《Miss Haruhi Fujioka? (Reader x Haruhi) (Lesbian Story)》Chapter 3


I wasn't sure if I was going to continue this. There was a chapter before but I found it really boring so I got rid of it :P trust me, it was boring. Here is another short chapter for you (yeah I couldn't help but put a bit of twinness in it. You know I love them!)


It's time. Time to impress Haruhi! You pulled out your gorgeous red gown that you spent hours finding at the shops and slipped it on. Perfect! You decided to do your hair yourself. You had been getting lots of practice at it. You had it down with loose curls. You had lots of little white rosette clips on it pinning the sides at the front back. You decided to go for flat shoes, for a couple of reasons. 1. You didn't want to be taller than Haruhi and 2. You were afraid you would fall on him again whilst to did to impress him with your awesome dancing skills. You ran downstairs and got into the limo that would take you to the party. You couldn't help but be incredibly nervous. This was what you had been waiting for. You needed to show Haruhi that you're the girl for him. That you're the only one he should ever set his beautiful eyes on.

The limo had arrived. You got out while shouting a thanks to the driver. You tried your hardest to be graceful at you entered the large ball room, but couldn't stop shaking and tripping over your own feet. Oh I hope Haruhi doesn't see me like this you thought to yourself while trying to fix your dress after stepping on the front of it. Usually you are cool and calm in these situation but you were just too eager to show off to Haruhi.


You walked across the busy room in search of him. Where is he? You noticed that none of the hosts were to be seen. Where could they be? They are the ones hosting it after all.

After about half an hour of waiting along with everyone else who had arrived, the door flung open. In came, one by one, the hosts of the club. You felt your heart already speeding up. First came in Tamaki gallantly, followed by Kyoya. The twins came behind him with their arms linked, holding out a hand to two girls either side, splitting off in different directions and dancing with the girls. After them came Huni rushing in excited, you guess he can't hold the formal look. Right behind him was Mori. And at final last, came the precious Haruhi! Oh he looks even more wonderful than ever. All host had matching suits, but with different coloured ties, the colour of their flower. Haruhi had the beautiful red tie on. You started rushing over to him, careful not to fall over, but before you got to him, he had already begun dancing with another girl!!! But you must dance with him! You wanted to hide your anger so you turned around and took one of the seats around the room. You looked around the room, always seeing Haruhi going to dance with yet another girl. You felt left out. Don't they know how much you love him?!

You looked down at you lap and fiddles with the white bow lied around your waist.

"Excuse me," you heard a voice. You looked up to see the twins. "Would you like to dance?" They asked together, both holding out a hand. You just looked at the hands, unsure of whether or not you should dance with them. You looked behind them to see Haruhi dancing with another girl. Screw it you thought it's not like I'd be cheating on him or anything. That's for sure. You took, who was it, Hikaru you thought's hand and got up, beginning to dance. You span around the room, always looking over to where Haruhi was.


"Kaoru! It's my turn now!" You heard, well it must have been Hikaru's voice call as he chased after the two of you. Kaoru shook his head and held you close to him spinning you to another area of the room away from Hikaru who tried to chase after you. Ah where did Haruhi go? You tried to keep an eye on him but you've lost him.

"May I have a dance?" you knew that voice! Haruhi! Kaoru looked down to you to see your answer, which was displayed simply through your excited smile. He let you go and handed you to Haruhi. He held out his arms which you happily took and began to dance.

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