《Miss Haruhi Fujioka? (Reader x Haruhi) (Lesbian Story)》Chapter 4


You felt like you could live forever in his arms, dancing around the room. You hope for the song to never end. Being held so close to him you couldn't help but blush. Every time you looked into his eyes you felt lost in another world. He smiled at you every time you brought your eyes to his. But the song you wanted to go for eternity, ended in only a few minutes. It wasn't long enough! It just went too fast! You both bowed and clapped for the band and were forced by social manners to part from him so he could dance with another. You slumped back to your seat across the room and started looking for who he was dancing with next. Where did he do? He was there a second ago. You looked around everywhere you could see from your seat but he was nowhere to be found.

"Hey (y/n)! Are you enjoying the party?" came the excited voice of Huni. You hadn't even realised he sat down next to you. Or maybe you did next to him, but you were too preoccupied with searching for Haruhi.

"Oh yeah. It's, ah, really good," you said trying to mimic excitement like him but completely failing.

"Is something wrong?" he asked tilting his head slightly to the side.

"No. It's nothing, really," you replied looking away from his massive eyes to see if you could find Haruhi yet. Where could he have gone? He must be somewhere in the centre of the crowd dancing with some beautiful girl. You felt even sadder at the thought.

Huni continued to stare at you. "Would you like to dance with me?" he asked closing his eyes with a large smile. You still only felt like dancing with Haruhi though.


"No thanks, Huni," you said. "I might just go and get some air or something." You got up and made your way through the large room to the doors on the other side.

You left to just stand at a balcony. The cold air softly touched your face. You looked out into the night, seeing some leaving, some standing around talking. The usual. You just wanted to impress Haruhi and stand out to him, but now it feels like you were just another one of the girls he has danced with. 'He probably doesn't even recognise me,' you thought to yourself, forgetting the fact that he knew your name.

You sighed to yourself and put your hands out on the railing. You felt something warm on your right, to see someone had their hand on yours. You looked up slowly to see Haruhi, standing next to you, hand in hand, staring out just as you were only a few seconds ago. You smiled and looked back out, not sure if you talked you'd ruin the moment.

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