
"Hello" I answered the call in a bored tone.

"Felicity we got the message from Irvine company " Mark my personal assistant informed.

"Miss.jones for you, What is the news" I asked

"Uhm..." he was clearly sad by the comment but who cares . "It's good news, We got the deal . They said they will come in tomorrow " mark said obviously happy by that .

"Well that's good ,Tell the team to be ready "

"I will after your call . Congratulations I'm so happy - Ding

I cut the call .

I parked the car at the front of my house . I got out of my car and entered to my house.

It was an one storey house with a living room, kitchen . One room for myself there is a small office room one medium sized guest room As if I'm gonna invite a guest and there is also small room. There is a small backyard and a storage room but I converted that into a small gym . Which consists of a treadmill some weight lifts and yoga mats .

I took my coat off and hang it in the coat hanger. I pull free of my heels. Getting the heels off feels like heaven.

I massage my shoulders. The one hour drive made me soo tired . I should know this will be the consequence of living far from my office . But I wanted it . Only few people know that I'm living here mark , georgia and paul .

I sign and went inside my kitchen . My eyes caught something . There was a plate which was covered with fossil paper.

I took it there was a note sticked to it .


I groan i told her not to do this . But anyways i put it in the oven and wait for the timer to go .

When the timer goes off I quickly take it and started eating .

The food was too hot To swallow. I impatiently wave my hand and swallow slowly.

I then get up put the plate in the sink and went to my room .

My room has a small bed but big enough for one person . A dresser at the side . Small vanity at the side of my bathroom room . And at the left a small walk in closet .

I get into my bed and take my phone. I check the email from Irvine company and open eventhough I know what is it .

I would be lying if i say I was not over the moon when I heard the Irvine company want our products. They are the famous and wealthy company in the USA. They manage chains of hotels . I went to one of their hotels One time and boo it was so amazing most of the time I was looking at the architecture. It was a modern luxurious hotel . It actually cost me a little more than I thought. Everything there was so expensive clean and sheek .

The Irvine company was founded by Mr. Austin Irvine who is the founder and the owner of the company . His son is the CEO . I should have know handling a multi million dollar company the demand will be more . I should really pull this out . If I get this deal I will make more profit . That means I can more money . Money that the only mantra for this deal.

I sigh . I hope they accept our design. Mr. Zion is demanding . He is not someone who is easy to convince. He wants everything to be top perfect .

I close my eyes and say a small prayer . And go to sleep . I woke up at the middle of the night my lights are still on . I wipe the sweat off my forehead and see the clock the hangs right opposite to me . It is currently 4:03 . Looks like I'm getting a head start. I then go change my outfit and walk towards my backyard to do some exercise.


After one hour of exercise I go and take a shower and change into a long sleeve knee length bodycon black dress . I pair it with black heels . I then pull my hair into a tight ponytail. I then go do my makeup and after that I'm ready to go.

When I enter the kitchen I see georgia standing by the kitchen counter .

"You need to stop coming" I say waking towards my fridge

She just smiles . Shaking my head I take the orange juice and pour into a glass and drink it .

"I made pancakes" she says and put some hot pancakes in the table

"I didn't ask you to make pancakes " I reply monotonously.

"I know" she says with a smile .

Rolling my eyes I put my glass in the sink .

"I heard the Irvine company accepted your company products " she says her voice full of happiness.

I smile a little. Since I'm facing her back she did not see it . I then turn around leaning my back against the sink .

"They did not accept it . They wanted to see some smaples " I say folding my hands over my chest and looking at the window.

"They will surely accept it " she says encouragingly.

I turn my head towards her "You don't know that so stop saying that" I say and push myself from the counter and leave the kitchen . And went towards the front door and slamming it shut behind me .

I quickly went towards my car and start it . So much for a head start. After diving for about one hour and fifteen minutes I finaly reach my office .

I take the elevator and press the 10th floor this is the last floor of the building. I then step out enter my office . Halfway through I hear a knock

"Come in" I say

Mark comes in and handles me a coffee and a croissant.

I sigh . "I did not ask you to bring me breakfast "

"Georgia said you did not have breakfast. So I thought I would bring a croissant " he says

"Keep your thoughts to yourself mark" I say and take a sip of coffee.

A look of hurt flashes through his face for a split movement.


He sighs "Mr.Irvine will be here in ten minutes " he informs me

When I did not reply he keeps some files and leaves the office .

I massage my temples and drink my coffee and after that I eat my croissant.

He brought it from my favorite bakery.

After finishing it I went out of my office and towards the third floor to get the samples ready.

When I reached I don't go but instead I linger outside the door, And listen to the chattering of my workers . After two minutes I open the door.

They all jump when I came in . I didn't say anything but continued my path to prepare the samples .

Mrs. brown came in said that Mr. Irvine arrived I nodded and told her to escort them.

After a few minutes Mr.Irvine came in followed by his two assistant who accompanied him the same day before.

I stood and went near them "Good morning Mr. Irvine " i said in my professional tone . Which can be little annoying to hear But this is how I talked for the past few years .

"Good morning miss.jones . And you can call me Zion " he offered.

