
My heart started to beat faster while looking at him his hands were still holding my hair and his eyes were looking at me his eyeballs moving from right to left around my face . I stood still watching his blue eyes romaing .A strand of hair fall onto his face but he didn't move it , I don't think he even noticed it .

Then Something caught in my peripheral version . I then turned my gaze from him and saw smoke coming out from his car.

"Zion" I said and looked at him but he was still looking at me .

"Zion" I called again this time he blinked and was retreated from whatever state he was in.

I nod at the direction , he follows where I'm pointing when he see it his eyes widened at the smoke.

"What the.." he trails off while opening the door while I also do the same.

We both reach the front while I stood a little away from it . Zion then opens the hood and instantly large smoke comes out from it causing both of us to break into fits of cough.

I wake my hand in front of my face while Zion turns his head sideways coughing with his fist closed.

He then moves away and goes and settles himself on the driver seat and starts the engine but it only makes some weird niose . His face contorted in confusion and frustration, he again comes back to the front of the car and takes his jacket off and rolls his white shirt .



I know Folded sleeves will make a guy attractive but doing it was hot .

I then moved my eyes toward the car since I don't want to look like a creep .

But that was like layman trying to figure out the black hole concept.

Yes. I was a freaking potato when it comes to car . I don't anything after it crosses topic of steering wheel .

So instead wasting my eyesight eventhough the car was a sight . I turned back to Zion who is furrowing his eyebrow very hard that his eyes turns into slits.

He looks like he can't believe what happened and trying so hard to believe it . Like this thing should have never happened to him, he looked like a kid who got a Halloween chocolate for Christmas.

Instead of starting I started to speak.

"Is everything okay" I ask .

Not taking his eyes off the car , he answered "No. There is some problem i think it is because leaking fuel injector or Damaged fuel pressure regulator or Dysfunctional carburetor .....

Oh boy .

I should have never asked because it is like him mentioning some biological names of the car which I don't understand.

He looks frustrated while looking down at the car . I can't understand why he stresses this much when you can just handed it to over to the mechanic and it will be done within the snap of fingers.

Boys and their toys .

He then took his phone out and called someone , while i just stood there awkwardly eventhough my penthouse is just ten feet away.

I groan when he again started to tell the whole car problem to the phone.

Boys and their cars.

"How long.....that long....okay okay..... i will wait " he says and cuts the call , he then ranks his hair and sighs.

"Is everything alright " I ask again.

He turns his head towards "Oh sorry, there was some problem with my car " he says looking at the car.

"What are you gonna do" I question looking at him and at the car .


"My driver is gonna take a another car and come " he says turning towards me.






"Do you want to come and stay in penthouse while you wait " I offer much to my surprise .

His head jerks towards me "No it's okay I dont want intrude " he says shaking his head.

"It's okay I don't mind "


"Yes" I nod.

"Thanks" he sighs and puts the phone back in his pocket.

Guess I do have humanity in me.

You are just doing it so that his company will continue to be in partner with you .

I completely ignored those words . True words.

"Shall we go " I asked once he took his jacket. But he stops midstep and turns around and goes and opens the car door and take the gift that I gave him.

"Yes " he says and comes and stands beside. We then make our way towards my penthouse and I pray to all the holy things that he should not bring up why I didn't arrange my things.

I sighed in relief when he got a phone call and started talking about what happened to his oh so damaged car.

I then took the coffee bean from the bag , Zion raised a eyebrow at me .

"To make coffee " I mouthed.

He gave me a thumbs up but most of his concentration was on his phone call .

I then made my way towards the kitchen and started making coffee . It reminds me that I did this exactly a few days back.

Gosh. It looks like I have to seriously put some art here there because I have been coming here and staying lot .

My thoughts were interrupted up by the coffee machine I then poured the coffee into two mugs . And searched for something to eat .

While I was taking the plates suddenly all the lights went off making the place go pitch black.

I gasped and put the plates down . I couldn't see anything else other than darkness I then started to breathe faster and my heart beat increasing faster i stood frozen to my spot I was surrounded by darkness as it enveloped me.

I then felt something behind my back , i whirled around and screamed when a bright light blinded my eyes.


I looked up to see Zion worried face looking at me while holding his phone now a little far away.

"Zion" I breathed and fell down to the ground when I was no longer able to stand.

But he caught my right wrist which made me fall on my kness . He was still standing holding my wrist.

