《Hurt The Same 2 || Amber Riley & Jayceon Taylor》What if I?
"I'm shocked you agreed to come out with me," Rock says as he rolls down his window.
"Same, but I'm glad I did, I had a good time," I say honestly before sipping on the non alcoholic cocktail, frustrated I threw the bottle out because it wasn't shit but fruit basically.
"Ugh I can't wait until I have this damn baby, I want a drink," I say sighing. Jayceon was working my last nerve.
He was texting me all this shit, about how he wanted me to come home and how missed me, and he was going to do right, and be a better man.
I had heard it all before, and it's so crazy, it's like I'm battling with myself, part of me want to believe him and run home, but another part of me just didn't want to care anymore.
Another part of me lost faith in the man I loved so much, I just knew he was different when I met Jayce. I was in school, young and dumb, being blinded by abs and good looks, and I've been with this man for years and now it's all coming out that he just can't be trusted.
"How many more months you got?" He asks snapping me from my thoughts, I was all in my phone reading the messages trying to find truth in what he was saying. I was about to text Jayceon back but the three dots popped up again so I waited to see what else he had to say.
"No more months, days I shoulda been had him but he acting like he don't wanna come out,"
"So you having a boy?"
"What you gone name him?"
"I don't even know just yet, I saw a few names but I don't like any right now, nones sticking out,"
"So you ready for them mommy duties huh?"
"Yeah I always wanted a baby, so I know I'll be a good mom,"
"That's wassup"
"You got any kids?," I ask him.
"I got a lil boy, Morocco, named him after my grandpa on my dads side,, he four years old,"
"Are you in his life?" I ask.
"Of course," he pulls out his phone and hands it to me. Showing me a picture of him and his son, it looked recent. They were both so happy, I smiled a little.
"He's so handsome," I say handing back the phone.
"Thanks, he my whole my life, I'd do literally anything to make sure he stay smiling like that,"
I looked down at my phone seeing Jayceon had cash app me some money and sent several texts. I scanned through them, seeing they were nothing but baby I'm sorries, baby I miss you's same ol bullshit. He sent me a nude and I quickly closed the pic because that thang was thanging I'm not gonna lie.
I was serious, I didn't care anymore about how sorry he was, I wasn't accepting his little gifts and popping up begging, I didn't give a fuck about none of that but I was going to spend the money.
He low key just irritated me he was typing still and I rolled my eyes.
Rock called me and asked if I wanted to go out for breakfast, at first I was going to decline but I said what the hell and gave it a chance, I'm glad I did he had me laughing the whole time he was so damn goofy but he was a sweetheart and kept good conversation.
"You really had a good time though?" He asks with a wide smile, that chocolate skin of his glistening.
"Yes I wouldn't lie to you about that, I really like being around you, and talking to you,"
"So friday night, will be our second date then," he says and we laugh.
"Second date, look Roc I-"
"I get it ma, I know how to play my roll, side nigga, that's what you want right?" He asks with a sly smile.
"It's not even about playing your roll, after all the shit Jayce put me through, I'm not ready to be with another man, plus I respect my vows but then again shit I just don't know when Roc,"
He puffed on his blunt and looked out the window. I was tired of attracting weed smokers.
Rolling the window down a bit I leaned back.
"Look Roc, I don't wanna hurt you, I'm sorry I can't help who I love, it's fucked up but I still...love Jayceon-"
"Then why you even fucking come out with me bitch!" He yells slamming his hands down on my dash board.
"Get the fuck out!" I yell irritated.
"Nigga you heard me! Get out, Get the fuck out!" I yell seriously as I start up the car. He gets out and before he can even close the door good I pull off leaving him yelling.
Rock was cool but he wasn't my man, if anything he was just gonna be a fuck. Despite all the bullshit, Jayceon still had my heart, although he was a bitch ass nigga he was my bitch ass nigga. I was tired of this toxic ass, bipolar marriage though. I missed him like crazy, but I'm not gonna wait on him to get his shit together.
I pulled up to the house, I needed some clean clothes, had a trunk full of dirty clothes. The only reason I hadn't washed them was because I didn't want to go back to the house but shit I wasn't going to the laundry mat either. So I decided to suck it up, I didn't have to talk to Jayce I was going to give him the same nonchalant attitude he gives me.
