That was his reaction when I offered him a coffee in my penthouse. But I started to think if I over stepped my boundaries . Well he is a Irvine after all he would have business lined up .
"If you want to , if you're are busy I can understand " I said.
He shook his head "I'm not busy today I'm just suprised you asked " he said .
Well that make two of us then.
I nodded and opened the door he then followed me and we silently made our way towards my penthouse. I then opened the door for him and he stepped in and hanged his coat on the hanger . I then took some slipper which I'm thankful that I had and gave it to him .
"You still haven't finished arranging I guess" Zion said assessing my living room.
"Huh" I said looking at him .
"Your things, you're penthouse still looks like nobody is living here " he chuckled.
Well ......
You're not wrong though.
"Oh! Yeah busy week " Finally my brain manged to bring the lie I told along with another lie. Half lie .
He nodded in understanding and seated himself on the sofa.
I then made my way towards the kitchen to make us coffee and some snacks. But I couldn't find something that would be preferably called as a snaks . And since I don't live here but seeing the past few months I have stayed longer .
After a few minutes I finally settled with apple slices and peanut butter . I then made my way towards the living room with both of my hands occupied.
I saw Zion comfortably sitting on the sofa . When he heard my footsteps he turned his head and saw me holding the plates in both of my hands. He then jumped off the sofa and walked towards me .
"I got it " he said and took the mugs from my hand and placed in the counter. We then sat down on the sofa . While I sat on the one seater while he sat on three seater.
"Thanks for the coffee " he said and took a sip of his coffee but I didn't miss the slight grimace his face gave when he took the sip .
But he didn't say anything.
He then kept the cup down and took the apple and started to eat it and I also did the same .
"So when are you planning to put your things up " he asked while turning towards me.
"Soon" I said and took a sip of my coffee.
"What soon means to you " he asked with a chuckle.
"Uhm soon means soonn " I said and he laughed at that . He then straighten up but his eyes were holding amusement in it.
I think he his gonna ask me more about it on why the heck I have nothing that will look like a house.
Because for that someone has to stay in it to make it look like a house.
So I decided to divert the topic.
"So .......
"So" he asked raising a eyebrow
Felicity if you need to change the topic you need a another topic you fool.
In that case I lacked it big time . Especially with Zion.
Well it's not everyday I offer him a coffee in my penthouse.
"So do you usually spend your Sunday's like this "
Hmmm. Not bad.
"Well yeah , Sunday are full on relaxing we all get up late while my mom cooks FOOD. I still don't know why she makes that much food . I don't know if it because she wanted to extend the time or she wanted me to become chubby because she is obsessed with chubby creatures " he tells seriously while rubbing his chin and thinking deeply.
"I think it is the former " I say .
He turns his head towards me "Oh really " He asks.
I nod "Yes she told me when I was cooking with her "
He then sighs in relief "Thanks the heavens for that because one day her friend came to visit us with a cute chubby boy and she didn't leave him out of her arms while giving me glares all day . When I asked her about it you know what she told that when I was born I was not very much on the chubby side . " he groans.
"But that didn't stop her, she kept on feeding me with food but me being stubborn as hell in my baby state also I avoided the food . She told me that one of her wish is to make me chubby " he said horrified.
This caused me a let of a small chuckle . Much too my suprise but not for me also but for Zion also which was confirmed when he jerked his head towards me.
"You should smi-----" he coughed " ---I mean how you spend you Sunday's " he asked taking a sip of his coffee.
I thought what I would usually do, well I will wake up early and eat some breakfast I skip the gym I do some sketches and pamper myself with skincare.
"Just normal but I listen to music" I said and it's true.
"What kind of music " he asks and moves to the left where I'm sitting in the single seater.
"I don't have a type though, if I like it , it becomes my favorite " I say shrugging.
"You're current favorite " he asks taking a apple and putting in his mouth while watching me.
It took me second to answer that "Something like this by chainsmokers and coldplay " I settled which has been in my playlist repeatedly for the past one month.
