
"Good night jone " I said . She nodded and steps into her room . I then turn my heels and walk towards to my room .

After entering the room I go towards my bathroom eventhough I'm tired a warm shower sounds so relaxing. I then strip out of my clothes when in impulse my arm brushed my face . I smell her scent . Strawberry .

This girl sure leaves her presence everywhere. First my car smelled of her then my shirt . Great

Spending the whole day with her . Her scent is attached with my whole body . Well I thought spending the whole day with her would be disaster and it turned out to be a really a disaster. Especially the car ride was worse okay I admit it is a little weird me not listening to music but it's a habit I got it from my mom . She also doesn't listen to it while driving . When I asked her the reason she said that she once crashed my dad's new Lamborghini while listening to bruno Mars songs . And that's how they meet and the rest is history.

But after we entered the country it was pretty normal eventhough she had a robotic emotionless blank face . But even in that emotionless face I was able to find some different emotions.

Like her famous business blank face and another is the pissed frustrated look which looks like she was seconds away from pulling my hair and the cold rude stoned expression.

The last one is probably the one will push my buttons . Because when I see the face it instantly drops my whole mood it's the not kill joy type of look it the look where the happiness is fully vanished from our minds .

I was fine with seeing the vineyard with her because she was clueless and I took the opportunity to deliberately tease her I liked that part very much I can practically see her flames coming from her ears. I can't help but laugh at it when I imagined it and i also find it amusing to see her competitive side . I was thoroughly shocked to see her smashing the grapes I bet she was thinking of me.

Everything was fine eventhough she bruised my ego by not taking a picture of me. But it really doesn't bother me . Because it is the only conversation we had .

Then castle happened. After seeing the castle I went to attend a call from the company . I was pretty much engrossed in it that's what happens when you have a company like that . So I didn't see the boys playing around me . So mistakenly I frightened the boys .

I then quickly crouched down and apologizing to them and I grabbed him up because he looks like he was going to cry .

Shit I should control the effects I bring when I concentrate on business.

I then rotated him in the air this caused him to break into serious of giggles while the other another one jumped in the ground . Something about this makes me jubilant and spirted. The carefree nature of the child and their pure smile .

While I was talking to the boys . I felt a presence beside me when I looked up I came face to face with Jone .

"We need to go"

Something has changed she was talking in her clipped tone but she always talk like this but today she mostly spoke in a dry voice but now it's suddenly changed . I narrowed my eyes at her and looked at face for the reasons . I sighed when I know I would not get anything from her stoney face .


Then after that everything happened quickly. When I turned last thing I know is jone coming falling down at me . She was sprawled fully I can feel her soft breast her stomach my nose was at her neck shit she smelt ethereal.

When she tired to get up but she failed and her face came dangerously close to mine . I froze at the closeness I never seen her face this closely nor had her body this close she was fragile and very soft . When she looked at me the grey eyes are like fire flames very unique and captive . Her eyes were watching me and I did the same unconsciously .

Then I heard giggles confused when I saw in my peripheral version the boys where above us pushing us down . Then I broke into laugh I can't help it was quite a situation the kids giggling me lying down on the grass and jone above me . It remained me of my family when we where kids .

My smile gradually slowed when I saw her face . I then ordered the boys to get up and she quickly got away from me after that their parents came . They were nice. Apologizing for the kids adorable mischievous behavior. Everything went well unil jone came up with her spoiled rude attitude towards them .

My ambience completely changed at her bitter rotten attitude. What is wrong with her I clearly don't understand they were just kids . Innocent kids trying to play with us . And showing your shady personality to their parents is unacceptable.

One thing I very much hate is bitter attitude. Showing your rude personality and thinking the world revolves around you and not caring about other person feelings. In general I hate her .

I shake my head at the thoughts I can't believe I thought of her as eternal. That's one load of bullshit . I then quickly went to the bathroom to get away all the dirt sweat and especially her freaking scent .

After changing into comfortable clothes that is in my boxers . I got into my bed and switched off the lights . When I closed my eyes .

The grey eyes that I saw in the car came into my vision .

I let out a loud curse and turned into my side and closed my eyes tightly and drifted off to sleep .











"Ahh" I groaned rolling to my side. I swear people had literally taken a job to annoy / distrub me in the middle of my sleep .

What is wrong with these people . I should really put my phone in silent mode before going to sleep .


