《My Wife》Chapter 5
Kyoya woke up in a lousy mood as always but this time, he didn't seem all that grouchy. Rather, he looked somewhat expectant. He looked towards his digital alarm clock and saw that it was eleven thirty. He had thirty minutes to get ready which was enough time.
He stepped into the shower and took a quick rinse before getting out. He pulled over his head a simple white shirt and donned himself with a light blue suit jacket. With black pants at the bottom and a brand name belt around his waist, he made his way to the door and placed his feet into a pair of white sneakers.
He knocked on Haruhi's door. "Haruhi, you awake?"
He silently waited but there was no answer. He checked his watch and saw that it was twelve. Knowing that she must've already been awake, he made his way downstairs to be greeted by his many servants and maids.
"Good morning, young master Kyoya," they greeted.
"Ah. Tell Tachibana to bring the car out front," Kyoya ordered.
"It already is," the servant replied.
"Good. By the way, where's Haruhi?" he looked around the lobby but there was no sign of her.
"If you're talking about Haruhi-sama," one of the maids smiled.
If he remembered correctly, her name was Serena, one of the top maids in the Ootori family. Standing next to her was Nasha, one of the more clumsier ones but in terms of skill, she was at the top, too. But he didn't bother questioning more and allowed for them to continue on.
"She's here," Nasha exclaimed.
The two stepped aside and seeing the person who they were hiding, Kyoya widened his eyes. Haruhi looked up at him with her large brown orbs, her bangs slightly covering them. Her shoulder-length brown hair was straightened and a braid dangled by her left. She had a white lace knee-length dress and a beige knitted cardigan draped on. Compared to her usual look in the Ouran High uniform, she seemed more...feminine.
"It looks weird, doesn't it?" Haruhi said as she stared at him.
"It doesn't at all!" Serena objected.
"That's right! That's right!" Nasha said.
Remembering that they were in the presence of their young master, they immediately shut their mouths up. Kyoya gulped as he continued to stare at her, a look of doubt in her eyes. He reached out to her and touched the cardigan.
"I guess fine feathers really do make fine birds," Kyoya nodded his head, content.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Haruhi said with an irksome look.
"Don't worry," Kyoya patted her head gently. "You look cute in those."
Haruhi widened her eyes in surprise as she looked at the floor. Kyoya removed his hand and exited the mansion, climbing into the car out front. Haruhi followed closely behind him with a flushed look and shook it off. She climbed into the car after him, Tachibana closing the door before driving off.
"Where are we going?" Haruhi asked.
"A well-known furniture place," Kyoya blatantly replied.
"A place that sells really expensive furniture and necessities, right?" she added, knowing full-well that there was no way this man before her would go to a commoner's place.
Haruhi sighed. She should've expected that answer already.
"Can't we just buy some cheap products. It'll last me a good amount of time either way," she said, trying to convince him not to buy such expensive things.
"Haruhi," he said.
She looked up at him.
"As a member of the Ootori family, you should become accustomed to living such a luxurious life rather than a cheap one. We're nobles and now that you're also going to be one, you shouldn't sully our family name," he stared at her.
Haruhi gulped and looked away. "Understood," she mumbled.
"Even if I didn't tell you, someone else would," Kyoya said. "But more strictly."
Haruhi looked further down, aware of the truth behind his words. She was now a member of his family and nevertheless, his wife. If she intended to pay him back, she should become accustomed to such a life.
Seeing her downcast expression, Kyoya wondered if he went too far with his words. Deciding to brighten her up, the reason much unknown to him.
"Now that you're mine, I won't allow you to be looked down upon," he said.
Haruhi looked up, her eyes full of hope and wondering what he meant in his words. His gaze was out the window but somehow, she felt as if he was keeping a close watch on her. He shifted his gaze her way and she was hooked by those clear and confident eyes of his.
"You will become a woman that everyone respects and envies," he said. "This is for certain. That's why we'll train you with the etiquette that you should have so that you won't ever make a mistake that will sully the Ootori name."
