep in the bullshit,"
"Girl enough about these niggas let's go to Pandora, I want another charm bracelet on Jayceon," I say as we laugh. I give the clothes back to the lady and we leave the busy store heading to Pandora.
I was sitting at my desk puffing on a blunt when my oldest daughter bursted into my office screaming with a face full of tears.
"Why is it taking so long daddy!" She yells
"What the hell are you ranting about now girl?" I ask highly irritated, my oldest daughter Krista was such a spoiled fucking brat. She's had her whole life handed to her on a silver platter off the backs of me and my ex wife Jenna, but yet she asks as if she's owed something.
"You promised me daddy, you promised me that you would handle Jayceon. That you'd get rid of him,"
"Yes I did,"
"Then why is he still breathing?"
"Haven't I told you about questioning me and my authority?"
"I'm sorry daddy but why is he still working for you? After all I told you about him, I've seen you kill men without hesitation and yet you're stalling with Jayceon why, I just don't understand papi I don't,"
"Princess look, I know he hurt you alright I understand that, but right now he's a valuable asset to me, I need him on my team if I want to make connections in other territories, the man is a legend in the streets, I can't deny that, so let me learn some more from him, grow my connections and then he's gone, I promise you princess, I mean when did you stop trusting me?"
"Daddy I never stopped trusting you, ever, I just, I'm ready for that son of a bitch to die, he denied my son, his son, Joshua is Jayceon's blood and he denied him, every time I look at these results I want to punch the walls, he's happy at home with his precious wife and their child but he denied my baby,"
"Listen to me sweetheart, he will pay and I mean it, he will, just give me some more time, it's always been chess not checkers," I say and she sighs smiling wide.
"I'm sorry papa for doubting you,"
"It's alright dear, I just want you to know, there's a method to my madness. He will bring the connections to me, I will take over all territories, and then, then he will die, they all will, I'll kill him just like I did Javier, and I'm not through with Rock. He will pay for killing your mother, I know all about their relationship, and his dirty deeds will be shown to light," I say feeling my blood boil.
I was out for revenge, against all those who have wrong me and my family. About four years ago, my wife started having an affair with Rock we were going through a divorce. A rough one, me and Jenna had been married for twenty- five years.
She knew what I was when she met me. I was just selling small shit back then, working under my father and my uncle. Two old heads that let their personal beef come in between business. When my father was shot I took over, and that's when I met Jenna. During that time period, my father got cancer but he was also the biggest drug lord in the city.
Men of all backgrounds feared Emilio Estes Sr. I have some of that respect today. After me and Jenna got married, I tried looking for other work but the streets is where I mostly got my bread. I was bringing home around two to three thousand a night and back then that was paper.
I was running the streets and my uncle tried to destroy me, after my father died. but I pinned him for the murder of his cop friend. I found out they had beef about a drug deal and he was no longer on my uncles payroll. He came to me and unc was pissed about it.
Long story short my uncle died in prison, I made sure of it. I killed my Bestfriend for betraying me, So these niggas was going to soon feel my wrath. Rock worked under me and fucked my wife behind my back all because I didn't father him. Pathetic piece of shit, I met his mother way before Jenna, Savannah was my first.
She was my queen and I fucked up with her. I couldn't marry her, my parents always saw her as ghetto trash, and when I got her pregnant they definitely told me to get rid of her. I paid her to get an abortion but I didn't want her to kill my seed, especially when I found out it was a boy. Savannah gave me a boy, and I was behind happy. I couldn't wait to teach him and raise him.
I told my parents and they weren't happy at all. I remember my father slapping me upside my head over and over. "You can't raise a baby, you're supposed to be stepping up! You know I don't want Miguel taking over, not after all the hard work I've put in, he can barely do a fucking drop,"
"But Pops I can't help it I love this girl, and we're going to have a family,"
* He grabbed me slammed me against the wall and started slapping me up side my head.
"You listen to me and you listen to me good boy, you better get rid of it, and her, now! You will not fuck up this business,"
He stormed out the room and I looked over to my mother who put her head down. She was scared shitless of him and didn't ever speak against him. Even during the beatings.
She never said anything when he would beat me or my brother Raphael. Raphael died from my fathers abusive hands and she stayed with him until death, and protected him name after. I didn't understand her, I said I would never be like my parents so I tried to contact Savannah.
After all those years she didn't want nothing else to do with me, and Rock was a full grown man taking care of his own. I still protected him behind the scenes. Dropping money in his account and taking care of him. He later reached out to me and I took him on as a worker, then he grew jealous of my other life and children so he fled and later took advantage of my divorce.
I was crushed seeing the pictures my private investigator gave me. He was fucking my wife in parking lots and alleyways, going to the mall and kissing her in public no respect at all. I kept the pictures to myself and I never told Rock that I knew about them. I played stupid very well for years but now it was time to let it rain of niggas. I was coming for blood. I was going to be the last nigga standing.
"Daddy!" Jenna says snapping me from my thoughts.
"Im sorry Princess I was just thinking of my sweet revenge, you don't have anything to worry about it, I'm actually meeting with Jayceon and Richard in a few minutes so you need to go on, I'll be making one of my first moves tonight, my connections with Xavier's father. Jayceon will be performing my first little deed, he's certainly a pawn in my game,"
"Okay daddy I love you, I'll see you later,"
"Bye princess," She says and I light my blunt.
"Jayceon! Richard! just the two men I wanted to see, come on in and sit down," Emilio said after hanging up the phone and flaming up a blunt. He was sitting at the desk playing chess by himself. Something he always did. I ain't gone lie he made me want to play every time. Whenever he called to have a chat I checked out his vibe to see what type of conversation we was about to have.
