
Ring Ring Ring

I opened my eyes at the sound of my phone ringtone. But instantly closed my eyes at the bright light. Still closing my eyes I got down from the bed . But something caught my leg and I feel down.

I let out a groan who the hell put a nightstand bedside the bed . Blinking twice I realized it was not my house or my penthouse.

It was freaking Irvine mansion.

That's why I was unsure of the surroundings and tripped.

If not you would have walked graciously.My mind voice taunted.

Ignoring the voive I got up and went over to stop the alram sound . When I looked at the clock it was still four o'clock.

I then stretched my body a little and went to the bathroom to take a shower . I then waited till the water becomes hot . Taking a head bath is the biggest task for a women. First we need to check the temperature and stand there till it becomes hot . And pour all the water into head first and apply shampoo which will be never enough . And massage it till your hands fall off . Even if it didn't fall, it will certainly in the conditioning part.

And just when you think you are finished we were just began. The body.

I didn't want to use the bathtub . I feel like I'm over steeping the boundaries. So I just used the shower , i used a different body wash it was something like shea moisture olive and green tea.

After taking a bath I wrapped myself with a towel and used another towel to dab my wet hair . The cupboard certainly had many white towel.

After that I took my clothes which I wore yesterday for the dinner. After doing some skincare and makeup and my hair which was still slightly wet . I made my way towards the stairs.

I felt very small inside the house. It was huge and the fact that nobody was still up . Didn't do much to the fact .

I can't go outside since it will locked . Finding the switch in the house felt like a huge task .

After what felt like hours I have found the switches and opened the curtains. From the tall window the view was amazing the pool covered most of it and the plain green grass spread around neatly and the faint sound of birds made it wonderful to start the day .

"Oh jone you already woke" A voice broke my thoughts.

I then turned around to see Kara coming towards my way .

"Yeah" I said and stood up .

"So did you sleep well " kara asked

"Well yeah " After your son gave me some techniques which failed like a sending a machine to the red planet. But I have to say that music he shown me kind of worked I even saved it . Just in case I needed again .

I saw kara confusion "You didn't seem sure , was our guest not comfortable for you " She asked carefully.

It was more than comfortable.

"No . It was not " I said and shook my head .

Kara then sighs is relief

"Well .... " I start she then turns her head towards me "Thank you for letting me stay ,I will be going then " I say

"No no you have to Stay for lunch " kara said with finality.

"I don't want to intrude " I say .

"I can't let my guest go without eating and you won't intrude, the more the merrier " she says and turns to walk away .

A unwanted guest.

Shaking my head I follow her towards the kitchen . But she walks past the kitchen and settle in the big eight seater dinning table. Where all kinds of breakfast is alinged up . Like seeing those delicious food is like a signal to make my stomach to do some noice .


"Come sit and eat honey"

I wish she stops calling me honey.

Nodding my head I settle down opposite to her . I serve myself a bacon and some scrambled eggs and some french toast. The waiter then serve me a cup of coffee and I start to eat .

"So jone how did you find interest in this job "Kara asks politely breaking the silence.

I shrug "Well I don't know it just happened " I say taking a sip of my coffee.

"I also gave the same answer when my dad asked why I was interested in studying business " kara said putting a piece of apple in her mouth.


I should probably buy a book on how to respond to a conversation.

Because I kinda lack it . Big time.

"But you want my brother also wanted to study business my dad went crazy that why all her children are siding with business. He really wanted one of his children to study medicine, I escaped it by a thin chance . Because my brother said that it is for girls because they used to see blood and all ugh love him to death but he is just annoying " kara told her story , which kinda was not boring

"That's kinda of cool"

Baby steps baby steps . You doing it good.

"Do you have siblings " she asks .

"No" I reply curtly.

"Oh . It must be kinda of hard growing up as a single child , what was it like that honey " she asks slightly curious.

"Can you stop calling me honey " I snap and look up at her from my plate . She blinks at the change in my tone .