"Oh. Never heard of it " he said .
"You don't know chainsmokers or coldplay" I exclaimed.
He only shrugged and gulped down the coffee with little difficulty because the coffee has now turned cold.
"You should listen " I commented.
"Show me then" he said wiping his mouth.
I then searched for my phone which was right in front of me .
I needed glasses.
I then stood up and took my phone and sat down bedside him.
I searched the song and took out my new airpods.
"Here " I said handling the airpods "And it's new I have not used it " I said incase he thought that I used it before.
He nodded and took only one airpod I raised a eyebrow at him.
"You are listening with me " he stated .
"But I already listened to it " I pointed out .
"Well it's you're favorite and I don't think you have a problem listening to it again and I don't want to listen to it alone while I have a company " he said and put the airpod on his left ear.
"Shhhh.Jone, just play the song" he cut me off.
Sighing I pressed the play button.
When the music starts we feel into silence. I don't if he is liking it or not but he was drumming his finger on his things which caused his arms to brush mine for that I subtly moved a little. He didn't notice that because he was slightly bobbing his head .
After few minutes the song finally comes to an end . I then took my airpod out and look at him.
"It's nice , I can't believe I never heard in the radio before " he says handling me the airpod.
"For that you should listen to one " I mutter putting the airpod away .
"I heard that"
I turned around to see him smirking at me .
"I....- "
"You have some sarcasm with you Miss.jones " he said while having a smug look.
"Well - " I was again cut off . This time by Zion's phone ringing.
"Sorry " he said and took the call.
"Hey bro...... Today...... okay....I'm in..... which bar ...hmm got it .... max thirty.....bye" he said and hung up
"Sorry I have to be going now " he said .
"It's okay " I said and stood up and he also stood up and put his phone in his pocket.
We then made our way towards the door he then put his shoes on and took his jacket from the hanger. He then turned around to face me.
"Thanks for coffee and snack jone . I had a nice time " he said putting his jacket on.
"...... I had a nice time too " I said.
Did i regret spending time with the irvine family.
Welll. Not really.
So does that mean that I had a nice time .
We will just leave it.
"Good then " he gave a smile and turned to open the door.
"See you tomorrow jone " he said once he was out .
"Tomorrow Zion" It took me all the muscle in my body not to wave at him.
He gave me one last of his smiles and disappeared from my sight.
That came a little dramatic.
I then made my way towards the empty penthouse. And seated myself in the sofa where I previously sat I looked down and saw the two empty cups with some apples lying over . I then took the remote to kill some time but frowned when it didn't work.
What the hell.
I'm sure I paid my bills correctly .
I then leaned back and closed my eyes for a minute after that I got up and went outside the penthouse , got in my car and drove off to my house.
I got out of my car and made my way towards Irvine office . This week is important for me since it will finalize my deal whether l will design it or not .
Straightening my dress I walked towards the elevator from my peripheral version I saw Zion and with some other men walking forward. He didn't see since he was looking forward.
I then moved my gaze when the elevator door opened. I stepped in and pressed the button I was looking at Zion still the door closed.
I then entered the conference room to see all the board members and Madeleine getting ready to for the meeting. I went and seated myself in a chair.
Madeleine then got up to stand in the front, wearing a dark blue coat and a pencil skirt.
"Shall we start " She asked looking at all of us.
Here goes nothing.
This continues for the next three days . I will arrive at Irvine office and go and attend meeting after meeting. Madeleine was too much to handle but I accepted beacuse I can't do anything about it . Sometimes the meeting will take longer than it intended to , and sometimes Mr. Irvine will also join us . I have also found that Mr. Irvine change his glances towards me . It would be always like hard and intense but now it slightly softened.
I don't know about Zion he did not come to meeting i heard that he was busy with another project which was quite important to him and the company. It was not here but the project was related to the London . That was all I know about it.
It was at late Wednesday evening when I was driving towards my house . I got the message from Lawrence saying that he delivered the medicines to my penthouse and it should be arrived today . At the same time I also got the message from Wilson saying that I have a parcel waiting for me .
