《Regret ▻ The Originals [2]》27


In the Bayou, Jackson was in the middle of digging a grave out near his grandfather's when Ophelia walked up to him to update him on what was happening. Jackson was in the middle of hammering a wooden gravestone, which had been carved and burnt with the initials "A. L." and a crescent moon.

Sitting next to Jackson was a homemade coffin with Aiden's body inside, causing a saddened look to grow on Ophelia's face, "Elijah called Hayley," She informed her husband, "Freya is doing a locator spell to find us. We need to leave. Now." She paused, finally noticing that Jackson was digging a grave for Aiden, "Wait-- you're burying Aiden here?"

Jackson let out a large sigh, "We can't keep carrying him around forever. Just give me a minute to get him in the ground and we'll get out of here." He explained to Ophelia.

"Jack, this is where wolves bury murderers and traitors. I know that Aiden was answering to Klaus, but he was loyal to the pack in the end!" Ophelia argued with Jackson defensively, "That's what got him killed."

Jackson looked frustrated as he turned to face Ophelia, "You don't think I know that? You think this is how I wanna..." He trailed off, gesturing to the grave, "put Aiden to rest?"

As he paused, Ophelia looked at him sympathetically, "I don't have a choice, Ophelia," he reminded her, "You said it yourself, we gotta go."

Ophelia shook her head sadly, "It's not right. If we expect the wolves to put their lives on the line for Hope and I, they deserve to know that those lives matter to us," Ophelia explained to Jackson, who nodded his head in agreement, and Ophelia sighed deeply as she thought hard for a long moment, "We can take Aiden down-river, give him a proper Crescent funeral," Ophelia paused and Jackson looked both impressed and thankful for her suggestion, "Too much has been taken from our pack. I won't let them lose this as well, alright?"

Ophelia walked closer to Jackson, pulling the grave marker her husband made for Aiden out of the ground. She tossed it to the ground before turning to Jackson, "I'll get Hayley and Hope."


Meanwhile, Hayley, who was holding Hope in her arms, was walking with Ophelia, Jackson, and the rest of the Crescents through the forest on their way down the river.

Several of the men were carrying Aiden's coffin, and all of them were wielding melee weapons. Jackson and some of the others had a bow and a quiver full of arms, while others had axes, shortswords, or machetes. While they walked, Jackson and Ophelia talked quietly with each other, "So you used to run these woods when you were cursed to your wolf form?" She asked her husband curiously.

"And before it. I was an angry kid--I was pissed we were exiled, I was pissed at my parents, pissed that you were there to lead the pack..." Jackson explained before trailing off.


"Every kid with the wolf gene is angry, Jack. I was a nightmare. Triggering the curse actually made it worse for me since I was part witch," Ophelia began to tell Jackson, "The anger inside me made it uncontrollable. It was one of the reasons they made me immortal."

"I got worse, too," Jackson agreed with Ophelia, "Of course, it was different for me than it was for you. When I triggered my curse, the Crescent curse kicked in, so I was stuck as a wolf all month long. One full moon, our Alpha didn't show up. He was killed. So, I stepped up. Protected these people, kept them safe, and that calmed me down..." He trailed off, letting out a large sigh, "At least, for a little while."

Suddenly, Hope started crying loudly, clearly tired and unhappy, and Hayley looked stressed out. Ophelia sighed, turning to look over at Hayley and Hope, "Hey, we need to stop and feed her." She ordered and Jackson and the rest of the wolves immediately stopped walking before turning to her.

"There's a hideout about a half a mile south from here," Jackson informed Hayley and Ophelia, "Grab some guys to watch your back. I'll round up the rest and we'll make a perimeter. This bayou is our territory, and we'll defend it."

The wolves all split up and started to set up their security arrangements, leaving a very worried Hayley with Hope, Ophelia, and several other wolves.

About an hour later, Ophelia and Hayley in the hideout with Hope, who is playing in her playpen. The two women talked on the phone with Marcel, who was on speaker so that they could both talk to him.

"So, after all that, Klaus wasn't even the one that killed Aiden?" Hayley asked Marcel in disbelief.

"Thought you'd both wanna know," Marcel told Hayley, letting out a sigh, "But something tells me by how quiet Ophelia's being, she already knew."

Hayley turned to Ophelia, who avoided contact with her, which gave her the inkling that Marcel's presumption was right, "Why would he take the blame?" She asked Ophelia and Marcel in shock.

"Why do you think?" Ophelia retorted with an attitude, deciding to continue lying. Even though the truth had been revealed, the group still didn't know why Klaus did it. Even though she knew she shouldn't have now that he was daggered, Ophelia found herself continuing to lie for Klaus, "He's stubborn, and irresponsible, all that on top of being a bloodthirsty murdering lunatic. Does that give you your answer?"

Ophelia could almost imagine the eye roll coming from Marcel at that moment before he spoke up, "You doing okay, O?" He asked the woman in concern, causing Ophelia to let out a large sigh.

