《My Wife》Chapter 20
For the next several days, they've been wandering through town with no real destination planned but even so, they were enjoying it. They did whatever they wanted to do at that moment and every day seemed like an adventure. The scent of the ocean breeze traveled through the cities and the air was crisp and dense, so different from that of Japan. Today was the fifth day and they had decided to do some window shopping.
"I think this would look cute," Honey pointed out.
"No, this one," Mori objected.
"But pink looks nice."
"Blue looks better complements her dark brown hair better."
Mori and Honey began looking around at other clothing while Hikaru and Kaoru were busy keeping Haruhi company by playing with her hair. She sat next to Kyoya and Keith was right behind her, asking her if there was anything she needed. Tamaki was busy buying all the things that he thought fit Haruhi as well as any goods that he came across as "unique". The passing female customers looked at the band of handsome men sitting in the shop in attraction. They envied Haruhi, who was the apple of the eye to the boys. However, there were also male customers who looked at Haruhi in adoration for her long brown hair, large eyes, and small frame was charming.
"How long are we going to stay in here?" Haruhi questioned.
"Until the idiot is finished with his excessive need to spend all his money," Kyoya replied. "You bored?"
"Kind of," Haruhi said.
"I bet she just wants to eat right now," Hikaru smirked.
"It's so like Haruhi to suddenly want to eat," Kaoru agreed.
"Well, I'm sorry that I can't control my appetite," Haruhi pouted.
"Haruhi-sama, shall I get something for you to eat?" Keith asked. "I'm not sure if it'll suit your taste but there's a street food market nearby."
"There is?!" Haruhi turned to him, her eyes sparkling.
"Ah. It's true," Hikaru and Kaoru said, looking out the window and seeing a market full of tents and people nearby.
"Then let's get that," Haruhi stood up. "I'd rather have street food than the food they serve at those expensive restaurants."
Kyoya chuckled. "Is it because you're a commoner?"
"It's because I'm a commoner that I like it," Haruhi said proudly.
"Here, take my wallet," Kyoya said, taking his wallet out.
"No need," Haruhi said, showing him her wallet. "I have money. Keith, let's go."
"I want a steak gyro with fries!" Hikaru yelled. "With a soda!"
"Something fried and something sweet for me!" Kaoru added.
"Go buy it yourself," Haruhi looked at the two with disgruntlement. "You have arms and legs, don't you?"
"Cheap," the two pouted.
"I don't want to hear that from you two," Haruhi said before leaving the store, Keith right behind her.
The two were now out of the store and even so, she could still hear their playful voices resounding loudly. She could see that Tamaki was still buying stuff while Hikaru and Kaoru teased him. The third-years were still looking around at what to buy and Kyoya was just sitting on the couch, looking at them. Haruhi was fixated on his contented looking face and smiled. He was enjoying himself.
"Honestly, I can't believe those two," Haruhi turned around and began making her way to the street vendor. "How spoiled were they?"
Keith chuckled. "Haruhi-sama always gets worked up about them, don't you?"
"Of course I would," Haruhi said. "Those two are always on people's nerves. They bother you so much that it makes your head hurt. In other words, they're annoying."
"But even so, Haruhi-sama still treasures them, right?" Keith said. "After all, even though you said all that, you're still getting them what they want."
Haruhi laughed. " I don't even know what I'm doing."
Keith smiled. She really is sweet.
"Keith, is there anything that you want?" Haruhi asked.
"Huh?" he replied. "There's no need for you to buy me food, Haruhi-sama. I'm currently not hungry."
"What are you saying?" Haruhi said. "Of course you'd be hungry. You've been traveling with us for the whole day. The one who should be most hungry is you."
"There really is no n-"
Haruhi put a finger to his lips and looked at him in the eye. "If you won't decide, then I'll choose for you. Not another word of objection from you," she said before smiling. "Mister,
Haruhi ordered a steak gyro, a container of fried chicken, five classic steak burgers, five hotdogs, three containers of fries, donuts, four soft drinks, one strawberry milkshake, two mocha lattes, and an iced coffee. She had gone around the food tents buying the food that she thought they would like.
"Here," Haruhi handed him a mocha latte. "For you."
"I possibly can't," Keith said and Haruhi knitted her eyebrows together in frustration.
