《The last adventure ~The Goonies~ Brand Walsh》Chapter 11


I was sitting against the rocks with Brand next to me, he rested his head on my shoulder causing me to smile and I began playing with his hair. He looked up at me and smiled. I smiled and continued running my fingers through his hair.

"Sammy, you've got very pretty eyes" he whispered. I blushed and smiled.

Once again he looked up at me and smiled. He sat up and sat besides me holding my hand, he was playing with a lock of my brunette hair twirling it around. We looked over at the boys and saw them with the map and a skull medallion.

"Why couldn't I have a little sister? Just a little sister instead of that?" Brand said. I giggled softly with a smile and rested my head on his feeling fatigue.

"Ahhhh!" We jumped up and saw Mikey's hand stuck in a wall and a bowling ball was rolling on tracks.

"What is that?" Stef asked and Andi jumped up to us clinging onto Brand.

The floor dropped under Data, Immediately I rushed down to the hole. No this can't have happened. He's dead.

The others raced down besides me and Mouth. I got teary and hid my head in Brand's chest. He wrapped his arm around me and held my head in the back of his hand.

"You guys I've been saved by my pinchers of peril!" Data exclaimed. I looked back down at the hole and smiled. He's not dead!

"Hey you guys, I'm in another room" he said.

We got Data back up and talked amongst ourselves.

"Pee break! Anyone want a pee break!" Mikey shouted.

"Me" everyone admitted in their own special way.

"Okay that's the little boys room, that's the little girls room" Mikey said and they all went down their little tunnels.


I saw one on the other side of the cave and went down the tunnel so I could do my business by myself.

"Brand! Brand!" Andi yelled. I rolled my eyes and shook it off.

I got my overalls back on and walked back to the main area and saw Brand and then Mikey, who looked like he was in dream land. I looked over at Stef who nodded and I hid my laugh. Andi kissed Mikey thinking it was Brand! Ha ha.

Brand looked at me and placed his finger on his lips, I nodded and crouched down besides him and saw the Fratelli's. They're here crap! Andi rushed out and made a bunch of noise which made us all have to run.

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