
❝ and he wouldn't even let me explain myself! ❞

❝ you know how yoongi is like, jimin. why is this coming as a surprise? ❞

❝ because he... he never yelled at me before. i really messed up, huh, jin-hyung? ❞

❝ hey hey hey, don't cry, jimin. ❞

❝ b-but yoongi-hyung has n-never hated me be-before... ❞

❝ you should know him by now. he loves you most out of all of us, he can't hate you no matter what he says or what he does. ❞

❝ b-but... ❞

❝ listen, jimin. i can't defend your side all the time and this time, it's your fault. he has helped you through thick and thin, whether or not you've returned the favor. trust me, he loves you. but what you did... hell, even i'd be mad and i'm the most easygoing person! yoongi is the type to express his hate and anger through silence but he would never for you, could never. sorry but you're the problem this time. ❞

❝ ... ❞

❝ just let him cool down, jimin. he'll come around eventually. until then, you should think of ways on how to apologize if you still want yoongi as your hyung. ❞

❝ o-okay... ❞

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