"Mocha Latte. You like it, don't you?" Haruhi said. "Every time we go somewhere whether it's as a group or by yourself, you always get this to drink," she smiled. "Even back at the mansion, you always drink this."
Keith widened his eyes in surprise, surprised at the fact that she had noticed.
"Take it," she said. "It's not much but just think of it as a thank you for always helping me."
Keith smiled and took the drink with gratitude, a soft blush on his cheek. "Thank you, Haruhi-sama."
She smiled. "You're welcome."
Keith noticed the other drink in her hand and pointed to the coffee. "Is that for...?"
"Ah, you noticed?" she said. "Even though we tell him to sleep early, he probably stayed up late judging from the bags under his eyes. So, I bought an iced coffee for him."
"I see," Keith remarked as he saw the blissful look on Haruhi's face.
"You know? Kyoya-senpai doesn't seem like the type to eat foods like these but if you buy it for him, he'll gladly eat it," Haruhi laughed, her eyes lighting up as she talked about him. "He seemed to like hamburgers the most out of all the other foods that we tried last time we went out so I decided to go with a hamburger."
"You must really like Kyoya-sama, don't you, Haruhi-sama?"
Haruhi turned around to look at Keith who had a soft smile perched upon his lips. A blush formed on her face as she averted his gaze and looked down.
"I do," she whispered.
Keith smiled, his eyes soft and warm. "And I'm sure that Kyoya-sama must also really like you, too."
"That's-" Haruhi began to say.
"See? Even though he doesn't show it, Kyoya-sama cares a lot about Haruhi-sama. More than you think he might," Keith said, pointing to an approaching group.
It was Tamaki, Hikaru, Kaoru, Honey, Mori, and Kyoya in the front. Haruhi looked at Kyoya and then at Keith, smiling. Keith smiled back. Between the two, words were not needed to convey what they wanted to say to one another. Haruhi walked up to Kyoya, who was sweating and breathing hard with a beaming smile. Kyoya smiled in relief, glad that nothing had happened. Keith watched the couple with a contented look before joining their party.
"Here you go, Hikaru-sama, Kaoru-sama," Keith said, throwing them their foods and drinks. "Out of courtesy, Haruhi-sama decided to buy these for you. Be grateful."
Though they knew that they should be grateful, Hikaru and Kaoru felt as if Keith was saying that they should be grateful to him for he had carried it all the way here. An irksome look was plastered on their face as they took their food and went to Haruhi to thank instead. The two glared at Keith as the latter glared back. The three just didn't really like each other after that whole incident.
"Yay! It's a strawberry milkshake," Honey exclaimed as Haruhi handed the senior his.
"Thank you, Haruhi," Mori smiled, taking the soft drink from her.
"How kind of you, Haruhi," Tamaki said, taking her hand in his before Kyoya slapped it down, causing it to turn red. "Kyoya! What was that for?!"
"I do so apologize," Kyoya smiled. "Your hands seemed like it was holding something other than the drink that was offered to you. Is there something wrong with making sure that you're holding the right thing?"
Tamaki paled at the sight of Kyoya and shrank back. "No. Nothing's wrong."
"That's good," Kyoya said. "Let's hurry up and eat. We've wasted enough time in that shop to buy things."
"I'm sorry," Tamaki felt a need to apologize.
"Yes, sir!" Hikaru and Kaoru complied.
"I'm digging in," Honey said, bitting into the crispy donut as it let out a savory sensation of sugar and dough.
Mori bit into his hamburger and he could taste the juices of it.
Tamaki, Hikaru, Kaoru, Mori, Honey, Haruhi, and Keith each bit into their respective foods and a look of blissfulness painted itself on their faces. The street foods in Dubai were on a whole different level than the ones back in Japan. Haruhi took a sip from her latte and noticed Kyoya eating his hamburger the same way as he did back then. She chuckled to herself.
"Is there something wrong?" he asked.
"No. It's just that you're eating it normally just like last time," Haruhi laughed. "It's been a while since I last saw you eating like this."
"Street food is not my thing but if it's food, I'll eat it," Kyoya said. "Besides, I'm pretty hungry. Street food is better than nothing at least."
"Kyoya-senpai's pretty right there," Hikaru said, his mouth full of food.
"Swallow before you speak," Haruhi scolded.
"Yeah, ye-!" Hikaru pounded his chest as hard as he could and grabbed his soft drink, slurping it down.