I nodded "shall we "

"Yes miss.jones " he said .

I then turned and walked towards some of our best design. If they don't accept this . I can say ta ta bye bye to this deal and the money.


"Here Mr. Zion these our top design " I say .

He turned and looked at me for a second then nodded and took the sample and inspected.

He then went to see some design. His fingers brushing the material in soft slow manner .

I look at him intensely for any reaction . He is having the same blank expression.

Up close I realize he looked handsome. Oh yeah I remembered he was in the cover for Forbes magazine for becoming the wealthiest CEO and for the handsome face .

I forgot how popular and handsome he was . He was in too many cover magazines and photos shoots . And that he has a fan girls he became the attraction for many magazines.

I shook the thoughts. And concentrate on my work .

He then looks up "The design are good" he says with a nod .

Well that's a good sign . He did not say bad though

"Thank you Mr. Zion " I say

He nods and turns to speak with the two assistant.

I anxiously wait for them . I hope they take any one of design. I lay out some of precious design for them . I hope it doesn't go wasted . This is a multi million deal. I have to close it . I need to make profit . I need money .

He then turns around I look at him with my same professional business look . You should not show your nervous to them .

"We are gona take these design " he says

"Okay then"

He furrowed his eyebrow together slightly but anyway he nods " we are gonna take these " he says and points to them

I see that he took the white blue pattern . It is one of my personal favorites.

I nod "Nice choice Mr. Zion " i say

The corner of his lips slightly turned upward "Thanks Miss.jones " he says .

"We would like to see the factory. Sorry we did not inform it yesterday. But we are in hurry " he informs

Oh yeah Ofcourse he would wanted to visit our factory .

"It's okay Mr. Zion I can arrange it " i say .

"Good I will take the samples and we will leave " he says .

I nod "I will arrange it " i say .

I then call Mrs.. Brown and say to her to pack the samples .

"I will go arrange for the meeting " I say .

"Sure " he says .

I nod and and went outside the room . While I walk i stop and turn towards the workers who where chatting before .

They all stood up and greeted me . A look of fear coated their face .

" I need you to complete the design for the Brooklyn house before friday " i order.

Their eyes widened in shock .

"But ma'am .... it ... was not ...due till Monday" sarah says in a quite voice .

I scoff "Do you think I need you to remind me .i know that very well . And I need it before friday . Do I make myself clear " I say my voice a little higher .

Payback for chatting

They flinch at my voice . Which was not even that much harsh . People can be so dramatic. I roll my eyes and turn and walk away .

While going I saw Zion standing there at the door watching me . I guess he watched the little batter.

Great . I hope he didn't change his mind. And think that I'm some sort of bitch. Oops actually I'm.

I sigh and get out of the room and make arrangements for the factory.

After a few minutes Mrs. Brown came with Zion.

"Leave Mrs. brown I will take it" I say

She nods and leaves . I then turn towards Zion.

"Shall we " I ask

He gives me a firm nod . We then enter the elevator.

I speak up after pressing the ground floor . "I can give the address to your driver . Or you can follow my car " I say slightly turning towards him .

He shakes his head "We can take the same car Miss.jones " he says .

"Okay Mr. Zion " I say and we exit the elevator.

We then exit the office . Peter is standing at the front of office he is the bodyguard. He opens the door .

"Should I call your car " He ask

I shake my head and walk away. Mr. Zion car is standing at the front . The bodyguard comes over and opens the door for me and him .

I then settle in the backseat and few seconds later Zion comes and sit at my left . Leaving the gap between us .

I then tell the address to the driver and he starts the car .

It was silence in the car . Neither of us wanted to talk . He took his phone and started to type something. While I sat there still looking out the window.

"We have arrived " the driver informs us .

I nod and get out of the car . I look at the factory I only come once in a month or two .

"Shall we " Zion asks beside me .

I turn towards him "sorry we shall " I say in a monotone voice and then lead the way .

When we enter the factory the all familiar smell hits me . I scrunch my nose .

I see paul approaching us . With a smile spreading his face . He is the head of the factory who is in his late 50's

"Miss.jones we have been expecting you" he says

I nod and slightly turn see Zion .

"Paul this is Mr. Irvine " I introduce .

"Nice to meet you Mr. Irvine " he says and shakes his hand .

"Everything is arranged. We have your things at the right " he informs .

I nod . He looks and at me for a second and shakes his head and walk away .

I then walk behind him with Zion following my suit beside.

Paul stops and handles me the gloves .

"We have to put these to avoid causing damage to our material " I say to Zion.

He nods and takes the gloves . And swiftly put the gloves on .

I then struggle a little to put the gloves . I can feel paul eyes on me the entire time . After putting it . I look up and see paul staring at me . I then turn and see zion starting at us .

Paul then clears his throat and lead the way .

We then enter into factory . All the workers stop and see us . A smile spreading across their face .

I press my lips together and walk towards the section we are supposed to see .

We then stop to see the cotton ." These are some of the imported cotton" . I say and open the box .

He then steps in sees the cotton .

"Which country " he ask still seeing the cotton.

"From here and Australia" i say .