I turned my key in the door and I couldn't believe the fucking mess in front of me.
This house was dirty as fuck, pizza boxes, McDonald bags all over my damn white dining room table. I was blew. I walked to the kitchen and dishes was piled up in the sink. There was a new bag in the garbage can and the lid was off so I knew Jayce was outside.
I put my keys on the table and went out the back. There he was on the patio.
"What's up?" He asks.
"Nun, why the house look a fucking mess Jayce,"
"Look don't start, I was just about to get started cleaning, and then dinner, I already seasoned my steaks,"
"Jayce, it looks like that shit been there for weeks,"
"Amber I got it under control, you ain't been here so why you tripping?"
"This still my house nigga,"
"Is it?"
"Look don't start-"
"Nah you came in here starting shit with me, I said I got the shit under control, shit you only come home when you need clothes washed," he says back putting his AirPods in and going to the sink I stuck up my middle finger before walking away.
Kicking off my shoes, grabbing the mail my tired feet made it upstairs.
"Mommy!" Harlem yells dropping his toy and damn near breaking his neck running to me. He was in the hallway playing with his marvel superheroes. Something he always does, toys be falling from the balcony and all type of shit.
"Hey baby, how are you," I greet him with a big hug and kiss. Chewy came running down the hallway barking and whining. He was going crazy jumping on me and whining like a baby.
"Hey Chewyyyy, hey mommies good boy, mama's baby, ooo mommy love her Pooh Pooh I do," I say greeting Chewy, he jumped and licked my leg and feet. Rolling over on his back with a big smile.
"You want a belly rub huh? Mommies baby want a belly rub," I say to him as I rub his tummy. He had nerve to close his eyes and have his mouth open a little bit making me laugh.
"Mommy are you coming home for good now?" Harlem asks me as he steps over Chewy grabbing my arms as if to say Ma forget about him all eyes on me.
"Yes baby but I have to go to the hospital soon and have your brother,"
"When is he coming?"
"I'm waiting on the doctor to call me, but it should be soon, he's been ready to come but he's being a stubborn butt,"
"He's already fitting in huh," Harlem says with a smile.
"Oh most definitely," I say laughing.
"Can we watch Batman, I haven't watched since we last saw it together,"
"Of course baby, just let me get settled in and I'll make us a big bowl popcorn," I say as he follows me into me and Jayce's room. He climbed in our bed with his tablet and Chewy right next to him.
I was surprised our bedroom wasn't dirty, but I wasn't no fool.
Knowing Jayce, his sneaky ass was always up to something, but I promised myself this time I wasn't going looking for anything, I would let the shit come to me because what's done in the dark will come to light. After picking out some comfy pajamas I grabbed my body wash and towel set heading to the bathroom.
I put my shower cap on and stepped into the shower, letting the hot water just fall down on me. It felt good hitting my back and legs. After lathering my body down, I dried off and got dressed heading downstairs to make the popcorn.
Jayce was in the kitchen cooking and blasting his dumb music. He had on AirPods but I could still hear the shit plus he was screaming along with whatever he was listening to. Rolling my eyes I walked over to the cabinet grabbing the big popcorn bowl as well as two bags for me and Harlem. I popped the popcorn and after putting everything in the bowl, I went back upstairs turning on Nemo.
"Man you got what you wanted what's the issue?" Kendrick asked before passing the blunt.
"Man she don't really wanna be home, I know she been out her doing her and I can't even be mad because I was doing me, but damn no call no text you block a nigga off everything and then you come home to wash clothes, shit she watching a movie with Harlem right now like everything cool but I ain't sleeping in that bed,"
"Nigga who you lying too? yo ass gone crawl in that bed right behind her stop tripping you been crying about her coming home and now she home, you acting like you ain't bout to get on that tonight, I know y'all man this shit gone blow over, this ain't the first time Amber done forgave you for some bullshit you did," he says as he finishes rolling up the
"Man fuck all that she been moving funny, I been looking at her location I'm trying to figure out who she know up in this one neighborhood, I know a opp out there I hope she ain't fucking with him,"
"Why you think she is?"
"Man she been acting different, I know my woman, well I use to know her,"
"How different cause this is Amber man, Amber don't cheat,"
"Man Amber a woman, plus she got every right to cheat,"
"And that's the problem there, I been telling yo ass to clean up yo shit instead you wanna drink and get high every night and fuck all these bitches when you got a gem, a fucking gem, that girl been crazy about you since the night I introduced y'all please don't forget nigga," he say popping open a bottle of beer.
