
I got from my bed at the sound of my alarm. Which can also be called as a irksome sound .

I always hated morning because of the lack of sleep i get . This problem actually started when I was in my second year of college . My final exam were arriving so there was more to study first year was not that much tough but it changed completely the next year . So I would spend hours to study and sometime it will extend upto four o'clock gradually I found out that I can better concentrate in the night and can cover up so much portions in that time.this eventually became a routine for me . So I do all the work in the night and go back to sleep early morning since I had the exam in the afternoon I had no problem.

But when I become the CEO it became a bloody hell I have to be in the office at seven o'clock, where I went to sleep at four or three . I will barely get any sleep i know it's bad but it became a habit .

I then went into my walk in closet. while taking a tshirt my eyes feel into the brown bag which was settled in the small round table.

A smile unknowingly broke into my face . I then picked the shirt from the bag . I still can't believe she gave me a shirt considering she never does like it heck she never even apologizes.

If i said the incident happened at her penthouse didn't anger me that would understatement of the century. I never thought of her like that i wanted to get up and confront her but that is not my place at all . I lost all my appetite but I can't waste the food. Georgia looked so lovely it remained of my mom I just can't say no.

I thought she would be like that always. Almost . But it proved slightly wrong when she gave me the shirt even though she did it for compensation I can't stop the warm happy feeling I got .

There is always something about gifts.

Well that also doesn't mean that she went all lovely dovely and smiley . eventhough she didn't smile she also didn't have any frown in her face or didn't she talked in a cold voice . She just talked in a plain voice . But I could rather prefer it over her clipped tone . Because deep down I hate to see her cold face .

I then took the shirt and place it in front of me . She was right when she told me it's not my size . Well hell is definitely the wrong size.

But I would never exchange it .

My eyebrows furrow when I see my reflection.

Did she thought I was this thin.

I look at my body gosh how can she think that I was this thin. Doesn't she looked at my magazines the photos the abs the six pack the biceps.

Well maybe she doesn't see it exactly since I wearing a coat all the time . But i never thin I'm always fit . Ever since I hit puberty I always spent a good amount of time in the gym .

Groaning I took a pair of pants and headband and went downstairs .

It's time to hit the gym.

Twenty minutes into weight lifting . I hear the door open I glance and saw my dad coming . I then put the bar down.

"Hey dad " I say .

"Hey Zion, you should have called me i would have also hit the gym with you " he says and walks over to me .


I shrug and take a towel to wipe the sweat "Well I don't want to disturb you" I pause and take breath "And I just started " I say .

"Okay then " he says and take the weight bar.

"Why the sudden visit to gym " I ask and throw my towel down.

My dad chuckles "Just want to get in the shape and " he pause and points at the slightly sagging skin around his hand

"To get these tamed a little tighter I don't want to give your mother a chance to lose interest in me " he jokes .

"It's fascinating to see that you have so much faith in me "

My mom's voice booms into the gym .

We then turn around to see my mom standing there with her arms folded against her chest.

"Hey honey " my dad says smoothly.

"Don't honey me, how you can you think that I will lose interest in you idiot " my mom says and comes towards us .

"I was just joking kara " my dad says laughing earning a scoff from my mom.

"No mom he was not " I add.

"This is betrayal " I dad exclaims smiling.

"See ! My son never lies " my mom say while I try to hide my laugh .

"Oh come on I didn't mean it like that .... I...I said it like you motivate me to come to the gym "My dad says and my mom falls for it .

I groan and move from them and take a bottle of water while muttering a smooth lie.

But my dad heard it .

"It's true Zion sometimes a girl is also a reason why we hit the gym"

I spill all my drink when I heard what my dad

And also when I realized the reason why I came to gym today .









"Smells amazing " Athena says and sit beside.

"How is college going " I ask her .

She scoffs "More like how is your trip to hell ,where you don't know what the hell the teacher is saying and the teacher don't know what I'm writing " she says frustrated.

And I stoped . If I ask her one more thing she is gonna rant.

"Hello sunshine " my dad says and ruffles her hair

"Dad no " she exclaims and pats her hair.

I smirk at it .

Ha how that's feel.

"Okay okay let's settle down " my mom says and places a plate full of pancakes.

After that we all settled down and we held each other hands and prayed,my mother says the prayer today . And after that we all start eating.

Athena then pushes her plate towards me . Without asking her anything I grab a knife and cut the pancakes into smaller pieces. After I finished I pass it to her and she mutters a Thanks and start to eat it.

After we finished my mom passes us a neatly pleaded oranges

"Mr. Merrick have opened a newest hotel he invited us for a dinner " my dad announced.

"I actually went there yesterday with jone it was pretty elegant and cool " I said putting a orange into my mouth.

There was a silence followed by my comment when I looked up I saw athena trying to cover up her smirk while my mom was watching me curiously and my dad had a blank face while sipping his drink.

What did I say that caused three different reactions to emerge?

Then only I Remembered I absentmindedly said i went out with jone.


"I knew you were dating her " Athena exclaims proudly.


I gave her glare she abruptly shut her mouth and showed me her innocent facade

My dad look shocked by it .

