
"Excuse me , could you tell me the way to rooftop " I asked a waiter who was coming my way.

"Sure ma'am, I will lead you the way " he politely said .


"I will show the way" I was cut off by Zion's voice.

We both turned towards him who came towards me and stood beside me . The waiter then nodded and walked away.

"Let's go " he said and I followed him .

What was he doing here ? is not he should be up in the rooftop already .

Well it's not my business anyway.

"You finished doing your makeup? " he asked when we stepped inside the elevator.

"Yes" I replied curtly. He nodded and we waited for the elevator to reach the floor.

The elevator door then opened with a ding. I then stepped out and the first thing that hit me was the freezing cold breeze I shivered and cursed myself for wearing a sleeveless top. When I looked up the clouds were getting darker and darker . It looks it is getting ready to throw a full bucket of water.

Please not when I'm driving.

I then looked around the view , my eyes slightly widened at the amazing rooftop. It was not a normal rooftop , there were freaking igloos all over the rooftop.

I then quickly made towards one of the glass igloos and seated myself in . The igloo were outfitted with cozy pillows and couch and some twinkling lights . Making it as the most comfy place . I sighed in relief ,because it was a heated igloo which means,





But I still need something to cover myself. I feel odd and exposed not having a sweater around me . It's like you have a bed but you don't have bedcovers . I don't know if it is just me I can't sleep without bedsheet eventhough it may hot I still need something to cover me . If not I feel odd and exposed.

I then looked in front to see the spectacular view the streets were illuminated with different faint lights . But yellow and blue lights dominate the most .

There aren’t many words or phrases other than breathtaking and awe-inspiring that can do the view of New York justice. this is a true replication of New York City – fascinating, captivating and astounding.

That is why I love New York eventhough the weather can get sometimes crazy. This place is full of emotions and full of life. Well it is called the city that never sleeps for a reason .

My thoughts were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. I then looked up to see Zion standing there and watching me .

"Enjoying the view " I was surprised he asked me.

"Yes'' I said he then suprised me even more when he came inside and sat beside me . Leaving a small gap between us.

Why is he sitting with me .

"Do you want to talk something Mr. Zion " I asked turning to him.

I was confused why he is sitting beside me . I thought we were avoiding well not really but it was close to that . Maybe he wanted to talk about the papers which I gave him before coming. Well I maybe right . He is CEO of Irvine what can I expect.

"Zion" he said and turned towards me . His eyes were little darker in the night which was Holding a intense look. I then turned and looked towards the front.

"I would like to be professional Mr. Zion " I said.

"We are not in the office ground jone " he said and leaned back.


I don't wanted to argue. So I just nodded . And continued to look at the New York view .

"Are you cold " he asked after a few seconds.

"No" I denied eventhough the breeze took a slightly high phase.


I looked at Zion holding his jacket to me .

"No no it's okay you were it " I shook my head.

"Just take it jone , I love the cold breeze I don't need a jacket " he said and placed it on my lap .

"And my jacket also slightly goes with your outfit " he said looking my outfit.

I then looked at my pant and realized he was correct. But eventhough the shades were very different they were the same color. I didn't want to argue because men have the worst knowledge in colour.

I'm not ready for a debate.

"Thank you " I said . His eyes jerked up he then looked at me and gave me a smile.

There was something strange seeing his smile .

I then took his jacket and put it on me . Surprisingly it was so soft and warm .But It also had his annoying cologne scent. But I'm not taking it off since it keeps me freaking warm .

"So how did you enjoy this evening " he asked. I looked at him who was having a blank face .

His facial expression told me he regretted what he said . But I could be wrong .

"Nice" I said and again turned towards the front.

He didn't further ask me anything. So I just took in the view and silently enjoyed it , before it could vanish because I'm not used to see beautiful view like this. Well because After that I'm going to my same old job and to see the hatred of my workers . Until then let me-

Tap tap tap.