With that I took a uturn and drove towards my penthouse. I was still waiting in my car for Wilson to come and give me the package. Wilson is my receptionist slash guard to my penthouse.
I then hear a tap on my window to see Wilson standing. I then press a button so that it rolls down to reveal him fully.
"Here is the parcel Miss.jones " he said and handed me . I took it from him with a nod and drove off to my house and reached forty minutes later.
After parking I entered the house and went straight to the kitchen. I placed the parcel and took a knife to open it . I then saw some plastic bottles which were filled with tablets.
I took the box and examined it "Hmmmm he gave me less dosage " I said to myself.
I then grabbed a glass of water and swallowed the medicine.
With the I went to my bed . Which I was missing for the past three hours.
I looked up at the tall building stretched towards the sky . I have always been amazed how tall it was . Today was the last day to finalize everything I don't know want gonna happen since Madeleine has the upper hand I can't be sure of anything.
Taking a deep breath I entered the Irvine office and went towards the room . I came a little early since I was eager to know my result.
When I entered I saw Madeleine going through some file , when she heard my heels clicking she turned around and looked at me up and down with a smirk.
"I see you wore light shade of colour today Miss.jones " she said all the while smirking.
"I'm glad you noticed Madeleine " I said .
"Tell me Miss.jones why would you specifically wear a light shade today is it some kind of positivity " she snorted.
"It's fashion Madeleine " I simply replied.
A ghost of anger passed her face but she quickly turned that into a smug look.
"Whatever helps you to be confident Miss.jones. But don't forget I'm having the upper hand , you're little deal is wrapped around my little finger . And if you think Mr.Irvine and Zion don't have a say in it , they do but it is me who is gonna decide it " she finishes with much confidence.
I crossed my hands and spoke " Well my little deal is to Irvine company "
She narrowed her eyes at me and spoke "And I'm Irvine company most valuable person. I spent the whole day with Zion ... " she paused and gave me a glance and continued "Discussing your deal guess what he said that if it didn't satisfy I say bye bye to your deal "
I would be lying if i said I was not afraid because I'm . I can't lose the deal.
"Thanks for information Madeleine ". I said and walked away from her and settled in my seat .
After a few minutes all the broad members came in but a frown etched onto my face when Mr.Irvine didn't appear it deepened when Zion also didn't show up .
What the heck .
Madeleine then cleared her throat and spoke "Today Mr. Zion and Mr. Irvine would not be attending since they have to go the londan contract meeting so it will be just us . " she said and turned towards me "Miss.jones you can start your presentation now" she said smiling at me.
I nodded and went towards the front and started my presentation.
"So these will the final sketch and design which would be appropriate for your hotels" I said after thirty mintues.
There were some silence while they talked among themselves.
Madeleine then stood up and walked towards me and stood beside me .
"How many appove it " she asked .
Four to six hands rose up in agreeing the deal .
"And how many don't agree"
Five hands rose up not agreeing to it .
"Okay" she said . Another discussion went for a five minutes while I standing still not bothered about the silence because I'm confident on what I gave but I admit I'm little nervous for the answer.
After a few minutes , they finished their discussion
Madeleine looked forward and said
"You got the deal " she said not meeting my eyes.
A smirk formed onto face I then moved forward and thanked the board members for accepting our company.
After the meeting Madeleine was the first to go out of the room while some came and congratulated me which I politely thanked them.
"Mr. Waldorf " I called.
"Yes Miss.jones " he said and turned towards me.
"Do you know when will Mr. Zion come" I asked.
"I don't know Miss.jones but he will not be available for lunch and most probably today also " he said.
"Oh..... Well anyway thank you Mr. Waldorf" I said.
"No problem " he said with a nod I went out of the room.
I then entered the elevator and pressed the ground button. Finally I sighed in relief .
I got the deal.
Phew this was one hell of a week . Although this was just a small step but for me it meant that more profit . And that made me instantly happy that I got the deal.
