
"Good morning jone " Zion voice greets me or should I say disturbed me from having my peace time without any human contract both with my eyes and with my voice.

But I certainly not gonna be rude or at least I thought . But hey the thought alone counts right .

Anyway I gave him nod and greeted him back .

He then sat opposite to me . I realized two thing one he was not having his tired morning face. I thought he hated morning especially early morning.

And two he put a deliberate amount of cologne.

Maybe I should tell him or maybe I should keep my mouth shut . It's difficult to which overweighted the more . And i didn't wrack my brain because it is too early for that .

I looked at him he was texting someone. I then took a notice of what he was wearing he was wearing a white shirt with a dark grey pants . Pretty nice choice . He sure knows how to dress himself up to occasion. I then looked at my creme coat and pant . Well not bad

Before I could break the silence the waiter comes and places Zion's and mine coffee and croissant. Zion then looked up from the phone and thanked him and the waiter went back .

"So how did the design came " Zion asks

I shrug "Well I'm sorting out so -ahhh " I gasp a little when I grab the cup . Shit I forgot it was hot . I then wave my hand in the air I don't know if it helps but I just to do it on a reflex.

I look up to see Zion starting at me with amusement playing in his eyes and a small smile tugs at the corner of his mouth .

"Can't handle hot objects " Zion says with small smile.

I just shrug . Gosh I feel so embarrassed how many times I have to remind myself the I have to wait until it cools down . But no I just have to grab like that and make a fool out of myself in front of Zion . Out of all the people . Why him

"Are you okay " Zion ask looking at my hand and at me .

"Yeah . It's nothing " I shrug He nods and takes a sip from his cup .

"And the design are coming out really good . " I continue,

"That's good . I look forward to see it " he says and we then feel into silence . I then silently finish off my breakfast while looking outside the window. When I looked at him he was also looking outside the window he finished his croissant and now slowly sipping his coffee.

"You are early " I comment placing my cup down .

His turned his head his head towards me while looking at me through the rim of his coffee cup, his eyes narrowed a little bit wondering how I started the conversation.

"Yep I was woken up by a call " he says . I just nod well that's all I can put a effort . I can't go beyond this and ask who the person was .

"Are you always this early? " he asks .

Guess the conversation is going .

"Yep I'm always early " I confirm to him.

"Always?" he question with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes . There are always less people in the morning " I say .

At my comment he shakes his head with a smile and mutters figured.

Guess he finally understood me .

"So last day in California are you excited to go home " he asks finishing off his coffee.



"Well I don't know since there is lot of work waiting for me " I shrug .

He looks like he wanted to say something but decided against it .

I then finish off my coffee and get ready to leave at the same time he also get ready to leave but before leaving. He asks something.

"So I will see you in the club tonight "he asks while he gave a quick glance to his watch . He says like it as a 'I will see you tomorrow ' phrase.

While I was trying to connect the words tonight and club . What the firing truck we are gonna do to in the club. Oh shit I totally forgot since it was the last day we are spending the night in the club as a relaxation for our week in California.

I then turned my head towards to awaiting Zion "Yes sure" I replied. He then gave me a nod and walked away .

I then make my way towards the lift . I stepped in i then checked my watch it was six thirty . I still have some more time left for the meeting I can use this time to relax for a little bit . Just when I thought I could relax a little bit the elevator door opened to reveal Madeleine standing at the door.

Well .....

When she saw me she looked as if her fate was playing today . That seeing me is the last thing she wanted .

Well if that the face she gives me for seeing me. Then she is not gonna get a greeting from me.

She then enters the elevator with so much effort that she would rather walk down the stairs .

There is a silence that growing increasingly high that fills up the elevator slowly.

After a minute of silence she speaks .

"I heard you went out with Zion to napa valley " she said in calm manner . But it like when you go ask the girl who talked to your boyfriend a little too friendly. That kind of type .

"Yes I went to do business with Zion in napa valley " I said switching to the clipped business tone .

"Cool " she says void of any emotion

Then the door opens before I could step in she I step in and then she gives me one final over and disappears . After that I step out of the elevator.

I will give her little more levels before I completely hate her.








"No I want it like that " Madeleine says .

"But Madeleine you said you didn't like that " Mr. Parker says but you can identify frustration and exhaustion in it .

We are currently deciding the interior design for the hotel for the past one hour . But I don't think deciding would be the appropriate for the situation right now...

I then glance the room looking at the exhausted face of the member and Madeleine's I'm so high and all of you are lower than me face.

Hmmm sounds like a very familiar face for me .

But that's not the case .

The situation that would be more appropriate is agreeing and disagreeing going on a endless loop .

I then quietly watches the scene that is unfolding in front of me in the last seat with my leg crossed and with one hand folded and other hand covering my smirk

"Okay. We will do that " Madeleine says .

I can literally see Mr. Parker thanking the God's above .

I let out a smirk at his reaction.

"Okay then we will meet tonight at the club . We will end it now . " Madeleine says and gives a sweet smile.


But I don't think I can describe it as a sweet.

After that the members make out of the way .

I then take all the files I prepared for the meeting.