I looked up to see the rain drops pouring on the top of the igloo. I then looked to see to Zion mirroring my same expression.

We need to go . Fast.

We quickly moved from the igloo. The rain drops pouring harder and harder .

"This way, fast " Zion said while keeping his hands above his head . I nodded eventhough he can't see and mirrored his action.

I saw Mr. Irvine, kara , Michael, Cameron and athena are all doing the same action and running towards the exit.

Zion and I quickly stumbled into the elevator. There were three elevator we went into the first I faintly saw Cameron and Athena entering into one and Mr. Irvine and kara in the last one.

"Zion wait" Michael said and entered into our elevator.

"Are you okay Michael " Zion asked .

"Yeah yeah I'm okay are you two fine " he asked looking at both of us .

"Yeah we are fine " we both answer at the same time . Be both shared a glance at each other .

"I'm really sorry, I should have not brought us to the rooftop. " Michael said apologetically ,his eyes showing guilt.

"It's not your fault Michael don't worry we had a great time there " Zion said encouragingly.

He then nodded at the same time the elevator door opened. We then stepped out at the same time all them stepped outside from the elevator.

Michael then went towards Mr. Irvine and kara the latter looked flushed and the former was wearing a smug look.

I don't even want to know what happened in the elevator.

I then turned towards Zion who was typing something on his phone. I brought his jacket closer to somehow create a warmth.

"Okay we need to go before the rain pick up hard " I heard Mr. Irvine voice .


Zion then quickly put his phone away , then nodded at me . I gave him a nod in return and we both quickly made our way towards the car ,he again opened the car for me .I then settled in after a second he settled in the driver seat.

He then quickly turned on the heater and drove off.

I looked outside the window to see the rain drops are pouring harder . Gosh how I'm gonna get to my house . Heck forgot about my house can I even get to my penthouse atleast.

I hope it stops for a little , but looking out I don't that would be possible.

"My car is in your office " I exclaimed once I realized that I have to drive from his office to my penthouse.

"Yeah" he said without taking his eyes off the road and his full attention was on the road.

"How much time it will take you go to office , I have to take my car and have to drive to my penthouse " I said

"I don't think we would be able to reach the office " he said and switched the gear.

"Then?" I asked looking at the road and at him.

"We are going to my parents mansion " he said

"What, no . just drop me off to your office " I said looking at him who still haven't taken his eyes off the road.

"Jone I can't, I have to drive to my office and again back to my home in this rain . My home is just on the way"

"Don't be a selfish Mr. Zion , you have to think about me also . Did you thought how I will get to my house " I said gritting my teeth.

My anger rose on how he thought about himself.

He then glanced at me "Just stay in our house for tonight jone " he said.

My eyes widened looking at him who looks like pretty much didn't care about what he said.

"I'm. Not. Staying. In. Your . Home " I siad emphasizing every word.

He groaned "Jone this is not the best time to argue, please think logically here my home is near -

I was listening to his words while gripping my coat so that I wouldn't do something I would regret. While doing my hand caught something I then took it and opened it.

"What is this " I asked while my eyes were widened like saucers while my face had a look of pure shock.

"You can go - what? " he asked .

I didn't see his reaction because my full focus was on the letter that the old couple wrote for me which I threw it away.

How the hell Zion have this . I'm pretty much sure that I threw it . Because I didn't want it . Because whatever they wrote in the letter is absolutely wrong.

I'm no angel . Heck I'm not even close to it. I just paid for them . So the real angel is money. If they know my true character I'm sure they would have passionately declined it and would have rather had water.

Because my character is rotten . It is beyond repair.

"Oh the receptionist gave it to me , she said that some old couple left it in their table . I asked her why they would do that, for that she replied that they had an amazing dinner. And .... and the bill was on the house she said , so ... so she gave me this to give it to Michael which I forgot " He said .

"Oh" . I said and we both sighed in relief.

