I was alone in my office doing some work . All the workers went to celebrate the deal in sotano , Since they don't have any choice .
Halfway through working I heard a knock on my door.
"Come in " I said sighing.
The door then opened with a creak sound. I frowned at the sound and made a note to change the door.
"Seems like you're not celebrating. "
My head jerked up at the voice to see Zion standing in all his glory with the usual smile on his face .
For a brief moment seeing him in my office after a week of not seeing him gave me a warm feeling.
"Hey" I said little confused on what he was doing here .
"Hi" he said and came in front of me , I then noticed the he was carrying some flowers.
"Here" he said and placed the flowers in front of my desk .
I stared the flowers with the most confused look I blinked twice to process that there is flower in front of me.
"I heard you got the deal. Since I was not able to attend the meeting the whole week and today . My dad said that I should somehow congratulate you since our members liked you design. " he said looking at the flowers then at me answering my confused thoughts " And it is only appropriate to give you lilies and it doesn't take a genious to know that it is your favorite " he finished.
I then grabbed the flowers and ran my fingers through the petals while biting my lips to stop the smile that was forming.
I then looked at Zion "Thank you , it is beautiful " I said .
He nodded with a lazily smile and took a seat in front of me .
I then kept the flowers beside me and looked at him.
"But it's not should be the other way around " I said with a raised eyebrow "You know , like I should be the one to come and say thank with some champagne something like that" I questioned.
He chuckled leaning back on his seat "Well it would not happened so yeah . " he casually said.
Eventhough he said it very casually. I took it somewhat seriously and something him saying about it doesn't make me feel good.
"Okay then " he said looking at his watch "I hope you will do your best in this project , all the best . See you soon " he said and stood up to leave.
I also then stood up "Zion wait"
He stopped and looked at me waiting for me to speak.
I can't believe I'm gonna do it.
"I wanted to thank you for giving me the deal . Uhm. How about dinner ? "
It was me who is executing it.
"Dinner?" He asked suprised.
"Yeah , since it's eight o'clock but if you're not free if not it's okay" I said .
He started at me with his blue eyes for a brief moment before answering.
"Dinner sounds good " he nodded.
"Okay then" I said somewhat unsure because I still can't believe I invited him for a dinner and HE accepted it.
"Can you wait for a few minutes I have to finish some work . It will not take more than few minutes " I said .
"No problem I can wait " he said . I nodded and started to do finish some of the work the whole time I can feel his eyes on me.
"Why did not you go and celebrate with everyone " he asked .
"I don't find any particular reason to celebrate " I sighed.
"Why are not you happy that you got the deal" he asked curiously leaning in.
"No it's just....." I trail to say something that somehow he could understand "It's not my thing" I settle with that.
He looks like he wanted to ask something but decided against it and only nods leaving the conversation.
I then go back to finish the work while he was typing something on his phone
"Thanks for waiting " I said once I finished with everything.
"It's nothing now let's go " he said and we both went out of the room and entered the elevator. The ride to the elevator was silent because I was lost in thoughts on where I should take him . I was pretty much carving for some wraps.
I really don't know from where the sudden carving came from.
My thoughts were interrupted up by the ding sound . We then both went out and reach the basement.
"Well you can follow me ......"I trailed off looking for my car .
"Follow you " he asks with a frown.
I take my eyes off my car and look at him "Yeah is there a problem " I asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Yes . I thought we are taking only one car " he asked looking at me furrowed eyebrow.
"It's okay we can come in separate cars " I said.
"That just will complicate we will take my car and after dinner I can drop you "he said and waited for my answer while I was still thinking about it .
"Plus it is convenient for you and me also . And your car is on your office basement only" he pointed out.
"Okay then. Just give me a second I have to grab something from my car " I said and pretty much walked from him without waiting for his answer.
I then pulled open the door to grab the small bag in which it has a present for him and his dad which I was thought of giving to him as a thank you.
But now the thank you has been drastically changed . It has to do with the beautiful flowers he brought me seeing it kind of made me forget that I brought a gift already.
Well the phase ,think before you speak! Is no joke.
I then closed the door and grabbed the bag and went towards his car .
But it not like I'm regretting it , because Zion is one of the person I knew that he is a very mannered gentleman and very kindhearted. And safe to say that I don't get creepy vibes from him.
When I reached him he was typing something on his phone .
