《My Sons Tutor || Jayceon Taylor & Amber Riley》Chapter 5
Amber -
"Good morning sleepy head," Jayceon smiled as I came in the kitchen.
"Good morning, hmmm you made eggs?" I asked him.
"Yeah and bacon that didn't burn," he said as we laughed. He fixed me and the kids a plate and we ate together. Five minutes and I was getting irritated by the cursing.
"Okay okay, Jayce, you can't curse and expect them not too," I said.
"I always say that but nobody listens to California," Cali said.
"My bad Amber," Jayceon said.
"Sorry Amber," the boys said.
"Daddy can we go to Dave and Busters tonight?" Cali asked.
"Yeah daddy please?" King pleaded.
"And can Amber come with us?" Harlem asked. Jayceon looked at me and I smiled.
"It's up to you?" He smiled.
"I don't mind," I laughed.
"Alright then, tonight it is," he smiled. After we ate I helped him clean up and he dropped me off at home. I laid in bed and got some rest until later on tonight.
Jayceon -
The kids had been bugging me all day about getting Amber some roses or some type of gift for tonight. I noticed that she was always wearing purple jewelry, so I went to the mall and got her a purple pendant.
"She's gonna like it Daddy," Harlem smiles.
"Yeah she is," California said.
"Guys I want to talk to you about something," I said sitting on the couch.
"About What Daddy?" California asked as she sat on my lap.
"I really like Amber," I said.
"We do too daddy," they all said.
"I mean like her like her what y'all say now," I laughed.
"Dad we are well educated on how relationships go," Cali said. I chuckled.
"Oh really?" I asked.
"Yes daddy you meet the person tell them you like them become friends then you become good friends, then you become real good friends, and then you get married," she said. I couldn't help but laugh.
"So you guys wouldn't be mad if I became real good friends with her?" I asked.
"No, we love Amber," Cali said.
"Yeah and if you haven't noticed, were always trying to get guys together," King grinned.
"Oh yeah really," I said grabbing him and tickling him.
"Alright y'all go get dressed," I said. The kids ran upstairs and so did I. I got in the shower and started getting dressed. I wanted to look good for Amber but I didn't know what to wear.
Amber -
I was sitting down doing my make up when Ashley came and plopped down on my bed. "Where you going?" She asked me.
"To Dave and Busters with Jayce and the kids," I said
"Ooooo Jayceon," she teased me.
"Shut up," I said as we laughed.
"Hey he is fine I want you to go for it," she laughed.
"We're just friends right now," I said.
"Mmmhm," she smirked.
"I'm serious Ash were just friends,"
"So you don't find Jayceon attractive?"
"Girl Hell Yeah he's fine as fuck, but right now, I just think we should just be friends,"
"What? Girl why?" She asked me.
"Because he still wears his wedding ring Ash, he still has his wife as his lockscreen, he's still in love with her, and I can't compete with that," I said.
"Girl put it down on him and make him forget," she said.
"Girl," we both laughed.
"Well just give it some time don't rush into it,"
"I'm not," I said just as my phone vibrated. It was a text from Jayceon saying he was on his way. I finished getting dressed. Grabbing my purse and phone I made it outside the minute they got here.
"You look beautiful," Jayceon smiled the minute I walked outside.
"Thank you, you look good yourself," I said back.
"Oh these are for you," he said handing me a bouquet of flowers. As he handed me the flowers I observed his fingers, I guess he had decided to leave his wedding ring at home. I was happy, it always felt awkward being around him when he had it on.
"Aw Jayceon you didn't have to do this,"
"I know it was the kids idea," he said looking back at the car. The kids were looking out the window smiling, and waving . I couldn't help but laugh and wave back.
"You ready to go?" He asked me.
"Yeah let's go," he opened the door for me and once I got in he got in on his side. The ride to Dave and Busters was pretty funny the kids were giving Jayceon hell.
"So that's funny?" He asked me getting mad.
"Jayce I did-"
"Nah I see who side you on," he said laughing and shaking his head. We got out and went outside, after buying chips we started playing games. I played Basketball against Cali and then against Jayceon. He thought he was slick trying to cheat.
"Jayceon stop it," I laughed as he kept trying to take my balls.
"I ain't even doing nothing, he tried to take one again and I pinched him.
