《My Wife》Chapter 19
Haruhi was utterly exhausted by the end of the ten-hour flight. Kyoya, Keith, and she had set out early in the morning at five-thirty in the morning with their luggage and suitcases right behind them. They had planned to spend the whole Golden Week in Dubai and for Haruhi, she was looking forward to it. The Host Club had met at the airport and boarded their private plane at six-thirty sharp and decided to go for the non-stop flight. She had planned to get some sleep on the plane but it was impossible; they were causing so much commotion and ruckus to the point where it felt like her head was being torn apart. Moreover, Kyoya wasn't quite happy about it either for his devil mode settled in quickly after he boarded the plane. After all, he, too, wanted to get a shut eye.
"I don't get it," Haruhi said, her eyes dead. "How do they have so much energy?!"
Even after ten hours on the plane with no sleep whatsoever, the Host Club members were still full of vigor and excitement. Haruhi and Kyoya just couldn't keep up with them and were on the verge of collapsing.
"Do you want to go to the hotel first?" Kyoya came up to her. "You look tired."
Haruhi's hair was a slight mess and her face and eyes had no life to it. She chuckled at his suggestion and smiled.
"The same could be said to you," Haruhi remarked.
Kyoya's appearance looked similar to hers, if not worse. His hair was sticking out and his collared shirt was slightly wrinkled. His eyes had the same dreaded look in them and he seemed like he was ready to kill someone. Kyoya sighed and put an arm at her waist.
"Let's go check in first," he decided.
Haruhi nodded her head and turned to Keith. "Keith, I'll help you carry the luggage."
"No need, Haruhi-sama," Keith smiled. "Tachibana-san, Aijima-san, and Hotta-san are kindly helping out, too, after all."
Her lips tightened into a straight line as she looked at him in guilt. Kyoya reassured her that she didn't need to worry about it and just let the butlers do their job. With further reassurance from the butlers themselves, Haruhi agreed and let them carry the luggage.
"Now this is what you call a nice bed," Hikaru jumped onto the bed.
"I know right," Kaoru agreed. "As expected of Kyoya-senpai. Only choosing the best of the places."
"Just look at this view!" Tamaki proclaimed. "The crystal blue sea at the horizon, the vast buildings spread along the ground, and the lights illuminating the skyline in the night - just imagine the view!"
"Apparently the food here is super good!" Honey cheered. "Especially the cake!"
"They even have a sports area down in the lower floors," Mori added. "It's exactly what you would expect from a first-class hotel."
"I rented out everything on this floor so we can enjoy our stay here to our heart's content," Kyoya said. "As for sleeping arrangements, you can decide amongst yourselves."
"Then we want to sleep with Haruhi," Hikaru and Kaoru grinned, swinging an arm around the dazed Haruhi, who was looking around at the place in magnificence.
"No," Kyoya replied flatly.
"If anything, having Haruhi-sama sleep near the butlers would be more favorable," Keith said. "We wouldn't want some unknown pests coming in, right?"
"The same could be said of you," Hikaru said, ready to fight.
"Stop it!" Tamaki yelled. "If anything, we should all be sleeping together! Let's have a sleepover tonight," he said excitingly.
"No," they all said.
Hikaru and Kaoru were fine with sleeping with one another and having Haruhi as an addition, they didn't mind it one bit. But having everyone all sleep in one room when there were tens of vacant rooms? They didn't think so. Honey and Mori knew that having everyone sleep together would cause a ruckus and there wouldn't be enough beds which are their reason for being against it. Kyoya hated the thought of sleeping with everyone and made his decision. The only person he was willing to sleep with was Haruhi and no one else. As for Haruhi, she just wanted her own privacy.
"Why don't we just all sleep in our own rooms," she said.
"Then I'll call the adjoining room next to you," Keith said. "That way, if something happens, I'll be right there."
"If that's so, I'll be calling the other room next to Haruhi," Kyoya said. "It just so happens that there are three rooms on this floor that are connected with one another."
Keith and Kyoya smiled at one another but in the background, they could swear that they saw sparks flying and an image of an angel and a devil facing off. Haruhi wanted to object but seeing their determined faces, she decided to let them do whatever they wanted. Moreover, her thoughts were full on what the hotel had.
