
❝ hyung... ❞

❝ ... ❞

❝ hyung, look- ❞

❝ save it, jimin. ❞

❝ no, you don't get it. i'm- ❞

❝ i said save it, jimin. you don't have to explain yourself. ❞

❝ hyung... ❞

yoongi suddenly hated how the honorific rolled off of jimin's usual sweet tongue.

❝ i don't want to hear it.❞

❝ please, hyung ❞

❝ what don't you understand, park jimin?! ❞

jimin hated when yoongi said his full name.

❝ i don't understand why you're so difficult! i just want to explain myself! is that too much to ask?! ❞

❝ yes, in fact, it is. just leave, alright? i'm sure you're well rested enough to go home by yourself. ❞

❝ wait, hyung.. i can't go home now! jin-hyung is home and he'd kill me. ❞

❝ you and i both know you're better off being murdered by jin-hyung than me right now, park. so you better leave before i do anything else that i'll regret.❞

❝ please, yoongi... ❞

if yoongi's heart panged at the drop of honorifics, almost as if jimin had read his mind, he didn't show it.

❝ leave. we need a break from being with each other. ❞

❝ you're saying that as if we're dating...❞

❝ what? ❞

❝ nevermind. i'll go. ❞

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