《Regret ▻ The Originals [2]》25


Hayley and Jackson were standing inside the safe house, nervously pacing as they waited for Ophelia to arrive back. Suddenly, they looked up to see the woman standing in the doorway, holding a duffel bag filled with her clothes, "What the hell, Ophelia?" Hayley asked Ophelia in annoyance, walking toward her, "We were waiting for you and because of that, we ended up getting caught by Marcel."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Ophelia sarcastically replied, "I was too busy trying to fight off an immortal witch who not only wants your daughter, but she also wants me now."

"Wait, what?" Jackson asked Ophelia, a frown on his face as he walked closer, "What happened? What do you mean?"


The following day, Ophelia and Hayley were talking to Aiden and Jackson inside the safe house, while the rest of the werewolf army milled around outside and inside the perimeter of the building. Hayley held Hope in her arms and rocked her soothingly.

Ophelia took a deep breath before finally speaking up, "Okay. You wanna know the good news? Well, Dahlia still doesn't know that we're here. But the bad news? She's given us until tomorrow night, and then she's coming for Hope and me."

"Well, I say we get the hell out of here," Jackson suggested, causing Ophelia to sigh.

"Look, Jackson, I wanna go as much as you do, so does Ophelia, but think..." Hayley trailed off, noticing the look Ophelia was giving her, which clearly showed she didn't want to go, "Freya said that Dahlia was drawn to Ophelia and Hope's magic. No matter how far we go, she's still gonna be able to track us! At least this place is spelled; No one can do magic here, not Ophelia, Hope or Dahlia."

"Sure, this place is spelled, but we've seen bigger magic than this break. I say we run while we can." Jackson suggested once more as Hayley set Hope in her playpen before staring at her in concern.

Deciding to speak up, Ophelia glanced between Jackson and Hayley, "It's a risk either way," She reminded the group.

"She's just so little. It's not fair-- witchcraft, magical spells. She didn't ask for any of this," Hayley complained, only to suddenly get an idea and gasped in surprise, "Which means that she wouldn't miss it if it was gone..."

Jackson and Ophelia, who were confused, gave Hayley a puzzled look, "Ophelia, Jack, maybe that's it? Dahlia could only sense her when she's using magic. So, what if there's a way of stopping her from doing it in the first place?"

Jackson frowned in confusion, "She's just a baby. How are we gonna do that?" He asked Hayley.

"I have an idea," Ophelia finally spoke, causing the group to turn to her, "But it's dangerous. Especially now."

Aiden, who had been listening to them talk from nearby, suddenly spoke up, "Let me do it."

Hayley, Ophelia, and Jackson turned to look at him with concern, but Aiden gave them a solemn look, "Look, whatever it is, I'm one of the reasons you didn't get away yesterday."


"No, that wasn't your fault, Aiden." Jackson tried to assure Aiden, who was quick to argue.

"Please, just give me a chance to make it up to you." Aiden pleaded and Jackson looked back at Ophelia before nodding his head in agreement.

The room suddenly filling with silence, Hayley and Jackson turned to Ophelia, who had an odd look on her face, "What is it?" Jackson asked his wife in concern, causing Ophelia to look up at him.

"I don't think leaving is a good idea," She confessed to the duo, "You haven't seen Dahlia's power first hand like I have. She bested Klaus and Mikael at ease. If she could beat them both at once, who's to say she won't do the same to the pack?"

"Ophelia," Hayley sighed, speaking in a pleading tone, "We need to do this."

"When Klaus finds out, he's not going to take it lightly," Ophelia reminded Hayley in a stern tone, "He'll most likely punish you, kill Jackson and the rest of the pack."

"What about you?" Jackson asked Ophelia, "Every time we've spoken about this, you've excluded yourself. Are you not apart of this? Don't you want to protect yourself and Hope?"

"I do!" Ophelia argued loudly, "But I don't want the lot of you ending up dead because of it. No offense, but Klaus knows I wouldn't do something like this. And if he really wanted to punish me anyway, he would do that by killing you, Jackson. He's already told me."

"Right," Hayley spoke up, "This shows it. You're on Team Mikaelson, not ours."

"There is no sides!" Ophelia shouted at Hayley, "It's either the people who want to protect Hope and the people who want her dead. And I happen to be one of the people wanting to protect her, so are the two of you."

Ophelia scoffed, glaring at Jackson and Hayley before walking to another part of the room to avoid them.


Later on that day, Hayley and Hope were sitting together on the stage of the jazz club while Ophelia sat at the bar, drawing in the sketch pad she had brought with her.

Suddenly, she looked up to see green vines magically creeping up the outside and inside walls of the building. They became so thick and numerous that eventually, they completely covered the windows.

"Hayley," Ophelia spoke, up in concern, causing Hayley to stand up, holding Hope protectively in her arms. She quickly walked over to Ophelia, standing beside her as a handful of werewolf guards joined them in investigating the vines, which were now blooming with blood-red flowers.

