
"Are you serious "

I sighed when he repeated it again.

"Yes for the second time " I said again in frustrated tone.

He just shakes his head but did not comment anything and continues to drive .

"But knowing you I should have know that you will hate the beach . Well there are certainly more number of people for you to tolerate " he says not looking at me but I may be wrong because he is wearing his shades.

"Glad you find out " I say and look outside the window . The building are becoming lesser and lesser as we drive or he drives .

I don't know how long it will take but I just know that we are going to napa valley .

Well I was kinda of shocked and relieved when he said that we are going to napa valley .








I woke up early the lights blinding me for a minute. After adjusting to the lights I finally got out of my bed and went into the bathroom. I took my time in scrubbing myself and putting my bodylotion so that the smell would stay a little longer .

Because God knows how long I'm gonna spend time with him and how long I have to bear his scent . Well it is not practically bad it is just too much .

After wrapping myself in a towel I step outside and choose a outfit. I kinda quickly decided it . Because i didn't pack much and two I neglected what I should not wear .

Skirts were out of the option because who knows where he will bring me . So it is always good to be on the safer side . So I choose a pant I only packed two pants a light brown pant and a black . Since I decided to put a black tshirt I decided to go with brown .

After spraying some considerable amount of perfume I went down and waited for him . After ten minutes of waiting he finally came into my line of vision .

He was walking towards me eventhough he looks a little tired . He has a auro of confidence and power surrounding him . I then took a notice of what he is wearing he was wearing a blue tshirt and sandal colored jeans he paired them with white sneakers. He has a good dressing sense.

when he saw me he looks a little shocked to see me and increases his pace and within second he was in front of me . I then slightly scrunch my nose when his scent hit me strongly. Guess he also put a considerable amount .

But he has opposite expression of mine . There is a small smile and he takes a deep breath he now looked much awake.

"Ready " he asks

"Yeah I was ready ten minutes ago " I give him a blank look.

He groans and says sorry and we walk over to the car.

After we settled down a sudden thought occurred to me maybe I don't much about California. But I know well that California is famous for it's beaches.

And I hate beach .

"Are we going to beach " I ask

"No but why ? " he asked confused.

"I don't like beach that's why " I shrug and turn around .

"What ? For serious " he ask his voice full of shock and disbelief.

I didn't respond to it . If I do this gonna be a long conversation . And I don't think he or I'm ready for it.

"Then where are we going " I ask and turn around . He has his eyes on the road his left hand is placed on the gear and his right hand is stretched to the steering wheel .


"Napa valley " he answers with a smile.

Hmm Napa valley I never heard of it . Hope it does not have a beach .

"Well as long it doesn't have a beach I'm fine with it " I shrug again.

"Are you serious "







After a hour of silence I decided to turn on some music . But before I could do it his voice stop me

"No! don't turn on the radio " he says still not talking his eyes off the road.

Now it's my turn to question him.

"Why?" I ask and wait for an answer.

He didn't answer right away after a few second he answers.

"I don't listen to music while I drive " he says in a low voice as if he had second thoughts telling this to me .

"What . Are you serious " I ask repeating his same question from before .

He turned his head quickly glancing at me before going back to the road.

"What you can be judgmental for that " he defends himself.

His he serious?

"Well it is because what you said is ridiculous " I say looking at him .

"Excuse me . This is far better than what you said "

He says this that he is the normal one and I'm not . Please ,I don't like beach because I have a valid reason well there are so many people who don't like beach . But this is the most ridiculous absurd laughable thing.

"You seriously didn't say that . What person doesn't listen to music while going to hours drive . And this is far better than what I said " I say .

"How come you don't like the beach which is the best place on the earth is ridiculous than me not liking the music " he scoff and has a look of agnostic.

I internally roll my eyes .

"Because how anyone don't like music . It's like a escape from the real world " I raise my voice a little higher .

"I didn't say like that, I like music I just don't listen to it while I'm driving " he aslo increases his tone .

"What kind of driver who doesn't listen to music for freaking God knows how many hours " I retort.

He groans "First I don't usually listen to music while I'm driving because I'm usually be attending calls and emails so it will be distracting me -

-what about now you clearly are not driving or sending emails " I point out.

I can't believe I'm having this conversation with him . I clearly didn't sign up for this . And I'm seconds away from jumping out of the car and I'm sure he also .

"I......just can't concentrate okay ? " he says and looks at me .

"I can't believe you are driving us " I say shaking my head .

"You can't judge me with that . Stop being so judgmental " he says emphasizing a little.

Did he really say that. my anger rising at his words.

"Excuse me if I remember you only first judged me ...... " he opened his mouth to protest but closed it so I continued " I can't believe I'm struck with not listening to music " I said in a irritated tone .

When I stole a glance at him he looks like seconds away from pulling his hair .

"If you are that desperate use your phone then " he says in the same irritated tone .

"Fine" I say and rumble through my purse .

"Great" he comments.