Haruhi smiled. "So in the end, I still have to train."
At that, Kyoya chuckled a bit. "Correct."
"Very well then, Kyoya-senpai," she said. "I'll leave it up to you."
"That's obvious."
The rest of the ride to the place was filled with silence as Kyoya diligently continued typing away at his laptop while Haruhi watched outside the window as the cars flew by her. As they neared their destination, there were fewer and fewer cars and she knew that it was a sure sign of the wealthy.
The car pulled up into a parking lot and turned off its engines.
"We're here, Kyoya-sama," Tachibana said.
"Haruhi, we're getting off," Kyoya said.
"Okay," she replied, ducking her head as she climbed out.
As she got off and joined Kyoya, she looked up at the place and she instantly sighed with a defeated expression. The whole building looked as if it was sparkling and from the way they advertised their products, of course only the rich would come.
"Let's go," Kyoya called out to her.
"Y-Yes," Haruhi said as she ran up to him before walking by his side.
They entered the building and were greeted by several staff members. Haruhi knew she stood out like a sore thumb by Kyoya's side but it was Kyoya who was the eye-candy. All the girls that were there were staring at him non-stop and she could tell that he was used to things like this. Haruhi followed idly by his side up the escalator as he started explaining how this store had all the products they needed.
Kyoya looked back at her and saw that she had a downcast gaze and immediately furrowed his eyebrows.
"Are you unhappy, Haruhi?" he questioned.
"Huh? Not at all," she furiously shook her head as she twidled with her hair. "It's just that I'm not used to being in places like these."
He looked at her and saw that she really was uncomfortable. Not wanting to see such an expression on her face, he held out a hand to her. Haruhi stopped walking and looked at his outstretched hand, then at him, and finally back at his hand. She looked questioningly at it.
"It's better if we hold hands, right?" Kyoya said. "It'll be easier to tell the others that you're mine and moreover, you won't get lost if we do this."
Haruhi pouted. "Kyoya-senpai, I don't think I'm going to get lost in a place that has absolutely no people."
"Who knows?" he said with a slight smile.
"I know," Haruhi defended herself.
Kyoya chuckled slightly. "But there's one more reason," Kyoya took a hold of Haruhi's hand. "This way, you'll be happier, right?"
Haruhi widened her eyes in surprise at his sudden gesture and the fact that he had noticed her downcast gaze the whole time. Without hearing her reply, he led her onto the furniture floor. Haruhi looked at his large hand and how it grasped onto hers. She looked up at him and smiled to herself and chuckled.
"What's wrong?"
"No, it's nothing," she laughed. "Let's go, Kyoya-senpai."
This time, instead of walking behind him, Haruhi walked beside him with a joyful smile and seeing so, Kyoya smiled as well. She finally smiled. In his opinion, Haruhi's smile and laugh suited her better than the dejected look she had on before.
"The first stop is furniture. Look around and pick which one you like," Kyoya said.
Haruhi nodded her head and looked around as the salesperson guided her through the vast selection. Kyoya observed her from a close distance and noticed that she didn't like bright vibrant colors but rather light nature colors. Though, those colors did complement her well.
"I'll take this one," Haruhi said. "Is that okay, Kyoya-senpai?"
"Pick whatever you like. As long as you like it, then that's fine," he smiled.
Seeing his fake smile, Haruhi caught onto what he was trying to do. Since they were now fiancees, people must be watching them from afar. Specifically, Kyoya's father. If it was found out that their marriage was only in name, things would become troublesome for the Ootori Group. Haruhi acted along but honestly, her feelings right now weren't an act. She was really having fun.
Kyoya swiped his card and bought the white closet, large white sofa with white and beige colored pillows, and a white fur carpet.
"Would you like for this to be delivered?" the salesperson smiled.
"Yes. By today," Kyoya ordered.