"That was pure hell " a voice says beside me .

I look at my side to see Mr. Parker grabbing the files in not so gentle way .

The After effects of the meetings.

He then realizes that I'm also standing beside him and turns his head to meet me . He looks shocked for a second but quickly compose him .

"Oh hello Miss.jones. I didn't see you there " he says casually.

" Just taking the files " I motion to the files that I'm carrying.

He looks down at the files and nod

"Oh . Yeah for the presentation. Gosh that was one hell of a presentation " he says the last part absentmindedly.

He then realizes what he said and his eyes widen in shock .

"I mean -

"Believe me it is one hell of a presentation " I finish his sentence.

He then sighs .

"Madeleine can be really handful " he says and ranks his hair . Mr. Parker is one of members of finance department. He has short black hair and with a oblong face structure and wears a semi rimmed square specks.

For that I just shrug in response .

He breathes out and looks at his watch .

"Oh it's past twelve ten shall we leave " he asks looking up from the watch .

I nod and we make our way to the elevator and we get in . He then presses the button to the lunch area.

He then turns his head towards me and opens his mouth to say something but it's get cut off by ringing of his phone.

"Excuse me " he says and goes to attend the call .

He speaks in a hushed uptight tone .

I then take my phone and scroll through my phone . While doing it I deliberately ignore the message of mark , Paul and Georgia.

All having the same old sappy message. Like are you safe , did you eat , is there a problem , is everything going well , can I call you in the evening.



I then put my phone back at the same the door open and I step out and Mr. Parker steps out then still speaking in the phone .

"Yeah I will send it " he says and put his phone down .

"Shall we go "

He then looks at me and shakes his disturbed gaze

"Sorry we shall " he says and we fall in line and make our ways towards the cafeteria.

We then enter the lunch room . The lunch area is quite big with white walls and granite grey tiles giving the room a pleasant look . I then take a look at the room . All the members are already sitting in different tables and chairs and waiting for their order and some are already eating and Sharing jokes here and there .

When I look at the front right . A pair of blue eyes is already starting in my direction.


His eyebrow are pulled together in confusion while looking at me . His eyes looks calculative from here .

I then avert my eyes and make my way towards the table along with Mr. Parker.

We then setlle at a two seater and wait for our lunch. From here I can see Zion who is talking with .....

Ah .


"Would you like to keep the files in your room " Mr. Parker asks

"Nope I'm fine Mr. Parker " I say .

He nods his head "Josh is enough " he waves his hand dismissively.

I nod "jone" I say and for that he gives me a nod .

And then our food arrives I ordered a California roll and chicken souvlaki.

We then eat our food in silence. He was very quiet and just asked me question whenever necessary . Which was very rare. He looks about the age of Zion or maybe older with the specks and all.

"So you will coming to Rogue Quadron right? " he asks as an attempt to make a conversation but he realizes it was a dumb question .

He chuckles and waves his hand dismissively . While I just give him a blank look .

What the heck is rogue Qupran

Wait was it Qupran . Who the heck are coming up with these name.

But that's not the question. Where the heck I will be going to whatever the name is .

Then only it clicks me . It's the last day of our business week in California. And I remember Zion also mentioning it just a few hours ago .

"The club right " I state .

He nods and his eyebrows slightly furrow together in confusion.

"I asume you don't know the place " he ask .

"Nope " I say .

He nods knowingly. I noticed that he didn't mind / care my monotone answer or my clipped tone .

"Are you going alone " he question while drinking his water .


"Oh I'm also I can give you a ride " he casually offers while putting his glass down.

I then take a moment to answer .

"Okay" .

He nods and we stand up to leave . I feel eyes on me and when I turn to look . I was correct Zion was watching me unlike the other time where he watched in my direction. he was now watching me with a impassive look .

I then meet his eyes . When he meets mine . He straighten up a bit in acknowledgement . But before he could do anything. Madeleine gets his attention and he turns to her without another glance at my way .

I then shake my head and make my towards my room .

A little nap sounds good before interacting with people outside the office walls.

Which is a total horror.

Not want to sink onto the dreadful imagination I make my way towards the bed and flop down and curl myself and drift off to sleep .







Phone check full battery check . Wallet check .

Alll the things to survive in the club.

After my peaceful nap and I got of from my bed and went towards the bathroom for a quick shower. Although I was not stinky or having bad odour . A warm shower always sounds wonderful.

I then give final glance at myself in the mirror. I choose to wear the black pant today and I paired it up with a turtleneck long sleeve grey tshirt and wore a black leather jacket.

Dressed up all black .

Just like my soul . I bitterly thought.

I then make my way towards the basement since josh told me that he will be waiting there . When I reach the basement I don't go exactly towards him . I waited behind a wall to retouch my makeup and just to be fashionably late.

After I know I'm good to go I straighten up and walk towards him . He was leaning to the car door wearing a light blue shirt and a black pant. When he hears my heels clicking .He looks up from the floor and gives me a nod while talking to the phone .

"Yeah just give me some time okay Thanks bye " he says and cuts the call .

"Good evening Jone " he says and puts his phone back .