"How do you think I'm doing?" Ophelia asked Marcel with an attitude, causing Hayley's eyes to widen at how snappy she was suddenly being, "Pack morale isn't exactly the greatest right now. And Jackson, he's heartbroken..." The female trailed off, turning her head to look at a nearby wall, where 'J.K., A.L., O.R., 2005' was carved into the wood, "Aiden was our friend. He was innocent. He didn't deserve to die."


"You're a leader who cares for her people. I get it! Trust me, I've seen you do the same exact thing ever since Klaus took me in as a child," Marcel reminded her, "But you gotta remember, O, right now, you're a leader at war. Now, as you once told me, you can either be their friend, or their queen. You can't be both," He paused, causing Ophelia to let out a large sigh since she knew he was right, "Alright? These wolves, Jackson? They'd die for you. Question is, are you going to let them?"

When Marcel paused once more, Ophelia began to think about the question, remaining silent as she shared a glance with Hayley, "If the answer's 'yes,' then you gotta live with that."

Ophelia sighed, running a hand through her hair as she thought hard on his question.

Soon after, Ophelia could hear Elijah outside arguing with Jackson, causing Hayley to grab Hope and follow Ophelia outside, "Elijah. You really shouldn't be here." She told the man, letting out a large sigh.

"We have another plan," Elijah informed Ophelia and Hayley, sounding almost emotionless, "Rebekah and Davina found a way. If we can replicate Ophelia and Hope's magic, we can lure Dahlia into a trap," She paused and both women nodded their heads in agreement, "After which, I'll kill her myself."

Elijah, who had been glaring at Jackson the entire time, finally turned so that he could face Hayley and Ophelia, "All we need is a vial of Hope's blood. Ophelia's as well."

Hayley was hesitant for a moment, turning toward Ophelia for guidance. Once Ophelia nodded her head, Hayley turned to Elijah once more, "We'll give you their blood," She finally decided, "We're trusting you, Elijah."

"And when we know Ophelia and Hope are safe, they can return to where they belong; With family," Elijah told the group and Jackson became unhappy upon hearing his statement, and began to glare at Elijah.


In was nightime and Jackson stood just outside the shack, clearly thinking about his lost friend. Ophelia walked over to Jackson, looking saddened, "The pack's gathering for the funeral. They're just waiting on one more."

Jackson nodded, finally turning to Ophelia, "Ophelia, before you returned to the pack, our pack chose me, not just to lead them, but to stand for them," He informed her, "We've lost too many to the Mikaelsons this year, and Elijah wants you to go back to their family when this is all over. But, I can't live under Klaus' roof and be the Alpha this pack deserves."

A worried look grew on Ophelia's face, knowing what Jackson was saying, "What are you trying to say, Jack?" She asked him concerned.

"I love you, Ophelia, and by extension, I love Hayley and Hope. I'll honor our vows always. But, I need to know who your family is," Jackson explained to her, walking closer, "But if you want to go back to the Mikaelsons, I can't go with you. If they really are your family, then I gotta protect my own."

Ophelia looked as though she was about to cry and Jackson gave her a weak, saddened smile before kissing her on the forehead, "I'll give you some time to think about it."

Jackson left and headed back to the woods, where the pack had gathered with torches for Aiden's funeral. Aiden's body had been wrapped in a white sheet and was laid on a handmade boat. Jackson walked over to stand behind him, looking as though he was about to cry.

After a moment, Ophelia joined him and intertwined her fingers with his before kissing him, "I don't need time, Jack," She told him, even though it was clear that she wasn't sure about if she was telling the truth or not, "I spent the majority of my immortal life with the Mikaelsons. It's been nothing but heartbreaks and the deaths of the people I love most. But then, I found you, and the pack. And for the first time in a very long time, I'm truly happy. We need to do right by them, starting with Aiden."

Suddenly, she heard footsteps nearby, causing her to turn to see Josh, who looked devastated and uncomfortable as the werewolves surrounded him and looked at him suspiciously. Several of the wolves stood in his way so that he couldn't come any farther, "I told Josh where he could find us," She informed Jackson, who nodded his head, "He deserves to be here for Aiden's funeral, just as much as we do."

Together, Ophelia and Jackson moved toward Josh and the wolves, "Let him through!" He demanded and the wolves immediately obeyed.

Ophelia walked closer to Josh, just before tightly hugging him. It took Josh a short moment before he finally hugged Ophelia, beginning to cry.


Later on that night, after Aiden's funeral, Jackson, Ophelia, and Hayley, who was holding Hope, were packing up their things to move elsewhere in the Bayou when suddenly, a large crack of thunder and lightning rumbled overhead. The sound frightening her, Hope began to cry.

"This isn't good," Ophelia informed the duo, "This isn't just any storm. This is a storm made by magic."

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