"Okay since Zion will not be attending today we have to finish it by ourselves" Madeleine announced.
Nodding They all went to editing while I looked for all the pictures and sketches for the hotel which they are going to construct.
There is still some last touches to be done . We have only completed half of it But we still have some time till tomorrow , but I don't why Madeleine rushing us . I don't get it eventhough Zion had told us to give us the report tomorrow.
Speaking of him
My thoughts are currently spread everywhere about him and last night . I don't even know what to think and how to connect it.
I don't know if I should be relieved or not that he is not here.
Well I First thought that he is not coming because of the ...
Well ...
You know ...
But then only I heard that he had a meeting with finance department so he could not attend it .
I then got up and move towards Madeleine . When I reach her i give the file to her , she takes it from my hand goes through it.
"This is the sketch you have asked for " I say and she nods looking at the file.
"Can you finsih it today" she asks .
"Nope . I still need to discuss the design"
She sighs in an exhausted tone. We are standing opposite to each other I'm almost the same height as her.
"The project still has a two days time . Zion mentioned it to me '' I said when she didn't say anything .
"I know that" she says and roll her eyes . I cross my hands over my chest and wait for her to continue.
"It's just he is having a lot schedule lined up . There is also this deal he has to close now so he now barely has any time . I don't want this project to stretch further and have anoher meeting for this " she sighs and looks at me she then shakes her head and turn to walk away.
"I can finish it today "
"Well I'm good at finishing the work quick " I say.
"Oh really " she asks with a raised eyebrow.
"Yep . I don't want to prolong coming to this office " I say and hold her gaze.
"Good for you " she scoffs and walk away.
I then make my way and sit in the chair and start to do the project. Well what I said is somewhat partially true i do don't want to come to this office which is almost most of the week. But there is also one major thing why I doing this.
My eyes then fall at the file laying in front of me.
The memories of the accident appear like a pictures to my brain . Well I maybe a cold heartless person who don't worry about other person feelings and hurt their feelings. But I'm never the one to hurt someone physically. I can't do that and I never thought I would do it.
And because of my anger he cut his hand if only I could have been more careful or could have see it . I would have surely never let it happened. But in the end I let it happened.
I know he was hiding the pain it looked so painful . If I been harsher the cut would have been deeper.
So that's why I'm willing to finsih the sketches today . Because he doesn't deserve any of it .
Because I know he is too good . And it's just a repay for what he did . Especially when he defended me to his sister. Which is surely not necessary she would have hated me more by the amount of affection I saw in her face for his brother. But he did it anyway.
Shaking my head from the thought I started to work on the sketches . After three and half a hour later . I heard Madeleine saying that she has to go and meet Zion since he has now finished with the meeting .
Well I was still struck with the design. Because let's face it , it is not easy to finish papers today . It is gonna take a hell lot of time . Sighing i went and to work again .
After two freaking hours i was finally finished with the work . I then looked around to see most of the members are gone and only some were there to finish the final sketch.
I let out a yawn and glanced at the clock it was past ten thirty . I then got up from my seat to look for Madeleine but she was in no sight . I then asked one of the members they said she left just twenty minutes before .
"You can give it Mr. Zion he is now free" Mr. Waldorf said .
Nodding I then made my way towards the elevator. While going up i started to think how will I address the situation. Well it's long done but I also feel it somewhat unfinished. Better not talk about it . It is just gonna be awkward or maybe I should just ask how his hand is . And it will be finished for good.
The elevator door opened with a ding and I stepped out . I then reached his office door and knocked it two times.
"Come in " his deep voice said from behind.
I then opened the door and stepped in . I saw him working behind his laptop his eyes were fully focused on the screen . I then made my way and stood in front of him . He still didn't notice me.
So I cleared my throat. He then looked up a look of suprised covered his face.
"Hello jone" he greeted me .
"I came here to give the file for the hotel" I said and handed it . He then took it from my hand and went through it .