Hell. Here goes my baby steps .

"I'm sorry I'm just not comfortable talking about my family "

As if you have a family .

I hear the strange girl voice laughing at me.

My breathing get heavier at the fate. I close my eyes and look down when I open my eyes the food is blur . I then blink continously to keep my tears at bay.

The tears don't come . I won't let it fall because it would be a waste because I won't feel anything.

"Jone..." kara voice break through my mind. I then hear scrapping sound of the chair and I then feel a presence beside me and a pair of hands cups my hand.

I then look up to see kara guilty ridden eyes "I'm really sorry I didn't realize I was crossing my boundaries I was just making a conversation so that you won't be uncomfortable but I clearly did the opposite. I'm sorry I made you like that " she says apologetically and the genuineness is easily detected.

"It's okay " I say my tone is decreased now.

She gives me guilty smile but doesn't move her hand from mine . Her touch makes me feel like a familiar one though.

We then turn to finish off our breakfast kara didn't bring anything related to family . For that I sighed in relief.

"Okay, since I just proved that I'm worst at making a conversation....."

You got the vibes from me

".....do you want to see our garden , we can get some vegetables from the garden for the lunch " kara offered.

"Oh no it's okay I will be going " I said trying to avoid having a lunch with the irvine.


All went in vain. Kara was persistent that I should see the garden with her.The garden was huge and beautiful. It was so elegantly aligned just by looking at it made me relax . I was not able to go to the garden fully since we went to get the vegetables part.


"I always liked growing vegetables in my own garden . " kara said once we collected all the vegetables we needed.

I simply nodded and walked towards the kitchen . After that we placed the vegetables on the counter and the staffs came and took it to wash it .

"Come let's go, weekends is the only day I cook " kara said while putting a apron around her.

"I'm not very good at cooking " I said .

She let out a laugh "Me too , but don't worry I won't make you do all the work " she says and hands me a green apron.

Cautiously I took the apron and put it around me .

"Okay we are gonna make spaghetti puttanesca and some teriyaki salmon and green beans and some garlic butter chicken with some broccoli and lastly cannellini bean soup "

"That is a lot " I said without thinking .

Beacuse that was my immediate response when she finished .

She chuckled "You could say that , since weekends are the only days were we are all free I tend to make many dishes . "

"Oh" I said looking all the ingredients aligned at the table.

"Shall we start "

With a nod we drived into cooking there were some chef's to help us but mostly kara did the job . She told me to cut some vegetables and fruits and told me to look at the stove when she went to do other things . I also did some sauting here and there but it was just a little . She didn't make me uncomfortable at all she made some jokes here and there and laughed at her own story whereas I was concentrated on making a dish which I know . Since she did 70% of the job , I felt guilty and offered to make something that I was confident of. She was more than happy when I said it and told me to freely do whatever I wanted.

"Jone can you taste it "

I looked from grilling the lettuce to see kara holding a spoon to taste something. Since my both hands were occupied she brought it to my mouth . Slightly widening my eyes I took a bite of it .

"How is it ?"

I swallowed quickly then spoke "little sour" I said when I felt the sourness.

"I also thought that maybe I should...Zion what are you doing "

Stiffened I turned around to see Zion leaning on the wall and looking at us with an assumed look .

"Mom I live here " he said with the same emotion.

"I know that why are just standing and not helping " kara said but before Zion could continue she spoke again "Now go help jone I'm busy "

"Sure" he said and walked towards me .

"Hi " he said once he stood beside me he was wearing a white half sleeve tshirt with sides rolled up and a black Adidas pants.

"Hi" I said looking up at him and then going to take the lettuce out .

"Do you need any help " he said looking around.

"No. It almost finished " I said .

"Oh. Sorry for leaving you alone " he said and gave me a guilty smile.

"No it's okay your mom was with me" I said and turned back to see kara talking to some chef's. I then turned around to see Zion looking at me with scrunched nose.