That was all I could muster. Because I was so relieved that ... I had this very tiny part of thought which gave me a mountain of fear. That Zion would have seen what I have done . Eventhough that is impossible.

"I never thought Michael to do such things. Don't you think that is beautiful" he asked me and glanced at me .

I looked away "I think it's waste of money"

"Why?" The confusion was evident in his tone.

"Because it's stupid , wasting your money on someone who you don't even know" I said and looked at the water droplets covering the window.

"You won't do like this" he questioned.

"You know me enough that I would never do such thing "

Silence. He didn't say anything after that nor did he comment on my previous statement.

I haven't realized that we entered into his home . Or mansion is what appropriate. It was huge and marvelous a well expected from a Irvine family. He then parked the car at the huge garage where many other cars were lined up.

I then got out to see the Mr. Irvine car had already arrived .

"Oh! You arrived " Kara sighed in relief.

"Yeah" Zion said running his hands through his wet hair .

"Come in before you catch cold " kara said.

"Mom he rarely catches cold" Athena scoffs.

"I will be leaving now " I announced and All four pair of eyes turned towards me.

"Oh honey , just stay in our home tonight. I don't think the rain is gonna stop any minute " kara said thoughtfully.

"I can't stay in your home " it came out little harshly and cold. She looked confused for a second at the tone. Athena was also watching me . I heaved a sigh.

"I have to get my car, I felt some files there" I lied. But it was half true i really want to get my car.

"Don't worry Miss.jones your car will be safe , there is full protection on the office and there will be guards watching the area " Mr. Irvine said .


"Don't feel uncomfortable honey. We won't treat you like a outsider and I don't think its the best to go now . The weather will for sure get worse.....

For that Athena nodded her head vigorously.

".....And there are many guest room ,you can stay in any one of it. Don't feel shy honey , come on in. It's getting cold." Kara said and gave me smile . Which I was not able to return it. She then went outside the garage followed by Mr.Irvine and Athena.

"Don't overthink jone just come in " Zion said while opening the door and waiting for me .

Should I stay?. Or should I protest.

My answer came when I slightly shivered. Okay once the rains stop I'm out of this house/mansion.

I sighed and went inside but i didn't miss Zion relief when I walked past him.

The interior was amazing , everything was spotless large chandeliers hung above, the walls were painted in light golden colour ,there were expensive sofa in creme colour lined up the living room.

"Come inside jone" kara invited.

"Do you want to take your jacket off " Zion asked.

"Yeah" I said and took it off since we are inside and the jacket was also wet so there is no use in it.

I then gave my jacket to him he then took it from and went towards the kitchen . Where all of them were. Zion was complaining that they brought the wrong coffee beans that he did want the lifeboost brand or the Starbucks brand he wanted the coffee bros brand. While Mr. Irvine was attending a call with Michael i think he was asking did we reach safely. While I was standing in the middle somewhat awkwardly and cursing myself why I didn't come with my own car. If I would have come I would never be in this position.

The universe is playing with me.

"Athena can you give some clothes to jone she is shivering " kara voice brought from my cursing.

"No it won't be necessary "

"Ofcourse mom"

Me and athena said and the same time.

"It's okay , I will be going once the rain stops I can manage in it " I said to kara.

"Oh honey , I don't think the rain is gonna stop any soon and as I said don't feel shy . Just stay in one of our guest room" kara said politely while giving me a warm smile.

I sighed. I never should have agreed to tag with them .

"Let's go " Athena said and I followed her . We climbed the stairs and I entered her room. Her room was so spacious the walls were painted in creme colour and there was a king size bed and a big desk and there was also a big tv below that there was a heater.

"Here" Athena voice broke my thoughts. "I hope you are comfortable in wearing shorts because I don't wear pants " she said and gave me a cotton black crop top and short shorts.

I also don't wear pants while sleeping I really don't like it . I mostly sleep with shorts like this.