"Just take a seat it will take some time" he said and glanced at me . I nodded and took a seat.
I then looked around his table . There was many files lined up some photos and papers were also there . There were also a cup which was empty i assume Madeleine would have brought it to him which was like four hours .
I then looked at him he was still looking at the file his eyebrow are furrowed together in concentration.
"Do you need a refill "
His head shot up slightly confused i then nodded at the cup laying beside him .
He looked at his cup and at me and started at me for a moment before he spoke.
"Yes. If you dont mind " he said, little unsure .
"I don't mind " I said and took the cup.
After i took the cup I looked at him - Who was still looking at me - I then looked down at the cup then at him.
"Oh. An espresso two shot with splash of almond milk little water and half packet of sugar " he said .
I nodded and went outside. Once I got out I realized I have to go down to get the coffee groaning I stepped inside the elevator again.
I then entered the cafeteria and brought him the coffee and for me also because why not . I would be stupid to just get his coffee and go .
Grabbing the two coffee in my hand I made my way towards the elevator again . I still don't know why I offered him to bring him a coffee. Maybe just to get away with his presence perhaps.
Maybe you are concerned.
I scoffed and step out of the elevator . I then knocked the door with the cups after I heard a come in . I opened the door which was slightly difficult since both of my hands were occupied.
When my heels made contact with the floor Zion looked up his eyes jerked up when he saw me holding the cups.
"Hey, you should asked me to open the door " he said in a soft voice.
"A thank you would Suffice " I said and placed the cup in his table. When I looked up the corner of his lip slightly turned upward which woud be appeared as a smirk.
Shaking his head "Thank you " he said.
I nodded "Was the paper was good" I asked . He looked down at the file and spoke
"Well for starters everything is good but there is still some correction needed to done in the main and middle "
He then closed and file and pushed it towards me.
"But yeah you can give it tomorrow I will try to schedule a meeting for this the following week "
"I can correct it now " I shrugged.
"Are you sure , i only asked it for tomorrow " he said looking at my face for confirmation.
"Yeah I can , i don't want it to stretch it further" I said .
He nodded I then took the file and stood up to leave but stoped by his voice .
"You can sit here jone you don't have to go all the way down "
I shook my head "It's okay I don't want to disturb you " I said.
"I don't mind jone really " he said his blue eyes staring at me .
"Okay" I said
I then made my way towards the circular table and seated in . I seated in a position so that my back was facing him.
After comfortably seated I looked at the clock. My eyes widened when I realized it past eleven.
It too late for me to work that too in his office I have to travel atleast two hours to get to my house . Why did I agree to this I can't work this late I can already feel my eyes are closing.
No I can't back out I said I will finsih it. shaking my head I started to work.
Looks like I have to crash in my penthouse.
After a few minutes I don't know what happened . I vaguely remember redoing the papers and my eyes were shutting down heavily and after that everything went black .
I heard someone calling me . Then something warm touched my shoulder and slightly shook me .
"Jone" A deep rich voice called me .
Slowly I opened my eyes to see a familiar blue eyes staring at me .
Blinking twice my vision came clear and I saw Zion's face dangerously close to mine .
My eyes widened I gasped and stood up this caused him to stumble and I accidentally stepped his foot . When he tried to move out it slipped causing him to fall back along with me .
After that everything happened so fast my face collided with his causing my lips to slightly press into his bottom lip .
Like a coin being pulled by a magnet I rose up from him . Heat was crawling from my neck I looked away avoiding to look at him . He then stood up from the ground. There was a undeniable awkward silence.
One second
Two second
Three second
He was looking everywhere but me . There was redness covering his neck like me .
Gosh this is so awkward how the hell it happened, when my eyes flicked to the table I saw the time it was past twelve.
God I must have slept due to the tiredness. How can I be this careless.
I then looked at him he was still looking away . Nobody wanted to address the issue of what happened well it is awkward sudden movement. And the fact we kissed is increasing the uneasiness. Well it was not my first kiss but definitely the first time me kissing a person from my office works.