When I glanced at the button. Zion's floor came to my mind . Eventhough I was happy a very little part of me was little disappointed that Zion didn't attend the meeting . I was okay with all other day since we were just discussing but today was the final i I thought he would attend.
I thought of thanking him genuinely for giving me the deal . But it's looks like it can't be done . Even the nature is against me thanking him .
I then went out of the elevator giving a one last glance to see if Zion would magically appear.
But sadly it is real world there is no magic.
I then got inside my car and texted mark that he should arrange a meeting with in twenty minutes with all office members. Speaking of him,he didn't speak to me he even didn't come to the office. Well I couldn't blame him , I heard the Georgia was banged around her head since it was slightly big . I gripped the steering wheel when the thought passed mind.
The damage is done.
I increased my car and drove off to Lilly jones. I arrived fourty minutes later and went straight to the meeting hall . When I opened the hall and stepped in . All the members stopped what were they doing The hall grew immensely silence no one dared to move or dared to look at me .
Smirking I went and stand in the front.
"DON'T YOU HAVE MANNERS TO WISH ME - YOUR BOSS " I yelled . They jumped and stood up while saying sorry in unison.
They all took the their seat I can see the fear in their eyes . The air surrounding us became very thick with tension. Since I still didn't told them that I got the deal .
I then casually seated myself in the head seat and slowly drank my coffee which was already there in my table. They exchanged nervous glances but no one dared to speak .
This went for five minutes while I was causally looking at the files . The tension started to suffocate the members.
I then closed the file the sound booming through the whole hall. Since the hall was in pin drop silence.
I then looked up to see all the eyes were on me . I then cleared my throat and crossed my legs .
"We got the deal"
Just these four words made the tension to fly out of the window . They all sighed in relief while wearing a happy smiles with each other . Congratulations flew here and there and the whole atmosphere was completely changed into a happy place until I opened my mouth again.
"You are not celebrating in my office ''
This made all their head to turn to me with a questionable and sad look .
"We are not ?" sarah asked not believing my words.
"Are you deaf or something, I said no celebration in my office " I said .
"But ... bu..butt can we celebrate elsewhere " Mrs. Brown asked.
"Sotano . That place only you will celebrate if not you all can go to your house " I said narrowing my eyes.
They exchange looks with each and sighed in defeat.
"Good " I smirked "...Now OUT"
They hurriedly ran away and within seconds the hall qas empty but mark stays behind.
"What do you want Mr. Ruffalo " I asked lazily looking at him . He doesn't say anything but was just looking at me .
After a few seconds he spoke "I'm sorry"
Now it is my turn to look at him with narrowed eyes . After a second of analyzing his face I realized that he found out about the medicine.
I then stood up and walk towards the door I then turn to see mark looking down at the floor.
"You should be Mr. Ruffalo " I called behind my shoulder his head jerks up and I see his eyes are welled up in tears and it fell down from his eyes .
Before he could say anything I walked out of the door while slamming it behind me.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath . If this was the reaction of him I don't even want to imagine what would have been Georgia reaction .
Georgia was walking towards the kitchen to make some dinner for felicity. She was not able to make food for past three days since her head was paining the cut was little deep so they put a white bandage around her head . Making it look like a very serious thing.
It was Thursday so she wanted to make it light since felicity wil be going back to work again in the morning.