"Evening " I give him a nod . Before we could go inside the car . We hear foot steps coming from our side . We both then turn our head towards to see Zion and Madeleine coming into our view .

Guess they are also going to the club at the same time we decided to go .

When Zion eyes meets me he looked shocked to see me his mouth is slightly parted when he takes me in my appearance .

Well it was a such a bad ass outfit.

He was not wearing any black unlike mine .

Unlike your soul also

I completely ignore the voice .

He is wearing a white shirt with a olive green jacket and paired it up with a blue washed jeans .

"Good evening Mr. Zion .... and Madeleine " Josh says beside me .

Then only I look at Madeleine she was wearing a white sheer guipure lace bralette cami top and a blue washed jeans which was similar to Zion .

"Evening Josh " Madeleine says .

Okay I have to greet them

"Evening Zion and Madeleine " I say . Zion then glances at me

"Evening both of you " he says .

When I look at Madeleine she has a look of sour and sulky mood .

"Shall we go Zio " Madeleine ask with a cheerful face .

Zion faces scrunch up in a grimace? .

He then glances at her "Yeah we shall " and look at us .

"I will see guys at the club then " he says .

"Yes sir . " Josh answers.

Zion nods at him and looks at me I give him a nod he nods after a second .

Then Madeleine tugs Zion hand and walks away . Then me and josh enter into the car and drive off to the club whose club name I long forgotten.

The car is very silent I didn't make a move to talk or he did .which was very good . I was mostly looking outside the window . While driving he got many calls but he tried to avoid it because it was becoming irritating because of the constant ringing. When I looked at him he looked like he would rather be in the hotel than go to the club.

Yeah mee too .


I try to held back a groan .

"Sorry " he says frustrated.

I just ignore him and turn towards the window.

"Yeah I understand just don't call me " he shuts the call a little aggressively.

We then stop at the signal . It's looks like it would take a little time to move . From the corner of my eyes I can see josh frustrated expression. But before he would say the things that bottled up . I decided to speak. Because I'm not in the mood to listen to his sad stories .

"Did you get the design for the upper floor " I ask .

He turns his head and looks at me and then nods his head when he realized I asked him a question.

"Yeah yeah " he says and pulls his phone out and shows me the picture.

I lazily look at the picture sideways.

"Pretty good it kinda gives me a hospital look " I say dryly.

"Really" he asks and looks at picture .

"Yep" I shrug .

"Yeah it slightly resembles the Rogers amd the prime " he sighs and put the phone back and drive when the car in front of us started to move forward.

I nod in agreement.

After fifteen minutes we finally arrive at the club.

When I enter the club it was nothing like I was heard of .like The crazy people jumping on the floor like it was somekind of bouncing place or music which that had a potential to make your ear bleed . Or the stupid lights which will blind your eyes and have higher chance of tripping into some stranger .

Nope nothing like that .

Well there was music but not loud. There was also people here and there it was a spacious area there were many seat to sit and have a drink . It looked more like a bar than a club . But when I look to my right there was a stage with all the music and dj stuffs aligned up .

Well it was bar and club .

I was coming for a nickname but failed miserably.

I then took a notice of people most of the members are already there . Because we came a little late since we have to stop at the station .

I then make my way towards the bar and sit in stool and order a beer . I don't where josh went . I remember Mr. Waldorf calling him for a second he then apologized and went to speak with him .

Well I was very glad .

I then take a sip and rotate the bottle in my hand lazily .

"I didn't know you were friends with Mr. parker"

I sigh "You don't know many thing about me ....Zion " I say and turn to my right to see him standing at the end of bar stand. He pucker his eyebrow at my comment.

"Anyway are you enjoying the night " he asks standing in the same spot .

I give the area a glance . I don't find anything that could relate to the word enjoy. But yeah maybe I could relate they were not any drunk people trying to be like a awkward chicken.

"I guess " I shrug .

He nods and looks at me with a calculative eyes and looks around me .

"You could have come along with -

"ZION!!!!!" a high pitched voice calls.

I don't even have to turn around to see who is it, by this time my ears registered the sound.

"Madeleine" Zion says.

Madeleine then comes and instantly grabs Zion hand. I narrowed my eyes at their hands.

"What are doing here" Madeleine asks bring me from my stare.

"I was just talking to jone" he stated casually.

Which Madeleine completely ignored and turned towards Zion.

"Let's go everyone are waiting there" Madeleine said while tugging his arms and yet again my eyes shot up to their arms.

"Well okay....." Zion then turned towards me ".....Do you want to join us jone"

I shook my head "No thanks I'm fine here"

"Sure" he asked while his eyes narrowed at time.



" - Let's go ZION" Madeleine exclaimed while pulling him. He gave one last glance before walking away.

I saw them going over to a table where there were other workers already seated. I observed them for a while how they chatted with each other eventhough my eyes stayed on Zion a little longer.

I can't help it he looked care free enjoying himself while sitting there like a sunshine. It was really a warm sight to watch.

Suddenly he stopped talking and turned towards me and caught my stare red handed. Embarrassed I quickly turned away.

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