"Hikaru! You okay?" Kaoru said, coming to his brother's aid.
"What did I tell you just now?" Haruhi looked at him with an unamused face.
Hikaru sighed in relief at the fact that he wasn't choking anymore and looked at Haruhi, who was looking at him in disappointment. He laughed nervously and Haruhi whipped her head away from him, biting into her hotdog. Keith smirked deviously at him, much to his distaste while Kyoya laughed as he sipped his iced coffee.
"Hika-chan, you okay?" Honey asked.
"Yeah," Hikaru replied, still coughing just a little.
"It's a bad habit to talk while you eat," Mori commented.
"I know," Hikaru said as he began eating again. "Don't worry. It's not going to happen again."
"Uh-huh. I'm sure it won't," they all said with blank eyes and a fake smile.
"What's with those looks?!" Hikaru demanded.
They ignored him and began eating again. A tick mark grew on his face as Honey and Kaoru tried to calm him. They knew it was a silly fight but even such simple chats like these were enjoyable to them. With the passage of time, Kyoya and Keith had almost forgotten what they should've been aware of. Within half an hour's time, they had finished what they were eating and it was already one in the afternoon.
"I need to go to the restroom real quick," Haruhi said.
"Same here," Honey said. "I think I drank too much."
"Then hand over your stuff," Hikaru said.
"We'll watch over it as you guys go use the restroom," Kaoru said and Mori nodded in agreement.
"Thanks," Haruhi said, handing over her bag.
"You have your phone with you, right?" Kyoya said.
Haruhi smiled and waved her phone. "Yup."
"Haru-chan, let's hurry up and go," Honey said, tugging on her sleeve.
"We'll be right back then," Haruhi said as they made a dash to the restroom with Keith following closely behind them.
"I guess we'll wait here then," Hikaru and Kaoru said, taking a seat.
"I'm sure they'll be back in no time," Tamaki said, he, too, taking a seat on a nearby bench. "Kyoya, you should sit, too."
"Mori-senpai, too," Kaoru patted at a seat next to him.
"Yeah," Kyoya absently replied.
He looked to where the three had gone and something about them leaving was bugging him. He was in deep thought and looked at the ground in silence before shaking his head in denial and dismissing the thought. I'm probably just overthinking it.
"Then I'll be waiting for you two outside," Keith said.
"Got it," Haruhi said and walked into the female bathroom stall while Honey walked into the male bathroom stall.
Within five minutes, Honey had finished his business in the bathroom and came out wiping his hands with a paper towel before throwing it out in a nearby trash bin. Just as Keith had said, he was waiting right outside the bathroom and it was amazing how people hadn't thought of him as a pervert or stalker. Though, he had a general idea that it was most likely because of Keith's looks and dress that he wasn't reported yet.
"Has Honey-sama finished using the restroom?" Keith asked with a smile.
"Yup! Haru-chan's not finished yet?" Honey asked.
"It seems not," Keith said, standing back up. "Though, for girls it usually takes longer, does it not?"
"Really?" Honey tilted his head to the side. "Haru-chan always finished pretty quick when we go to the bathroom though."
"Should we wait one more minute?" Keith questioned.
"Yeah! Let's do th-!"
Honey whipped his head around and looked to the female bathroom stall. Keith seemed to have noticed it, too, and the two dashed into the female bathroom. Honey kicked open the door stall that Haruhi was supposed to be in but only found nothing. Haruhi was gone. The two narrowed their eyes in fury.
"So they finally started moving," Keith clenched his fists. "Honey-sama, Kyoya-sama told you of the situation correct?"
Honey nodded his head. "We're going after them!" he yelled, his voice deeper than it usually was.
"Yes!" Keith obeyed.
The two ran out and onto the streets, passing hurriedly through people with agility. They ran as fast as they could and a little bit into the distance, they saw a black car driving away at full speed. They immediately began going after them and Keith, noticing a nearby car parked by, decided to take it for a drive.
"Honey-sama!" Keith yelled.
Honey jumped onto the roof of white Citroen GT as Keith stepped on the gas pedal, driving at maximum speed. By now, he didn't care what rules and laws he was violating; he only cared about Haruhi's safety and the same went for Honey. Despite the whizzing of the cars and trucks, Honey's voice was loud and audible to Keith.
