《My Wife》Chapter 4
Kyoya and Haruhi walked in through the door and the door closed behind them. The two were met with a rather exhilarated thrill and squeal. They instantly recognized that voice and dismissed the nurse from the room.
"Haruhi! I missed y-! Owowowow!" Ryoji yelled as he laid back in his bed.
Haruhi quickly hurried to his side and set him back down. "Dad, you're really a helpless idiot."
Ryoji laughed it off and leaned back against the bed. Haruhi and Kyoya set their belongings down to the side and pulled a seat towards the bed. He had a bandage on his head, his chest and appendage were wrapped in bandages, his leg was held up in a cast, and he had an arm in a cast. Despite the accident, Ryoji still had a smile on his face and the same carefree attitude.
"How're you doing, Dad?" Haruhi questioned.
"I'm perfectly fine. The physical therapy is going great, too," Ryoji replied with a smile.
"We're glad to hear that," Kyoya said.
Ryoji looked at Kyoya and smiled softly. His girly voice replaced by his usual male one. "I heard everything already, Kyoya."
Haruhi and Kyoya stopped peeling the apples and looked up. The two faltered but Haruhi was back at peeling once again while Kyoya stopped to look at the man before him. His eyes were blank and held a serious expression. Ryoji shifted his gaze towards his daughter and looked at her in guilt.
"I'm sorry, Haruhi," he said.
"For what?" she asked, continuing to peel.
"If it weren't because I was so careless, I wouldn't have gotten you into such a situation," he said. "For you to enter a marriage contract with a person that you don't even love...I failed as your father."
Haruhi placed the apple down and looked her father in the eye, an unwavering look in her eye. "Dad, I chose to enter this marriage contract and after all the things that Kyoya-senpai did for us, it's only appropriate. Besides," she said, handing the plate of apples to him. "It wasn't your fault for getting into the accident."
"Haruhi's correct," Kyoya said, shifting his glasses. "Judging from the cameras and video footage, it was the driver's fault. Don't worry, we've already got the compensation money from him and everything else."
The two sweat-dropped and Kyoya's ever-so relentless and merciless attitude.
Ryoji's set his smile on Haruhi once more and sighed inwardly. "Haruhi, are you sure you're fine with this marriage?"
"I am," she replied.
Kyoya widened his eyes in surprise at her immediate response.
"If it's Kyoya-senpai, then I don't mind. Besides, this marriage brings benefits to the both of us," Haruhi said and looked at Kyoya with a smile. "Right, Kyoya-senpai?"
"That's right," Kyoya said.
Haruhi smiled at her senior and Ryoji saw it. As she smiled, Kyoya's lips curled up for a brief moment before disappearing. As a father, nothing went unnoticed to him when it concerned his daughter. Kyoya could lie to others but he couldn't lie to Ryoji.
"I'll peel it now," Kyoya said.
"Understood," Haruhi said, handing him the knife. Haruhi turned to her father and tilted her head to the side. "Dad, you okay?"
"H-Huh? Ah, yeah! I'm fine!" Ryoji exclaimed.
Haruhi looked at him questioningly and laughed. "You're so weird."
"Being weird is a good thing, is it not?" Ryoji pouted. "I'm fine now so Haruhi, talk to me about school. You've been eating well, right? You haven't been staying up all night."
"Rest assured, Ranka-san," Kyoya said, setting the sliced apples down. "The maids make sure that she properly eats and sleep."
"That's good to hear," Ryoji laughed. "As expected of Kyoya."
Kyoya nodded his head at the compliment and watched on silently as Ryoji and Haruhi caught on about the latest news. Haruhi talked about her school life and how nothing had changed while Ryoji talked about his extravagant life to which Haruhi sighed about. Time passed by quickly and without knowing, two hours had gone by.
"Ah. It's already five?" Haruhi sighed. "I still have to study for the Latin test tomorrow."
"Then you should hurry and go," Ryoji reprimanded as he made a gesturing motion to move. "It's good that you came to visit me but you shouldn't neglect your studies."
"Got it," Haruhi said. "I'll come to visit you again when I have the time."
"I'll be looking forward to it," Ryoji grinned.
"Haruhi, the car is out front. Wait for me for a minute. I have something to take care of," Kyoya called out.
"Okay," Haruhi said and walked out.
Seeing her gone, Kyoya turned to Ryoji and the two males looked at one another, each with a serious expression in their eyes. The two dared not to bat an eye until one of them spoke up. Ryoji's voice was deep, contrary to his how he was a few minutes ago.
"Kyoya, what do you view Haruhi as?"
Kyoya looked at him. "What do you mean by that?"
"Don't play dumb. Even as a commoner, I know some things. Kyoya, I know you're a person that values assets and deem things such as feelings trivial when it comes to business," Ryoji said. "But know one thing. The person that you're in a marriage with is my daughter."
"I'm well aware of that."
"Then let me ask you again, Kyoya. In your eyes, what is Haruhi to you?"
Kyoya furrowed his eyebrows and opened his mouth. "I...don't know."
Ryoji looked at him.
