
After visiting the factory. I made my way towards the office . After entering my office. I worked on the oprah contract it was mostly done just some small work here and there .

Once I finished the work I looked up at clock it was half past seven. I then made my way towards the third floor to see the design. After going through for a final runaway. I emailed Mr.james our final display . I then closed my macbook. I looked up it was past 8 Great. I made my way towards the basement. On the way my phone buzzed . I took it and looked at message.

I quickly went near my car and started it . I need to get there

After driving for around ten minutes I finally reached the place . Finding a place to park the car is the most difficult thing . The parking lot is always full .

When I entered the building the familiar scent hit me . I made my way towards the receptionist. She looked up when she felt a presence .

She smiled at me . "Sir has been waiting. You know the route " she informed.

I nod . I know the route with my eyes closed.

I take the elevator and press the button and wait till it reaches. The elevator door opens with a ding.

I walk along the long hallway and turn right and walk a little further. And then turn a left .

I see cree standing with a file. I made my way towards him . He looks up when I stood in front of him.

"Ah jone I have been expecting " he says .

"I could not miss it " I say .

He nods knowingly "They were so happy . They will be here in few minutes " he says .

"That's good " I say .

"But what is it you wanted to talk " I ask slightly confused.

He sighs he looks a little nervous. "Let's talk inside shall we " he ask.

"Okay" I say unsure.

He then opens the door and we step in . The room still has a little smell of the building. But it is impossible to avoid the smell in any room .

The room has a wooden table and a sofa at corner of the room . A shelf and some photos hanging in the wall . There is door at the side of the table. Which leads to an another room . I think it is a waiting room but it looks like an extra room of this room there were many files and some other things which I did not understand.

I only been there one time . When I was waiting for him in that room who was currently in this room talking to his wife . I clearly heard everything he said . It was a conversation that no third person should hear . I quickly put some music so that I would not hear. But he also heard that music and cut the call . Let's just say it was awkward throughout our conversation.

I shook my thoughts and sit in the chair

"What is it" I asked .

He sighed "You have to .

Then the conversation went for a solid ten minutes.

I stood up "I said no ! Dont ever ask me to do it " i shout .

Before he could speak I turn away and walk towards the door and pull it and shut it behind me .

I heard him gasp . At the last second. But who cares . I was soo angry to concentrate on what is happening.

I then made my way towards the elevator. When I get in I contemplate for a movement should I go or not .


It's not like I'm gonna experience it . Atleast I will see it . I bitterly thought .

I then press the button and wait . I came here to see it . Eventhough my mood is spoied . I can't miss it .

I then get out and walk towards the door. I hide behind the door and crouch down a little so they wont see me .

A few seconds went by. The door to the side opens and a little girl runs and jumps into the bed .

I let out a smile . I stay and look at their conversation and their exchanges. Something I never could get it . If only life was little cruel. Suddenly The person looks up at the door . I quickly crouche down . And walk bending down Till I'm away from the door . When I look up I feel a quick movement from the front .

I furrow my eyebrows together. And walk forward when I look at my right it is only the same people who worked in the floor .

I sigh and went outside the building. I walk towards my car. By this time the parking lot is quite empty . Guess they got tired of waiting.

I check the time it was past 9. I sigh i still have to drive one hour. While I just wanted to sleep .

I lazily open my door and get in . After settling down I lean my head back on the headrest and close my eyes for a minute. And then I start the car .

By the time I reached the house the street was pich black . I parked my car . And went inside the house.

I went into the kitchen and put the lights on . There was a plate lying in the table. I went near and opened it .

I slowly took a piece and put in my mouth. A tear escaped my eyes . As i swallowed my biscuits 'n' gravy .

I guess now I could say it was eye watering.

I wiped my tear off . And settled down and ate the rest of my favorite dish .


The next morning I woke up at four o'clock But I skipped the gym . Since I was tired with that thought I got ready today I wore a creme skirt and white top and cream coat .

I went down to see georgia making breakfast.

"You need to stop coming" I say while walking inside the kitchen .

She just smiles and continues her cooking . I stop mid step at the smell .

"I made strawberry pancakes " she says

I sigh . "I didn't tell you to make pancakes " I say and open the fridge.

"Well I made it " she turns and smiles at me .

"Well I don't want " i say looking away .

I take two steps but her voice stops me .

"This will go wasted" she quietly says to herself.

It is disrespectful to waste food Miss.jones

The annoying voice Came to my mind .

I groan and take the seat "only one" I say .

She jumps a little. A ghost of smile spreads across her .

She places a plate full of four pancakes . Eventhough I said only one .

I take my fork and put a piece on my mouth . I close my eyes as it hit my taste buds .

I then finish all the pancakes. I wipe my mouth with the towel . Georgia passes me a glass of water with a chuckle.

I shake my head and take the glass and go towards the sink to goggle.

"You need to stop making dinner also " I say .

She didn't reply for that . I sigh and walk towards the front door .