He hummed . "Okay ! Shall we see the dyes " he ask looking up from down .

"Yes " I say .

We then enter the room were all the dyes are mixed . I slow down my pace a little and look around.

Paul then steps in and shows him all the dyes and how it is happening.

After we finished we head out of the room and to a lounge were we can wash our hands .

After washing my hands I look at the clock it is currently 12:34 .

My eyes widened how long did we spend . Shit I should have arranged a lunch .

The door open and Zion steps in .

"I'm sorry it took some time. I can arrange some lunch for you. We have our own catering here . If it is fine with you " I say .

He looks at me for some seconds. And the checks his watch .

"I don't mind " he says looking up .

I nod . "This way Mr. Zion " i say and lead the way .

I see paul standing ahead when he heard the footsteps coming . He turns his head .

"Arrange some lunch we are eating here" I say .

His eyes widened in surprise. He opens and close his mouth . I roll my eyes at his act .

He clears his throat " sorry we will arrange it . Everyone already finished there lunch so it will be free. " he says lead the way .

We then enter the dinning place . A weird feeling washes over me . I look at the place it is still the same How I last seen it . Elegant and homey . The walls are designed with stone architecture. The walls are plain with no photos hanging.

"Miss.jones " paul calls out . His eyes slightly worried.

I look up to see Zion already took his seat . I then take his the seat opposite to him .

Paul then goes to give our order. He must have ordered when I was caught in my thoughts .

"Quite a nice place " Zion says looking around

I know

"Thanks" I say . After a few minutes I realized something.

"I think we forgot your driver " i say .

His head shot up his eyes meeting mine .

"Sorry "

"He did not eat the lunch . Should we send him something " I ask

He look at me with eyebrow furrowed slightly together.

"Yes that would be good " he says after a moment.

I look around around and see Victoria who is our server . She is in her late 30's walking forward.

"Victoria " I call

She stops at mid step and slowly turn towards us . When she see us her eyes widened in surprise. A ghost of smile spread across her face . And she sprint towards us .

"Felicity what a surprise " she says .

I glare at her

She stops "sorry . Miss.jones " she says quietly.

I sigh "We have a driver waiting down . Send him some lunch " I command

She nods and walks away. After that Paul comes in set our food .

He set a plate of chicken salad for Zion. And keeps my plate a little slowly.

I stare at the food in front of me for a quite a minute. Then push my plate .

"Take this away. Bring me a sandwich " I say .

Zion looks up and stares at me . I look away I see the workers behind the counter looking at me with curious and hopeful eyes .

Paul sighs and mutters a sorry and takes away my Biscuits 'n' gravy .

"It is disrespectful to waste food " zion says .

I look at him . His arms folded around his chest . And looking at me .

"I know ! I don't eat that dish at all" I defend

"Are you allergic to that" he ask his eyebrow raised a little.

"No" I say .

He shakes his head "Either way you wasted the food " he says .

I sigh "I'm pretty sure one of cooks or the servers will eat it . So you don't have to worry " I say .

Before he could talk paul comes and set my food .

I internally thank him for the timing. We then eat our food. I pretty much lost my appetite. But don't want to waste the food again in front of him .

"You're just forcing yourself " Zion says pointing his fork towards my plate .

"No" I say right after .

"You're lying"

My eyes widened a little for a second. Put quickly compose myself. I look up he points his fork at my plate again .

I look down at my sandwich and see that I only took a two small bites . What the heck I thought I finished a whole sandwich.

I sigh "I lost my appetite " I say .

"You should have just eaten that dish . It looked good" Zion says.

He is getting on my nerves . I can do whatever I want this is after all my company. I pay them to cook it is their job .

"Well looks could be deceiving Mr. Irvine " i say .

He stares at me but did not comment anything . I then look at my sandwich in a distaste.

But I force myself and finish it . We then get out of the dinner after we finished.

"You have some great cooks" he comments along the way .

I know they are the best .

"Thanks" I say .

We then begin to leave the factory. I see some of the workers along with paul standing. Looking at me with concern look .

I roll my eyes .

"Thank you for coming Mr. Irvine. I hope you like our product " paul says .

"Well everything is good for what I saw" Zion comments

I internally sighed hearing it .

Paul then shifts his eyes towards me .

"We will be going then" I say and turn away .

He nods and murmurs "Take care felicity"

I stiff hearing it . But continue my walk .

When are outside the factory. I release a sigh of relief.

We then enter into the car and settle in .

"Sir" the driver call when we stop at the signal .

"Thanks for the lunch sir . It was delicious " he tells .

I try my best not to smile .

Zion looks up at me . And turns and say "It was Miss.jones who suggested it" he says .

"Oh . Thanks you Miss.jones " he says .

I nod and turn away .

From the corner of my eyes i see Zion looking at me but he shakes his head and turns away.

After twenty minutes we arrive at my office .

I turn and put my professional face .

"Thank you for coming. Hope you like one of our designs " I say .

He then turn his head looking at me . Due to the small space in the car . I see that he has blue eyes . Which looked beautiful.

"I will send in the emails once It get finalized " he says .

I nod and get out the car .

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