I groaned again and stretched my hands to the night stand to get the phone . I swear to the person to have a very very valid reason .

Can't a man have a good sleep

I then grabbed my phone and saw the caller i.d

"Athena? "

My eyes shot up and I quickly pressed the call . And brought it to my ears .

"Hello" I answered

"Zion.." she sniffed in a low whisper.

My eyes widened all the sleepiness vanishing from me I then switched on the lights and sat up straight.

"Athena what happened " I asked softly but with a bit of firmness.

"I'm.. really sorry ... to ... disturb you ..." she said in between her sobs her voice looked broken and empty .

"What happened athena is something bothering. Why are crying please tell me " I asked trying my best not to freak out .

"It's about college " she said .

"What about college ..... " I asked her softly .


"It's...it's just difficult Zion I can't do it .... every day there is assignment and test I try to keep up but I can't do it . It really hard . I keep on forgetting what they thought . I feel like I remember this but when they twist the question I completely go blank . And the pressure of the people where they assume about me . Just because I'm a Irvine doesn't mean that I'm all brain and beauty" she says pouring out all her frustration and sorrow.

I sighed "You are beautiful Athena and you are clever " I said softly meaning it.

"No .... No I'm not " her voice cracked.

Shit . I hate her seeing like this how I wish I can be there to comfort her . Athena always had struggle studying she is clever but a little slow she can't understand her concept in one teaching someone has to repeat it again and again for her then only she can understand.

But she thinks just because she is lagging behind that's doesn't give her right to be push herself down .

"Athen listen me ......

"Hmmmm.... " she murmured

"You should first understand that you can't live up to the expectations of the people you never can . The people are always going to be like that if you get a A they will say you try harder so you can get A+ and if you get A+ also they will say that you should get A+ in all your subjects. They never gonna stop and you won't never gonna satisfy them ."

She sniffed but continued to listen to me .

"Don't don't ever live up to the expectations of the people . You can never achieve . Live up to your expectations want you want to achieve and if your satisfied then dont give a damn about anyone athena " I said firmly .

She murmured I can feel her wiping her eyes .

"But ..... it's so difficult college is so difficult. I hate this life . " she said frustrated.

I shake my head . She just a little girl but I have to be with her she is my sister.

"Athena ... " I paused when she responded I spoke again "It's a bad day but never a bad life " I said .

There was a moment before she sighed.

"I know" she stated.

I smiled finally she was able to look good in the life . Because it always concerned me that why she hated her college life so much . Ofcourse she was popular and has friends. But that did really satisfy her . She wanted to achieve something. My dad always said not to push her self more well she was a dad's little princess after all . Her wishes comes before her studies.

"Don't push yourself atena just give your best okay? " I asked .

"I will Zion " she said

I sighed her voice didn't sound low it was slightly coming back to normal.

"Good. Dad and mom will be so worried to see you like this " I said when I remember how worried will be when they see Athena having a mental breakdown in the middle of the night.

"Yeah I know . Dad will not hesitate to switch college or build a company for me and mom will never scold me . And that's what it's kills me I wanted to do some thing in return for how much love they give . And you also Zion here you are giving me advice eventhough when I selfishly woke you up......"

At the mention of my eyes moved towards the clock it was four three in the morning .

"I feel so overwhelmed by all the love that's why I wanted to give something in return. Like getting high marks but I can't even do that . I feel terrible " she said sadly.

But instead I broke into a smile "Athena just your thought itself is more than enough. You just don't have a beautiful face you have a beautiful heart " I said .

"Awwwww" she purred " I'm so flattered brother you are literally the best sweetest wonderful brother I could ever ask for if I was there I would have given you a bone crushing hug " she said excitedly and the Athena I knew is back .

I chuckled "Then I'm happy you are not here " I said jokingly.

I can mentally imagine her glaring at me .

"I hate you " she said

"I love you " I replied

And just like that my spirit has been lifted . Eventhough she may annoy me or vise versa in the end we are brothers and sisters we have each other back .

"So How was your day today what did you do ? " Athena asked .

And just like in a snap all my joyful spirit vanished in a second. My smiled droped into a thin line when I remembered the cold stoney face of jone .

"Zion?" Athena called when I didn't reply .

Shaking the thought away I replied "Well it was exhausting " I try to choose the words wisely .