Ophelia stared intently at the flowers for a moment before recognizing them from her encounter with Dahlia's proxies the previous day, "They're dahlias," Hayley spoke up, coming to the realization as well, "She knows we're here."

Hearing Dahlia outside, Hayley quickly picked up her phone to call for help, but because of the spell Dahlia was casting outside, the call didn't go through. Ophelia tried to call Klaus on the landline phone, but the call still didn't go through.


Ophelia hung up the phone and turned to one of the guards, looking anxious, "I need you to go get help. Now." She demanded in the stern tone.

Dahlia was walking toward the entrance when the werewolf rushed toward her. Dahlia, looking almost bored, thrusted her hand forward and twisted her wrist, which snapped the werewolf's neck

The werewolf fell dead to the floor, and Dahlia stepped past him, smiling when she reached the entrance to the jazz club/safe house. She stopped right outside the threshold and held her hand horizontally in front of her face as she whistled a tune traveled across her flat hand and into the safe house, where Hayley and Ophelia heard it echoing loudly around the room both of which looked terrified.

Hayley paced anxiously around inside the safe house with Hope in her arms. She looked extremely nervous as Hope chewed on a toy obliviously, "It's okay, baby girl."

Just then, Dahlia made it through the entrance of the jazz club and was walking into the front hall, whose walls were now covered in vines and dahlia flowers. She finally found the doorway to the room where Hayley and Hope were standing alongside Ophelia, but stopped just outside the doorway. Hayley clutched Hope tightly to her chest and glared at her. When Dahlia saw Hope, she clutched her heart and gasped.

"What a beauty! Hello, my child. I--" Dahlia began to say as she started to walk into the room, but immediately stopped when she noticed the thick line of sand that was spread over the entire length of the doorway that sealed Josephine's disruption spell within the room, "I was hoping for a more intimate chat. Though I sense by entering, you would have me at a considerable disadvantage."

"Why don't you come on in?" Ophelia asked Dahlia, glaring at her as she showed her hybrid eyes, "We would love to show you some of that hybrid hospitality we're known for."

"I only wanted to see the little one who has been promised to me, and the wonderful Ophelia Rose, of course," Dahlia explained to Hayley, a smile on her face, "Won't be long now--surely you've noticed the spell protecting you is growing weaker?"

"If you lay a finger on either of them, I swear, I will make you suffer in ways even your evil mind can't imagine." Hayley threatened Dahlia, growling at her.

Dahlia laughed, but continued speaking to Hayley in a kind and gentle tone, clearly in hopes of winning her over, "Hayley, is it?" She questioned and Hayley remained silent, "I have no quarrel with you! Esther made this bargain long ago. It's most unfortunate you've been dragged into it."

"You talk like you don't have a choice, but this is your doing!" Hayley shouted at Dahlia before glancing over at Ophelia, "You don't even need Ophelia. She wasn't even apart of the bargain you had with Esther."

"Ophelia is over three hundred years old and carries traits of all three of the main supernatural species. She has so much potential, yet has no way of expressing it. I could see to it that she will be one of the most powerful witches to ever live and not just of this century," Dahlia informed the two women, "When I give my word, I keep it, and I expect others to do the same. Esther and I made a bargain a long time ago, and so, you see, that child is rightfully mine. The only question you need ask is: would you deny me, knowing that it would mean your death?"

"You're not taking either of them," Hayley told Dahlia furiously.

Dahlia sighed and tried to remain patient with Hayley, and ultimately decided to humor her a little, "You're frightened for your child and the woman who is like your sister. I can assure you, anything that Freya might have told you about our life together... well, she always had a flair for the dramatic."

"Well, it seems as though it runs in the family," Ophelia commented, finally speaking up.

"Well, then, of course, most of my troubles with Freya stemmed from the fact that I came for her so late in life. She had such a strong memory of the family that I took her from. But Hope is so young, she won't cling to the memory of you, or cry for you in her sleep." Dahlia explained before gesturing toward Ophelia, "And Ophelia here, she would do anything to protect the people she considers her family. And she knows by giving herself to me, they will be safe. She will take comfort knowing that they are safe and will not be harmed by me."

Ophelia balled her hand into a fist, clearly trying her hardest not to attack Dahlia at that moment.

Hayley looked both enraged and devastated by Dahlia's statement, "You can take comfort in the fact that for her, it will be as if you never existed."

Hayley's hybrid eyes emerged in anger as she glared at Dahlia, "Come closer. Let's see how a witch with no magic does against me." She threatened the elder woman in a threatening tone.

Suddenly, Hope started to cry, causing Hayley to turn her attention back to her, "Well, you've upset the child. It's a pity," Dahlia told Hayley mockingly, "You ought not to waste your last hours with her and Ophelia this way. You should spend this time saying your farewells. Nightfall tomorrow will come all too soon. Goodbye, for now, little one," She paused, turning to Ophelia once more, "I will see you soon, Ophelia Rose."

Hayley rocked Hope and kissed her on the forehead as she continued to glare at Dahlia, who gave them one last parting glance before she finally left.

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