"Keith, can you multi-task?" Honey asked though it wasn't meant to be a question. "Call Kyoya this instant and tell him of the situation."
Keith dove out his phone with one hand on the steering wheel and the other on his phone, tapping the dials. He put the phone on speaker and in an instant, Kyoya picked it up.
"What's wrong?" Kyoya asked hurriedly.
"Haruhi-sama's been kidnapped. I deeply apologize," Keith said with a look of self-guilt. "If only I had been more aware and more attentive, this wouldn't have happe-"
"Enough with the idle chatter!" Kyoya said. "What's the situation on your side?!"
"We're currently chasing after the car that she was abducted in," answered Keith. "Honey-sama's also with me!"
"Kyoya!" Honey ordered. "I give you full authorization to mobilize the Haninozuka family's special private force! Tell Takashi to do the same!"
"He's on it," Kyoya said. "Keith, can you make out the license number of the car?"
"I'll try," Keith said as he sped up a little more. There were too many cars on the highway and he was making sure that no innocent people were involved. "It's 218748!"
"Continue following it," Kyoya ordered. "Don't you dare take your eyes off of it."
"I don't have the intention of doing so either," Keith said, his eyes fixated on the black car that carried his mistress in it.
"At this rate, we won't catch u-!" Honey duck low, causing a resounding bump on the roof of the car. "They're planning to shoot in public space?!"
"Honey-sama, are you okay?!"
"I'm fine," Honey said, wiping his cheek. "A bullet just grazed me a little."
Keith gritted his teeth. "Honey-sama, hold on tight. I'm going to go a little faster."
Honey grinned. "Go as fast as you can, Keith!"
Kyoya snapped his phone shut and was on the verge of crushing it. If it was during normal times, Tamaki, Hikaru, Kaoru, and Mori would've been cowering in fear but it wasn't the time to be. They had heard the conversation over the phone and seeing Kyoya's face, the explanation was enough. Kyoya was angry and the word "angry" could not even justify the fury on Kyoya's face. He looked like he was ready to kill someone for real.
"I'll go contact the family," Mori said. "The ones stationed in Dubai will be here in a few minutes."
"I've already contacted my father," Tamaki said. "The Suoh family will be helping out, too."
"Kyoya-senpai, we'll help, too," Hikaru and Kaoru stepped up.
"Haruhi's our friend and there's no way we're just letting her get kidnapped," said Hikaru.
"Moreover, this concerns all of us. Haruhi's important not only to you but also to us," Kaoru added.
"That's why we'll help you, Kyoya-senpai," the two said.
Kyoya stared at them with a look of surprise and for a second, his raging stopped. He knitted his eyebrows together and lowered his head to them; he was grateful to them. Truthfully, he was panicking inside for he didn't know Haruhi's current situation. Even though he planned everything out perfectly, he couldn't stop their plans. Right now, he was glad that he had them to rely on otherwise, he wouldn't know what to do anymore.
"Thank you," he said, tears beginning to form.
Tamaki, Hikaru, Kaoru, and Mori smiled at seeing Kyoya do something so unlike him. But because of that, they understood Kyoya's feelings and were pleased to see Kyoya relying on them.
"So, Kyoya-senpai," Kaoru said. "Do you have any idea of who's behind this kidnapping?"
"To do something so bold out in broad daylight," Hikaru narrowed his eyes in anger. "They must have a lot of guts. Do they even know who they're messing with?"
"I couldn't agree with you more," Kyoya began furiously typing away at his laptop. "Do you remember those guys from the party?"
"You mean the old guys? What about them?" Tamaki said.
"They're the ones behind it," Kyoya shut his laptop. "I wouldn't have minded if they acted out their revenge on me or any of our other family members since we're used to it but to think they would act it out on Haruhi, they must really want to die."
Kyoya was raging again and so Mori put a firm hand on his shoulder. "Haruhi will be okay," he reassured him with a smile. "You know Haruhi more than anyone else. She'll be fine."
Kyoya widened his eyes at the senior's words and chuckled, a soft and knowing smile beginning to formulate on his face. "You're right. Haruhi will be alright. She's the woman that I had chosen to be my bride after all."
Mori smiled and nodded his head.
Kyoya closed his eyes and reopened them, a sinister look in them. "We're going to bring Haruhi back no matter what happens."
They nodded their heads and moved out.
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