《My Wife》Chapter 21
The car rocked along the bumps of the highway, swerving every now and then to speed past the others. Haruhi's body came into contact with the back seat and she felt her arm being continuously jammed along the back. The pain caused her to furrow her eyebrows in agony as she slowly regained consciousness. Her eyes slowly opened but only darkness welcomed her. She knew that she was in the trunk of the car for the air was stuffy and had a rather nauseous smell to it.
Where am I? she thought.
However, she found that her arms were tied behind her and a gag was over her mouth. She fumbled around, trying to free herself but to no avail. In fact, it only gained the attention of her kidnappers.
"My, my, it seems that the little princess has woken up," a man peered over her.
"After months of planning and days of waiting, we finally captured you," another man said.
Their voices were deep and mocking, like those of politicians. Haruhi stared angrily at them, which further stimulated their ridiculing howls of laughter. They looked at her with condescending eyes and she knew that her capture was what brought them delight.
"Still the same arrogant little girl aren't you? Fujioka Haruhi-sama."
"We still haven't forgotten what happened that day," another said.
"Not only did you humiliate us but you also caused us to lose our company. Did you think that we wouldn't retaliate?"
That day?
"Now that you're in our hands, I wonder how the Ootori conglomerate will pay us?" another grinned sinisterly at her.
"The little princess is all tied up now. Nowhere to run and nowhere to escape."
"Don't worry. We'll bring you back to them in one piece," one said. "We think."
They roared with laughter, their grating laughs resounding through the car unpleasantly. Haruhi gritted her teeth and knew that if she just sat still, she was going to get nowhere. She had to do something to get out of this situation until help arrived. Judging from the voices she heard, she calculated that there were four guys in the car. Moreover, from what she had learned from their conversation and her recognition of the voices, it was from the same people that had been at the party from a few months back.
"Man, that Ootori Group is going to pay for what they did," they said amongst themselves.
"You bet. After all, we have their most prized woman here with us."
As the group of kidnappers kept on talking about what they were plotting, Haruhi couldn't help but sneer at them a little. They were revealing their plans aloud in the open, not even caring that there was a person onboard who had the capability to escape. Haruhi looked anxiously around her, trying to come up with ways to escape.
If I open the trunk and jump out, there's a high likelihood that I'll die, she reasoned, noticing from the sounds of cars that they were on a highway. But I doubt I can attack and overpower them.
"Hey! Until when are we going to reach there!"
"In a few minutes," one person, presumably the driver, replied.
So the only chance I have at escaping is when they stop the car, huh? she stared in front of her, trying to formulate a plan. But even if I do escape, I'd be immediately caught or shot down. If only I had a way to tell them my loca-!
That's it! She had totally forgotten about it! She still had her phone with her! She fumbled with her tied arms, trying to reach in her dress pocket without alerting their notice. She gazed at them as a sweat-drop rolled down her face and prayed that they won't notice her. She pressed her body against the backseat of the car to make herself less noticeable. She made out the shape of her phone and with a few clicks of the buttons, she turned the GPS on her phone; she knew that Kyoya would be notified of her location now.
"Tch. The police are hot on our trails now," one of them suddenly cursed. "Damn the Ootori family."
"But even so, as long as we have that girl with us, nothing will happen to us," another smirked, reassuring his partner.
"You're right," he laughed.
"Besides, when we return that girl, we'll make sure to get a shot at that damn third son and settle the score."
"I'm looking forward to it!" one of them laughed. "If it weren't for him, this whole incident wouldn't have been brought to the attention of that Yoshio bastard!"
"Ah. He deserves to be shot," he sneered.
Haruhi stared at them with her eyes wide in shock and fear. The three men sitting in the back seemed to have noticed the frantic look in her eyes and took amusement in that. One of them peered over at her and grabbed her by her hair.
"Mn!" Haruhi mumbled in pain as she squinted her eyes and gritted her teeth.
"You scared now?" he said mockingly to her. "Your husband's going to be shot by us and there's not a thing you can do about it."
"How does it feel to be so helpless now, bitch?" another taunted.
Haruhi glared at them with hateful eyes and for a second, they flinched. They didn't like the look of authority in her eyes not one bit; it reminded them of the time back at the party. They grabbed her hair harder and Haruhi let out an agonizing muffled scream. They laughed at her in ridicule before the man grabbing her hair let her go, causing her to hit the trunk bottom with a loud thud.
"We're almost there so just shut up and be quiet," he glared at her.
Haruhi returned the look but he was no longer minding her, something she was much grateful for. She had to do something about the rope she was tied with, and fast. She looked around the trunk and looked around frantically. She found a sharp object sitting nicely to the side and turned her head around to get a good look at the thickness of the rope.
It's possible, she nodded to herself.
She turned around in the car and through much work, she got her positioning right. She began cutting the ropes with the object by moving her hands up and down along the side of her back. She could hear the ropes beginning to cut and every now and then, she had to stop out of fear that they had noticed what she was doing. But soon enough, she had thinned out the rope, leaving it a bit intact - just enough for her to break out of it through sheer force once she had to. If they noticed that she had freed herself from the rope, they would've just tied her back up.