"Jone... are you okay " he asked his voice was in tense and worried tone.

I was breathing hard that I couldn't answer him , then I felt him kneeling down still holding my hand.

"I ... I...." I started to speak something but my voice was caught and couldn't find the right words.

Then Zion hand left mine and his both hands wrapped around mine in a hug . My eyes widened when I felt his body pressed against mine my hands were at my side limply.

"I'm sorry if I frightened you , i heard some sound so I came to see if you are okay " he said his warm breath hitting at the side of my neck .

I just stood still being this close to him . Not knowing what to do when his arms were wrapped around my shoulder pulling me close to his body and his face were rested ar the side of my face . I know this is way out of my line I should let him hug. I'm a partner in his company for chirst sake . This is so unprofessional but I can't help how nice it is and how good it is to be hugged .


And just this one time i wanted to be felt like this so I brought my hands up and hugged him .

He didn't look suprised he just hugged me a little tighter. And I just stayed hugging him I didn't think anything else not even his scent but how warm he felt and eventhough my heart was beating faster i was not scared , but I was relieved.

He didn't speak anything nor did I. We were just hugging while sitting on the kitchen floor. Then suddenly again a light blinded my eyes.

We then both pulled apart to see wilson standing with a flashlight.

"Miss.jones are you okay" he asked moving the flashlight little away.

I realized what position I'm in , so I quickly moved away and stood up .

"Yeah yeah " I said standing up after a second I felt Zion's hand grabbing mine .

I then looked down to see our hand then I looked up to see who looked like it was not a big deal .

Why is he holding my hand.

"The current went off because of the battery shut down " Wilson said interrupting my thoughts.

"Is there any spare " I asked turning to Look at him.

He only shook his head "I'm afraid not , I can go buy it but I don't want to leave you alone since..... " he trailed off

I know what he is thinking because I'm not planning to stay the night here so I don't need the battery now.

But before I could decline it Zion spoke.

"It's okay Mr...


Zion nodded "It's okay Mr. Wilson you can go buy it . I'm gonna stay with her"

My eyes widened and turned my head towards him"No no Zion. You don't have to -

I stopped when he tugged my hand and turning towards him .

"I'm not leaving you " I look at him my eyes romaing around his face at the words . And also how sincere he said that .

"I will go and buy then" Wilson said breaking my stare .

I only gave him a weak nod . He then said something like it will take somewhat around half an hour . And I wanted to bang myself on the door because it's gonna be so stupid to be in this place when I clearly had my house .


How a lie took a toll on me.

"Do you have some candles " Zion asked.

I sighed there is no escape I have to spend the next half a hour with him.

"Yes . In my bedroom " I said .

"Okay let's go " he said grabbing my hand . We then slowly made our way well , more like I walked slow which automatically made him to walk slower.

I opened my bedroom room with a torch light holding in one hand and other hand holding Zion's hand.

He still didn't leave my hand.

When I walked towards my bathroom, I felt Zion was walking slower and turning his face around the room. Probably trying to see my bedroom.

I moved my flashlight to see the cupboard , I felt Zion's hand to take my strawberry scented candle .

The very next minute he moved closer so that his arm's was brushing mine . I don't know if he did it for silently telling that he is here , but I'm glad he did that . I always avoided his touch but now I need it.

I then took two scented candles in both my hands while blanching the the phone in my hand.

"I will take it " he said and took both of the candles and the phone from me .

He didn't even have the difficulty in holding it.

I nodded and took other two candles and the very next minute his hands grabbed mine .

I don't for what should I be suprised the fact that he is still holding my hand.

Or he is holding three things in one hand.

I will go for the latter because I don't mind the former .

On way we also grabbed some blankets to keep us warm but Zion declined it so I only took one blanket. After that We made our way towards the living roon and placed the candles and lighted it .

Instantly the room brightened up giving the whole room a warm orangey look. And after a few seconds the scent started filling in the room . At the smell of strawberries I instantly calmed.

"Hmmm I love this smell " Zion breathed out .

Shaking my head I grabbed the blanket and settled in the sofa and made myself cozy. Zion then sat at other corner of the sofa where I was sitting.


I should settled on the one seater.

But now I'm cozy and lazy so I just stayed there and we have two person gap between us . So it's okay.

"It's weird right " Zion said breaking the silence.

