
❝ taehyungie-ah! why aren't you dancing? ❞

❝ look, jimin. i wanted to make you happy by coming, but in all honesty, i wanted to stay home with jungkook. ❞

❝ it's always jungkook, jungkook, jungkook with you now, isn't it? when will you ever have time for us again? ❞

❝ ... ❞

❝ you know what? fine! you want to spend time with jungkook? go! i didn't want you here anyway. ❞

❝ jimin, it's not like that! ❞

❝ yeah it's exactly like that. just leave! ❞


❝ what's an angel like you doing here so late? oh, and without a partner? ❞

❝ i just wanted to hiccup have some fun tonight. ❞

❝ why don't i help you with that, then? ❞

❝ i'm hiccup fine, thanks. i don't want hiccup any trouble. ❞

❝ no worries, darling. i'll take real good care of you. ❞

❝ jimin! ❞

❝ y-yoongi hiccup hyung? ❞

❝ you better stay away from him! ❞

❝ this your boyfriend, angel? ❞

❝ he... ❞

❝ punch yeah i'm his boyfriend, better scram before i kick your ass some more ❞


❝ hyung, why did you do that? ❞

❝ he was about to do some stupid things, not only to himself but you too. ❞

❝ if taehyung sent hiccup sent you over, tell him you saw me and you can go. ❞

❝ are you out of your fucking mind, jimin? ❞

❝ i just wanted to hiccup have some fun, hyung! both of you ruined it for me. ❞

❝ fuck that, fuck this!i'm taking you home, minnie. ❞

❝ i don't WANT to go home, let me have hiccup fun hyung! ❞

❝ you are insanely drunk right now, you think i'll leave you alone like this? ❞

❝ hyung! ❞

❝ jimin, i swear to god. you better listen to me or don't even think about calling me hyung ever again. ❞

❝ y-you wouldn't do that... ❞

❝ have i ever joked about anything? ❞

❝ i... okay ❞

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