"Hey" I said to gain his attention. He then looked up from his phone.
"Hey, shall we go " he asked
"Yes" I nodded he then went and opened the door for me I then settled in . While he was coming to the passenger seat I put the bag in the back .
After that we drove off from my office .
After a few seconds he spoke.
"So where are we going "
Well It's not the question I love to answer!
I sighed " I don't know , I don't have any particular restuarant in my mind " I said .
Since I was not aware of the dinner my mind is kind of blank on 'nearby nice restaurants.'
"Anything particular you want to eat "
"Wraps" I automatically said.
"Fast food?" he asked.
I blinked at what I said "No I mean it's just blurted out of my mind . We can go to one of the Merrick hotels " I said .
"Well since you mentioned it , I also carving some burgers" he said .
"Is it okay with you? " I asked looking at him .
He glanced at me for a second "I'm totally okay with it , let's hit the fast food shall we" with the he took a right turn and we drove off to McDonald's.
After fifteen minutes we have finally arrived at the McDonald's. We then got out and went inside it . While waiting in the line we heard someone calling Zion's name .
We then both turned our heads toward the voice to see a very pretty women with short black hair wearing a square low cut black crop top with faded blue denim Jean.
"Zion " she said and came near him and gave him a hug.
"Karie" he said and hugged her back.
"I know it was you" she said after pulling from the hug.
Before they would continue the worker said that it is our turn to order.
We then turned around and gave our orders. It took all my might not to order strawberry shake.
But I failed , pathetically when I saw someone taking the strawberry shake.
Damn the person and his strawberry shake.
After giving the order and the strawberry shake of course we went and seated ourselves.
"Hey I'm I intruding you guys? " karie asked when she was about to sit down .
Zion glanced at me for a split second before answering.
"No No , come sit " he said and moved to give her some space .
"Really ?" She asked looking at me and Zion.
"No I don't mind you joining " I politely said .
She nodded and sat beside Zion who was sitting opposite to me .
"Sorry! I didn't introduce myself " karie said she then stretched her perfectly manicured hands. "I'm karie davis"
I then took her hand "Jone" I said while shaking her hand.
"Seems like I don't need to introduce " Zion joked .
For the karie jokingly punched his arm "Majesty ,can you continue the rest " she says while battling her eyelashes towards him.
He chuckles "gladly " he says and turns towards me.
"Jone this is karie as you already know she is one of the Victoria secret model and a lovely friend of mind " he pauses for a moment before he speaks again "And karie this is jone owner of the lilly jone who also our partner for our upcoming project " he finishes.
I see karie squinting her eyes with a calculative eyes giving me once over .
But that quickly vanished when we get our orders there wer burgers French fries mocha frappuccino, vanilla shake strawberry shakes and some nuggets and other unhealthy foods we then started to eat. Zion and karie break into a conversation about something I don't understand.
I was silently eating my food and was one step away from moaning when I took a sip of the strawberry drink .
As much it tasted like heaven. Not like I tasted heaven or something.
But you got that idea.
I don't want to embarrass myself in front of a Victoria secret model and Calvin Klein looking like model.
I got a reputation. I really snorted at that.
Maybe I should put like I don't want to ruin my reputation further.
While I was eating I realized that I was taking their food absentmindedly eating it without their knowledge. I then took some of my fries and subtly placed it on karie plates. Because I took some of the fries. Or stole would be appropriate word for it.
From my peripheral version I saw Zion looking at me from time to time but didn't speak anything.
After a few minutes of their chatting clara turned towards me .
"Jone can I have you're business card " she said .
"Yes sure" I said putting down my heaven- strawberry shake and took my card and gave it to karie.
She took it and examined it "I asked it because I'm actually moving out from my apartment " she pauses and looks over at Zion "the one we stayed last year " she reminds him.
"The one around the park " he says pensively.
"Yes" she confirms and turns her head towards me again "So, I will be moving out in a month most of it are done but some furniture are not done . So I was thinking to give a shot at your company " she asked .
My eyes perked up at the intrest.
I now like this conversation.
"Karie I can asure you that you would really love their products , they are really good they are the one that are supplied for our hotels in here" Zion said looking at me and then at karie . The sincerity in his tone gave me a warm feeling.
"Oh really " she asked suprised.
