
"What?" I asked again when he didn't say anything. He looked like had an inner battle going on.

He straight up said "it's just a thought jone, many were tired attending the meeting and since you didn't attend I just thought you were sick or something" he said and glanced at me.

"Oh okay" I said since I don't know what else to say but when I glanced at Zion he had an emotionless face when he sensed me watching him he straightened up and looked focused on driving but there was a very tiny bit of a smile which he was trying so hard to cover.

Was I hallucinating things? Yes very much, because whenever I tried to think what happened at the club I could see a vague shadow of a man's face but I couldn't picture it even though thinking about it gave me a headache but the curious in me never left me to do it.

I wanted to know what the hell happened after I talked with Mr. Parker badly.It's like the men in black came and flashed their pen in front of me and took the freaking memory off from me.

After a few minutes I finally let it go. My mind can't take this much and it is irritating me that the only thing I'm getting is the damn shadow of a man's face.

"Jone hey jone" I came out of my thoughts by the sound of Zion's voice.

"Uh---" I said, turning towards him, realizing that we were stopped at the traffic.

"You were staring at the windshield pretty hard. Are you planning on burning it or what?" Zion jokes, his eyes set on me.

I gave a quick glance behind before speaking "No just thinking some... stuffs"

"I see, pretty interesting should be given that you didn't hear me calling you three time, care to explain" he raised an eyebrow at him.

If I know I would tell you, no wait even if I know I would not share though.

"Not like that, nothing interesting" I shrugged at the same time the signal turned green and the cars started moving.

Zion's face fell for a second before he turned around and continued driving.

After ten minutes I saw my penthouse coming into my line of vision. When he parks in front of my penthouse I'm shocked to see the two people in front of my house .

Mark, Georgia!

What the hell .

I then got out of the car and they turned their head when they heard my footsteps.

A look of surprise and relief washes over them . They look like when a child comes home after a year of being in college . Mark has the worst he looks like he is gonna burst into tears and Georgia I don't even wanna talk about it .

Dramatic people .

Before I could confront them the sound of the door being shut was heard. We all then look back and see Zion standing beside the car .

Shoot I totally forgot him .

"Mr. Irvine '' Georgia says her eyes are now shining in happiness. She looks like a little girl who found chocolate in the fridge.

Zion comes and stands beside me and hands over my bag. "Zion this is Mrs. Ruffalo, my PA mark's wife " I introduced while taking the bag from him.

"Hello Mrs. Ruffalo is nice to meet you" Zion says in his warm velvet tone

Georgia looks star struck at his voice and his face also I think .

She then smiles at him "it's nice to meet you Mr. Irvine and please call me Georgia " she says .


"I will and call me Zion '' he says

If Georgia had a smile before now it is widened double time .

Before I could end this conversation Georgia beat me.

"And Zion why don't you come and have breakfast. I bet you guys would be hungry " Georgia says smiling towards him .

"Thanks for the offer Georgia but I don't want to intrude " Zion says politely

"What , no. It is a pleasure to have you Zion I have already brought all the foods necessary for breakfast...

I trailed off after that to narrow my eyes at Mark who in return just gave me an innocent small smile.

"Sure," Zion says . Which I assume he agreed to eat breakfast. Because I know Georgia would not leave him .

And he is too nice to decline it .I shake my head and turn towards the mark .

"Grab my suitcase" I ordered mark and made my way towards the penthouse.

I then entered my room since I wanted to finish my mother nature business and after that I washed my face and headed down to the kitchen . While heading down I see Mark standing at the end of the stairs . When he hears my footsteps he looks up and smiles at me.

"Welcome home jone " he greets me with a smile which makes wrinkles appear around his eyes .

"It's Miss.jones for you. Learn how to speak to your boss " I say and stand in front of him .

His eyes widened a bit and hurt covers his face while he hung his head down .

"Jone" a voice call out

"Georgia " I hiss and turn . By the look on her face I figured she heard what I said .

"Uhm....hmmm" she tries to speak but fails miserably, while looking at me and then at her husband.

"Are you gonna speak something? " I ask.

She just looks down not meeting my eyes. I groan and cross my hands against my chest .

"Firstly you come to my penthouse without my permission and don't even have the voice to answer me . What is your problem " I ask, raising my voice a little bit .

"We .... just wanted to welcome you " Georgia says through a thick strained voice .

"We are just happy you are back so we thought it would be good to give you a welcome " Mark adds softly

I narrow my eyes and my face is contorted in hard features while looking down at the floor .

"There nothing happy about it you can't imagine things and do accordingly " I say and look up

Big mistake

"If you thought a good welcome then leave me fucking alone "

"Jone" Georgia cracks up

"Leave "

"Let's leave G, " Mark says and grabs her hand. He then gives me one final glance before saying "We are sorry jo...Miss.jones " and with that they move out of my sight.

What a wonderful heart-warming welcome .