He seemed happier then usual, but then again with Emilio's ass you never know. This the same man that threw his homeboy a party and killed him right after giving the toast cause he found out he was stealing from him. I will always be cautious when approaching him, especially since I've been plotting against him.
"Wassup boss why the early wake up call?" Richard asks once we sit down in front of Emilio's desk.
"That drop y'all did the other day got my account looking even better then it normally does, I got some reward money for the both of y'all, here's fifty thousand for you, and fifty thousand for you," he says stacking money up in front of me and Rich.
I wasn't impressed by this even though Richard was all excited. "Jayceon I want you to meet my Spanish connect Xavier he's coming in town tonight, I want you to give him some hospitality, treat him nice then kill his ass at midnight right before the drop with Bishop," he says passing the blunt to me. I declined but Richard's thirsty ass took it right away. I didn't want shit Emilio was smoking on cause I knew they laced their blunts with coke.
"So let me get this straight, you want me to meet the man and then kill him?" I ask confused.
"I like you Jayceon, you ask questions and still get the job done even after you find out, I'll just say this in this game their can only be one king, you either be a pawn who makes the moves for the king or you give out the orders for the pawn think about it," he says. I sat there and thought long and hard about what he was saying, it wouldn't hit me until later on in the day what he actually meant.
"Richard now I got a task for you too, after Jayceon makes sure Xavier is no longer breathing, I need you and whoever else you got to get all that product out of his van and bring it to me, then you and I will go down that next morning and make a move on Cole, our out west connect, see all of this is like what I just said, to be king you get rid of all the extras," he says with a smile.
After our little meeting I text Kendrick seeing what he was doing and if he wanted to slide with me.
He said he was busy and would hit me back later, so I figured I pull up on Rock and see how his moms was doing. I was about to hit the E-way when I realized I forgot my wallet in the bathroom back at Emilio's.
Turning around I headed back pissed. I hated when my high ass left some shit. I pulled back into the parking lot and luckily his receptionist grabbed it for me.
"Thanks you, I was bout to go crazy," I say the minute I walked in. I felt someone watching me, turning my head towards the elevator, I saw the devil himself in an all black paint suit.
"Krista," I say and then she disappeared. I closed my eyes and open them again making sure I was r seeing shit. Shaking my head, I followed in the direction where she walked off too. I went down the hallway but nobody was there.
"Man get it together Jayce," I say to myself wiping my face and walking back out I had to get some air I was tripping like a motherfucker.
I picked up my other phone calling Amber. I didn't give a fuck I just needed to hear her voice right now.'I knew she blocked me, .
"Hello," a nigga says on the third ring.
"Who the fuck is this?" I say feeling my blood boil.
"Man you called here, Who the fuck is you?"
"Man I don't know who the fuck you is, but this my wife's phone number," I say seething.
"Well yo wife's kinda busy playa," he laughs and hangs up.
I looked at the phone again seeing Amber's name just to make sure I wasn't tweaking. I instantly looked at her location, she was at the fucking Hilton Hotel. I knew I shouldn't be mad but she was pregnant with my seed, she had me fucked up if she was gone start talking other dudes I didn't care. Amber was my woman and I would kill a nigga I pulled up the address and sped off angry as fuck.
"Jayceon you don't get to stroll up here and bark orders you not my fucking daddy!" I yell angrily this nigga had lost his fucking mind coming here bursting through our hotel room and telling people to leave.
"Yo Amb I'm a be outside his ass tweaking," Tina shouts as she comes to the bathroom door
"Man fuck you bitch get yo ass on I know it was yo bird ass who planned this fucking party you always in our business," Jayceon spat.
"Jayce don't fucking talk to her like that you don't even know her,"
"Man fuck that manly looking ass bitch!" He screams to the top of his lungs.
"Yo ass is pressed I don't even know what Amber sees in your dusty ass, don't make me hurt you Jayceon because I will," Tina says getting all up in Jayce's face. He grabs the gun from his waste and I jump between them.
"This is not about to go down, Tina just chill and Jayce get the fuck on please I don't have time," I say irritated I grabbed a towel turning on the cold water.
"You are still my wife," he says with a straight face and I laugh.
"Jayceon I stopped being your wife the minute you started breaking our vows, I'm not gonna talk to you about this again, the only child you have is unborn, I'm a grown ass woman you ain't about to check me bitch," I say about to walk out but he grabs my arm and pushing me up against the door.
"You gone stop playing with me Amber I swear to God you is, I will kill any nigga you think you gone start fucking with iight,"
"Yo ass ain't gone do shit move,"
We stare at each other before kissing and taking off our clothes. He picks me up and places me on the counter. I opened my legs as he unbuttons his pants and slide his dick inside me slowly.
"OoooouuhhhJayce, f-fuck you feel so good," I moan out loud.
I hated myself for this but I couldn't help it I wanted him just as much as he wanted me.
The more he fucked me the more I wanted him. Deeper and deeper. "I ain't trying to hurt the baby," he whispers lowly
"You won't hurt the baby if you do as I say," I say back kissing his lips
This shit was silly, if only he'd been faithful we wouldn't even be in this shit, I wouldn't be in a hotel, we'd be at home.
Making love in our bed, but who the fuck was I kidding, I was still madly in love with Jayceon, even after all the cheating and the lying I'm still hoping that he will change and be the man I need him to be.
The man I want him to be, but deep down I know that is hopeful dreaming because this man that I love will probably never change. Or if he does it'll be too late. Maybe I was being a dumb bitch, by not going to get a divorce but I honestly didn't want to be divorced, I mean fuck I didn't know what I wanted, but I just couldn't help that I fell in love with him. I couldn't help it. Jayceon was still the man of my dreams
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