"Yeahhh.... " I trailed off

He then chuckled "Maybe we should have ordered McDonald's now , you know that way we would have had more time "

I furrowed my eyebrows "Why, that wouldn't have not changed anything "

Now it was his turn to furrow his eyebrow "Why would you say that, we would have talked more "

"Well I don't think we are in talking terms .... " he raised a eyebrow at me , but I continued "......expect for business and I don't particularly think I would enjoy a business conversation in McDonald's " I stated.

"Who said that I should start a business talk in McDonald's . ... " he questioned


"Jone you seem to underestimate me I won't go and talk business all the time i can be quite friendly . And we would have a friendly chat " he said looking at me.

I shook my head " I don't think it would be possible. we don't share anything other than business. We are just confined together in business "

"We shared a kiss ."

My eyes widened I froze hearing it I then whipped my head towards him . His face clearly said that he also didn't believe what he said .

I then looked away from him . Now that he said I can't believe we shared that, it nearly took me two days and a whole episode of spongebob to forget it and to be normal around him .

Well how can I act normal when I shared a kiss with him . Who is more or less came into the category of boss to me.

Now that I think about it I shared somewhat intimate.

Okay that came so wrong.

Maybe like friendly gestures like hugs , how many we shared that.


Gosh I even hugged him a few minutes ago. I slightly shivered thinking of it .

"Let's ask ourselves some friendly questions " he asked breaking the uncomfortable awkward silence.

"Yes" I agreed without any hesitation because I don't want to think anything else.

"You first " he said turning his face towards me.

I took a moment to think of a question "When did you become the CEO " I asked.

"Hmmm. " he thought for a moment "After finishing college and one year training on the office my dad gave me the title. But he didn't fully hand it over to me " he finished and I nodded in understanding.

"So you tell how did you find the interest in this job " he asked.

I shook my head "Just like her " I muttered.


"Nothing " I quickly said.

"Jone the whole apartment is quite so it is easy to hear anything " he said in somewhat teasing tone.

I sighed in defeat "Your mother also asked me the same thing "

"Oh really " he asked with a laugh.

I nodded moving my head up and down.

"So what was you answer "

"The same , I don't know it's just kinda happened" I said moving my blanket closer .

"Oh and speaking of my mother she wanted you to teach the salad" he said bringing his one leg up.

"Oh I can sent the recipe to her " I suggested

"Nah she pretty much want you to come and demonstrate it "

"I don't think if I have time but I will think about it " I said thinking about my schedule .

" I now remembered that my parents anniversary are coming next week . You should come " he said his blues eyes starting at mine .

"Oh... " I was still hesitant because I was never been invited for anything so it was kinda new .

"I.. sure I will come " I said for that he was passed me his smile. I moved my face towards the candle.

"Your turn " he reminded.

I nodded and turned back again "Are you planning to expand your company"

We both went silent . When we realized that most of our questions are business related only .

"You're correct. We can't talk anything other than business " he said shaking his head.

I agree.

"Uhmm let's see " he said thinking "well it's kinda hard to form questions. Okay when is your birthday " he said but cringed at it .

He then gave me sheepish look .

"It's okay june 27th is my birthday " I said.

His eyes jerked up "Really. Mine is june 21th guess we are both June's "

"Or cancer babies " I said .

He chuckle hearing the word babies .

"We are " he said and leaned his head back on the sofa his fave was reflected by the candle light making his face to have that dark orange shadow. Which kinda enhanced his features.

I also leaned my head sideways on the sofa while letting out a yawn

"Sleepy?" He asked opening his one eye and glancing at me.

"Yeah I'm just waiting-

Ding .

Waiting for wilson.

We both stood up and walked towards the door . But I realized he didn't hold my hand this time when I glanced at my hand.

He opened the door to reveal wilson .

"Miss.jones I got the battery and already fixed it " he said .

I then moved back to turn the the light's indeed it was working .

"It's working " I said.

"Good then I will be going " he said and went back.

Now it's just two of us.

"Okay then I will also be going "

I looked to see Zion already staring down at me . He didn't look tired at all he looked so fresh and his blues eyes was now brighter .

"Oh" I said looking up at him .

I quickly moved away my face when I realized I was staring at him.

"See you then " he said and turned away.

"Zion!" I called making him stop midstep and turning towards me.

"Goodnight ".

His lips turned into a warm smile "Goodnight jone . "

I nodded and with that he walked away.

I then closed my door and leaned back with one thought.

Was i sad when he said he will be going.


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