"Really what happened " athena asked curiously but there was little worry in her voice.

I sighed leaning my back at the headboard completely awaken .

"I had to go visit napa valley with jone it took a whole day " I said exhausted gosh I never thought I would take a whole day .

"Jone? Who is jone " she asked confusedly.

"Miss.jones from the lily jones " I said when she didn't know that . It kinda suprised me that she didn't know her name.

"Oh ! That's what you call her uh" she said in a teasing tone .

I furrowed my eyebrows together in confusion at her tone and suggestion.

"Yeah that's her name " I replied in a duh tone .

She made a sound which probably sounded like a scoff .

"Silly her that's her surname her name is felicity " she said

The sudden name made my eyes shot up .


Wow What a beautiful name . Why I didn't know that but nobody mentioned to me or I didn't remember it . Maybe the latter .

Felicity i tested her name on my tongue her name smoothly runs out of my mouth . I really liked this name .

A smile unknowingly broke into my face when I said her name . Why does she have this beautiful name. My smile was replaced by a frown when nobody address her with that name . Why does she want to call her jone when her name originally is felicity. Felicity a beauteous name it's not a bad name anyone who had this name would be loved to call that . But why she doesn't want her to call her that

''ZION!!!!!" Athena broke my thoughts by her screaming.

"Yeah sorry " I asked coming back to her .

"I have been asking you a question why are you not answering me " she asked annoyed.

"Sorry ! I was little tired that's why " I said eventhough it is a lie I dont want her to thinking that I have been think how the name felicity is graceful and how it felt nice on my mouth.

"Oh! " she said there was a pause before she answered. "Are you guys dating "

My eyes widened in horror I'm sure it was bulging out. But before I could confront for her preposterous bizarre thoughts she beat me .

"Oh Zion " she started dragging a little " I thought you are much difficult, never thought you would fall for her this quick but see you are already on the nickname bases . I know she is very beautiful but damn I never thought you would -

"Athena STOP " I cut her off by screaming at her .

"We are NOT DATING why the hell would you think like that me or nobody call her like that . Nobody uses the name ugh nobody call her by first name athena " I said in frustrated tone .

Oh god . This is the last thing I wanted to be assumed of .

"So you are not ? " she asked a little unsure .

"NO! Ofcourse not"I screamed.

The thought of me and jone together giving me uneasy feeling . This is the most uncomfortable horror question of my life .

Why everyone is assuming that she is just a part of the deal who is working under the company.

Ugh . I'm seconds away from pulling my hair . I can't believe how I was imagining her name felt nice on my tongue .

"Okay okay don't scream " she said letting out a yawn in the end .

I sighed and calmed my breathing.

"Go to sleep " I said softly.

She hummed after a minute I heard her snoring. Chuckling that she felt asleep without cutting the call . I then cut the call and looked at the timing it was four forty.

Well it's not like I'm getting my sleep back . I then jumped out of my bed and and got into the shower.

Starting the day earlier today .

After coming from the shower I changed into comfortable appropriate dress I then combed my hair and went out of my room . The hotel is quite just some staffs here and there . They greet me will I pass them . Other than that most of the guest are inside sleeping soundly.

Since it is less populated I then go the restuarant downstairs for a coffee. A good espresso sound great . With that I make my way to the restaurant.

When I enter the restaurant I'm suprised to see jone sitting by the window .

What is she doing this early .

Great the first person I have to see this morning has to be jone . Its looks I associate myself with more first the whole day with her and thinking about her in the middle of the night with my sister. And now this morning.

I look at her she is wearing a creme pant and coat . I furrow my eyebrows together why is she wearing a coat on this weather . And then her hair is pulled into a high ponytail she is looking at the window . Her face now is clear of any furrow frustration or angry .

But she is not smiling just staring with a blank look . I prefer this over the other three.

Shit what I'm doing choosing what I prefer. What the heck she can have any freaking face . For christ sake .

I shake my head and order a coffee amd went to sit with her well not because I want to because we didn't speak about the design . So that we can finish it fast and early.

She didn't see me yet but when I'm near her I smell her strawberry scent again gosh the smell really play with me . It gives me a refresh look .

She then notices me and turns her head towards me but she has the opposite look on her face .

Shit did I forget to spray my cologne. I subtly try to smell my scent . And when I did I sighed in relief when I smelled good .

"Good morning jone " .


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