"Are you dating Miss.jones? " my dad incredulously.

My eyes widened that my dad also asked it "What NO" I exclaim and put my spoon down.

"Care to explain why you went to the restaurant with her " Athena asks teasingly.

I internally groan .

"We were just heading at the same time and yeah " I say and wipe my mouth with the table cloth.

"Right" she drawls.

Groaning i stood up from my seat and muttering that the food was lovely to my mother and a goodbye to my dad who was observing everything silently. And I finally headed out but not before stealing the orange from my sister.


After that i went to my office . Today my schedule was tight but I'm thankful for it since it keeps my thoughts at bay.

Thoughts Like want happened a few hours back .

Especially about one person

Gosh eventhough she is not in the place somehow her name is spoken it is giving me ... i don't bad feeling no . Good feeling no . It's like neutral

I snort to myself when I thought how stupid it sounded .


Here I'm thinking about her again. I groan and go back to the work .

Halfway through working i hear knock .

"Come in " I say turning the pages of my file .

I hear the heels clicking on the floor and it stops in front of me .

"Morning Zion "

"Hello Madeleine " I say and glance at her and go back to reading the contract.

"Busy huh" she says .

"Yep ! I have to close an another deal " I say .

She hums to it "Don't stress too much you will surely close it " she says .

"Thanks " I say and glance at her .

"And these are the design for the hotel fully finalized . You just have to approve it and after that we can start it and also after Miss.jones gives us the design " she says and places a file in front of me.

I nod and take the file "Did my dad approved it " I ask flipping through the pages .

"Yes ! he told me to get the final appove from you " she says and sits down.

I nod and look through the design everything is perfect and great that was about Madeleine when it comes to her job she does it perfectly eventhough she take some time.

"Everything is looking great Madeleine" I say and close the file and keep in the table .

She smiles at my words.

"But, the lightning is too much just reduce it a bit .instead of keeping three small tree in one asile reduce it one " I say .

She tries her best to not to show her disappointment "Okay Zion i will change " she says and take the file and leaves.

After five hours I'm finally done with my work . I then grab the file and head towards the basement to take my car . It's currently seven three o'clock . I already messaged jone that I will be coming so I don't have to worry that she will be there or not.

With that thought I start the car .

New York traffic suck . Always


I didn't realize her office was this far until now . I groan again when the traffic signal again turn into red .

After the longest forty five minutes I'm finally here at the lily jones . I then make my way towards the office . Since they already know me nobody question me they just give me a nod as an acknowledgement.

While waiting for the elevator the door opens to reveal Mr. Ruffalo standing in there already.

"Hello Mr. Irvine " he greets me .

"Hello Mr. Ruffalo and just call me Zion'' I say .

He nods and pass me a faint smile .

"I persume you are here to see Miss.jones. come on I will lead the way" he says .

"It's okay i can go by myself just tell me where Miss.jones is, you carry on your work " I say when I saw all the files and sample cloth he is carrying.

He sighs in relief "Thank you Mr. Zion and Miss.jones is on the sixth floor " he says .

I nod and get into the elevator and press the button and watches it moving till it reaches the sixth floor the door then opens wih a ding . I then step out of the elevator and take in my surroundings. This is first time I'm in this floor . The place looks like a sewing area but I see nobody here.

Furrowing my eyebrows I make my way down the hall.

"Leave the office right now"

Ahh the ever sweet voice guide me .

The sound is getting louder and louder as I go.

"I don't trust you alice keep the damn files down and go home I want you finsih the design in my office supervisory " she shouts at the girl who name I'm asume is alice.

"Did I make myself clear. now out " she shouts her voice are now clearer as I stand in front of the door.

Before I could open the door the door burst opens a girl who i saw in the first day when she wanted to come and join the lift. The same girl .

Gosh she keeps on getting scolding.

She then gives a bow and runs away as quickly as possible.

I then look up to see the cold eyes.



She takes a deep breath "Come in " she motions with her hand .

I then step into the room and see various tools have been aligned in the white table.

"I'm sorry I forgot you would be visiting" she says in a usual plain voice.

I shrug and place the file in front of her .

She then takes the files and studies it I then lean back on the table and fold my hands and look at her .

"It's great "she says and close the file "Do you want to take it" she asks looking up at me .

I just shake my head and place my hand at the table .

"Nope you can have it . I trust you " I say and look at her .

She narrow her eyes at me i assume because of the last words I said.

She sighs "You need to stop eavesdropping "

"Excuse me " I exclaim at her wrong accusation "You think i would eavesdrop. No jone I'm not that type and I don't scoop to that level .Maybe you should stop shouting or construct a thicker walls so that I or anyone would not hear it " I say my voice slightly angry.

She looks at me and processing what I said after a moment she sighs.

"Let's just go to my office and talk about the final design there" she says and grabs her bag .

While she took her bag something moved underneath my hand . Causing a sharp pain through my hand .

"Ahh" I exclaim and look at my hand which has a cut and blood comes from it .

"Omg what happened " jone exclaims.

I then look at the table there is a sharp scissor lying there where I kept my hand.

Gosh Zion how can you be this careless.

