《The last adventure ~The Goonies~ Brand Walsh》Chapter 10


We jumped through the hole and began walking Brand was in the lead but then Andi took over and she was freaking out.

"Is she okay?" Data asked.

"Andi" I said trying to help.

"Don't you talk to me!" She shouted and slapped my cheek. Everyone but Andi gasped they were all staring at me, I waved them off and continued walking.

She was going on about her looks and such it was getting annoying really. But then again she's probably in shock soooo.

"Then I'd look like him" she said and then screamed running towards us causing us to run back. We came back and saw a skeleton under a rock, ouch what a painful death.

Data then went on about Chester Copperpot and how this is him. Mikey looked at his wallet and it is him. The head fell off and I screamed jumping back into Brand's chest. Mikey found string and pulled it making a contraption start working.

Brand took my hand and pushed me up a ledge. The others came up and Mikey quickly jumped off and grabbed the lantern before coming back on just as the last rock fell.

Everyone was talking super fast with panic, Brand had his arm wrapped around my chest keeping me close to him. His hand was resting on my shoulder, his breathing was heavy.

"Wait you guys! Shut up!" He shouted, everyone did and we could hear a weird sound.

"It sounds like someone is down there" he said.

"Maybe it's a way out" Andi said.

"Maybe it's the Fratelli's" Stef said.

"Maybe Chunk found the police" Mouth said.

Brand and I crawled over to move the rock and looked through the hole.

"Brand, Sam god put that rock there for a purpose and I'm not sure ummm..." Stef said.


"Hello?" Brand shouted.

Suddenly a lot of bats came through, flying everyone. We were all screaming in fear as the bats flew in our faces,

I curled up in a ball facing the ground so the bats couldn't touch my face. They finally disappeared and we went through the hole and continued on our journey. My cheek was slightly stinging from Andi slapping me, Brand took my hand and pulled me to a spot away from the others.

"Sammy, are you okay?" He asked gently caressing the cheek that Andi slapped.

"Yeah, I'm okay" I said quietly. He hugged me and kissed the top of my head. I looked at him with a smile and we continued walking this time hand in hand.

"You guys! Look it's a beautiful waterfall!" Mikey exclaimed we all rushed over and saw the water. I smiled and stood in front of it with the others. Mikey stepped towards then the rest of us did. There was coins, lots of coins.

"Wait guys this isn't gold, it's a wishing well. Look, look" Stef said pointing to were Brand was.

"This must be the Old Mosgard Wishing Well" he said standing on the stand looking at the hole above him.

I saw that Brand had picked up a piece of paper, I climbed up to where he was and looked at it. I smiled seeing it was my wish from when I was five. It had a coin taped to it with sticky tape and then my writing and my name and age.

Brand looked at me with a smile and handed me the note. He tucked some of my hair behind my ear and looked at me with dreamy eyes.

"That's so cute" he whispered, I quietly giggled and smiled at him. I placed the note back down so it stayed and could become a wish.


I heard talking I looked up and could hear Troy and his friends talking.

"Hey Troy, how far have you gotten with Andi?" One asked.

"All the way?" Another asked laughing.

"Shut up, Alright put it this way I didn't make it with her yet... and I stress yet." Troy said.

"What about Samantha? She's pretty hot. Got anywhere with her?" guy number one asked.

"She keeps saying no, she's so stubborn and I stress with that too" Troy said tossing the coin into the well.

I caught it and waited with a smirk on my face.

"Well, what did you wish for?" Guy number two asked.

"To make it with both Andi and Samantha" he said.

I tossed the coin back and heard commotion from above. Brand looked at me and smiled I winked and heard Troy shout.

"Hey! Who's down there!" He shouted.

"Hey!" We all yelled.

"Wait, Andi Samantha is that you?" Troy asked.

"Yes it's us Troy now can you please send down the bucket and rope?" She asked.

"What the hell are you doing at the bottom of the well?" Troy asked

"Don't ask stupid questions! Just send down the rope!" Andi yelled

"Maybe I will make it with them" Troy said with such cockiness and his friends laughed.

They got the bucket down and Andi was first to want to go up. She placed her feet in and held onto the rope.

"Chester Copperpot!" Mikey shouted causing us to all look at him.

"Don't you guys see? Haven't you realised? Chester Copperpot was a pro and he didn't make it this far, but look at how far we've got. Give it a chance" Mikey said.

"A chance at what? Getting killed? Look if we keep going someone's gonna get seriously hurt or killed, plus we need to get the police" Andi said.

"Maybe Chunk already got to the police" Mikey said.

"Maybe Chunk is dead" Andi spat.

"Hey! Don't you say that! Goonies never say die" Mikey said with a heroic voice.

"I'm not a Goonie, neither is Stef and I want to go home" Andi said.

"I forgot... but still! Don't you realise the next time we sky it will be in another town. The next time you take a test it will be in another school, our parents they want the bestest stuff for us. But right now we've gotta do what's right for them, cause it's their time, up their is their time. Down here it's our time, it's our time down her! And the moment we go up in Troy's bucket it's all over"

We all look at each other remembering what this was all about, I grabbed Brand's hand and held it he looked up at me and smiled giving my hand a kiss.

We placed Andi's jacket on it and then we began doing our own things.

"ANDI! SAMANTHA!" Troy shouted.

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