"No problem " I said "Thanks "

She smiled "You're welcome and - "

"Are you guys finished " Zion voice came from the door.

"Yeah Zion" she said and went to open the door.

"Hey, you still haven't changed go change before you catch a cold "Zion said once she saw athena wearing the same clothes.

"Awww how caring brother I have " Athena cooed and brought her hands to pitch his cheek but Zion gave a glare and she abruptly put her hands down.

"Not funny athena I'm serious " Zion said .

"Yes sir " she made a salute gesture.

Zion's serious face turned into a chuckle while he ruffled her hair. Then Zion's eyes then meet mine .

"Come I will show your guest room" Zion said. I nodded and walked towards the door.

"Okay Goodnight both of you " Athena said while a yawn escaped her mouth.

"Goodnight and don't sleep while wearing your same outfit " Zion warned again.

"Yeah yeah" she shushed while waving at him with a half closed eyes.

"Let's go " Zion said shaking his head . We then walked quietly still we reached a door.

"So this is your room for tonight if you need anything call me ...

While I looked at him dumbfounded. He noticed my expression then only it clicked to him.

He chuckled "Right you don't have my number " he said and took his phone out.

"Your number?" He asked opening his contact.

I hesitated a little to give him my number. But anyhow I gave it to him . But not my personal number though.

"I messaged you , you can save my number afterwards " he said and put his phone back.

"Okay " I said and turned around but I stopped and turned towards him.

"Good night Zion "

He smiled a warm one "Night jone" he said.

I then went inside my - their guest room and settled in. It was big for a guest house the walls were white there was big window at the side and a fire place at the front and a queen size bed and a attached bathroom.

It was well expected guest house from a billionaire.

I then took my clothes thankfully I have extra underwear in my bag . Many people judge for that. But it is always safe to have some extra clothes with you . Especially when unwanted guest happened to visit me.

I then took my clothes and went inside the bathroom and changed into the dress athena gave me . It is weird to wore other people dress. But I think I crossed the weirdness when I'm staying in Irvine mansion.

Sighing I went outside the bathroom I then looked myself at the mirror. The crop top showed my stomach a little and the shorts way too short but not like a booty short. But I'm not complaining it is very comfortable.

I then flopped into the bed and snuggled into the pillow. A few hours went by but I still couldn't sleep . I was afraid that strange girl would appear out of nowhere.


This is not happening. This can't happen. After so many years why she would appear again.

I then took my personal phone and sent a message to Lawrence. Hopefully he wouldn't freak out.

I then opened my calm music app and turned it on . I didn't wear headphones but I kept it in speaker mode.

While few minutes listening into some story my eyes feel towards the door where I saw some footsteps walking and it stopped right in front of my door.

With my heart beating fast I stopped the music and sat up straight. Then the door nob started to twist making a clicking sound.

"Is anyone there " I asked by heart beat increasing constantly.

The door nob then stoped twisting creating a creepy silence. But the footsteps stayed there.


"Zion " I blinked at the same I sighed in relief and my heart beat slowed down.

What the hell is he doing here .

I then put my covers aside and walked towards the door while opening I saw him taking a few steps back.

I the opened the door , he then looked up from the ground . When he saw me his eyes slightly widened and his breath hitched for a second. He then looked away away from me.

"Zion?" I questioned.

He then turned towards me but looking at me but looking past me.

"Sorry I saw your lights were on I thought you forgot to off it " he said and glanced at me.

"I didn't forget I always sleep with lights on"

I never slept with lights off it became a habit and I can't sleep if there is no light . That's why I always be blinded when I woke up in the morning.

"Oh really, sorry I didn't know it" he said . I then noticed he didn't look like he was sleeping he looked very much wake for a midnight.

"What are you doing here " I asked .

"I just went to kitchen to make some peanut butter " he said and showed me the bread .

I nodded, I think he went for this because he didn't have coffee.

"Did I disturb your sleep" he asked looking apologetically.

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