"I'm sorry " jone says and cups my hand with her soft hands.

For a second I'm taken by the sincerity in her tone.

She looks up from my hand and I blink at her worried face . Guilt and fear covers her whole face.

"Ouch" I wince when her hand touched my cut .

Her eyes widened in fear and quickly drops her hand from my mine.

"I'm so sorry Zion I didn't mean it . I ... I.. didn't see it " she rambles her voice slightly shivering.

"It's not your mistake jone " I say .

She shakes her head in no and look up at me with her big green eyes.

"It's my fault " she slowly says

Before I could say something she gently grabs my other hand and tugs me to another room . I didn't say anything but just follow her . Because damn my hand hurts like hell.

She then take me to a small room where the tools were not there only some clothes. I sit at the sofa she then rumbles through some cabin and take out a first aid kit . I try my best not to show how much it is paining.

She then comes and sit beside me .

"Please bear the pain for a little longer I'm gonna call a doctor so I can do the dressing " she asks me in the same soft . I gulp and nod at her.

She then calls someone who I presume is the doctor. After sometime she cuts the call .

She then take a cotton and dips into something and looks at with me with an emotion I never thought she is capable of . Sad

"This will be painful " she says with hint of sadness.

"It can't be that bad jone" I say but she just shakes her head and presses the cotton in my hand .

I didn't look down at my wound i just watch how her face is full of worry. This is the first time I'm seeing her like this . Because I was always seen her life cruel and always shouting but now her whole personality is changed she looks so soft. And for a very slight movement something twisted in my heart seeing her like this . And I don't even know what is it.

"Finished " she says slowly. Lost in my thoughts I didn't even know she finished. I then look down indeed she finished there is small white bandage secured around my hand.

She didn't look up at me she was still looking at my hand. She then slowly brought her hand and slightly rubbed her thumb very gently . This small gesture made my heart beat faster. Something about her made me feel like it's beacuse of her vulnerability. I don't know. I still can't see her face. But suddenly I had a urge to look at her.

"Is it still paining? " she says softly.

Kind of got taken back at the soft voice I can't believe she can utter such a soft voice. Her voice looks soft and pure?

Realized I still didn't respond to her I said "No . Not that much "

She just hummed I was slightly sad that I didn't hear her voice .

"It was just a accident you don't have to worry " I said softly looking down at her.

She then looked up her face is now closer to me unlike the other time her facial features are much softer . I involuntary moved back because something said that I can't look at that face.

Gosh what is happening to me .

I think I'm gonna crazy it is because of the cut . If that then I'm definitely blaming in that fully . I have to some how clear the tension. Having her close beside me in the small room is creating a weird atmosphere.

"You know what jone you should carry some sign board or something like that so that it is easy to know when are you angry or sorry or happy " I joke trying to bring some laughter.

When I didn't hear any answer I turned towards her .

Big mistake

"I'm genuinely sorry right now" she said .

I nodded and just stared at her without saying anything.

Then my phone rang breaking the staring i then look away and take my phone it was my PA.

"Hello sir . The sponsors have just called me now to say that . They are happy to invest " he says

I sigh in relief hearing it .

"Good say that- " I stiff when she again brushed her thumb . I think she also noticed it and removed it . My face fall at the contract . I liked her brushing against my hand.

What the hell I was thinking.


I clear my throat and speak again "Sorry ! Arrange a meeting next week" I say .

"Sure sir " he says and I cut the call .

I then turn around and see jone looking down at the floor.

"The nisco label have finally agreed to invest in our company " I say while gaining her attention. She then looks up at me there no amount of happy in her eyes . Eventhough there is rarely any emotion. But she still had the sad facade on her face.

I suddenly had a desire deep deep inside my heart to wipe the sadness away.

"Congrats " she says her normal voice can be slightly detected.

I kind of cringe at it very slightly.

"Okay ! I will see you tomorrow " I say and stand up .

"Zion wait " jone calls out.

I turn around with a confused face.

"Yes?" I ask looking down at her.

"Are you sure you can drive " she asks looking up .

"Yes! "

She continues to stare at me after a moment she says "No you cant"

I scrunch my face at her bluntness.

"I'm pretty sure I can " I say and look at her .

She shakes her hand and straightens up . "You just gonna hurt your hand more . So I will drive I can't afford to go to jail if you crashed a car because of the cut " She says firmly narrowing her eyes at me .

Did she just empathized caring and not caring in the same sentence.

"Let's go I will drive " she says and walks away .

Blinking at the situation I follow her and we both go down towards the basement. When we reached our car I hand over my keys to her . After we settled down she start the car.

Halfway through driving I would say she is good driver . Or maybe I could say that she is not worse for a driver . If I have to let her drive another time I would.... uhm probably not.

But I don't dare to say it . Because who knows what she will throw. I then avert my eyes to her she looks fully concentrated on driving.

I can't believe that this face was soft and vulnerable a few minutes back . Here now she orders me and takes a no for an answer. Maybe I should really consider the sign thing. So that I can know when she is angry or sad or happy . That will help me and the whole workers under her .

We then arrive at my mansion. The guards open the gate when they see my car .

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