"Yes actually, I assure our product are very neat and has a good quality, I hope you like it " I said confidently .
Beacuse it's the truth.
"Oh great then,I think it's my lucky day" she says with a laugh .
Mine too .
And I suddenly was very thankful that I asked Zion for a dinner.
"Indeed, you found a very good one " He said his eyes were on me with a sincere look.
"If it comes from a billionaire like you then then I'm definitely giving it a shot " she says and winks at him for that he only shakes his head.
"I will call you tomorrow for further discussion " she says and I nod at her "But now I really have to leave I will see you soon "she says while looking at her phone And collect her bag.
She then turns towards Zion to give one final hug and turn to me and gives her number to me and leaves the restaurant.
"Thanks for the promoting our brand to your friend " I say after she went out of the restaurant.
"I did nothing jone , I just said the truth " he said.
"Anyway thank you " I say and look up at his blue eyes which are holding a warm look.
"Your welcome " he says giving me a small smile .
And just like that i find myself returning a faint smile to him for the second time. His eyes widened and stares for a moment without saying anything while I stare back at his beautiful blue eyes .
It was me who broke the stare "Shall we go"
He blinked "You finished ? "
"Yeahh...." I trailed out looking at the empty plates ."The dinner is finished anyway" I say.
"Oh" That's all he said and we get up throw our trash away and went out he then opens the door for me and make our way towards his car .
"I'm sorry " he says walking beside me I glance at him and ask "Why"
He sighs "For the dinner"
"For joining a friend of mine without your permission since you intiated it I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable " he says staring down apologetically at me while having guilty eyes .
I shake my head looking at me "It's okay Zion it's not like we like each other and we were on a date and it was crashed " I joke but when I glanced at him his jaw was clenched and his eyes looking straight at the front "......And it was actually better since I got the deal -
"- Yeah yeah congrats " he replies dryly and walk over to the car he then stops at the door and opens the door for me and I then get in and we drove off .
I maybe not an expect in detecting the mood of someone. But I can detect upto an certain extend.
The mood Zion is somewhat anger I think the way his jaw is clenched and how concentrated he is on driving sums up it to an extend.
The car is completely silent and it becoming little uncomfortable he didn't speak or looked at me he is just driving to my penthouse . I think he forgot my presence completely , it was very different from the ride from my office to the restaurant. Eventhough that ride was silent but I don't think it was like this . Like a uncomfortable silence surrounding the whole car and the fact that there is no music is only adding it .
I sigh and look outside the window looking at the busy night street of new York
The car then stops at my penthouse a little inside he then cuts the engine off. And we stay silent it was almost pin drop silence because there was nothing that could produce any voice because the car engine has stopped . He didn't say anything when I glanced at him he was just looking at the steering wheel .
"Thanks for the ride " I say breaking the silence.
He just nod and looks at the front a few strands of hair fall on his forehead and he pushes it back . Before I could say any more I remember the gift I brought. I then took my seatbelt off and turn backwards and take the bag that I kept .
I then look at Zion and call him . He turns his head towards me . I then hand the bag towards him.
He frowns at the bag and look at me with a raised eyebrow "What is this" he ask me while taking the bag from my hand
"This is a thank you gift for you and your dad for accepting our deal" I say looing at the bag and at him .
"Oh" There was little disappointed in his tone he then put his hand inside the bag takes out a white wine from the bag.
"I hope you like white wine " I say .
"Yeahhh..." he trails off when he notices that there is also another thing in the bag.
"This..." his eyes widened looking at it.
"Your favorite coffee bean " I finish. While he takes out the coffee bean in his hands.
He then turns his head towards me "How do you know ..." he ask his eyes full of amusement and shock.
"I heard you say it and how you complained that you didn't find it . So I thought of buying it eventhough you would have already brought it but-
"-Jone " he whispers cutting me off. He is looking at me with a inexplicable emotion in his eyes . His eyes searching mine eventhough it is right in front of him but it searches more to it .
"What" I ask trying to avoid his look .
His lips turns into a smile he then shakes his head and slowly brings his hand up towards me . While I'm watching his every moment.
He then slowly pushes a strand of hair behind my ear that escaped from my ponytail and holding it with his fingers.
His eyes again move to my eyes and the intensity and the closeness make my heart beat faster. His blue eyes staring against my grey eyes.
"You're something else ...jone" he says with warm small smile.
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