
❝ shit! jimin? hello? you there? ❞

❝ slow down, jin-hyung. what is it? ❞

❝ fuck, yoongi is at the bar by himself and namjoon said hoseok just left him because he had an emergency. we don't know what he will do alone, you need to go get him! ❞

❝ i don't know if that's a good idea. ❞

❝ you know what's a good idea? me throwing you out of our apartment if you don't go pick up yoongi! ❞

❝ but jin-hyung, yoongi hates me! what makes you think he'll let me take him back home? ❞

❝ first off, didn't i tell you yoongi does nOT hate you? second, who says you have to bring him home? just let him crash at our place. ❞

❝ woah woah, hyung! i don't know if you've ever been to the bar with yoongi before, but let me just say that he takes his alcohol really really well. he's not going to 'crash' unconscious at our place even if he drinks all the liquor they have there, alright? ❞

❝ just go get him for god's sake, jimin! yoongi could be dying from intoxication or something even worst right now. just go get him! ❞

❝ okay, okay. but if he doesn't budge, don't say i didn't at least try. ❞

❝ i'll take it for now, just go! ❞

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