"Shit!" one of them screamed.
Haruhi looked up in panic, thinking that they were screaming at her but much to her relief, they weren't.
"I can't believe they're catching up!"
"You've got to be kidding me," the driver gasped in horror. "Just what kind of monster is that guy?"
She could hear the fumbling of bags and then the reloading of a gun. Even from her viewpoint, she could make out the undeniable shape of a submachine gun. Haruhi let out a frantic muffled cry, wishing to tell him to stop. She shut her eyes and desperately tried to close her ears as she heard the sound of bullets flying.
"Fuck!" he yelled, reloading the ammo. "Continue shooting!"
"You don't need to say it!" the other yelled, already beginning to shoot.
Stop! Stop, please! she begged.
The sound of bullets flying stopped and Haruhi finally opened her eyes. She saw that one of them was critically injured, bleeding profusely from his left arm. The other was sitting in the back, panting heavily as sweat donned his face.
"That guy's a white-haired monster, I'm tellin' you," the one breathing heavily said.
"And that short kid is just on a whole other level," said the injured guy. "I can't believe all our shots missed."
Honey-senpai and Keith! Haruhi widened her eyes, tears beginning to form in her eyes. They came!
"I thought that there weren't supposed to be people with her at that time!"
"I saw her enter the bathroom alone, though!"
"Well, I guess you saw wrong, you blind ass!" the guy yelled before grabbing another gun. "Nothing's going as planned!"
"We can still make it to the harbor and board the helicopter!" the driver yelled.
"Then do that!"
Haruhi was knocked back into the backseat as the car went full speed ahead. She looked worriedly in the direction where Keith and Honey were, hoping that they were catching up. She shut her eyes and for the second time in her life, she prayed to God. She prayed that they would appear uninjured and be safe; she didn't want them to be reckless in saving her.
Soon enough, Haruhi could smell the salty ocean breeze and knew that they were nearing the harbor. She prepared herself for the final act. This was her one and last chance and she can't afford to mess it up.
"Get out!" they yelled, pulling her back into the brightness of day.
Keith was speeding through the highway with Honey still on the roof of the car. With the way they were driving and the chaos they were causing, they would've been caught by the police but due to the Haninozuka and Morinozuka family's interference, it didn't happen.
"We're getting nearer," Honey remarked.
"Yes," Keith said, stepping on the gas pedal. "Just a little more and we'll be near them."
But, Keith suddenly swerved to the left, ducking an airwave of bullets that had come at them. Fortunately, the bullets barely missed the car behind them and only the windshield broke. Keith and Honey turned their attention to the car and saw that they were reloading their guns. They were firing upon innocent people and it only made their anger worse.
"Keith, do you have a gun on you?" Honey asked.
"Yes," he replied, taking out a gun - that had been hidden near his chest - and passing it to Honey above. "Are you able to use it?"
Honey laughed sweetly. "In terms of weapons, I'm better at using blades but I'm also fine with a gun. I took lessons."
"Can you aim?"
"Of course," Honey grinned, aiming his gun at one of the men in the car. "I'm good enough at the gun to shoot them right through the head if I could."
He fired. The bullet went deliberately to the man's left arm, the arm that he used the gun with. They immediately stopped firing and ducked back into the car. Though they had managed to avoid getting the public involved, the fact that they had guns troubled the two. Right now, they only hoped that Haruhi was still alive in that car. Keith, out of anger, began speeding up until the car reached its max speed and Honey had to strengthen his grip on the car to avoid falling. The black car was in sight again and they were within a leg's reach of them.
However, things didn't go as planned. The black car began swerving around on the highway, making it impossible for Keith and Honey to catch up to them. The kidnappers cut through cars, not caring if there were casualties happening. Keith muttered some curses at them while Honey clicked his tongue in disgust. Suddenly, two black motorcycles pulled up to them, its drivers waving a hand at them.
"Takashi!" Honey exclaimed.
"Kyoya-sama!" Keith said, shocked.
"We borrowed some motorcycles and came here as fast as we could," Mori explained. "Kyoya got a lead on Haruhi's location."
The three looked to Kyoya who had the look of a demon in his eyes.
"Haruhi was smart enough to turn on the GPS on her phone in order for me to trace her location," Kyoya said. "From the direction that they're headed in, they're most likely making their way to the harbor."
"The harbor?" Keith and Honey repeated.
"Ah. That's where they plan to the exchange," he reasoned.
"It's definitely a trap," Keith remarked.
Honey nodded his head in agreement. "The harbor is a perfect place to deal an exchange. If anything goes wrong, they can just escape by boat. Moreover, with the number of cargos and buildings there, it's the perfect place to situate a sniper."
"It doesn't matter," Kyoya said, his eyes narrowing further. "They dared to lay hands on something that's mine and for that, they'll pay. If anything happens to her, they can forget about living."