"Is there something wrong " I asked.

"Yes . You smell different " he said without taking his eyes off me.

Shoot he found.

I looked away "Yeah I kinda used some of the body wash in the guest room. Sorry "

He placed his hands on my shoulder which made me look up to his blue eyes.

"There is nothing to be sorry jone , I just said that because you always smell of strawberries which I liked it and this smell doesn't suit you "

I don't know for what I should be shocked the fact that he knows my scent or the fact the he likes it .

I don't even wanna to know it .

"Okay" I said to turn towards my salad.

"So what is this " he asked taking the plate and placing it on the another clean counter.

"This is grilled romaine vegan caser wedges " I said .

" Oh I never tasted can I help I feel bad since you cooked all the dishes with my mom " he said looking at the dishes that was almost finished.

"Your mom did all the work I just did some cutting and some saunting " I reasoned out.

"Believe me jone that is the most difficult task "


"Shhhhh . Want should I put " he asked taking the lettuce out .

Sighing I took the bowl that I prepared and placed it on the table.

"Here , you can start by putting this on the lettuce " I said

"Got it " he said and went to do the topping while I was doing the another.

When I glanced at him, he was doing the topping wrongly "Zion no " I said and grabbed his hands.

"You should first put the beans first not the cucumber " I said looking at the lettuce.

When I looked up his eyes where down I then followed his gaze to see that he was looking at our hands where my hands looked tiny and thin around his wrist. My hands didn't even fully cover his wrist.

Realized that I holding his hands I quickly retreated my hands . He blinked and clenched and unclenched his hands.

"Uhm here " I said and aligned the bowl in order.

He nodded and went back topping it.I was aware how close he was . His arms were brushing mine and I could feel after wash smell from him .

"Like this right " he asked slightly nudging me.

I looked at the salad and it was pretty good

"Yeah..." I said and moved a little closer now out arms were glued to each other. "But don't put too much in the front it will fall off " I said and quickly moved away.

"Okay " I can sense a very slight disappointment in his tone.

But nonetheless I went on doing the salad . When I glanced at him . He was fully focused on making the salad his hair was fallen into his eyes and he kept on moving it back . The way he was too focused made his facial feature stand out. . He carried an imperious nose well and his angular cheekbones carved down towards a flinty jaw. Realized that I staring him I quickly averted my eyes and grabbed the bottle which I filled the dressing in.

"Need help " Zion asked when he found me struggling to open the bottle.

"Yeah it is kind of tight " I admitted.

I may have grown up but my muscles strength refused.

He smiled and took the bottle from my hold with a slight pressure since I was holding it tight.

"Here " he said and gave it back to me.

"Thanks" I said and went to coat the lettuce . I then went to do his lettuce, again I have to move closer he then moved back since I need more space to coat the lettuce.

I should concentrate on dressing the lettuce but instead I'm doing on Zion presence ,he is standing just behind me and looking over my shoulder on what I'm doing .

"Finished " I say but stumble slightly but Zion places his one of his hand on my hips to steady me.

"Careful " he said in a soft voice. I give him a small nod and move away from him.

He then gets a call and excuse himself and I wait till kara comes when she comes she exclaims how amazing it looks that she can't wait to taste I then excuse myself to go to the restroom which was the guest room.

While washing my hands I look at my reflection. Thinking how I ended up in Irvine mansion and spent a whole night . Last month We were merely acquaintances in business but here I'm going to have a lunch with them which I also helped in preparing it.


I then closed the tap . But I know that this is just a passing movement.

I then make my way towards the door when I open it I saw Zion walking forward. I then step out and close the door behind me. At the sound of it he glances at me and a smile takes over his face .

I then realized that is smile mirroring his mother . Warm and beautiful but he has more manly charm to it .

"Hey" he says walking towards me.

"Hi" I reply

He chuckles "We sure do have some weird greetings " he says while going down the stairs.