The furniture in Haruhi's room was only there temporarily and now that they bought new ones, Kyoya motioned for Aijima, who was close by, to give a call to the housemaids and servants to start preparing to move the furniture out of Haruhi's room and replace them.
"You picked it out pretty fast," Kyoya commented. "You aren't going to change your mind about it, are you?"
"No," Haruhi replied. "I'm always content with what I pick."
"If you say so," Kyoya said, continuing to hold onto her hand.
Haruhi smiled at him, causing his heart to leap a little. He smiled at her, a conflicted expression on his face. Should he embrace or ignore this feeling? He was still ambivalent about it but decided to leave that question for later.
"We'll be shopping all day so tell me when you get tired," Kyoya said.
"Okay," Haruhi answered.
Continuing on to the various floors of the building, Haruhi bought light pink and beige colored towels, a white bathrobe, two baskets for throwing worn clothes in, a body scrubber sponge, a plastic washbin, face towels, a rinsing cup, and a toothbrush. All the items were of similar color and seeing that they had bought most of what she wanted, a look of accomplishment swept over Haruhi.
"They're all being sent over to the mansion, right?" she asked.
"Yeah. Did you expect for us to carry all that?"
"Of course not," Haruhi answered. "I'm not stupid."
"I know that. If you were, how could you have entered Ouran?" Kyoya said. "I'm not stupid, either."
"That's a given," Haruhi laughed, remembering his calculating ways at the Club.
"Is that all you need for furniture?" Kyoya asked, noticing how Haruhi was just looking around now.
"Yeah. The furniture in the room is nice so I'm just going to leave some of them. Besides, there's already desk lamps, desks, chairs, and others in the room so why bother buying more?" Haruhi smiled. "Moreover, they're all in my favorite colors."
"If that's all, then we're going to go buy your clothes next," Kyoya said, taking her hand in his once more.
"Huh?" she looked up at him. "There's no need to do that, Kyoya-senpai. The clothes I have are enough to satisfy me."
"Are you talking about those t-shirts, jeans, and other poor quality material cloths?" Kyoya looked at her.
"Well, I'm sorry that they're cheap," Haruhi furrowed her eyebrows in annoyance.
"Don't worry, I threw them all out already."
"You what?!" Haruhi yelled in disbelief but Kyoya continued to pull her along.
"I threw them out. Do I have to repeat what I said?"
"Kyoya-senpai! That was uncalled for!" Haruhi yelled at him. "Yeah, they're cheap but throwing them out? You're unbelievable!"
The three bodyguards of Ootori Kyoya watched as the two bickered. Haruhi looked beyond mad but even so, Kyoya remained calm and unnerved. For someone to start a fight with their young master and not get immediately disposed of, it was a first. Not wanting to see their young master and mistress fight any longer, Hotta took it upon himself to stop it.
"Haruhi-sama," Hotta stepped up to her.
Haruhi looked up with an annoyed look. "What?"
The three bodyguards flinched, causing Kyoya to chuckle a bit. She really was amusing in various ways.
"When Kyoya-sama said that he threw your clothes out, he meant that he donated it to an orphanage," Hotta said.
Haruhi stopped raging and looked at him and then at Kyoya who looked away. His ears were slightly red and so she decided to ask him directly, she went up to him and stood before him. He looked at her with a blank face, as if nothing had happened.
"Is it true?" she asked, looking up at him.
"Regarding what?" he said, pretending to not have the slightest clue about what she was talking about.
"Stop playing dumb, Kyoya-senpai," Haruhi pouted. "Did you really donate them?"
Kyoya stared at her and opened his mouth to reply. "What if I did? Are you going to say it's out of my character?"
Haruhi laughed and shook her head. "Quite the opposite," she smiled as she tippy-toed and reached up to his head. "I'm glad."
Kyoya widened his eyes in surprise at her gesture as she withdrew her hand. She took his hand and held it, motioning for Kyoya to lead the way. Kyoya complied but his thoughts were still frozen at that point. He could still feel her lingering touch on his hair and if he had to be honest, it was a nice feeling. He smiled and wrapped his fingers around her hand.
