
Stone hearted.

I know she is very unkind to her workers . But to show her witchy attitude towards my sister. Is unacceptable. What does she think of her herself. Does not she know the word kind . Or atleast respect towards the family who gave her million dollar deal .

I came with a good mood . My mom asked me to come she said its been a long time we went out together as a family.

She always cares about family and give the importance. Not once did she fail in that . And I'm blessed to have her as my mother .

But my mood is spoiled . After I talked to her .

By instinct I glance at her . There is she sitting a couple seat ahead of me . Having the same old expressionless face . I don't know why she bothers to come . If she is not going to enjoy it .

I shake my head and turn my head but before I could do . She turns her head behind and sees me . I just sit there without turning away .

Her eyes looks bigger today . She then shifts her eyes from me and towards my right .

I still stare at her . Eventhough she is cold hearted. She looks pretty in her simple black gown .

When I first saw her . I hate to admit . I can't take my eyes . Well I'm a man after all .

I was checking my phone . When my dad was speaking to someone.

"I would like to introduce Miss.jones she is the owner of lily jones " a voice said .

But I didn't concentrate on that. Since I was engrossed with my phone .

"It's nice to meet you Mr. Irvine "

That got my attention. I could recognize that voice easily. The same plain emotionless voice . I then looked up .

My eyes widened when I saw her I blinked once twice . The girl standing there talking wore a simple elegant black gown Her hair was in natural waves . She looked beautiful But sadly it has to be Miss.jones. i know she got the looks . But with her hair pulled down and with the gown . Anyone in the room will be jealous of her beauty.

She then turn her head towards me . My eyes widened seeing her face . Her normal face looked colour somehow . She looked beautiful elegant and simple . I stared at her face until I felt a nudge towards my right . I pull my eyes from her . And saw my sister looking at me waiting for an answer. My eyebrows furrowed together.

She groaned "she looks so beautiful. You lied to me " she said .

I looked heavenwards. At her comment.

I brought from my thoughts at the sound of clapping. Indicating that the performancer is going to start.

I glance one final look at her . She still has the same plain blank face .

I then concentrate on the performance. After three performance the show was finally over . We all then stood up from our seats .

"Zion. Is that you" a female voice called . When we got out from the row of seats .

I turn my head to see karie . She is one of Victoria's secret model . Tall skinny with a small waist and short black hair .

"Oh hey karie " i say .

"What a surprise. I didn't know you are into this " she says and walks towards me .

"Same goes to you " I say .

She groans "So how are you . It's been what like three months " she asks

"I'm good . How is your shooting going" I ask . Karie and I did a photo shoot three months before for a fashion magazine I think it rolling stone .


"It's good . I'm doing a walk ... " I listen to her latest work . From the corner of my eyes . I see Miss.jones walking towards the front .

Then my dad calls her . He then speaks something which I quite didn't hear .

"But that's it how about you " karie says

"Same business " i say glad that I didn't trail off the conversation that would've been total rude .

She chuckles "We should hangout sometime. What do you say " she ask .

I'm little hesitant for that . I don't have time for hangout. I can't decline it after she first asked . Well it's not like it is a date . Karie can be fun to hangout. I can have some great time .

"Sure ! I think I'm free this weekend " I say .

"Great that would be cool " she smiles .

I nod . "Okay see you this coming weekend " I say

"This weekend " she confirms and gives me a hug and walk back towards her friends.

I then turn and went towards where my parents are . I'm suprised to see Miss.jones still there . I went near and see athena wearing an annoyed look .

Okay something bad happened.

"Zion. Miss.jones is joining us for dinner " my dad informs

Well now I know .

"Oh okay " I shrug it off . I really don't want to yell that she can't come . She already spoiled the mood of my sister. And me .

This girl made it a goal to ruin our night .

"Yeah and that . Drive Miss.jones to our hotel " my dad informs me .

This time I let my suprise to been seen. My eyes widened in suprise.

"Is that okay " my dad ask .

I glance at her . She looking straight ahead . Not at all bothered with anything.

"Nope " I sigh .

"Okay we shall leave " my dad says and we exit the hall .

My dad's car already there . Since he came with the driver .

I then walk towards the parking lot . Not even bothered if she is following me or not .

I see my Lykan Hypersport. this is best on the road . With its diamond-encrusted headlights and eye-watering 240mph top speed . This is one such of a car .

I take my keys and press the button . It blinks light two time . I turn my head to see behind me . She walk a few steps and reaches me .

I then walk around and open the seat and settle in the driver seat . After a few seconds the door to my left opens and she steps in . From the corner of my eyes I see she clutches her gown up and settles in . She then lean forward to close the door but I beat her

"Leave it " i say and press a button so it automatically closes. I then start the car .

A few seconds later I smell a different but a familiar smell . strawberries. And this is from Miss.jones. i noticed she smells of strawberries when I was with her in the elevator.

The smell of strawberries relaxes me a little . It is mild and nice . Not too strong .

"Sorry for crashing your family time " she says .