"Sometimes, when I see her smile, I feel like an urging inside of me to see it once again. My heart pounds uncontrollably and often, I want to get rid of this feeling. I don't need this feeling and yet, I just can't seem to leave her alone."
"So...?" Ryoji continued.
"At first, I wanted to use her because she would be an important asset to my future goals but now, within these two days that we've been together, she pulled me in towards her," Kyoya said. "Ryoji-san, though I may not know what this feeling is or how I should describe her status towards me but there's one thing that I know, I don't see her as an asset nor as an object. This I can swear to you."
Ryoji stared at him and broke into a smirk. "You pass."
Kyoya looked at him in perplex, not understanding what he was saying.
"If it's you, I don't mind giving Haruhi to you but in the end, it all depends on Haruhi's choice," Ryoji said, eating the leftover apples. "I'm satisfied with your answer."
"Is that all you wanted to ask?"
"Yup, that's all!" Ryoji laughed.
Kyoya sighed and began making his way to the door, his laptop in hand.
"Oh yeah, one more thing!" Ryoji called out. "I hope you get to find out what you view her as well as that feeling. It might become your strength or your weakness."
"I, Ootori Kyoya, don't need weaknesses," Kyoya said.
"We'll see about that," Ryoji grinned at Kyoya's over self-confidence.
With that, Kyoya left the room, leaving Ryoji to his apples. Kyoya walked out towards the hospital and saw Haruhi sitting there in the car waiting with a pleased expression. He felt himself soften and his cold mask disappear. Why was it that she caused him to be like this? This was the only second day that they've been together and yet, the more time they spent together, the more he noticed her intriguing details.
"Kyoya-senpai," she looked up from her book and waved at him. "You finally came."
Kyoya climbed into the car and looked at her. "Sorry to keep you waiting."
"It's fine. It gave me time to finish one of my homework," Haruhi smiled. "What did you have to take care of?"
"Nothing much," he answered. "It doesn't concern you."
"Oh. Okay," Haruhi said.
Seeing her face, Kyoya felt a pang of guilt. She had a dejected expression as she looked out the window, wondering if she had been too intruding. She'd been too nosy in his business and reminded herself that she was still an outsider. She thought that the two of them had become close but guessed that that was only her wishful thought.
"Haruhi," he spoke up.
"Yeah?" she turned around.
"Have you decided on what you need to buy?" Kyoya asked.
"Pretty much," Haruhi answered.
"Good. I'll be paying for it all so don't bother bringing anything."
"Huh?" she said, rather surprised but it soon faded. "Don't tell me it's going to be on my items that you auctioned."
"No. This time, I'll be paying for it," he plainly replied.
Haruhi looked suspiciously at him and he sighed, combing his hair backward.
"Since you're my marriage partner, for me to do these things is simply a matter of courtesy. If it was found out that I let my wife buy her own things, how would I show my face?" he said. "Haruhi, you're my wife now. Don't question our relationship. You are mine now so I won't treat you as a stranger."
He patted her on the head and she widened her eyes in surprise at his gentle touch. Even if it was for a brief moment, she saw a slight smile on his face. His eyes held warmth in them and she smiled slowly to herself. If she had an older brother, maybe this is what it would feel like.
"Understood, Kyoya-senpai," she smiled.
He nodded his head and looked out the window once more. "We're leaving in the afternoon so get ready at that time."
Haruhi responded with a nod and she, too, looked out the opposite window. The two sat in silence for the ride back, each content and satisfied at their understanding of each other.
Haruhi stepped out of the bathroom, her hair perfectly dry after a morning shower.
"Nothing beats a shower in the morning," Haruhi sighed blissfully.
She made her way to the tiny refrigerator in her room and opened it. Looking around, she grabbed a glass of milk and a loaf of bread, an egg, and some frozen sausages. Still in a simple bath towel, Haruhi made her way to her bedroom and took off the towel, hanging it behind the door. She grabbed a simple baggy t-shirt and threw it over herself.
"Now then, on to breakfast," she hummed to herself.
On the first day that Kyoya showed her her room, she was utterly surprised at the space and size of it. It was even bigger than the 1DK apartment that she used to live in. Her room was divided into other rooms which were her bedroom, a bathroom, a living room, and a kitchen. The kitchen was what surprised her the most. But now, she didn't really mind it. It was convenient for her who didn't want to go downstairs and seem out of place in this luxurious mansion.
She made herself a plate of eggs and sausages with a piece of bread to the side. She sat down at her small table and began eating while looking over, one last time, the stuff she needed to buy. She smeared some strawberry jam onto the bread and ate it.
"Rich people really have it nice," Haruhi said, her face of pure bliss as she continued eating.
Haruhi looked at the wall and saw that it was still nine in the morning. She still had about three hours to waste and knowing Kyoya, he wasn't going to be up anytime soon. Looking around, she saw that she had nothing to do for her homework was already done and the maids of the house had tidied up every nick and corner of the room. Haruhi sighed and turned on the 4-K television and sat on the white couch. It was playing her favorite drama of the year and so she decided to relax and enjoy it.