I then see Georgia quickly go into the kitchen. I hear her saying something to Zion about how she has to go and she has an emergency and apologizing for it . And Of course Zion asks her if she is okay and all .

After a few seconds when I hear the front door open and shut I make my way towards the kitchen .

The kitchen table is literally flooded with foods from pancakes ,waffles ,eggs ,bacon , croissant, orange juice and coffee.

My eyes then moved from it and I saw Zion sipping his coffee.

I went towards the table and served some of the food but not taking any strawberries despite my whole body saying to take it .


When I looked up his face was hard and blank his lips were formed in a thin line . Well my mood was like that somewhat but it was sour and cold .

He looked a little annoyed. He just kept focusing on finishing the pancakes. He suddenly looks up and catches my staring and raises an eyebrow at me.

I clear my throat and ask "Do you need anything "


Uhm okay..

I nodded and started to eat . Halfway through eating I noticed that Zion kept on eating a little too much which was a little odd of him because he is not that much of a eater and eats very lightly. But even though he took a lot of food on his plate there is still a lot of food left.

"There is a lot of food left," I mused, looking at the croissants and smoothies.

His eyes shot up quickly to me when I said it.

"Yes. I don't think we can finish it" his voice was a little cold.

"Uhm...yeah it's a little more for two persons".

"Exactly we are supposed to eat with Georgia and Mark" he said his eyes peered at mine.

I take a deep breath. I'm not ready for this conversation. My mood is already sour from the time I entered the penthouse and I don't want to add more sourness to it . But I know I already reached my sourness to a high point .

"They left because they wanted to Mr.Irvine" I say get ready to leave their is no point in eating the breakfast

I then push the table a little too harsh because of all the frustration . The table shakes a little. The coffee that was beside him fell over him .


My eyes widened at the accident I caused . Zion gets up from his seat and his white t-shirt is covered in coffee stains . He then looks at me with somewhat disappointment.

A strange unfamiliar feeling erupts inside my body.

"I'm sorry, do you need tissues? " I ask and look around to find some tissue.

But before I could move his voice stops me

"Save it "

He runs his fingers through his hair in frustration.

"Look I'm sorry it was not my intention-

"Do you actually for once genuinely feel sorry "

I look up at him and his eyes narrow down at me.

Before I could speak. He shakes his head then turns around to walk away .

"Pass my thanks to Georgia, the only reason I ate," he said over his shoulder. He gave one last glance at the food before sighing and walking away.

I continued to stare at the path in which he went, Because he made me feel something .


He made me feel guilty.






It's been two days since the breakfast incident happened. Unlike the other times I wanted to talk with him but it's just been impossible. The work I'm having in my office is constantly making me busy .

The tension is slightly there and Georgia does the best to avoid me . But she makes food for me even though I said no . I just gave up, she wouldn't listen.

But today is different after two days I'm going to the Irvine office again for the presentation. I make my way towards the elevator when the door closes and my eyes fall onto the brow bag I'm holding.

Gosh .

How I'm gonna give it .

I can't just return and turn back . I don't know if he wanted me to buy a shirt for him but since I ruined his t-shirt I thought I would compensate for it .

Before I could think anything the door opened with a ding . I then made my way towards the conference hall . When I entered I'm surprised to see Zion standing and reading something . He didn't notice me yet he is still reading the file .

"Good afternoon" I say .

His eyes jerked up when he heard my voice. He then looked at me and his eyebrows furrowed together slightly.

"Afternoon" he nods and goes back .

Before I could speak more the door opened and the members started to come . I sigh and settle in the seat .

The meeting started quickly after everyone settled. Today the meeting is conducted by Zion. This is the first time I'm seeing him give a speech.

I never thought he could do this elegantly; he has the aura around him where the people around him carefully listen to him . He has all the attention, there are no side talks and people are intensely listening to him .

It's not because they are afraid of him because they have respect towards him .

The meeting then finished after one hour . I got up and went towards Zion but stopped when Madeleine came towards him and dragged him .


I then walked towards the designer team and had a talk with them .

I can't believe how time runs. The meeting had taken longer than I thought . By the time we finished it was nine o'clock. We didn't even have a lunch break and I was so hungry. And I didn't even have the chance to meet Zion .

Guess it has to wait for another day .

I made my way towards the basement to get my car . But something else happened: Zion was also going towards his car .

It's now or never.

"Zion" I called .

He stopped mid step and turned around.

"Jone?" He asked, confused.

I nodded "I...uhm " I started but didn't know how to speak the issue,what the hell is happening to me. Get yourself together.

I cleared my throat while Zion was looking at me confusedly.

"About what happened on Monday......" I turned away "I'm sorry "

"It's okay," he says after a moment.

I then turn towards him "Yeah and that" I say and pull the brown bag from my bag and handle it towards him.

"What's this? " he asked genuinely surprised.

"A... pre-" I wanted to say present but that doesn't make any sense.

"Just open it" I say this instead.