He turned the handlebar of the motorcycle and sped past them, leaving the three behind. With the way he was, it was absolutely certain that hell awaited for the band of kidnappers. The expression held in his eyes couldn't even be put into words but it was the angriest they had seen him be. His eyes had a glint of bloodthirstiness and mortalizing savagery in them, instilling fear in both Honey and Mori and even Keith himself. Even when Hikaru had punched her, he hadn't been this angry. Keith and Honey looked to Mori.
"Tamaki, Hikaru, and Kaoru are aware of what's going on, too," Mori said. "They're going to the harbor in a helicopter."
"Just in case, right?" Honey smiled.
Mori smiled and nodded his head. He returned back to his calm and composed self but Honey saw a flicker of anger in those pair of dark eyes of his and chuckled to himself.
Haru-chan really is important to all of us, huh? he thought; though he himself wasn't an exception to that and he acknowledged it.
"Now then, let's go get Haru-chan back!" Honey yelled.
"Ah," Mori said, speeding up.
"We'll definitely get her back," Keith agreed, his eyes glinting with amusement and excitement at the thought of what to do once he got his hands on those kidnappers.
The four of them sped through the highway and within a matter of minutes, they had reached the harbor. Just as Kyoya had said, there was also a black car that had been parked recklessly there. It was the same car that Haruhi had been held in. However, it was nothing but an empty vessel for there was nothing in there. Keith's car screeched as he hurriedly got out with Honey jumping off the roof of it and landing safely onto the ground. Kyoya and Mori had just arrived and were already looking around and that's when they spotted her.
"So you finally caught up," one of them said, grinning maniacally as he raised his voice. "Ootori Kyoya!"
"Let go of her," Kyoya glared at them, his nails digging into the palm of his hand.
"You mean this girl?" he said, pulling her hair and digging a gun to the side of her head. "Oh, we intend to let her go. But, what will you give to us in return?"
"Haruhi-sama!" Keith yelled.
With Haruhi in their grasp and a gun that could unload any minute pointed to her head, the four were panicking. They gulped as a sweat-drop formed on the side of their faces. If they attacked now, Haruhi would be shot but if they didn't, she would still be shot. Kyoya realized that and was formulating plans in his mind but with Haruhi in danger, he couldn't. His first instinct was to save her and release her from the grasps of those men.
"What do you want?" Kyoya asked. "Is it money? Or is it your company?"
"None," another answered. "We want the Ootori conglomerate."
Kyoya furrowed his eyebrows and glared at them.
"Give us your whole company or this girl is going to be a goner," they pressed the gun further on her head.
Haruhi raised her head and shot a menacing glare at them. They were spouting nonsense. Did they want the whole entire Ootori conglomerate in exchange for her? She looked to Kyoya who was contemplating, causing her eyes to widen.
Don't! she yelled in her mind. You can't!
The cloth that had been placed over her mouth had fallen to her neck and she was now free to speak.
"Don't listen to them, Kyoya-senpai!" she yelled. "Don't pass the ownership of the Ootori conglomerate to them! Don't worry about me and don't promise them anything!"
"This bitch!" the other man said and pointed a gun at her head, his finger on the trigger. "If you don't comply, I'm really going to shoot!"
The two men and Haruhi were stepping further back and making their way towards the edge of the harbor. If they stepped even further back, they would fall off and Haruhi would be pulled along with them. It was deep water and though the men had a chance of surviving, they knew that Haruhi couldn't. They couldn't afford that and were thinking about what to do as they gritted their teeth in frustration. Keith looked up and kept his eye on the gun, observing it before noticing something odd with it.
"So you noticed it, too," Honey grinned, realizing at the same time as he did.
"Ah," Keith smiled. "If it's like that, then this will be easy."
Kyoya had also seemed to notice and he gave a nod to Keith who returned it. In an instant, Keith bolted up towards them and shot a series of kunais at them, startling them and they lost their foothold. They dropped their hands to their side, trying to support their balance and in the process of doing so, they let go of Haruhi. Keith rushed to her side and held her in his arms. His eyes softened in worry as he could feel all the energy in her body give out. She held onto his firm arms as Honey and Mori tied the two down. She opened her eyes slowly and found Kyoya in the distance, standing there with nothing but pure relief and gratefulness on his face. She started to smile but widened her eyes in shock at the sudden realization.
"No..." she said.
"What's wrong, Haruhi-sama?" Keith asked, seeing that she had frozen.
"No, something's wrong," she said, staggering onto her legs. "There's supposed to be one more."
The two men that had laid on the ground underneath Honey and Mori broke out into laughter as they looked at Keith and the others.
"This isn't the end, Ootori Kyoya!" he yelled.
"There's one more of us hiding in the building!" the other yelled.
Keith, Honey, and Mori widened their eyes in shock and looked to Kyoya in utter fear and horror. However, a sheet of white flew down over their eyes and they saw Haruhi running at full speed towards Kyoya. Time was passing slowly and Keith, Honey, and Mori called out to Haruhi, reaching their hands out to stop her but it was too late.
"Kyoya-senpai!!!" she yelled.
A bullet came whizzing past them and towards Kyoya at full speed. It came into contact with human skin and flesh and before they knew it, the crimson color of blood was reflected in their eyes.
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