"You're walking too slow," he smiled mockingly at her.
Haruhi opened her mouth to say something but was dragged along by Kyoya. Her hair flowed behind her as she followed him. She was used to his touch by now and if anything, she wanted to keep on holding onto his hand. The funny thing was, it made her feel complete inside. They made their way to the opposite building where all the clothes were and the selection was even more varied than furniture.
"Are we going to go through all this?" Haruhi said, her mouth open in complete shock.
"We're going to buy everything that suits you," Kyoya said, gesturing for a salesperson. "Now go and try on the clothes."
"This way, Haruhi-sama," the salespeople said.
Haruhi gulped and felt a shiver run down her spine. The look in their eyes was the same as Serena and Nasha when they were dragging her away to give her a makeover. Haruhi reached out her hand towards the three bodyguards but seeing them shake their heads, she knew there was no way to escape.
"How does this look?" the salesperson asked.
She didn't know how many times she's changed but she knew that a long time had passed. Kyoya looked up and nodded his head. Out of all the clothes she's tried on, only a few didn't meet Kyoya's standards.
"Are we really going to buy all this?" Haruhi asked. "I don't think the closet is going to fit all this."
"That's why there's a walk-in closet in your room for a reason," Kyoya said, motioning for her to try on the next one.
"There's a walk-in closet?" Haruhi asked, raising her eyebrows.
Kyoya looked up at her and set aside the magazine. "Did you look around your room?"
"My room?" Haruhi tilted her head as she thought about it. The only thing in her room was a bed, a carpet, drawers, and...she widened her eyes and pointed at him.
"You mean that grey-colored door?" she exclaimed.
Kyoya sighed. "Did you just notice."
"I thought for sure that it was just a door for decoration."
"Why would there even be an unnecessary door there? If there'a door, then it must lead to something."
"You're right," Haruhi said now that she thought about it.
Kyoya stood up and took out his card. "We're buying all of it. Including those pairs of shoes, handbags, and accessories over there."
"Understood," they bowed.
By now, Haruhi was used to it. He didn't look like the type to spend much but when it came to reputation, money was not an issue; he would go all out. It seemed like he was buying the whole store out.
"Those clothes and accessories just now," Haruhi began, holding his hand.
"So you noticed, huh? Not bad. That's right, more than half of those clothes were from Hitachiin Yuzuha's fashion line. Which shows just how powerful the Hitachiin family is in the fashion industry."
"I'm aware. Though Hikaru and Kaoru may act like that, their skills are unparalleled."
"It's a shame that they have those personalities, though."
"But that's what makes them Hikaru and Kaoru," Haruhi smiled fondly. "It's because they're like that that people gather around them and hang out with them."
Kyoya took her words and thought about it. What she said did have some truthful points. The twins were easy to interact with and gave off a fun vibe. They were like a radiant ball of sunshine, the complete opposite of what he was. Actually, almost everyone in the Host Club was the opposite of what he was.
Haruhi noticed his cloudy expression and smiled
"But the only reason they could be like that is because of Kyoya-senpai," Haruhi pointed out.
Kyoya's eyes widened slightly as he mused to himself. "How's that so?"
"If it weren't for you, the two of them would still be isolated in their own world, no? The reason why they are who they are now is because of the Host Club. You and Tamaki-senpai are the ones that created the Club but in the end, it's you that is managing it. That's why for everyone in the Host Club, we're able to be like this because of Kyoya-senpai," Haruhi turned around and smiled brightly at him.
A radiant light shone around Haruhi and Kyoya was mesmerized. Maybe it was because of the lighting in the building but all of a sudden, she seemed so much more...beautiful.
"What's wrong?" she blinked at him.
He cleared his throat. "No. It's nothing. Let's get going to the final one," Kyoya said.
"Okay," Haruhi replied, following closely behind him.
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