It was her first time she had been overseas and the very idea of living in such a luxurious hotel fascinated her. In fact, it was ranked the number one hotel in Dubai so she was looking forward to it. She opened her room with her hotel card and entered, widening her eyes at the spaciousness of the room. There were drawers and mirrors situated to the side with a canopy bed of white silk curtains and white and blue bedsheets situated on the other side, facing the mirrors. The floor was carpeted with an ivory design and there was a white couch overlooking the scenery. LED lights brightened up the room with a soft glow from different angles: above the bed, in the ceiling, behind the mirrors, etc. Haruhi's eyes were sparkling as she set her luggage and suitcase down, her mouth hanging wide open in awe.
This is even comfier than my own bed, she thought.
She had plopped down on the bed and was now gazing up at the canopy. To the further end of the left wall, there was a door which led to Keith's room. On the opposite side of the right wall was the door leading to Kyoya's room. She rolled down onto her chest and stuffed her face into the pillow. For the rest of the morning until late in the afternoon, Haruhi slept soundly with the bedsheets tucked over her.
"Have you guys seen Haruhi?" Tamaki questioned.
Honey and Mori shook their heads. "We haven't seen her since we arrived at the hotel."
Tamaki, Honey, Mori, Hikaru, and Kaoru had been touring the hotel in utter fascination. Tamaki explored the indoor aquarium with Hikaru and Kaoru before going to the arcade to meet up with Mori and Honey. The five of them spent most of their times in the arcades, blasting their money away, and it wasn't until after they had finished in the afternoon that they wondered where Haruhi could be.
"She looked rather tired. Maybe she's sleeping?" Kaoru guessed.
"Kyo-chan looked the same," Honey agreed. "Maybe they're both asleep?"
"It's possible," Hikaru said, knowing how both of them were late sleepers and late risers.
The five remained silent before evilly grinning to themselves. "Should we go wake them up?" they all looked up with their eyes flashing.
They made their way up to their floor and stopped in front of Haruhi's door. Before going up, they had gone to the reception desk and asked for her key which they readily gave for they knew who they were. Hikaru swiped the card and opened the door, revealing the nicely made elegant room in which Haruhi was residing. In the middle of the room on the bed was Haruhi herself. They walked up to her and surrounded her bed.
"I kind of feel bad for waking her up now," Kaoru looked towards his brother.
"My daughter's sleeping so soundly," Tamaki remarked with a silent squeal.
"Haru-chan looks so cute," Honey said, peaking at her face.
"Ah," Mori agreed.
Haruhi had a peaceful look on her face as she laid there, her breathing even. Her eyes were closed and they could make out her long eyelashes and rosy cheeks. They gulped. Now, they really felt bad about waking her up.
"Let's just wake her up," Hikaru said. "If we don't, this whole week is going to go by in a flash!"
"You're right," Tamaki said.
"Then let's wake her up!" Honey exclaimed. "Heave...ho!"
They pulled the sheets off of her, leaving Haruhi exposed to the cold air around her. She fumbled around with her eyes closed, trying to feel where her blanket was and unable to feel anything but the bedsheets, she curled up into a ball.
"Haruhi~! Wake up!" Hikaru and Kaoru shouted. "It's morning!"
Haruhi mumbled in her sleep before slowly opening her eyes. The five faces of the Host Club members stared right at her and she widened her eyes in complete shock and surprise. They grinned at her and Haruhi was left dumbfounded.
"G-" she said.
"Gggeeeetttt ooooouuuuuuuuuuutttttttt!!!" she yelled at the top of her lungs.
Tamaki, Hikaru, Kaoru, Mori, and Honey covered their ears, for fear that their eardrums might break. As soon as her voice died down, they uncovered their ears only to be hit in the face with pillows.
"Haruhi! Wait! We can expla-!" Tamaki began to say but was cut off by a pillow to the face.
"Get out! All of you!" she screamed.
Her cries were heard throughout the floor and Keith, who was right next door, came in at the commotion. Seeing his mistress on the bed with a crowd of boys standing over her, it wasn't a good scene. Keith had a smile on his face as he walked up to them before grabbing Tamaki by his collar and looking down at him with eyes of disgust.
