《The last adventure ~The Goonies~ Brand Walsh》Chapter 9


"The wuss is right, come on" Brand said and we all raced down to the fireplace.

Brand went down first, then I did I stepped off and moved to the side as Andi started climbing down, she turned and smiled at Brand before moving to the side. Mouth came down, then Stef, Data and then Mikey.

"Shush!" We whispered to them as the Fratelli's came into the room.

"Where's Chunk?" I asked.

"He's up there" Mikey said.

Brand climbed back up the ladder and placed the logs over the hole and watched the Fratelli's fight. They walked out and Chunk came out of the freezer.

"Chunk, over here" Brand said.

"What are you doing down there?" He asked coming to the fireplace.

"Go get the police, tell them what's happened" Brand said.

"Chunk, we're in some serious shit right now. You've gotta get the police, look behind you"

"The window" Brand said and the two climbed down.

"Did you see him?" Data asked.

"He's going to get the police" Brand said grabbing hold of my hand.

"The Fratelli's are here, come on guys we've gotta go" Mikey said.

Andi and Stef were complaining that we've been walking forever, when we've only walked for five minutes.

"Look guys, Sammy and I are the oldest we'll be in charge" Brand said looking at the others.

"Do you have a light?" Mikey asked Data.

"I said I was in charge, do you have a light?" Brand asked Data.

"A light sure I do! Back up, back up! Bully blinders!" Data yelled and really bright lights began shining from Data's gizmo bag.

"Ahhhh, turn around" we all said but he wasn't listening he was just telling us a story. The lights died down making everything dark again.

"Only problem is the batteries don't last to long" he explained.


"Guys there's light up ahead, maybe we can get out that way come on" Mikey said.

I took a step and kicked something, I bent down and picked up an old lantern.

"Data, do you have any matches?" I asked.

He nodded and handed me some. I placed the lantern on a crate and Brand stood next to me, at first it was a struggle to light the lantern but after the forth time we finally did it!

"Yay!" We all shouted as we could see,

"Mouth your father is a plumber, what are these pipes all about?" Stef asked.

"These look like water pipes guys, gas pipes, drainage pipes..... hey guys the pipes would lead to a building or a foundation., maybe if we bang 'em hard enough we can create enough noise and get out of here" we all began yelling and screaming and shaking the pipes not knowing what we were doing to everyone above us.

It was fun to be honest, water was spitting out from them. I jumped to another pipe and began shaking that.

There was a loud sound making us all stop and listen. I slowly walked over to Brand wanting to be with him, he wrapped his arm around me as we continued to listen.

"Back pressure!" Mouth shouted.





"Like now!"

A pipe burst sending a bunch of water on a wall, the pressure of the water created a hole in the wall. Giving us an opportunity to get out.

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