I reach the office and went straight towards the elevator and press the third floor . I then get out and enter the office .

They all stood up "Is the Brooklyn design is ready " i say

"Yes ma'am we finally finished " They reply tiredly

I smirk "Good " I say and walk away .

I Then enter the eight floor . The floor is empty since there was no meeting .

I see mark coming from the office. When he sees me he smiles and walk towards me .

"Goodmorning fe..Miss.jones " he corrects himself.

I nod . I look down the files that I came for .

"I was just going to keep in your office ......... I heard georgia made you strawberry pancakes. " he smile "She made sure I buy the best strawberry " he says .

I sigh . "You need to tell her to stop coming" i say .

He looks up. Hurt flashing through his eyes . I quickly turn away

"You need to give three days off for Sarah, julie and linda" i say changing the topic .

He sighs "You know you can say the reason why- .

"Just f*cking stop . You are not the boss I'm . You don't tell me to what to do ." I shout.

I didn't not wait for his reaction. I quickly turn away and walk forward. When I look up Zion is standing outside the elevator with an disapproving look .

What the heck is he doing here. Then only I realize he came to finalize the deal . He sent me the email at night . But I was too caught with events that I totally forgot .

"Mr.Irvine "

"Miss.jones "

Mark then comes beside me . "Goodmorning Mr.Irvine we have been expecting we will go to the office in the tenth floor " he says his voice a little strained. Guess he was still hurt by the comment .

I roll my eyes . Can't he be more obvious.

He then lead the way . Zion gives one final glance and enter the elevator. I sigh and enter the elevator.

The door open with a ding . Zion steps out first then I follow his suite.

It shouldn't be the other way around.

I then turn towards Zion "This way " I motion with my hands .

I then open my office room and go sit down and Zion sits opposite to me .

"Sorry for the commotion back there " i say .

He turns his head looking at me

"It's dejected to see how you treat your workers Miss.jones " he says

I sigh "Some has to learn the harsh way Mr. Irvine " I say .

He stares at me without saying anything.

Is he having seconds thoughts on the deal . Because of my character . Shit I can't let that happen. No . I want the deal badly .

"If my character gets you thinking. Please don't. I keep my work professional and perfect. Your product is in good hand" I say .

He squint his eyes a liitle bit "How so Miss.jones " he ask while placing his elbow on the table and folding his hands .

"I don't let it get in the way of the product . If you want that product you will get it picture perfect . I may not good in talks but I make sure my workers makes the best cloth " I say

"So you make them suffer to get the product you want . You don't care about their life . You get everything you want . And don't give a thing about your workers. It is woeful " he says

That words sting a little too hard . But I'm felicity. I keep a blank face and say .

"That's a little harsh to throw Mr.Irvine"

"Well Miss.jones I only stated what you did or done " he says

I stare at him and he stares back Trying to get any emotion from my face .

We both break our contract by the opening of the door . Mark comes and places the coffee for both of us . And then leaves .

We remain silent for a few minutes neither of us wanted to talk .

"Can we discuss the deal " i ask .

He puts his coffee down .


Thank the lord.

I wait for him to start talking about the deal . I don't want to start that will make me look that I'm overly eager .

Well I'm a little .

"We gave our samples to our designers. They didn't like it that much . No comment on your design it just did not match our hotels structure " he says .

Shit . No this can't be happening. I thought finally there is some happiness that I got this deal . But no I really can't have it right .

Eventhough I affected by it . I simply give him a nod .

He looks at me for a second. Probably trying to find emotion across my face . But he can't see what inside.

I silently thank the human system for not able to see what going through inside our mind .


There is but there is a but

I straighten up .

"But we can work with the design again the construction of our hotel is based on traditional architecture. So if your company promises to make us customized design. We can work this"

I internally signed. Finally I'm getting

"That will not be a problem Mr. Zion . We can work it and will make you a customized design. I promise " I say

His head shot up and he gives a casual nod .

"Will that be all " I ask

"That will be " he confirms.

"Thank you for giving us the chance we really appreciate it . We wont disappoint you " i say

He nod "My dad pretty much wanted you do it . So yeah " he says thinking to himself. Maybe the conversation he had with his had .

"Well give my humble thanks to Mr.Irvine " I say .

"I will Miss.jones " he says . And then stand up .

I also then stood up . "Nice meeting you Mr. Zion " I say and extended my hand .

He looks down at my hand and shake my hand "I will contact the details later" he says .

I nod . And we went out of the office .

We then stop at the elevator. He gets inside the elevator while I stood outside .

"We will see the following week Miss.jones " he says

"Next week Mr. Zion " i say .

He nods and then presses the button and look up at me . We look at each other till the door closes .







I was going through the emails . But stoped when I saw the message from Mr. James when I opened it I curse myself

Shit shit shit

Today is the oprah how can I forgot . He invited me too attend. I agreed to come he even booked me the VIP seat. The design went a week earlier. It totally slipped my mind . I was so caught up with the Irvine contact .

I looked at the time it was past eleven okay I still have some time .