"Stop playing with me," I said as I punched him twice. He laughed and so did I. The kids wanted to play some other games, so we let them run wild and have fun. Jayceon bought a funnel cake and we shared one while the kids shared one.
"This is good daddy," Cali said stuffing her mouth.
"Yeah I'm glad you like it that thing was fucking $15," he said and I hit him.
"Jayce what did we discuss about cursing," I said.
"My bad," he laughed.
"I need a dollar daddy," Cali said holding out her hand. Sighing I reached in my pocket and pulled out a dollar giving it to her.
"I hope you at least saving this money,"I said.
"I do I have three hundred dollars saved,"
"Really?" He asked.
"Yeah daddy the more you curse the richer I get," she said holding up the dollar and sipping her lemonade. I couldn't help but giggle. "So that was funny? Huh," he asked pinching me.
"Jayceon stopppp," I giggled trying to move his hand away but he wasn't letting up. I hit him a little harder and he laughed.
"Okay okay," he laughed.
"You gone listen to me?" I asked as I held his ear. "Yes," he said laughing. I let him go and he started tickling me I couldn't stop laughing. We did this all night every time we were alone he would say or do something stupid and I would end up beating on him. I was starting to think he was doing this on purpose.
After Dave and Busters we went to Olive Garden. We all ordered our food and started eating. I don't know why but his steak was looking so good. "Stop eyeing my steak Amber," he laughed.
"Shut up," I laughed
"Here," he put some on his fork and fed me. I blushed turning my head and he laughed.
"What's That Amber?" King asked me as he pointed to my crab meat.
"It's crab meat," I said as I fed him. He ate it and nodded his head.
"You like it?" I asked.
"Yeah it's good," he said nodding his head. I gave him some more and he ate like this was going to be his last meal. While we were eating, Jayceon wipes his mouth and wraps his arms around me as he leans back in his seat.
I didn't even complain it felt good having his arms wrapped around me. Cali and Harlem talked my ears off while King tried to eat my food and his. I didn't mind it though, I loved these kids they were the life of the party.
After we ate we had dessert and then we left. Jayceon dropped the kids off at his mothers and we went to the lakefront. We talked for what seemed like hours and it had only been thirty minutes. We listened to each other's playlist and I learned that Jayceon was just like me, hood but freaky as hell.
We had some old school Joe playing in the background as he smoked a blunt. I was leaned back in the seat with my feet propped up laughing. "You getting cold?" He asked me.
"No I'm fine, Cali's blanket and this heat is doing my justice," I said.
"You sure I can turn the heat up or-"
"Jayce I'm fine honest," I laughed.
"Alright," we sat in silence for a minute and I watched him smoke. He was so sexy, and this music wasn't helping. I instantly grabbed my phone changing to something different.
"I'm sorry but this song putting me in a different type of mood," I said as we laughed.
"Same here," he said as he looked at me with the sexiest look ever. The song changed to Teena Marie and Rick James song Fire and Desire and I turned it up, and starting singing.
Jayceon -
As I inhaled my blunt I looked at Amber in awe, I didn't even know that she could blow like that. Baby girl had a beautiful voice, and she did it so effortlessly. Like it was nothing.
She wasn't lying I was being put in a different mood. I wanted her bad, so damn bad but I don't want her to think that that's all that I want from her. I want more, I want years to this shit. I wanna start all over again and give my heart to someone new. Don't get me wrong Vicky will always my love, but I just can't get Amber out of my head.
I think about her all day, everyday. I try to make excuses just to call or text her. I'm always stalking Harlem seeing if he has math homework just so Amber can come over. I don't know what it is, but I'm catching feelings, and I don't know why.
I reached in the back grabbing the necklace that I had bought her, I think this was the perfect time to give it to her. I sat up in my seat putting my blunt out. She looked over at me, and I smiled. She smiled back.
"You okay?" She asked me.
"Yeah I'm good, I wanted to give you a lil something something," I said grabbing the bag.
"Jayce, you didn't have to get me anything," she said smiling.
"I know I know but it honestly was the kids idea they told me to get you something nice and I'm a very observant guy, I noticed your purple phone case, purple ring that you wear, your purse," I said touching her purse.
"I figured purple was yo color, so I got you this," I said showing her the necklace.