"What do you think you planned on doing?" Keith said, his voice deep.
"W-W-W-W-Wait!" Tamaki cried. "Why are you just holding onto me?! The others were also involved!"
"It just so happened that you were the closest, Tamaki-sama" Keith smiled before reverting back to his wrathful expression and eyes of disdain.
"Mori-senpai!" Tamaki pleaded.
Despite his calm and composed exterior, the look in his eyes was far from calm. In fact, he was shaken. Kyoya soon came in after wakening up from Haruhi's scream and he wasn't the least bit happy with the scene that welcomed him. Hikaru and Kaoru were standing off to the side, preparing to make a run for it while Mori and Honey were right behind them. Keith held Tamaki by the collar while Haruhi was on the bed, holding her blanket close to her. From what he could see, she had just been sleeping.
He glared towards the five.
"Eek!" they jumped.
"Anyone of you mind explaining what happened here?" he asked, his eyes a gleaming red.
They held each other even tighter, knowing the hell that was about to come.
"I can't believe you guys," Haruhi sighed as she stabbed a fork into her steak. "What in the world were you guys even thinking?"
"We just wanted to wake you up," Hikaru said, averting his gaze away from her.
"By standing over my bed like a bunch of stalkers?" Haruhi said, stabbing her food once more.
"It's a good thing that I didn't kick you guys out of this hotel," Kyoya said. "To do something as childish as that, my gosh."
"I have to completely agree with that," Keith said, setting the second entree down with a smile. "If it had been anyone else, they would've already gone to the other side."
They felt a shiver run down their spines as they mindlessly ate their food. With the stares of two intimidating men, they were practically sweating bullets. The food was bland to their taste and the dining room was empty except for them. They just wanted to hurry up and eat and get out of there but knew that they couldn't.
"Nevermind that," Honey said, trying to change the subject. "Haru-chan, where do you want to go tomorrow? Sightseeing? Shopping? Eating? Arcades?"
Haruhi took her mind off of the topic at hand and thought about it, much to their relief. "I guess either sightseeing or eating? Well, to be honest, I don't really care about it."
"Then let's do both!" Honey exclaimed.
"That's right. When you go overseas, you have to do as much as you can as if it's your first and last day there," Hikaru pointed out with a smirk.
Haruhi smiled. "You're right."
"So it's decided," Tamaki said with an excited face. "We'll be going to explore the city tomorrow!"
"I'm looking forward to it," Kaoru smiled.
"Just imagine all the street food that there'll be," Honey exclaimed. "Right, Takashi?"
"Ah. The attractions in Dubai are worth seeing," Mori pointed out.
"Haruhi, you looking forward to it?" Hikaru grinned at her.
Haruhi nodded her head with a smile. "Yup!"
The six of them had completely forgotten about their previous argument and were beginning to talk about what else they should do during the day tomorrow. However, Kyoya remained silent next to Haruhi and gave Keith a meaningful look. Keith nodded his head towards him in understanding. Starting from tomorrow, they were going to have to be extra careful when traveling.
"Kyoya-senpai, let's enjoy ourselves tomorrow!" Haruhi smiled at him.
Kyoya's face softened at seeing her smile and nodded his head. "Ah," he said, stroking her hair. "Let's enjoy our selves tomorrow, Haruhi."
"You better keep your words," Haruhi said.
"Which means no business-related stuff, Kyoya," Tamaki said.
"It'd be a waste to just let this Golden Week go by without letting your mind get off of work," Kaoru agreed.
Kyoya stared at him before giving a soft smile. "Very well."
"Furthermore," Hikaru said, a cheeky smirk on his face.
"You're going to be treating us tomorrow on your tab," they all said, holding up peace signs.
"As a reward for my hard work throughout these months," Haruhi explained.
"A reward for helping you out in your business and getting everything to go smoothly again," Honey said.
Kyoya had to admit that they had helped him out in the past several months in regards to the Ootori conglomerate as well as lightening the load off his shoulders. He looked to Haruhi who had been put through all kinds of pressures and events yet was still standing proudly, being the same person as she always had. He smiled to himself, thinking that it was time to give them a reward.