A knock sounded at the door and Haruhi looked up in confusion. She turned her attention to the clock and noted that it was still eleven and not yet twelve. Kyoya wouldn't wake up so early. She got up and made her way to the door and opened it.
"Fujioka Haruhi-sama," the two maids bowed with an excited smile.
"You two are...?" she tilted her head to the side.
"We're two of the maids that were assigned to you," the first one said. "The name's Serena."
"I'm Nasha," the second one said.
"We were told to assign and coordinate your outfit for today's date with Young Master," the two exclaimed.
A sweat-drop appeared on Haruhi's forehead as her mouth twitched. "May I ask who ordered for this to be done?"
"Of course we maids ourselves!"
Haruhi paled. The maids of the Ootori mansion were really in their own world. One would think that they were perfect and obedient maids - which they were - but seeing them now, they really did like doing things at their own pace.
"Now then, Haruhi-sama," Serena said, tugging one of Haruhi's arm.
"This way, please," Nasha continued, tugging on Haruhi's other arm.
"W-Wait a minute," Haruhi yelled in defiance but to no avail.
She was dragged along unwillingly by the two maids and before she knew it, she was already sitting in front of a mirror with hundreds of clothes and various face products before her. She sighed and knew that this was uncalled for. But, even if she tried to flee, she would be dragged back. After all, the Ootori family servants are the most well-trained in terms of both etiquette and martial arts.
"I think this plaid skirt would look nice," Nasha said.
"No, this one-piece would be better," Serena objected.
The two talked back and forth while Haruhi sat there, a dead look in her eyes. She just wanted to leave this place already. She looked back at up and saw two pairs of shining eyes at her.
"S-Seems like you two are done choosing?" Haruhi chuckled nervously.
"Correct. Now, Haruhi-sama. This way!" the two pulled her up.
They changed her into a simple white knee-length dress and draped a beige-colored knitted cardigan on her. Then, they handed her a pair of white high-top sneakers to match her outfit and Haruhi gladly put it on, glad that it wasn't heels.
"Kyoya-sama will definitely like this," Serena smiled.
Hearing that, Haruhi's heart skipped a beat but she ignored it. "Is that so?" Haruhi said, questioningly.
"Definitely. Despite how Kyoya-sama looks and acts, he's fond of simple things. Forgive us for being direct but out of all the girls that have come up to Kyoya-sama, Haruhi-sama suits his tastes the most," Nasha added.
"A simple Japanese girl," Serena said as she gently took Haruhi's hair. "At least that's the type that Kyoya-sama prefers the most."
A warm feeling welled up inside of Haruhi as they said that. She held a hand to her heart and looked down, confused. Somehow, she felt happy inside at their words. She shook her head and erased those thoughts. Her outfit was done but there was still the hair and face to do. She sighed and hoped that time would pass by quickly and for Kyoya to wake up already.
"Your skin's fairly smooth," Nasha said, rather surprised. "If it's like this, then we don't need to add the others. Just some light foundation and blush will do."
"We don't need the lipstick either. Just use some chapstick," Serena said. "It's better to not use so many appliances. Makeup would look good on her but on this simple outing, a simple look would do."
Nasha nodded her head in agreement. "Natural beauty is the best in the end."
Even though they said that they didn't put on many appliances, Haruhi's face felt a little more heavy than usual. She felt a comb run through her hair and a curling iron at the end of her hair. Nasha brushed her bangs and used a straightening iron to straighten her bangs. Haruhi's side hair fell lightly down to her side while Serena curled the bottom of her hair before brushing it with a comb so as to make it look like wavy.
"There," Serena and Nasha stepped back with a satisfied smile. "All complete."
Haruhi turned to the mirror and looked at herself. She widened her eyes slightly in surprise at the sight of herself. She still looked like a simple plain girl but somehow, something seemed different. With just a slight change in attire and a slight addition of makeup, she could change into someone else.
"How do you like it, Haruhi-sama?" Serena asked.
Haruhi turned to them and smiled softly, her eyes beaming with happiness. "Thank you, Serena. Nasha. I love it."
Serena and Nasha's heart skipped a beat at seeing their elated mistress. In the years that they've served the Ootori family and the woman of it, there were only two people that ever thanked them for their work. The first one was the late Mrs. Ootori and the second one was Fujioka Haruhi. The other two women who were wedded and betrothed to the elder two sons were none other than arrogant people who thought of servants as nothing more than dogs that did their bidding.
"We're glad you like it, Haruhi-sama," Nasha smiled, jovial.
Haruhi nodded their heads at her in delight as she continued looking at herself. Serena and Nasha smiled at one another and gave a victory sign before looking back at Haruhi. Out of the three sons, Kyoya had the nicest personality despite his miser attitude and he was the one that all the servants in the Ootori family dreamed of having as their young master. His delight was their delight. Seeing that Fujioka Haruhi was now his betrothed and soon-to-be wife, they were glad that it was someone like her. If it was someone like her, they approved of it and no doubt that she would liven up Kyoya's world. They could see it. They all could. Kyoya treasured Haruhi even if he didn't know it himself.
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