"Oh my god! Jayceon! This is so beautiful!" She said holding it.
"You like it?" I asked her.
"Jayceon I love it, I love it so much," she said about to cry.
"Come on Amb don't cry," I said smiling as I moved her hand.
"This is really sweet Jayceon, the fact that you even pay attention to those things," she said wiping her eyes. I grabbed her necklace putting it on for her. Once she put it on she showed me how it looked on her. She was so damn beautiful.
"I pay attention to everything baby," I said as I looked at her. She ran her fingers through my hair, and I gripped her waist. I wanted her so bad.
"You are being so naughty," she said as we laughed.
"I can't help it," I said moving her hair out of her face. She pecked my lips and I gripped her waist kissing her back I didn't want the kiss to end. She took her hand and softly rubbed the side of my face.
Before the kiss got hot we both pulled away. I looked at her and she looked at me. "You better stop playing for I put you in the back," I said as she giggled.
"It is not that easy Jayce, we can kiss all night long and I will still leave you with blue balls," she said seriously.
"Damn for real," I laughed.
"Yes, if you want this you have to work for it it's not easy," she said.
"Alright, just know I'm ready to roll up my sleeves, and get to work," she smiled and so did I. We spent another thirty minutes at the lake before I dropped her off. I helped her get out and walked up with her to the front door. I watched around as she unlocked her door, once she opened it we hugged, and said our goodbyes.
When I made it home, I showered and rolled another blunt. After smoking I got in bed turning on the book docks. My phone rang from a FaceTime from Amber.
"What you doing?" I asked as the FaceTime was paused, it said reconnecting then I could see her again. Even after taking the make up off she was still beautiful.
"Wrapping my hair, what are you doing?" She asked.
"Laying in bed watching the boondocks," I said.
"Aw I'm watching game of thrones," she said as she tied her scarf up. She put some type of strips under her eyes.
"What's those for?" I asked.
"So I won't get any bags under my eyes, normally I'd put my mask on but I'm skipping out tonight,"
"Why?" I asked.
"Cause it's a long process I have to mix my base let it sit, just a lot, that I don't have time for,"
"Stop being lazy," I laughed.
"I am not, but anyways I'm going to the gym tomorrow did you wanna come along?" She asked.
"Sure I don't mind it what time?" I asked.
"I like to go in the afternoon,"
"Okay cool the kids will still be at my moms so we can go," I said.
"K," she laid down in bed and turned her light out.
"Damn I can't see your pretty face no more," I pouted.
"I'm sorry," she laughed turning the light back on.
"You're so beautiful Amb," I said honestly.
"Thank you handsome," she said back. She started talking my ears off but it was good We was talking about our short term, long term goals, she wanted to eventually stop teaching and relocate somewhere else.
She even told me how she wanted her dream house to look, I took it all in. We discussed some of everything, music, fashion, west coast vs east cost, baby girl was well educated on not only math. She was book and street smart just the way I liked them.
Not to compare but I could never have these types of conversations with V. She always thought it was crap, or she didn't care about rap and hip hop beefs. As much as I loved my wife sometimes we didn't connect like this.
I couldn't tell her what my favorite show was and we discuss theories the way me and Amber are discussing shows right now. I couldn't tell her what albums were my favorite albums, I mean she knew but she didn't know why they were my favorite albums.
The more and more I think things through, Victoria was my wife, my high school sweetheart, but she wasn't the love of my life. She wasn't my soulmate. I know it's so early on, but I honestly feel like Amber was supposed to be the woman that had my kids Amber was supposed to be my wife, she was supposed to be the love of my life. I'm not saying that it won't happen because I'm going to do everything in my power to make it happen. I'm going to make Amber my wife.
"You sleepy?" I asked.
"A little bit,"
"You wanna go to sleep,"
"No stay on the phone with me, don't hang up," she whined.
"Alright let me put my phone on charge, so it won't die.
"Okay Jayce," she said in a sleepy voice. I put my phone on charge and turned my tv off. She turned hers off and I laid down.
"Goodnight lucky charm," I said to her
"Lucky charm?" She laughed.
"Yeah You my good luck charm,"
"So corny," she laughed. I skipped my lips.
"Hush I think it's cute, good night Jayce,"
"Good night," and with that they both drifted off to sleep still on the phone.
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