He looks at me and at the bag I'm holding after a second he takes the bag from me gingerly.

When he took the t-shirt out of the bag a look of amusement played in his eyes, his mouth starting to form a smile.

While he spread the t-shirt across him I realized one big fat mistake.

Or thin mistake.

It's too small for him .

Gosh felicity how can you be this stupid . Well I thought he was lean but I forgot he is a lean fit . How can I know that?

"It's not your size right " I sigh.

He bites his lip and nods

Great .

"Leave it " I groan and attempt to take it . But he pulls it back .

"It's okay, " he says, meeting my eyes.

I roll my eyes "it's clearly not your Size it's just gonna be a waste " I say and grab the t-shirt.

But he grabs my wrist gently stopping me ,I look up from his hand to his eyes.

"It's not a waste jone ." He says

"How so it's clearly not your size and you can't even wear it '' I point out.

"Well it's maybe not my size but the thought in it counts. I don't want to exchange it, " he says with a smile .

I then looked into his eyes. There is a warm and soft feeling in his eyes that makes me want to accept it .

"Okay" I say softly much to my dismay.

He gives a smile in return and then I notice our hand is still holding each other. He also notices it and slowly removes it .

I take two steps back and clear my throat.

"Goodnight I will see you tomorrow " I say and without waiting for an answer I turn around and walk away.


I stop mid step and turn around .

"Do you want to grab some food "








"Nice hotel " I commented when we were seated in an elegant hotel . The simplified trellis-like fashion and combined with greenery give it more of a space like a garden.

"I agree this is my friend Mr. Merrick's newest hotel " he says .

I nod and look around. It was really beautiful. The slight breeze was a little cold but not much since I'm wearing a coat.

"So..." he starts

I then look at him and his blue eyes are watching me .

"How the design are coming " he ask

"Good , there is some correction we have to do but other than that it's coming good " I say .

He nods and looks around .

Then the waiter comes and places our food . The sight of food made me realize how hungry I was .

I then grab my fork and take a piece of chicken and-

"Jone wait "Zion says and grabs my hand .

I look at him with a raised eyebrow.

"It's hot, wait till it cools down, " he says with a smile.

Gosh freakin FELICITY why do you have to embarrass yourself like this .

I nod looking down he then releases my hand and I put my fork down.

He chuckles "Let me " he asks

I wave it off "It's okay"

"I don't mind " he deadpans

After a moment I nod and he takes my plate and cuts the chicken effortlessly.

"You are good at this, " I say, sipping my water.

He looks up, I eye the chicken he is cutting.

"I do this to my sister also," he says .

I just nodded and waited till he finished.

"Here" he says proudly and passes me the plate .

"Thank you, " I said when I saw the chicken pieces .

"You're welcome " he says, his voice a little happy.

I internally sigh in relief. I don't know what for .Because deep down I hate his hard voice even though I don't have any right to hate his tone .

We then ate the dinner in silence but it's now a comfortable silence . I occasionally feel his eyes on me but when I look at him he looks down eating his food .

My eyes then fall onto him . His face now looks a lot softer without any frown . He doesn't look tired at all; he looks so fresh while I look like I'm seconds away from sleeping.

He then suddenly looks up at me . My eyes coming in contact with him ,he then gives me a warm smile . Something about his smile creates a weird feeling. Since I'm not good with giving back a smile . I nod very slightly and go to eat .

"Shall we go? " he asked after he finished paying.

"Yes," I nod and take my bag and stand up . When I look at him he looks like he wants to say or do something. But he shakes his head and spreads his arms motioning for me to come.

I then follow him to the elevator and get in . We then get out and walk towards our separate cars.

"Thanks for the dinner," I say . Since he paid for the dinner .

"You're welcome, I had a nice time, " he says, turning to look at me .

"Yeah , the hotel was really nice, " I commented.

"Yeah" he slightly draws the word .

"Goodnight then" I say .

He gives me one more smile "Goodnight jone"

I nod and walk towards my car. I then start the engine and start to drive off the basement. I see Zion is still in that place and looking at me.


I then park my car in front of my house and step into my house . I see that the kitchen light is still on When I walk in I see Georgia still there .

"Jone you came " she asked tiredly. I then see that she made dinner .


I groan at the food she made.

"I already ate dinner with Zion " I say the last word absentmindedly.

Georgia now looks like she just had energy juice and smiles so widely.

I give her glare. She tries to cover it up by a cough , her hand , a towel but in the end she fails miserably.

I shake my head and go upstairs. I hear a faint squeal coming from the kitchen.

This women I swear .

I take my clothes and step inside my bathroom. I just wash my face since I'm too tired for a bath. When I stepped out of the bathroom I realized I was too tired to change my clothes . But I don't want to sleep naked since I have a OCD. What if someone steps into my room suddenly. So I just settled in my undergarments.

I then flop into my bed even though I'm tired . My mind flashes the memory that happened a few hours ago .

When I replay the events I realize I have said thanks many times .


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