Mark should be more careful. He keeps forgetting my events. I probably should hire a younger PA but in all honesty who would tolerate me .

I then take my phone and scroll through the contract. I see Angeline contact . I contemplate should I call her or not . But I scroll further and settle with Jennifer.

I call her and she picks up in the fourth ring "I need you to come to my flat " I say

"Sure what the occasion " she ask

"For oprah! You will have the dress I think " I ask

"Yes! I will send the picture " she says .

"Nah! Just bring it I dont have time " i say

"Well good" she says .

I then cut the call .

I work for some more time . I then went out and take my car . By routine I take the routine to my house . I then make a uturn and head towards my penthouse.

I take a long shower I use my strawberry scented bodywash and scrub myself. I then come out of my bathroom and wrap myself with a white fluffy towel . And dry my hair . I then take the bathrobe and tie it around my body and wait for Jennifer to come .

She comes half an hour later. With a big box and some of her makeup set .

"Whoa this place looks like you never live here " she says when she enters my room .

Well you never know

"Open the dress for me " I say

She nods and take a black velvet v-neck half sleeve gown . the top is black and from the waist is dark silver.


"Do you like it " she ask

I nod . She sighs and take her makeup.

I go and sit in front of the mirror. She then starts to do her work .

After she finished I open my eyes . She done a good job . She put some brown neutral transition shade to my eyes and applied eyeliner from the centre of my eye to the end . Which pops my eyes even more .

And a light pink lipstick to my lips .

And my hair is left in soft waves .

"You look so beautiful " she purred " I would totally marry you if I were a boy" she says gushing.

"Well you're not a boy" I say casually

She shakes his head and pushes me to change into the dress she handles me a black heels . I take it and went to change .

I changed into the gown and put my heels . When I enter the room again .

She literally squealed in excitement.

"You looks so beautiful! I could say this all day " she jumps and takes her phone to take a photo.

I roll my eyes and went to see my reflection. The girl starring back at me was beautiful. Wearing a elegant black gown . Everything about her looked beautiful and elegance. I would give that . But she did not have the smile . A smile the epitome of beautiful with its own shape and size .

I then realize i was not beautiful. It is just mirror image.

"Oh no" Jennifer screamed.

Now what

"I didn't bring any jewels " she exclaims

I roll my eyes " it's fine I'm wearing earrings"

She looks up inspecting my earrings if it goes well with my earrings.

"Well it matches but ...

Luckily it was a small silver star design.

"You don't have a chain " she exclaims

"Like I said I don't care " I say

"But it is an v-cut " she exclaims.

I roll my eyes she was exaggerating. Well it was Ofcourse a v-neck. But it was not a deep cut . Which by the way did not show any cleavage.

I phone buzzed indicating that my driver has arrived .

"I got a go " i announce.

She then handles me a silver clutch .she remember the purse but forgot the jewel's . I take the clutch from her and put my phone and head out .

My driver waits in the lobby. He looks up his eyes widened a bit . But quickly compose himself.

"Good evening Miss.jones " he says

I nod in acknowledgement.

We then exit the lobby and went outside. A black SUV is waiting for us . He then opens the door and I step in .

We arrive at the oprah . The driver opens the door and extends his hand . I then take his hand and step out .

I arrived a little earlier to visit Mr.james . I take the large stairs and went inside.

I look at the sides to find the room to Mr. James

"Are you lost madam " A voice calls out.

I turn and see a bodyguard

"Yes I'm. I want to know where is Mr. James " I say .

"You are ma'am " he ask

Ugh these formalities

"I'm Miss.jones from lily jones" I say

"Sorry ! He is down the hall " he points toward that direction.

I nod. And went towards the direction. When I reach the door I knock two times .

"Come in" he says

I open and enter the room . His head shot up and eyes in suprise seeing me . Or should I say seeing me in the dress

People should stop acting like that I'm not capable of wearing such dress . I do wear these type of dress . Or wait do I look really different in the gown . But is the oprah everyone here comes all glamorous.

I did not even go that far . A simple elegant black dress .

"You look beautiful " James says .

I nod . "Did you like our design " I ask .

"Yes! They were very bright and clean " he says .

I nod . "Well I'm happy you liked it " I say .

He sighs "let's go upstairs shall we " he stands up . "And jone I may introduce some families and some business men . It may get you some long deal" he says .

I don't if I should thank him or should paste a plaster around his mouth . Both have pros and cons .

He knew very well I don't do the talking first time . I'm either with mark or Sarah or linda . I don't do the talk alone . It will be plain and straight to the point. Which is a big negative of mine when comes to business.

I should try to overcome . If I chicken out like that I will lose many deals . So I brace myself.

"Thank you james " I say deleting the plaster idea for both of our sakes .

"You're welcome. Now let's go to the hall . The show will start in fifteen minutes " he says and opens the door .

I then follow him up . He then goes to the VIP section . I follow him behind .

He then greets someone in the front while I adjust my clutch in my hand .

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