I click my tongue "Atleast you could sound sorry " I say .

"I'm" she says .

I shake my head. I wait till I reach the signal . I then turn my head .

"How Miss.jones you sound like the plain voice recorder. Without any emotion " I say .

She then turns her head . Her grey eyes is more clearer now . I stare at her eyes still she speaks .

"Well this is the tone of my voice . I always speak like this " she says .


I squint my eyes a little bit At what she said . Not sure if I should believe it . It is impossible to speak the same tone everyday and everywhere.

I stare at her face a little longer . Her long eyelashes curved perfectly upwards . Then she turns away . I blink twice and turn away quickly from her . And start the car .

What the hell is wrong with me .

We then reach our fancy hotel . I then get out . A valet driver stands beside the door . And reaches his hand out for her to take . She then takes her hand and steps out . His eyes wandering up and down at her .

She then straighten up and walk towards me . I then nod and walk towards the hotel .

I open the glass door and wait for her to walk in . She walk without a thanks . A well expected from her .

We reach the receptionist. So that they can lead us to table.

He then lead the way . I see some of the workers stop and stare at Miss.jones. I slightly glance at her . Who looks oblivious to that.

I see that she pretty much staring at the hotel . Well it is one of ours modern luxurious hotel with with unique architecture and seating. Futuristic pod-like booths with mirror-finish exteriors reflect a series of chandeliers, dripping in crystal, above; Deco-style armchairs sit among dramatic classical columns.

We then reach a six seater . My parents are already there How come They came here before us . I shake my head and went to sit down . I contemplate a minute if I should sit down with her or not .

But before I should do anything Athena pull me down beside her . Miss.jones takes her seat opposite to me .

My dad then tells that he already ordered the food . I then ask my mom how you came before us . She then tells the route which they took to came here. I nod . And take a mental note of that route .

Then our food arrived . We all got chicken marsala but my sister got a pasta e fagioli .

The sight of food made me even more hungry. I then took the knife and started to cut the food .

"Thank you for the food . Your hotel looks amazing Mrs. Irvine " she said in her same old plain tune .

"Oh cut with the formalities call me kara ...... " my mom trailed off .

"Jone " she said

"Call me kara , jone " my mom said .

I furrowed my eyebrows together that she wanted to call her by her surname Anyway it's not my business .

Then my mom started to ask her some questions. For which she answered in her monotone voice.

I zoned out of the conversation. But I saw that my dad my intensely hearing the conversation. Who knows my dad is a gossip lover .

I was concentrating on the cutting the chicken the cheese was so hot it was a little difficult to take a clean piece.

"So what about your parents "






"My parents are dead"

I dropped my knife hearing that . My head instantly shot up . My eyes widened meeting her . When I saw her I didn't know what to expect at the sudden information. My mind was still blank .

But I saw her casually sipping her drink . There was no trace of worry . She looked like as if she just said what her favorite color was .

From the corner of the eyes I saw athena eyes wide open . Guess the magazine did not mention it .

"I'm so sorry to hear that " my mom says her face full of worry .

I turn quickly towards her I didn't know want for . Just her reaction I guess

She just shrugged and continued to eat her food .

There was a silence before we started eating .

I now lost the appetite. The chicken now didn't look appeal at all . My mood changed suddenly I was not feeling the mood to eat . My mind was still blank .

An unknown feeling of sadness and guilt took over me . I didn't know what for . Maybe the way how I thought how bad she was . And how cruel she was .

Suddenly I remember our conversation. Where I said . You get everything you want .

F*cking shit .

Oh no I know how it would have hurted . Losing both of the parents is not something that could be expressed in words . The thought alone is a whole nightmare for every person. I can't stand thinking if I lose my parents.

The thought alone sent shivers down my body .

I looked up at her casually eating her food . Where I'm having a emotional debate with myself .

Maybe that's why she acted like a cold person . But that did not justify it . Maybe it is .

I don't how she took it . Was she was devastated depressed living without them losing them .

I again looked at her . Her head down she was cutting the chicken . Her eyelashes touching her cheekbones . Her eyes covered in a beautiful brown shade .

She then looked up her grey eyes capturing me . I stiff looking at her . I looked into her eyes trying to find something but no There is no emotion behind her face . No trace of worry . Saddens. Uncomfortable .

I brought from my thoughts when the waiter came back from with our dessert

It was a classic strawberry sorbet .

It helped me to distract a little . I then took my spoon. I put a piece on my mouth it instantly hitting my taste buds .

When I looked at the front . Jone did not touched her dessert . Is she staring at the dessert without eating . My eyebrows pulled closer looking at her .

"Jone" my mom called .

She didn't respond still staring at the dessert.

"Jone" my mom called again .

Her head shot up .

"Yes" she asked .

"Is there problem you didn't touch the dessert " my mom asked .

"Oh" she said and looked at the dessert and looked up at my mom .

"I don't like this dessert " she stated .

"Oh would you like something " my mom asked .

