《The last adventure ~The Goonies~ Brand Walsh》Chapter 12


We came to a log across a river, It was slippery and wet. Brand crossed over and held his hand out, I carefully but quickly crossed over but slipped just as I got to the end but Brand caught me. I thanked him quickly and helped the others cross over. Data was the last one to cross, he had an idea it was crazy but smart.

"Slick shoes!" He shouted and began making them work.

"Slick shoes are you crazy!" Mikey and Mouth shouted.

Data began walking across while the liquid poured onto the log.

"Hi guys remember me?" The one Mikey said sings asked.

We took off running and into another tunnel. We lit the candles and such and saw a freaky looking piano.

"Wow" we all gasped.

We got Mouth to read the paper and basically it said to many mistakes and you're dead.

"Bowie, you're a music freak play the piano" Mouth said pushing me towards it.

"I know music I don't know how to play an instrument!" I shouted.

"I took piano lessons!" Andi announced proudly. They got her to play it the first note was a success and a passageway slightly opened.

"Good job Andi you're doing it!" Brand shouted.

"Okay okay it's coming back to me okay" she did a new note which didn't work and the floor beneath me dropped, I screamed but was caught before I fell to my death. I was breathing heavily with panic, the next note opened it a little bit more. But the next one sent Brand about to fall but we caught him.

Data rushed off to see how the Fratelli's were doing. He came rushing back but knocked Andi into the piano causing the ground behind us to fall. So we were huddling up right now.


"I can't tell if the last one is an A sharp or a B flat" Andi said panicking

"Well if you get it wrong we'll all be flat" Mikey said. We all looked at him with painful looks. She got it right we all ran into it, I was the last one to get on the bridge. Brand ran up to me and took my hand.

"Brand, wait" I said he looked at me like I was crazy as I went back.

The Fratelli's had guns, I went to grab the map but looked up at the Fratelli's and saw them pointing their guns at me.

"Shoot her!" The woman shouted.

"No!" Brand shouted as the gun went off I held the map and Brand pulled me back before I got shot. He fell on his back on the bridge with his arms wrapped around me.

We were both breathing heavily in fear, I stood up and helped him up we rushed through the gap and looked at the others and saw a WATER SLIDE!

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