I then cleared my throat but kept my eyes on the table.
"Sorry about that , I kinda slept without my knowledge " I said keeping it as professional as possible . I know it will come handy , I can feels his eyes watching me.
"I..." he cleared his throat and straighten up "It's okay not a problem you can give the papers tomorrow "
"No...." I said and turned to him but when I saw his face , the kiss appeared to my mind and I quickly averted my gaze.
"Uhm... I mean already finished it" I said .
From the peripheral version I saw him nodding his head.
"Okay "
There was a silence for a minute. Grabbing some courage I looked at him.
"So I will see tomorrow at the hotel then " I asked .
He then looked at me and held my gaze for a moment before he replied.
"Tomorrow " he finalized.
I then nodded and turned my heels and walked away without turning back.I then entered the elevator when the door closed I let out a breath which I don't know I was holding.
Gosh what have I done. Did I just seriously kiss Zion . Zion as in whom I'm working with and the person who is making me guilty and the person who I wanted to keep a big distance.
My heart is still beating faster in my chest eventhough I barely done any exercise but in reality it is equal to what just happened.
I then brought my hand to my lips my fingers slightly brushing it . It was still tingling a weird feeling appeared at the pit of my stomach. It was too long I had a intimacy like this .
When my tongue brushed over my lips I tasted his smell.
The coffee I brought him just before I when to redo the paper . His lips were soft and slightly dry mostly because he kept on working--
What the hell I'm doing I should not be thinking like that . Or should be thinking about the kiss in the first place, it was just a accident and accidents are bound to happen.
Hopefully it will never happen.
One kiss, one kiss
It all comes down to this
One kiss, one kiss
One kiss, one kiss
This moment could be it
I, I, I wanna know.
"Athena stop the music " I busted into her room . She was singing with her hairbrush while standing on her bed .
She looked shocked and confused at seeing me brusting into her room with a red face.
She titled her head looking at me .
"Why what happened"
"Nothing" I exclaimed
"Okay okay stop shouting " she said and jumped out of her bed .
"Off the music Athena "
"Why you are suddenly asking me to stop you never had a problem with it before" she asks looking at me confusedly.
Because now I'm having.
"Because ...that song is disturbing me Athena I can't concentrate just please turn off the music"
She scrunched her nose in confusion she opened her mouth to protest but the look on my face would have given her not to question me further.
"Okay okay " she sighed.
"Thanks" I said and turned to walk away I then let out a sigh of relief when the music stopped.
One kiss is all it takes
Fallin' in love with me
I look like all you need
One kiss is all it takes
Fallin' in love with me
I look like all you need .
After the rivalry/argument/debate. The music was finally off. She is still thinking that I'm being ridiculous .
Well .....
I won't be doing this if she specifically and unintentionally playing a song which had the lines of Kiss.
Well you can't blame me because the word kiss is constantly disturbing my mind .
Because of the incident that happened in my office last night . I don't know how a simple waking let to this . I was doing my work with my macbook when I glanced at her I saw her figure lying down. When I glanced at the clock it was just eleven fifty . Well maybe for me is just eleven thirty the same may not apply for her .
So i thought of waking her up and that's when all happened. The next thing I know is that her soft lips pressed against mine .
Surprise would be an understatement.
Well it's not I'm being kissed for the first time but the fact that I kissed - accidental kiss - jone, is somewhat kind of unsettling and giving a weird feeling .
I don't even know what to think about it . But I'm keep on replaying it unconsciously. Her lips was so soft and tasted like strawberries which left me wanting more.
This what happens when I think about it or anything related to it . Well I have a kissed many girls .
Okay that came out as a playboy thing .
But you got the point.
But the incident happened yesterday kept me bothering all day . Maybe it's because of jone .