- In Serial29 Chapters
The Preston Playboys
I think that sometimes the universe likes to play sick jokes on people.Like sometimes you drop the ice cream you've been craving on the floor before you're able to get a bite or you crack the screen of your brand new cell phone. Or sometimes you get the first detention of your life on the same day your middle school bully comes back from a delinquent school and get locked in the library with him and his brothers (who you haven't talked to since the 8th grade.) Yep. The universe just loved playing sick jokes on Thea Caruso.~~~Thea Caruso had spent her entire childhood with her 2 best friends Kevin & Devin Preston but like every young friendship it slowly got to the point where they wouldn't even acknowledge each other in school.She didn't hold anything against them. It's just how things go.Strangers to Friends to Best Friends to Strangers.There is one Preston that she does have ill feelings for. Marc Preston. The troublesome younger triplet that had always made Thea's life a living hell and he's back and ready to start his reign of terror. There's only one problem...Thea Caruso isn't the same girl he picked on in 8th grade. She isn't scared to bite back now.{ Book 4 of The Preston Series }
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Eva's Sins
Society games. Intrigue. Love and desire for someone who isn't meant to be yours and a true friendship strong enough to struggle against fate only to protect the other. A 15-year-old innocent girl is sent to meet a wild world of the XVIIIth century after entering the secret Ladies' society called "Red Ants". From that moment Eva's adventure against the world and against herself starts. Will she be able to surpass all these obstacles or she will be sucked into her own games? Only together we will find it out.
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My Wife
Enrolled in the all-prestigious Ouran High School, Fujioka Haruhi should be delighted. However, being in the Host Club was not something she had planned. Still being in her first year of high school, Haruhi has been attending to her customers regularly as well as keeping her grades at the top. However, her daily lifestyle ended when she received the news that her father had gotten into an accident. With Fujioka Ryoji, now hospitalized, Haruhi tries to think of ways to make ends meet. That is until a certain member of the Host Club offers her a deal. A deal to become his wife.Disclaimer: This is just a fanfiction of Ouran High School Host Club. I do not own Ouran High School Host Club, Bisco Hatori does. :D
8 148 - In Serial24 Chapters
I transmigrated into my drama character! [Translation]
Wei Wuxian was a genius among geniuses in the cultivation world. Not only was he strong when he still followed the 'right' path, but he also created another kind of cultivation after losing his golden core, using the resentful energy. He was always the focus of all sects, yet he still proved that no matter where you get your power from, it can be used for good and for evil. However you see it, you have to admit that he is a legend and ...Xiao Zhan ... well, he is healthy, he knows how to act, sing, dance, design and not much. He was the one who played the character of 'Wei Wuxian' in The Untamed. So he never thought that one day he would be able to be 'The Yiling Patriarch' in body and soul.From the second zero, Xiao Zhan is clear that he does not want to die and be reborn. If he can help it, he doesn't even want to touch a sword. What he hates the most is pain, and yes, his goal is to survive whatever it takes.Even if he has to change the story to preserve your little life.• MPREG• This story is based on the other series The Untamed, it will follow that chronological order more than the novel The Master of Demonic Cultivation.NOTESHello guys, so this is my first translation, the original fanfiction is in Spanish written by @Rin_Ling9, the title is '¡Transmigré en mi personaje de drama!'. If you like the plot please don't forget to go to the original fanfiction and also leave your votes there. If you find any mistake while reading you can comment or dm me, or if I don't update quickly enough you can also write me. Without further ado enjoy the reading, don't forget to vote and comment!
8 93 - In Serial78 Chapters
Desolate (Klaus Mikaelson)
What happens when Klaus Mikaelson meets the feisty twin sister of Tyler Lockwood? After all of the physical and mental torment he has put her and her friends through, will she let him in, or will she shut him out?Most of the story has been edited, and updates from here on will be slow as it's been so long since I originally wrote this story that I have completely lost my drift.
8 77 - In Serial39 Chapters
Accidentally in Love [BxB] |COMPLETED|
Vikram considers himself as an oddball. He doesn't have people to truly call friends or family he can depend on. Vikram likes to hide behind the comfortable walls he has built around himself because he dislikes most things and most people, especially Aditya, his arch-rival at school.Things take a turn when Aditya starts dating Vikram's only remaining friend but an attempt to get rid of Aditya, might result in something he never expected.Read Vikram's journey through his final year at High School as Aditya breaks down all his walls, one brick at a time as his new found attachment sends him on a journey of self discovery, strengthening his bonds with his friends and family more than ever.Words- [100,000-117,000]Edited Chapters are marked with ✓[Completed]Editing ongoing
8 119