"Fine. For tomorrow, I'll treat you guys to your hearts' content as a reward for passing through these months of hard work."
"Yeah!" they all cheered.
"Thank you, Kyoya-senpai," she smiled warmly at him.
Before she turned back to eating, she turned to Keith and smiled at him.
"Keith, you should also enjoy yourself tomorrow."
"Understood, Haruhi-sama," Keith bowed. "Accompanying you on your outing always brings me the greatest pleasure. I'll enjoy myself even without Haruhi-sama saying it."
"Which means that you don't have to act as a butler or a bodyguard tomorrow," Haruhi pointed out.
"But-" Keith objected.
"Haruhi's right. Keith, enjoy yourself tomorrow," Kyoya agreed. "Just for tomorrow, you're excluded from your duties. Enjoy yourself as any other man would."
Keith widened his eyes in surprise and turned to Haruhi, who was smiling up at him.
"This time, you can listen to his order."
Keith smiled. "Then I'll happily take on your offer."
For the rest of the evening, Tamaki, Kyoya, Hikaru, Kaoru, Honey, Mori, Haruhi, and Keith enjoyed their dinner pleasantly and with merriness. It was the first trip that all of them were on and needless to say, they were all enjoying their time in each other's company. For the first time in a while, they had a chance to catch up to what was happening with one another and what had been going on in each of their daily lives. It was a joyous moment and deep down inside, Haruhi wished that this blissful moment would last forever.
Kyoya was sitting at the desk in his room, looking absently into his screen before shutting it close, its light dully fading away. He set his phone down and walked over to the balcony, overlooking the night scenery of Dubai. Everything seemed so peaceful as if nothing was going to happen but Kyoya knew better.
"You had the security tightened, right?" Kyoya confirmed.
"Yes," Keith said. "With our current resources here in Dubai, it's not a perfect security system but it's at its best."
Kyoya sighed. "At least it's better than nothing."
"As for tomorrow..." Keith said.
"I doubt that they would put their plans into action this fast," Kyoya said. "For tomorrow, I can say with certainty that nothing will happen. Feel free to enjoy your one day vacation without worrying about anything. That's what I plan to do anyway."
Keith wasn't too sure about just relaxing tomorrow and it was clearly shown on his face.
"Moreover, Haruhi will be happy if you do that," Kyoya said. "Try not to upset her. She's stubborn and you wouldn't want to see her get angry."
At the mention of Haruhi, Keith smiled. He was a little reassured and knowing that if he took his mind off of all the events and problems that were occurring, it would do him well and it would also make his mistress happy, he decided to unwind for tomorrow.
"Though I'm sure that Haruhi-sama looks cute no matter what kind of expression she has on."
"You're quite the person, aren't you?" Kyoya looked at him. "Saying such words in front of her husband, no less."
"Thank you for the compliment," Keith smiled, shining with brilliance.
"That wasn't supposed to be one," Kyoya flatly remarked. "Stop shining. It's late in the night and you're hurting my eyes."
"I apologize. This is how I usually am."
"I doubt that."
"And your basis for it?"
"My perception of you around Haruhi is my basis," Kyoya said.
The two men stayed silent and stared at one another.
"It's late and I should be taking my leave," Keith bowed, deciding to return to his room. "Regardless of what Haruhi-sama and you have said, I still have a duty to be in my best condition to protect her."
"Same here," Kyoya smiled deviously.
"Have a good night's rest," Keith bowed once again and left, the door making a clicking sound behind him.
Kyoya was left in his room alone and threw the towel that was around his neck back onto the chair. After making sure that all his electronics were being charged and that all the necessary documents had been dealt with, he went to lay down on his bed, throwing the blanket covers over him. He set his glasses down and turned over to his side. Meanwhile, Keith had taken off his suit and undid his tie, setting his clothes down to the side. He took his gloves off and undid his braided hair, taking a quick shower. He dried himself within fifteen minutes and went to lay in his bed.
Let's just hope that nothing unpleasant happens this week, the two thought, a fierce and tempestuous look in their eyes.
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