"You always want props,"
"Nah I don't I'm just saying don't play stupid with me, I know y'all,"
"Man is you my friend or hers?"
"Man I'm both y'all friend, but I'm on Amber side with this one you been moving foul bruh, that woman been yo ride or die since day one, I remember when mufuckas was living in hotels together, she was still following behind you, she coulda went home but she stay by you, the first time she go off to school you get mad and look she still here, you know how many niggas want an Amber? How many niggas can't wait to get with her, and how many niggas plotting now, you tweaking bruh,"
"Tell his ass again bro," Amber says coming in the garage. She looked good.
"Wassup sis, damn lil man should be here huh?" He says rubbing her stomach.
"His ass being stubborn like his mommy, but yeah I can't wait til he come," They hug and I spark another blunt.
Amber walks towards me and leans on me. "What's up?" I ask wrapping my arm around her.
"You look good,"
"You do too,"
"I see you left and went and got a haircut, and didn't even come in the hous," she says with a grin making me laugh a little.
"Man I saw dot at the barbershop this wasn't even planned," I reply.
"Mmhm," she plays in beard before pulling me in for a kiss.
"It was nice seeing you Kenny," she says before walking away
"You too sis," he says laughing.
"Man she sum else,"
"I told you she yo day one you need to go in there and put a handle on that man and get back good, but like I was saying I'm gone always tell yo ass when you wrong just like this shit with Emilio you need to cut his ass short man he giving me a bad vibe like real shit,"
"Man it's crazy you say that shit, I left my wallet back at the office the other day and I coulda sworn I seen Krista, I doubled the block and I seen her Lamborghini, and I know it's her cause she still got that I love Jesus and that Dominican flag sticker on her bumper. Plus I seen her plates on one of the cameras, she tried to break in a month ago. She's a dumb bitch and when I catch her I'm a buss a cap in her ass,"
"But why in the fuck would she be at Emilio's?" Dot asked as he sipped on another beer.
"Man I don't know if I was just high or tweaking but I seen her ass and went I went back to that elevator looking for her she was gone,"
"And what's crazy , Emilio has been acting weird as fuck always calling meetings and shit with me and Richard, why he never ask you to come? Y'all shared some words or some?"
"Nah I been keeping my distance I'm already a target, I ain't fucking with it bro real shit that nigga a snake, you better watch ya back at all times," he says scratching his head. He started shaking his head and making sounds.
"Man wassup bro, you know some I don't?"
"Man I'm just thinking, Emilio's ass was always bragging about his daughters, any chance you think him and Krista related?"
"Fuck! You a motherfucking genius dot, I knew it I knew it!" I yell slamming my hand down on the hood of my truck. I knew something was up Krista being Emilio's daughter makes so much sense. I'm mad I ain't been thought about it.
"Now you got this new information what you gone do bout it?"
"I'm gone kill both they ass, I swear it,"
"Before you get too hasty, I say we hit Emilio where the shit hurt, I had a plan working in motion anyways," He says lighting a cigarette.
"Wassup, I knew yo ass was holding out, why you ain't said shit?"
"Cause man, you was under that nigga ass crack I didn't know if I could trust you,"
"Come on Dot, you know damn well you can trust me,"
"Look if we do this shit can't be no fuck ups, and you gotta do as I say yo ass start getting big headed and forget the script,"
"I'm a follow yo lead I promise bro,"
"Iight so right now, Emilio trying to make a move on Xavier territory I say we play middle man, work for both they ass, knock them both down, take the lead and bring Game back out on these niggas, you ain't no fucking corner boy no more Jayce you need to be thinking about your legacy, I swear they won't see the shit coming,"
"Man only reason why I put that part of myself on a shelf was because of Amber, I killed a nigga and she found out about it, I been trying to go down the right way but shit niggas has been walking around like they running shit and I need to dead this as well as Krista, you still got that private investigators information?"
"Yeah I can set up a meeting if you want,"
"Yeah. It'll be like killing two birds with one stone, we make a move on Emilio's ass, while I get some intel on Krista, once I get everything I need to know then I'll make my moves,"
"Bet, I'm gone call you in the morning after I take my baby to work, I'll holla at you be smooth bru," he says before holding out his fist. We gave each other dap and a hug.
