
❝ hyung, c'mon. let's go home. ❞

❝ let go, jimin! ❞

❝ hyung, please at least do it for jin-hyung! he asked me to come get you. ❞

❝ jin? wow... ❞

❝ what? ❞

❝ even my hiccup favorite dongsaseng wouldn't volunteer to pick me up, how pathetic of me ❞

❝ hyung, don't say that. ❞

❝ i don't even deserve that hon- hiccup rific, jimin! ❞

❝ hyung, c'mon, please. let's go.❞

❝ why don't you just leave me here, huh? why don't you just hiccup leave me since you treat me with so much disrespect. ❞

❝ yoongi! i don't disrespect you and i don't mean to, alright? you've carried me out and helped me through everything, the least i can do is do it once for you! ❞

the drop in honorifics made yoongi's heart swell.

❝ look hyung. yes, i came because jin-hyung told me to and i would have refused if it were any other day. but this is you we're talking about and i'd honestly do anything to see you and talk to you again. i promise you, after i get you home, you won't ever have to talk to me again. if you'd just let me follow jin-hyung's orders, i promise it will only be for tonight, then you won't ever have to talk to me again. ❞

❝ then i'm not leaving. ❞

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