She nodded. Then my mom ordered a chocolate truffle for her .

"You could have tired that . That's is one of the best strawberry desserts " Athena said .

"I don't like strawberries " she said

Athena muttered a oh and went to finsih her dessert.

It's funny how she doesn't like strawberries but smells like that one .

After we finished we all stood up . Jone then thanked for inviting her . And talked with my dad about visiting next week for the project . My dad was clearly interested in talking to her about the project.

I went near her and she turned her head back towards me with a plain look .

"Shall we go" I asked her .

"Where " she questioned

"To the car so I can drop you " I asked my eyebrows slightly furrowed together.

She shook her head "It's okay . I will call my driver and he will pick me up "

I'm little disappointed that she didn't want a ride back with me . I thought of apologizing to her in the car.

"Are you sure . I can drive back you " I said

"I'm sure-

"Miss.jones is getting late . I would recommend to go with my son " my dad said cutting her off .

She then turned towards my father and looked at him .They stared at each other for a second and she spoke looking at my dad "okay" .

"Cool" I said to nobody in particular.

Then they broke their stare .

We then went outside the hotel . And went near my car . She then opened the car and got inside .

Shit I should have opened the car door before. She would have thought that I would not open the door for her .

I then got inside and drove off . She told me the address. It was a 10 minutes drive from her office .

In the car . There was an awkward silence between us . When I glanced at her she was casually looking at the window. Guess it just me .

After two or three minutes I broke the silence.

"I'm sorry to hear about your parents " I said. My eyes still in the road .

From the corner of my eyes I saw her staring at me . I straighten up a little .

I started to get a little anxious when she did not reply . Maybe I should have not said that . Oh god who will start the conversation like that .

I internally slapped myself . Me who closed many million deals . And spoke on Ted talk didn't know how to speak to this girl.

Well it's not that is great .

"It's okay " she finally replied.

I released a breath after she said that . But I still feel shitty that I touched a personal topic like that in a car . The more I thought about it . The more shitty I felt .

"I'm sorry for bringing it up . I should have not brought it inside the car . This is something personal to you and touching an emotional topic like that -

"Don't " she cut me off .

I didn't reply till I reached the signal I then turned around . She stared ahead.

"Don't! I was not close with them anyway. " she said eyes focused intensely on the front .

Oh! Well I didn't expect that . That's why she was not uncomfortable.

She then closed her eyes for a second and opened it turning towards me . When she met my gaze for the first time I saw some emotion for a short second. One could be fooled for hallucinating very easily.

The emotion in her eyes was distant.

"You need to start the car "

I blinked still staring at her . She then lifted her hands and pointed in the front . I followed her hands and looked that the cars started moving.

I quickly turned away and started the car . After twenty minutes we finally reached her penthouse.

I quickly got out of the car but she beat me and opened the door and got out .

"Thanks for the ride " she said .

I sighed I should get used to her tone by now.

"No worries " I said .

She then nodded and started to turn but I stoped her .

"Jone" I called her . It felt strange not addressing by her by miss .

She then turned around with a blank face .

"So I will see you this monday " i asked looking at her .

She nodded "This Monday Mr.Zion " she said .

I suddenly had the urge to tell her just call me Zion .

"Then I will see you at my office . At nine o'clock " I said glancing at my watch.

"Sharp nine " she confirmed

I waited for a moment before I spoke .

"Then Goodnight jone" I said .

"Night Mr. Zion " she said and turned her heels and walked into her penthouse.

I didn't want to look like a creep and look at her still she disappeared.

I got into the car and drove off to my parents mansion.

Once I'm inside my room . I called jack .

"Hello sir? " he answered in a alert tone .

"Send me the details of Miss.jones " I say .

"Why sir " he asked right away .

"This is a order jack " I say

"Uhm I'm sorry sir . I will send it right away " he says . I then cut the call and wait for the information.

How funny a few days before I told I don't want the personal details. Here I'm asking for . But I can't help . This girl has unknowingly made me like this .

I was never interested in personal life of anyone till she came in the picture.

I suddenly wanted to know about her was she like this always . A small part of me hoped it was not .

I don't why she can't smile or let any emotion. She would be actually very beautiful if she wore a smile . With her grimace look she looks unkind and unapproachable.

Maybe it's because of the impact of her parents death . But she told me that she was not close with them . But in the end they were her parents. But maybe her parents are like the mean parents we all see in the movies . Who treats her without love and only concentrate on the business .

Well it is a possibility. They owned a business after all .

Well maybe she has a issues . Like the anger issues that one should see the therapist like that.

My thoughts of discovery for her behavior was interrupted by the sound of my phone . I then took my phone and clicked the message . And I read it .

Alessandro Michael Jones owner of the textile company lily jones . Which was name of his wife .

I looked at the picture of them . Mr.jones was tall masculine man with prominent facial features. I looked closer at the picture his eyes very much similar to jones . It was just a replica.

Expect this is filled with full of life and and happiness . I then averted my eyes to the lady next to him .

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