Well for starters she is the kind of girl that would not talk friendly and will keep her distance from everyone and be as professional as possible. So sharing a slightly accidental intimacy came out to me as a surprise
Ahhh yeah surprise That is it , just a surprise by the incident which I want to forget because she is someone I'm working with and don't want something unprofessional like this to interfere in our work.
Sighing I climbed down the stairs. I saw my mom standing and holding something when I went near her she had a big smile on her face . Squinting my eyes I asked.
"Anything happened mom " I asked.
She turned towards me with the same big smile and I returned it without any reason because her smile was contagious.
"I brought something " she said.
"What is it "
She then showed me a toy more like a octopus.
Confused I looked at the toy and at her . Then at the toy and at her .
"So..." I trailed off.
My mom sighed "Dont you find this cute little thing adorable " my mom said beaming.
Blinking I looked at toy to find what had got my mom beaming.
I found one .
It just a had a smile which I found it rather creepy.
My mom sighed again "Gosh Zion you have no taste" my mom said "see" she then flipped the toy and now it had a creepy angry look.
"So cute " my mom gushed.
"Yeah sure" I said still looking at the toy weirdly.
"Oh come on Zion this is the best adorable toy and it will also help your dad to know when I'm angry " she said .
I let out a laugh hearing it "Mom you are crazy " I said still laughing.
She scoffed and muttered something under her breath.
"Okay okay stop with laughing " she said and I stoped laughing "So you are heading to the hotel I guess "
I then looked at my watch it was past eight ten .
"Yeah I should be heading now " I said and straighten up .
My mom hummed "Your dad said he will visting later with your sister since her exams are finished " she said .
That explains why she was dancing like it .
"Cool" I said and gave my mom a hug and turned to walk away but the toy caught my sight . Then a idea popped into my head . I stopped and turned around. My mom rose a eyebrow questionably.
"Mom can you give me the toy " .
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Only His ✔
WARNING__________This story is a dark romance. It will contain dark subjects, some of which may be triggering to certain readers. Subjects that may be featured are self-harm, violence and abuse and rape. It may also mention or reference sexual themes and isn't limited to other dark topics. THIS BOOK IS NOT SMUT!There is also swearing and bad language.I AM NOT GLORIFYING THESE TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS!!READER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!See introduction chapter for more information.DESCRIPTION ______________Life is hard enough without the twists and turns that many of us face along our way. Alice Green was a victim of abuse, a relationship ending in disaster. Yet despite this Alice has still come out the other side strong, or so she says. Working as a criminal psychologist had always been a dream for her, however it soon turned into a nightmare when Alice is kidnapped by a ruthless mafia Don who will not rest until she truly belongs to him.
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Unapologetically Me
Fatima Ward is a pre-med senior at Hampton University. Becoming a pediatric doctor is her parent's dream for her, but secretly Fatima wants to be a Fiction Writer. She finds herself fulfilling this secret passion by writing fanfics on the extremely popular online writing website, WriteNow. To keep her identity private, Fatima writes under the pseudonym @YaraTheWriter. With over 30,000 followers, Fatima's books are successful within the WriteNow community. Curvy and proud, Fatima has a long-time boyfriend who goes to school at Norfolk State University. While working on her new fanfic using rapper, Jericho, she finds herself becoming close with a new reader who she later finds out is the man himself. When he shows interest in meeting her she is hesitant but goes through with the meeting anyways.Jericho was born Jaren Young in Brooklyn, New York. He was known mostly for his basketball skills, but always had a love for poetry that led to rapping as a hobby. When things didn't work out for him at Syracuse University, a chance meeting with music legend Nas led to a record deal and his first album was instantly named a classic by both fans and critics. While working on his follow-up album, he runs across WriteNow and @YaraTheWriter through his assistant. What initially starts off as just something fun to pass the time leads to a deeper friendship. Even though he is dating one of America's most beautiful and popular actresses he finds himself anxious to meet the woman behind the book. What will happen when these two finally meet?**********© 2017 D.S. Little All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the author, except as permitted by U.S. Copyright law.
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