"Then do you what me to greet like good morning sir " I say and glance at him.

He shakes his head "Nah . I rather go for our hi greeting "

"Weird greeting" I mutter .

We then make our way towards the dinning hall . Where all the staffs and the butler making arrangements for the lunch. I then see kara and Mr. Irvine standing next to each other and talking something. Mr. Irvine eyes and then shift to mine

"Hello jone , did you find our guest room comfortable " he asks

"Yes and thank you for letting me stay" I say. while I settled down on the chair and Zion takes the seat beside me.

"Good and again not a problem " he says .

After a few seconds Athena comes into the kitchen wearing a shorts and a dark blue hoodie which looked five times bigger than her.

"Why are you wearing my -- never mind " Zion says.

Athena then spots me and passes me a small smile and when her eyes shifts to the dishes her eyes jerks up and she walks faster.

"Goshhh this chicken smells amazing " Athena sighs while giving her parents a hug .

"Believe me Athena your nose find any food amazing " Zion says earning a glare from Athena.

Thankfully Athena didn't take it further but it looks like I'm not also thankful for that Mr.Irvine and kara also has the thankfulness in their faces.

"Okay before we start eating , let's all say why we are thankful for I will go first " kara says "I'm thankful for the loving family , and I'm thankful for waking up and seeing you all growing up with love and into better person"

"I'm thankful for you kara and Athena, Zion and the time spending with you " Mr. Irvine said looking at them.

"I'm thankful for finishing my goddam- I mean my exams and im thankful for the time I'm gonna spend . And for the best family " She said and smiled at her dad when Mr.Irvine kissed her forehead.

"I'm thankful for this time " It was Zion .

There were a little silence . Before they all glanced at me . Kara is the first to broke.

"You dont-

"--I'm thankful for this day and good health"

They looked kinda suprised that I said it . But they quickly composed themselves.

"That's lovely jone" kara is the one to break it . While giving me smile. I gave her a small nod and glanced at my side to see Zion already looking at me when he saw me he passed me a grateful smile . The smile was small but hold a big emotion there were no hatred in his eyes his facial features were relaxed and calm because of the smile and just like that I passed a very brief smile. Because his smile was infectious.

His eyes widened but that into another one of his wonderful smile. I then looked away when kara said that we will now pray.

"It's okay athena if you can't hold hands we can understand, because you know short arms "

"THEY'RE AREN'T SHORT" athena said or more like shouted, I was shocked at her voice but the chefs bringing the food didn't even flinch something said that they used to it.

"Oh really " Zion asked completely enjoying it.


Athena was stopped by slamming sound of a hands which belonged to kara. She gave a look to Zion and Athena and they abruptly stopped.

"Let's pray"

Without another word we held hands . Athena subtly moved her chair so that she can hold Zion's hand while muttering something like giraffe..living..house. and I held Kara hands .

I then turned towards Zion and at the same time he also turned towards me looking at my face and my hand . I looked down at his hand and slowly brought my hand up seeing it he reached out and grabbed my hand . It was slightly uncomfortable so I turned it around in a different angle and held it . He let out a chuckle before closing his eyes . And I mirrored him with a warm feeling settling on my hands .

It was kara who said the prayer and we listened to it . She then ended the prayer with a amen and we all repeated her . And I left my hand holding Kara's hand. And the chefs started to fill in our plates . I was enjoying the smell of the food and watching how they serve expectantly. When I went to take the spoon my hand was tugging something when I looked down I saw that my hand was still holding Zion's hand . I looked up to see Zion was looking at our hands with a small smile .

I then quickly took my hand away and looked down at my chicken and broccoli. I then glanced at my hand with one thought.

Why I was not feeling uncomfortable.

Why wasn't my immediate response was to free my hand .

Shaking my head I start to eat my lunch . But before I could do Zion's hand grabs mine . Confused I looked up .

"It is still hot " he says . I then quickly look down muttering a 'oh' .

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