I take take my headphones and put in my ears .

"It's is a torture being with him " I mumble to myself.


At the same time I aslo hear him say

"It's is a hell being with her "

Well it's make two of us then .









Two and half an hour later .

Two and half hours of pure silence. I don't think it for anyone to go this silent in a freaking two hour ride.

The only sound we had is the occasional horn of the car. The most difficult silence was when we got struck in the traffic. since we started great, we both stared at the front and wishing the damn car would move out of the damn way. And when the cars started to move we both would sigh in relief.

"We are here " he says .

I then take my headphones off and look out of the window to see a big welcome board with the words written napa valley .

"You brought us to a country " I question.

He rolls his eyes as if I just asked a stupid question.

"Of course it is a country " he says .

Well I didn't know about it. It not like I lived in this place .

I then take a look at the window the scenery is so beautiful . No tall building no cars no people rushing here and there . It's peaceful I silently thought. I take in the amazing view in my head to memorize it . It's not an everyday view .

The car then stop to a hault . Before I could process anything Zion speaks

"Let's go out " he says and quickly gets out of the car. I also follow the same phase . Because of the long drive plus without music made numb my body muscles.

When I got out of the car I take a deep breath. After a second of taking in the fresh air I then take in my surroundings after a few minutes and a frown forms in my forehead.

"Did you brought us to a vineyard " I ask looking at the vine field.

He again rolls his eyes and he also looks like he wanted to slap himself on the forehead.

"Yeah napa valley is famous for vineyard " he lazily tells in disbelief.

Gosh he is making me look like more and more of idiot . How the heck I should know about this place . If he said we will be going to this place I would have searched it and got information about it.

Well I could have searched while in the car but I didn't have the mood.

I think he does it on purpose so that I would look a idiot in front of him . Ugh I never hated a person like him .

I brought from my thoughts when he suddenly moved in front of me and was standing one feet apart from me .

I look up at him and squint my eyes of the sunlight "What " I ask

"I have something for you " he says.

"And what will be that " I ask and fold my hands against my chest.

He then steps closer but I don't take a step back . He then lifts his hands and put a strap around my neck .

I then look down

"A camera "

"Yes. You need to take some pictures " he says and steps back .

"And you can't do it " I ask while I rub the strap. I waited for a logical appropriate answer. But

He just smiles and put his shades again .

"Because I'm always in front of the lens" he says and walks off .

I still can't believe he is an aspiring successful businessman.

He then lead me to the Vineyard. The sight before me was amazing. Everywhere there is green plants, there is a postive vibe in the air the beautiful integrated design surrounded by botanical traits . It almost looks like observatory with its dome touching the sky .

"Wow this places looks amazing " Zion breathes out taking in the view .

And I totally agree with him. When I glanced at him he was standing with his eyes closed while silently enjoying the fresh air. He looked so care free and fresh his face glowed under the sunlight and also creating a golden shade around his face.

"Let's go " he suddenly said and grabs my hand and walks . Shocked I look at our hands . His big hands fully covered mine.

He then stops mid step when he realized he was tugging me and quickly let of my hand .

"Uhmm...this way " he says and walk in front me .

Well okay.........

We then walk along the aisle of the vineyard the smell hitting my nostrils and I take in the fresh smell .

"We came at the right season " Zion informs beside me and I nod to it .

We then walk further inside and I take my camera and snap some of it . The picture are all coming good it's not because I'm professional it just the camera and the view is already amazing.

I then focus the camera to a view where there are many grape but I stop when Zion suddenly came in the view .

I then look up from my camera

"I'm try to get a good picture can you move a little " I say .

He turns his head and gives me a thumbs up and pose for the camera.

If I was not holding the camera I would have slapped myself in the head .

"I said I want a good picture for that you should get out of the view " I say .

And boy he looked pretty embarrassed but he quickly composed himself.

"Believe me with me in it the photo will look amazing " he says with full of confidence.

"I beg to differ. But if you move that would amazingly helpful " I say .

He rolls his eyes at my comment but nonetheless moves away and I take my picture .

We then move closer to the grape to touch it . Zion plucks one and hand me and I take it from him.

I roll the grape with my hand and look it at as it rolls smoothly between my fingers .

"You can eat that you know " Zion says and points at the grape .

"I know that I'm just thinking " I say and look at him .

"About what" he ask with a eyebrow raised.

"Well you know, now it's just a healthy grape but later into turns alcoholic " I say glance at him .

He rolls his eyes "You think too much jone but .... " he pauses and looks down at his grape " but what you said true is though " he muses while he brings his grape in front "who thought this could turn into that . " he says and presses the grape and juices splashes and also hitting my face.



I place my hands on my face my eyes which are closed at the sudden impact .

"Shit I'm so sorry " Zion says and I hear his footsteps in front of me .

Then suddenly two warm big hands cups my face . The sudden contact made me froze for a second . I can feel his warm breath plus his scent .