"Yeah you too bro, be smooth,"
I close the garage and then take the garbage out making my way back in the house. I walked and fed chewy, finished cleaning, and then turned the lights out downstairs. After taking a shower and getting comfortable in a pair of boxers and a white tee, I rolled me one more blunt, and went out to the balcony, surprisingly, Amber was out there on her phone laughing at TikTok videos.
"I knew you was coming out here," she says once I sit down.
"Yeah it's your normal routine, I still remember a lot of things about you like right now something heavy is on your mind, what's up?"
"Shit a lot, this Emilio nigga,"
"Ain't he the new guy you been working for?"
"Yeah, rich ass Italian motherfucker, I left my wallet at his office the other day and I thought or think I saw Krista, i put two and two together and I think she's his daughter, I'm already working on confirming it,"
"So what you gone do if you find out she is?"
"It's only one thing I can do, take care they ass honestly," I say taking a puff of my blunt.
"Jayce I hope you fix all this shit, it's fucked up,"
"I know baby, and I'm sorry iight, I'm sorry for all the cheating the secrets I'm trying to be straight up with you, fuck I'm glad you home I been missing you, like crazy, like real shit I ain't been fucking nobody I been back to the lotion and porn," I say and she laughs.
"I'm for real man, I got blue balls like a mother fucker, but I swore I wasn't putting you threw no more shit,"
"Baby look I know alright, I know I been saying that before and shit but I'm gone be a man and own up to my shit, I was a dog, I was wrong but I wanna show you I can change and do right please give me another chance,"
"I love you Jayce, and I miss you I do, but you gone have to prove it, I've given you too much," she says before walking away.
I finished my blunt in deep thought then I went to check in on Harlem. He was sprawled across the bed holding his Spider-Man plush doll I gave him. I put him in the bed correctly, pulling the covers over him, turning on his night light and cutting the lamp off.
I gave him a kiss on his forehead and then left out. Going in the room, Chewy was sleep at the bottom of the bed, while Amber was sleep as well. I was glad as fuck she was home, I missed her lie crazy, I crawled up behind her and wrapped my arms around her. When she rubbed my arms and put her hand in mine I smiled wide before drifted off.
- In Serial68 Chapters
Magical Cosmic
Victor Petard Asterisk was just an explorer, like many others. Roaming unknown parts of the galaxy, seeking the answers to Humanity’s greatest mysteries among the stars. One day, he chanced upon an unnatural wormhole that brings him to another Universe. A Universe filled with magic and wonder! “Hah! With my advanced technology, who would dare challenge me?” “You there, savages! Still using bows and swords? Better go back to farming in the countryside!” "And you! What's with that backward magic staff? Use mine instead and witness its power." Filled with determination and experience, from years of exploring, Victor will seek out the unknown and unravel the deep mysteries held within this strange Universe. Follow Victor’s journey, as he lays down a legend that will echo throughout the Multiverse and last for eternity. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a Science Fantasy story where technology will eventually change the civilization. The first few chapters might contain a bit explanation but it get better overtime. Kingdom Building is starting around 20s chapter. Although there is Comedy and Romance here and there, it wasn't the main focus of the story. The length of every chapter is around 1500++ words, might be longer but rarely shorter. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: English is my second language! I will be trying to improve over time but it takes time. So please bear with me... Also, if you're going to point out any grammar mistake in the story. Thanks in advance.... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New chapter will be released every two days. This time the art cover wasn't mine so if the owner want to take it down, just tell me. For anyone that want to join me on Discord: Magical Cosmic
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The multiverse is slowly being corrupted. Many universes have already fallen into decay. As their worlds crumble the World Lords, ancient beings of immense power, call out to their long-forgotten creator, asking for aid. Their requests are answered, however the form that aid takes is rather, unexpected. They are not given more power or direct intervention. Instead, they get a few handfuls of weak unsuspecting souls in need of endless training, as soldiers. If that wasn’t bad enough. An entity that was ancient before their universe was born, is assigned to keep an eye on the help. The entity in question isn’t exactly happy about it either. None of the parties involved are happy with the situation, but they will have to learn to work together if they want to survive what is coming.
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