Still my eyes closed I try to move from his hold but he holds my face and stays me in the same place .

"Don't move " he says in a low voice . I then feel his thumb brushing my skin just below my right eye I stiff at the contract.

"I'm so sorry " he says . I wanted to shout but his authentic and credible made me stop .

"Can you open your eyes " he ask in a soft voice .

I nod and slowly open my eyes to be greeted by Zion's worried face which is close to mine .

He intensely watching me with his deep blue eyes and his hands are still cupped at my face .

I become a little still at this closeness and his warmness . Up this close I can see his chiseled nose and sharp jaw his eyebrow are perfectly drawn together in worry eventhough he has sharp prominent features he has this overall fresh soft look . Then our eyes meet his eyes holds a look of shock and other emotions I don't understand.

Before we could move away a voice broke us.

"Mr.Irvine "

We then quickly move away from each other . I suddenly feel warm especially on my cheeks when I look at Zion his face looks a little red . I think it's the weather.

"Hell...heloo " he then coughs and straighten himself .

"Hello Mr. Reed " he says in the business tone .

I then see a man who looks like he his in late 30's wearing a dark blue striped shirt and baggy pants . He then approaches where we are standing.

"Mr.Irvine I'm sorry for the late " he says to Zion .

"It's okay Mr. Reed and please call me Zion " he offers .

Mr. Reed nods and look at me

"And you will be ....

Before I could introduce Zion spoke

"This is Miss.jones who will be accompanying with me today " he says and looks at me and at him.

"Good to have to Miss.jones " he says

"Thank you Mr. Reed and you can call me jone" I say .

He nods and turns towards to Zion to speak .

"You guys came at the right time we are taking the grapes out you can help us if you want " he offers .

"Sure Mr. Reed" Zion says .

He shakes his head " Call me tom " he says. While we follow him tom suddenly turns his head back and see me.

"Do you like our vineyard jone ? " he asks.

"Yes. This is first one I have seen " I answer while looking around the field.

He chuckles "Then you are going to see more " he says and continues to lead the way .

I just nod to it . Because I'm pretty much confused .

I then hear a another chuckle beside which instantly angers me .

"In this country every family owns a vineyard. Almost most of the part is covered in vineyard . They are important for providing wines all over USA " he says amusingly there is also a little tease in his tone .

I just nod without looking at him . I hear a another chuckle

"You are so clueless " he says .

I really hate this guy . But I don't want to create a scene in front of tom so I keep my murder thought closed .

We then come out from the vineyard and reach the place where the grapes are put in the circular wooden shapes .

"We are more into traditional wine making so we use grape stomping rather pressed by a mechanized method " he informs looking at all the wooden boxes.

"I agree Tom by this we have more control over the favour and it can also reduce seed breakage " Zion tells while examining the boxes .

I internally roll my eyes for his knowledge.

"You quite have knowledge about it Mr. Zion " he says slightly amused .

He just shrug "Business " he says .

This time I really roll my eyes.

"Would you like to try Mr. Zion " Tom asks .

"Ofcourse " he says without any uneasiness.

After 15 fifteen minutes of cleaning our foot we finally step in to the round boxes. I also wanted to do since I always wanted to do this since I was a child.

"Stand in that round box jone " Tom instruct and I make my way towards the box and step into the pool of purple grapes instantly making my feet chill .

I then look up to see Tom and Zion standing. Zion watches me intensely but his eyes holds a challenging look.

"Just stomp jone that's all . Think of a person you hate and then stomp " Tom laughs.

At this mention my eyes instantly move to Zion he was still looking at me I smirk at him and take a aggresive stomp with my right leg .

I then continously stomp with my right leg pretty aggressively. Lashing out all my frustration to the grapes which aka is Zion Irvine. The person I hate .

I then look up to see Zion his mouth are parted in shock . A look of horror passes his face when he saw me seeing him He then shakes his head and smirks and comes and stand into the another box .

"The same goes to you also Mr. Zion but I don't think you hate any person " Tom says with a laugh .

He then looks at me his mouth is twisted nastily "Believe me I have " he says and stomped more aggressively than me .

I internally smirk. And stomp even aggressively than him . He notices this and stomps even aggressively.

Game on Irvine game on.

After 20 minutes lashing out of the person we hate. We are finally done .

"Oh wow you guys really must have hate that person " Tom says when he examines the work we made . Which is squished finely how I hope it is the face of him.

We then glance at each other and say "Yeah"

"Okay we will now go the house and taste some wine and after that you can have lunch " Tom says .

"Sure " Zion answers and he leads the way .

We then walk towards the house . After a few minutes of walking we finally reach the house . The looks a little old but mot in a bad way . All the architecture are built in stones it has big arch of curve through which we enter .

I then take my camera and started to click some pictures.

"Can you take a picture of me " Zion ask

"No" I say focusing on the picture .

"Why?" He asked confused.

"Like I said I only want a good picture " I repeat it again and look at him .

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